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The booming industry was one of the basic factors of the modernisation in nineteenth century. Technological innovativeness was a driving force in the development of the liberal economy, especially in metalworking industry, textiles and mining. The industry substantially infl uenced the development of the cities, where the industrial plants were established. This period saw an increase in the population of the cities due to contract work, which enabled people to earn their living. The industrial revolution changed the structure of the employment in the economy of England, France, Belgium and other countries of Western Europe. Besides economic sphere, it infl uenced social circumstances, the politics and culture. In Austria, this process was less impetuous. The Habsburg Monarchy was the country where the industrialisation processes did not happen on a large scale or cause major transfi gurations in economic relations. Until the end of the multinational monarchy, the Austrian economy preserved the agrarian character, although the modernisation of the economic structures was developing in nineteenth century.
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Personálny manažment

This paper deals with theoretical characteristics of human resources management, the role of manag- ers in personal management and specific personal activities such as motivation, salary policy, further education and training of employees and their evaluation.
With a growing dependency on the private participation across the globe, India also implemented the economic reforms process but these reforms have not been supported by any major amendments in the labour Laws though privatization of public enterprises, is one of the key issues in the ongoing economic reforms and India has a major workforce employed in the PEs. Global experiences in privatization appear to suggest that there should be a clear-cut privatization law, which will sustain the logic of what to privatize, how to privatize and for whom to privatize, but till today India has not even considered enacting such a law. The presence of old labour laws and the absence of a privatization law present a complex situation at the time of the second generation of economic reforms undertaken by India. This paper tries to investigate how the Indian Labour law is helpless in helping the labour and in protecting the larger interest of the PE’s reforms.
Mediation was popularized in modern times in the United States. Its origins were found in the mediation of labour disputes between unions and employers, as a means of avoiding strikes, and currently it is used more and more frequently in individual employment matters. While mediation is not as widespread in Poland to date, its use in labour and employment cases appears to have a similar arc of development. Since the 1990s, mediation has had a central and positive role in resolving collective labour disputes, and now it is being used increasingly in individual employment cases. This paper explains these developments, with a particular focus on the evolution and scope of employment mediation under Polish and European Union law. The author concludes that although the basic framework exists for mediation to develop further in Poland, further reforms would be helpful to ensure its success.
The status of an employee entails compulsory coverage by social insurance, regardless of the em‑ ployer’s fulfilment of the obligation to report the employee to social insurance and pay contribu‑ tions. The Act on the Social Insurance System does not provide for the possibility of paying so‑ cial insurance contributions for a retroactive period without proving the title of a person’s social insurance coverage (e.g. employment relationship) during the relevant period. At present, illegal employment or understatement of the employees’ contribution basis causes that the contribu‑ tions are not imposed on the insured person and all of them are payable by the employer from the employer’s own funds. This new regulation casts doubts regarding financial settlements between the employees and the employers due to the rules of financing contributions in earlier periods.
The suggested amendment to the Labour Code aims to introduce a provision obliging employers to include periods of non-agricultural activity in the periods on which employee benefits or rights depend. The provision is to be placed in the chapter declaring fundamental principles of labour law. The author states that there is no systemic justification for including this type of norm among the basic principles of labour law, without taking into account the currently used differentiation of the position of employees in specific situations. In her opinion, the proposed regulation raises doubts from the perspective of the constitutional principle of equality, especially in the context of adequacy and proportionality to the assumed goal.
According to the author, it should be recognized that it is admissible to conclude an employment contract, to which a completely incapacitated person would be a party. In such a case, the contract should be concluded by a guardian of such a person. Employment of a totally legally incapacitated person should meet the requirements of the Act on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons, including those relating to the performance of work in sheltered employment conditions or in a position adapted by the employer to the needs of such person. The assessment of the admissibility of employing a completely legally incapacitated person in a kindergarten as a janitor should be performed assessing each case individually, taking into account the cause of incapacitation and the scope of facilitations introduced by the employer.
