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One of the most controversial aspects regarding resocialization is a doubt whether imprisonment, which entails isolation, enables efficient educational activity. To be able to prognostically look at the process of work with prisoners, one should, first of all, give a closer look to the very definition of resocialization. The simplest way is to comprehend it as a discipline regarding disfunctions, defects and inability to adapt to the society. It leads toward a conviction that using the provisions of law in force we are able to influence or even change an individual’s standpoint. Many researchers focusing on the definition notices that the number of views is equal to the number of papers. A critique touches mainly pedagogues whose works are the most numerous. They are criticized for that without the familiarity of basic legal provisions it is impossible to solve all dilemmas concerning so broad topic which is the change of man’s personality.
Development (praxeological) function of legal provisions included in the Administrative Code in the area of administrative decision-making processes Administrative Code with its legal provisions of administrative proceeding (Articles 6-16) is considered to perform various functions, which have been reported in the published literature, such as efficiency, functionality and capableness in the activities of public administration authorities. Even though many functions of administrative procedures have been abundantly depicted in the published literature so far no author has referred to its developmental and praxeological function in the process of administrative decision making which has been presented in this study. It seems that praxeological and developmental function of the administrative procedures in the process of administrative decision making is crucial for the proper functioning of the public administration bodies i.e. authorities of the first and second administrative level, supervisory authorities and administrative judiciaries. In order to substantiate the developmental and praxeological function I have presented certain indicators (criteria) of two complementary requirements i.e. legitimacy and efficiency which are based on the procedural standards of administrative law and legal doctrine associated with administrative decision-making. Efficiency, as one of the requirements mentioned above, is described in my study by several indicators such as time (swiftness), resourcefulness (activeness) and method (form) of communication in the recognition process. Another aspect of the efficiency requirement is the economical aspect which has been described as productivity and thriftiness in the administrative processes. The third and most important criterion of efficient administration has been linked with the legitimacy and validity of the process and the way of its interpreting has been explained in my work. In the final stage of my study I have explained two roles the developmental function plays within the scope of administrative decision making i.e. its preventive role which is aimed at eliminating potential causes of undesired events that might occur in the administration process as well as its corrective role which allows the administrator to eliminate the symptoms of the actions which have occurred in the fulfilment of administrative duties. In the summary section of my study I have emphasised that the developmental function of the legal provisions of the administrative code can be a useful tool in the improvement of the quality of services provided by public administration authorities for the citizens of its country by making administrative decisions.
L’obiettivo delle considerazioni è di esaminare la regolazione giuridica in materia di protezione ambientale contro il rumore nelle zone rurali, nonché di rispondere in quale misura la legislazione riesca a tenere conto della peculiarità delle minacce acustiche presenti nelle zone rurali, e se essa preveda un sistema efficace e adeguato di strumenti volti a proteggere la qualità acustica dell’ambiente rurale. Nella parte conclusiva, l’autrice afferma che, sebbene vi si noti un evidente orientamento sulle questioni urbane, il legislatore ha dedicato una sufficiente attenzione anche alla specificità concernente la problematicità di protezione delle zone rurali contro l’inquinamento acustico. Ciò nonostante, risulta tuttora poco sfruttato un approccio qualitativo e di implementazione di strumenti giuridici volti a proteggere terreni con un clima acustico favorevole, ad esempio le zone silenziose. Anche le misure di intervento relative al rumore incluse nei piani regolatori sono sempre poco sufficienti.
The aim of the deliberations presented was an attempt to assess the legal system of the regulation concerning the protection of the environment against noise in rural areas, and to answer the question to what extent the current legislation takes into account the specificity of noise threats occurring in rural areas and whether it provides for an effective and adequate system of instruments for the protection of the acoustic climate of the rural environment. In the conclusion the author states that the specificity of noise prevention in rural areas has been adequately taken into account, despite a clear focus of the regulation put on noise in urban areas. However, the potential of taking a qualitative approach to noise prevention in rural areas or implementing legal instruments for the protection of areas with good acoustic climate, e.g. quiet areas, still remains unexploited, and noise intervention measures continue to be insufficiently included in spatial planning.  