Autorka stawia tezę, że dążenie do równości, będące ogólnym wyznacznikiem współczesnego kształtowania stosunków społecznych, stanowiło i stanowi nadal jedną z głównych, a być może najistotniejszą, rację bytu i rozwoju prawa pracy jako odrębnej gałęzi prawa i jego ekspansji. Wskazuje, że w początkach prawa pracy instytucje prawne tworzące na pniu prawa cywilnego zrąb tej dziedziny obok zapewnienia bezpiecznych i higienicznych warunków pracy miały za zadanie usunięcie rozbieżności (dysonansu) pomiędzy równością w sensie formalnym (równorzędnością) a nierównością w sensie materialnym podmiotów stosunków prawnych związanych z wykonywaniem pracy podporządkowanej. Ich sens sprowadza się do ograniczenia zasady swobody umów do możliwości „negocjacji” warunków zatrudnienia tylko powyżej (nie niżej) niż wyznaczony prawem pracy standard. Autorka podkreśla również, że w ostatnich dekadach XX w. równościowy aspekt prawa pracy przeszedł jednak w drugą fazę. Cechą tej fazy jest akcentowanie potrzeby niwelacji nie tylko uprzywilejowania pracodawcy względem pracownika jako silniejszej strony stosunku pracy, ale także usunięcie nierówności pomiędzy samymi pracownikami w sprawach związanych ze stosunkiem pracy wynikających z odmiennego traktowania przez pracodawcę poszczególnych osób przez niego zatrudnianych. „Wyrównawcze” ograniczenie zasady swobody umów obecnie nie sprowadza się już jedynie do zakazu zatrudniania pracowników przez pracodawców poniżej standardów wyznaczonych semiimperatywnymi normami prawa pracy, lecz także do zakazu stosowania innego standardu zatrudnienia wobec jednych pracowników względem drugich bez uzasadnionej przyczyny. Według autorki aspekt równościowy stanowi także koło zamachowe kształtowania się nowej dziedziny prawa, którą określamy mianem prawa zatrudnienia, przez którego przedmiot na ogół rozumie się regulacje stosunków społecznych związanych ze świadczeniem pracy niepodporządkowanej. Istota prawa zatrudnienia, przynajmniej w obecnym, początkowym (kiełkującym) kształcie, w dużej mierze zasadza się jednak na uniformizacji (wyrównaniu) niektórych elementów ochrony osób zatrudnionych w ramach innych niż pracownicze stosunków świadczenia pracy ze standardami ochronnymi właściwymi prawu pracy.
The author puts forward that the pursuit of equality, which is a general determinant of the contemporary shaping of social relations, has always constituted one of the main, and perhaps the most significant reason for the existence and development of labour law as a separate branch of law, and for its expansion. She points out that in the early days of labour law, the legal institutions forming the core of this field on the basis of civil law, in addition to ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, were aimed at removing the discrepancy (dissonance) between equality in the formal sense (equivalence) and inequality in the material sense of the subjects of legal relations in connection with the performance of subordinate work. Their sense boils down to the restriction of the principle of freedom of contract, so that "negotiation" of employment conditions can only take place above (not below) the standard set by the labour law. The author also stresses that in the last decades of the twentieth century, however, the equality aspect of labour law moved into a second phase. A feature of this phase is the accentuation of the need not only to level the privilege of the employer over the employee as the stronger party of the employment relationship, but also to remove inequalities between the employees themselves in matters related to the employment relationship resulting from different treatment by the employer of the individual persons employed by him or her. The "levelling" restriction of the principle of freedom of contract nowadays no longer involves only the prohibition of employers to emploi workers below the standards set by semi-imperative norms of labour law, but also entails the prohibition to apply different standards of employment to some workers than to others without a legitimate reason. According to the author, the equality aspect is also the flywheel of the formation of a new field of law, which we call employment law, whose subject matter is generally understood to be the regulation of social relations involving the provision of non-subordinate work. However, the essence of employment law, at least in its current, initial (germinating) form, is largely based on the uniformization (equalization) of certain elements of the protection of persons providing work on bases other than employment relationships with the protection standards inherent to labour law.
The paper examines a situation in which an employee is entitled to terminate the contract of employment without prior notice. The case under examination occurs when the employer commits a serious violation of workers’ rights by failing to provide safe and hygienic working conditions. The paper also presents topic related controversies that have arisen in the doctrine and judicature and tries to establish at which point one may speak of a breach of fundamental labour rights and on the basis of which regulations the employer may be held liable. The authors also try to determine whether certain situations could constitute a basis for termination of the employment contract by the employee, at the same time giving rise to the right to claim damages from the employer. Other issues touched upon in the paper include the absence of a catalogue of infringements in the Polish Labour Code and the way of assessing the weight of various infringements.
W 1989 r. rozpoczął się w Polsce proces transformacji systemowej, który dotyczył także rynku pracy. Proces ten został oparty na odrzuceniu dotychczasowego stanu prawnego w zakresie prawa pracy. W badaniu zmian dotyczących rynku pracy autor wykorzystał analizę instytucjonalno-prawną w połączeniu z decyzyjnym ujęciem polityki i posłużył się analizą propozycji programowych partii politycznych działających w Polsce. Badania objęły okres transformacji systemowej i zmiany ostatnich lat (od 2014 r.).