Celem rozważań jest ocena systemu prawnego rozporządzenia dotyczącego ochrony środowiska przed hałasem na terenach wiejskich oraz odpowiedź na pytanie, w jakim stopniu obowiązujące przepisy uwzględniają specyfikę zagrożeń hałasowych występujących na obszarach wiejskich oraz czy zapewniają odpowiedni system instrumentów ochrony klimatu akustycznego środowiska wiejskiego. W podsumowaniu stwierdzono, że ​​specyfika profilaktyki akustycznej na terenach wiejskich została odpowiednio uwzględniona, pomimo wyraźnego nacisku rozporządzenia na hałas w obszarach miejskich. Jednak potencjał jakościowego podejścia do przeciwdziałania hałasowi na terenach wiejskich czy wdrożenia instrumentów prawnych w celu ochrony obszarów o dobrym klimacie akustycznym (np. obszary ciche) pozostaje niewykorzystany, a środki interwencji w zakresie hałasu nie są wystarczająco uwzględnione w planowaniu przestrzennym.
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Prawo o zdrowiu zwierząt

L’articolo si propone di affrontare le questioni relative all’attuazione di soluzioni giuridiche dell’UE nell’ambito della sanità animale, con l’intento di valutare la regolazione già adottata, volta a realizzare il pacchetto di misure sulla sanità animale (del 2013), nonché di indicare proposte di modifiche da applicare alla legislazione nazionale in questo settore. La nuova regolazione in materia di sanità animale implica la necessità di modificare o abrogare molte disposizioni nazionali, i quali disciplinano l’eradicazione delle malattie degli animali, in particolare quelle che recepiscono direttive e decisioni abrogate. Gli strumenti giuridiciivi previsti dovrebbero contribuire al completamento del mercato interno e a prevenire ladiffusione di malattie infettive, presupponendo che essa consenta di preservare, per quanto maggiormente possibile, l’attuale stato di salute degli animali.
The subject of the article is the issues related to the implementation of EU legal solutions concerning the protection of the health of farm animals, while the purpose of the considerations is to evaluate the legal regulation adopted to implement the package of measures aimed at animal health that have been in place since 2013, and propose the direction of necessary changes in the national legislation in this area. The new animal health legislation entails the amendment or repeal of a number of national provisions on animal disease control, in particular those which were transpositions of directives and EU decisions now repealed. The legal instruments provided for in the regulation are expected to contribute to the achievement of a fully integrated internal market and to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, provided that the existing animal health status is maintained as far as possible.
Przedmiotem artykułu są zagadnienia związane z wdrażaniem unijnych rozwiązań prawnych w zakresie ochrony zdrowia zwierząt hodowlanych, natomiast celem rozważań jest ocena regulacji prawnej przyjętej w celu wdrożenia pakietu działań na rzecz zdrowia zwierząt, istnieją od 2013 r. i proponują kierunek niezbędnych zmian w ustawodawstwie krajowym w tym zakresie. Nowe przepisy dotyczące zdrowia zwierząt pociągają za sobą zmianę lub uchylenie wielu przepisów krajowych dotyczących zwalczania chorób zwierząt, w szczególności tych, które były transpozycją dyrektyw i uchylonych obecnie decyzji UE. Oczekuje się, że instrumenty prawne przewidziane w rozporządzeniu przyczynią się do osiągnięcia w pełni zintegrowanego rynku wewnętrznego i zapobiegania rozprzestrzenianiu się chorób zakaźnych, pod warunkiem utrzymania w miarę możliwości obecnego stanu zdrowia zwierząt.
However, patronage's right is a “dead letter” because it is not regulated in biding legal provisions, it is still noticeable. In the article it is described relict of patronage's right in the Code of Canon Law of 1983 that is the privilege of the presentation for an ecclesiastical offices – designation the more qualified candidates to the unfilled vacancy. The Author presents the term of patronage's right in the universal Church and in Poland both in historical and in legal dimension. The lay Christian faithful, in the Code of Canon Law of 1983, can not get privilege of the presentation for an ecclesiastical office. It was regulated in the Code of Canon Law of 1917 differently, because the institution of patronage's right was described and the privileges flowing from that rights, i.e. privilege of the presentation for an ecclesiastical office. At the same time, the legislator in the Code of Canon Law of 1917 prohibited the creation of this right in the future, regardless of legal basis.