In 1989, he began the process of systemic transformation, which concerned the labor market, based on a rejection of the current legal status of labor law. In the study, changes in the market, the author used the analysis of the institutional and legal in conjunction with the recognition decision policy. The author took the research period of systemic transformation and change in recent years (since 2014) with the proposals programmatic political parties.
Social insurance law and labour law have been intrinsically interrelated since the very beginning of their existence, as they cover the same sphere of human activity. At present we can observe that these relations are weakening mainly due to the continuously extending personal scope of social insurance law. The most important relations between social insurance law and labour law may be classified as relations of material (defining conditions of granting benefits), functional (legal methodology and political measures) and organisational (administrative) nature. A shift in the direction of the influence on shaping the rights and obligations of the labour relationship parties may be observed. It is no longer labour law that exclusively determines the situations protected (insurance risk), but to a broader extent both social insurance law and labour law are used simultaneously to reach a goal that is pursued.
The aim of this article is to present practical difficulties and their solutions and also to illustrate effects of the introduced amendment to Art. 29 § 2 of the Act of June 26, 1974 of Labour Code. The author shows how this regulation was shaped in previous amendments in his attempt to answer how the finally introduced amendments have improved the situation of employees. Consequently, the aim of the article is to present the benefits resulting from this change, but also the risks arising upon introduction of the latest amendment. The author considers the question whether the procedure, however simple from the point of view of the legislative technique, is not an unfortunate attempt to patch the legal gap, which is often the subject of abuse. In the text, the author also wonders how the amended provision affects the situation of people starting work and what it alters in the case of people who have been in the labour market for years.
Zwiększenie udziału kobiet na rynku pracy pozostaje pilną kwestią, z jaką zmierzyć się musi Europa w kontekście zjawiska starzenia się społeczeństwa, które jest postrzegane w kategoriach zagrożenia dla sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej państw europejskich. Tymczasem w 2012 r. stopień partycypacji kobiet na rynku pracy był aż o 12,2% mniejszy od mężczyzn. Polska znalazła się w grupie państw o największej różnicy w udziale między kobietami a mężczyznami na rynku pracy. Jedną z przyczyn niższej aktywności zawodowej kobiet są trudności w łączeniu pracy zawodowej z obowiązkami rodzinnymi. Dla kobiet macierzyństwo oznacza długotrwałe bezrobocie, a nawet rezygnację z pracy zawodowej, w przypadku trudności z powrotem na rynek pracy. Prawo pracy może wpływać pozytywnie bądź negatywnie na sytuację kobiet na rynku pracy. W tym zakresie istotne znaczenie mają przepisy dotyczące czasu pracy. W oparciu o analizę obowiązujących regulacji Kodeksu pracy z zakresu czasu pracy podjęte rozważania koncentrują się na dostępnych sposobach zarządzania czasem pracy przez pracownikaw kontekście możliwości łączenia pracy zawodowej z realizacją obowiązków rodzinnych.
Increasing the share of women on the labour market is an urgent issue that Europe must face in the context of aging society, which is perceived as a threat for the future socio-economic situation of European countries. However, in 2012 women’s participation in the labour market of the European Union was even by 12.2% lower than that of men. Poland was among the few countries with the greatest difference in the share of sexes on the labour market. One reason for women’s lower professional activity is the difficulties in combining work with family responsibilities. For many women maternity means long-term unemployment, or even resignation from a professional career, in relation to difficulties with returning to the labour market. Labour law may have a positive or negative impact on the situation of women on the labour market. An important regulation in this regard is one that regulates working time. Based on the analysis of the applicable regulations from the Labour Code, the article focuses on the available ways of working time management by the employee in the context of possible combining of work and the fulfilment of family responsibilities.
The main objective of this paper is to present the different forms of the employment of journalists based on the current legislation. The article describes the legal status and rights provided under a contract of employment according to the Labour Code (employment for a probationary period, undetermined period of time, determined period of time or to substitute). There are also other legal bases of journalist employment currently in Poland. These are civil-legal contracts such as a mandate contract or a contract for specific work which are regulated by the Civil Code. Employers are increasingly often concluding contracts with journalists for specific tasks, which are known as “rubbish contracts” because they do not guarantee many employee rights. The author presents, among others, the statutory definition of an employment relationship and the basic differences between the above-mentioned types of contracts.
issue 320
This article deals with one of the most crucial fields of EU social policy, namely with the principle of non-discrimination and its transposition into Czech national law. The degree of implementation varies greatly between the countries. The purpose of this article is to present the example of law implementation in the EU and highlight some specific issues of concern relating to the state of the adoption of EU anti-discrimination directives.
The financial crisis that has affected Europe became a multi-dimension phenomenon. It has caused changes not only in the macroeconomic sphere, but also in the political and social sphere as well as in the labour law area. And so as an example of the great changes in that matter we can see what happened in Portugal, where most of the more recent legislative measures in the area of employment legislation and labour market (as in general in the area of economic policies) assure the compliance with several obligations foreseen in the Memorandum of Understanding, signed in May 2011 between Portugal, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. Having all that in mind, author intends to analyze the changes in the Portugal’s labour law caused by the financial crisis.
The Hungarian labour law reform is a good example of how the idea of flexicurity is enforced in the 21st century in a post-socialist country. Flexible employment relationships overshadow the social side what is necessary in order to develop effectiveness and competitiveness. This process is completed by the relationship between labour and civil law and it is traced back to the special tradition of legal history. The present study surveys the main connection between labour and civil law and gives some remarks on the special private law-nature of labour law. This paper deals with one of the central questions of the Hungarian labour law reform, that is, the changing relationship between labour and civil law. This legal problem can be observed in Hungarian law for a long time. The study focuses on the civil law-type of the employment relationships and the differences between them. This study examines the regulation before 1st July of 2012 with the aim that development will be seen clearly in connection with the regulation in force. The study emphasizes what kind of fundamental changes the direct usage of civil law can perform in the strict structure of employment relationships.
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Europeanization of the Labour Law after 1989

Olsztyn Economic Journal
vol. 6
issue 2
The paper discusses the process of Polish labour law adjustment to the European Union requirements. The process of labour law regulations evolution prior to the accession of Poland to the European Union can be divided into three stages: the first one started with the systemic transformation and continued until the coming into effect of the Europe Agreement made between Poland and the European Communities and their Member States, the second one started in February 1994 and continued until commencement of negotiations concerning membership of Poland in the European Union while the third one was the period of negotiations with the European Commission that ended in the accession. During the early years of operation of the new system the focus was on two important issues - first, elimination of the regulations referring directly to the planned economy system that did not fit the market economy realities and second, protection of the interests of employees losing jobs as a consequence of restructuring of their employers. During the period of association with the European Union, Article 68 of the Europe Agreement contained, expressed expressis verbis, the requirement for the approximation of Poland's existing and future legislation to that of the Community. The provision also stated that Poland shall use its best endeavours to ensure that future legislation is compatible with Community legislation. The Europe Agreement did not, however, impose the general duty of Poland's accession to the European Union. The process of Polish labour law harmonisation gained the highest dynamics during the years of negotiations with the European Union. That period was characterised by the largest number of changes in regulations while major novellas to the regulations occurred in 2001, 2002 and 2003. This paper aims at presenting the process of Europeanization of the Polish labour law that took place after 1989. The paper presents the stages in the evolution of regulations and major directions of changes in the labour law. It also presents the issues of the novellas becoming effective, interpretation of regulations and critical comments to the process of Polish labour law adjustment to the European Union directives.
To provide, in accordance with the objectives of the Science Reform, the efficiency of the scientific research and the high position of the higher education institution on the market of educational-scientific services, the organizational changes guaranteeing higher degree of focus on the scientific task and specialization of the body of academic teachers are required. According to Art. 111 of the Law on Higher Education, scientific-didactic worker is obliged to perform three types of work: scientific, didactic and organizational. Differently than other laws regulating the status of the science workers, only the Law on Higher Education does not subordinate organizational duties to the scientific and didactic ones. The author proves that such a wide scope of responsibilities imposed on this group of workers contradicts the aims arising from their employment and the objectives of the higher education institutions. Moreover, he points out that the horizontal relation between organizational and scientific-didactic duties impedes considerably the obtainment of the goals of the Scientific Reform — the rise of the efficiency and specialization of the scientific research.
This article deals with European integration from the perspective of labour law. When Poland became a member of the European Union (UE), EU legislation has become a part of its national legal order and autonomous source of labour law in Poland. However Europeanization of Polish labour law – its adaptation to EU legislation – was initiated long before the Polish accession to the UE. This process proceeded in four main stages that differ with regard to the type, pace and justification of introduced changes. The analysis undertaken in this article allows us to formulate the conclusion that the real impact of the UE on Polish labour law legislation is determined by preference rule, direct effect rule and the rule of pro-European interpretation of national law as well as by the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union to determine a binding interpretation of national law.
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