The aim of the article is to present and to evaluate the evolution of the legal provisions concerning the functioning of custodians on the investment fund market in Poland in 1992–2021. The evaluation is mainly conducted on the basis of an analysis of acts on investment funds from 1997 and 2004 and their amendments, and in particular the amendment from 2016. The fundamental changes in legal regulations concerning custodians since 2004 were mainly a consequence of implementing EU directives concerning collective investment institutions, mainly the UCITS directive and the AIFM directive. Recommendations issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority also played an important role in shaping legal provisions on custodians. The evolution of legal provisions relating to these entities was a key factor that contributed to the increase in the effectiveness of the performance of their duties, in particular those of a control and supervisory nature.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i ocena ewolucji przepisów prawnych dotyczących funkcjonowania depozytariuszy na rynku funduszy inwestycyjnych w Polsce w latach 1992–2021. Została ona przeprowadzona głównie na podstawie analizy ustaw o funduszach inwestycyjnych z 1997 i 2004 r. oraz ich nowelizacji, w szczególności nowelizacji z 2016 r. Zasadnicze zmiany regulacji prawnych dotyczące depozytariuszy, które wprowadzano począwszy od 2004 r., były głównie konsekwencją implementowania dyrektyw UE dotyczących instytucji zbiorowego inwestowania, przede wszystkim dyrektywy UCITS oraz dyrektywy AIFMD. Istotną rolę w kształtowaniu się przepisów prawnych dotyczących depozytariuszy odegrały również rekomendacje wydawane przez KNF. Ewolucja regulacji prawnych dotyczących tych podmiotów była kluczowym czynnikiem, który sprzyjał zwiększeniu skuteczności wykonywania przez nie obowiązków, w szczególności tych o charakterze kontrolno-nadzorczym.
During the last fifteen years, significant SME sector was established in Kosovo. A greater dynamic regarding to the registration of new businesses can be encountered in the first three years of 1990’s and in the postwar period that can be considered as reflection of the changing business environment in the respective periods. Private enterprises in Kosovo are established since 1989. But the intensity of registration of SMEs grew separately after 1990 and continued until 1995.At this time companies were mainly organized in the form of households, the crafts, commercial enterprises, small shops, restaurants and agricultural enterprises.The establishment of these enterprises has not been the result of enabling business environment, but it came from the need to create jobs to people whose jobs were terminated form the social enterprises. In Kosovo during the last decade, a valuavle experience was achieved by increasing and development of of private enterprises, small and medium enterprises. Despite the achieved success, private enterprises constantly complain about the difficulties that they encounter when developing their business activities but as an example in Kosovo’s SME we do stil face with higher interest rates when taking loans.Likewise, these private enterprises in the country are still not well enough stimulated due to application of overwhelmed laws. Therefore it is needed a new inventory of legislative developments, but also should be requested the evaluation for the implementation of new legislation.This paper aims to reflect the role of small and medium enterprises in the post war Kosovo in economic development, increase of employment and alleviate poverty, obstacles that they encounter during their establishment and development which affect barrier not to develop entrepreneurship development innovation skills, etc, also some advantages that they assist their funcioning…
Z punktu widzenia dogmatycznych nauk prawnych badania naukowe polityki społecznej są głównie źródłem informacji o kontekście stosowania obowiązujących norm prawnych, źródłem danych wykorzystywanych w różnych metodach wykładni przepisów oraz kierunków i koncepcji postulowanych zmian. Dlatego okresowo ponawiana jest dyskusja o zakresie i klasyfi kacji poszczególnych nauk prawnych funkcjonujących w sferze polityki społecznej, z uwzględnieniem stosowanych przez nie metod. Przy takim ujęciu szczególnie przydatna, choć nieprzyjęta powszechnie, jest koncepcja prawa socjalnego. Prawo jest traktowane jako jedno z głównych narzędzi oddziaływania społecznego, ale zakreśla też ono granice dopuszczalnych działań. Z tego powodu konieczna jest stała kontrola jego jakości i badanie realizacji funkcji przypisywanych poszczególnym normom. W tym zakresie nauki prawne korzystają z wyników badań polityki społecznej, ale nie ingerują w stosowane przez nie metody. Związki metodologiczne są więc silne i obydwie dziedziny nauki są sobie wzajemnie potrzebne. Mimo to nasilające się rozbieżności i dalsza specjalizacja wydają się nieuniknione. Pożądana jest zatem pewna koordynacja badań oraz wzajemne śledzenie ich najważniejszych wątków.
From the point of view of dogmatic law studies, scientific research in the field of social policy is mainly the source of knowledge on the context of applying the norms of law in force, it is the source of data used in various methods of legal interpretation, as well as trends and ideas of the desired amendments. That is why the discussion regarding the scope and classifi cation of particular law science disciplines in the fi eld of social policy is periodically renewed. It takes into consideration the methods applied by these two disciplines. In this regard the concept of “social law” is particularly useful, though not generally accepted. Law is treated as one of the main instruments of infl uencing social behavior, but at the same time it is the law that sets the limits of permissible action. Thus a permanent supervision of the quality of law and the research regarding the accomplishment of functions assigned to particular legal norms is necessary. In this domain law studies benefi t from the results of social policy research, but they do not interfere in the methods applied by social policy researchers. Consequently, methodological links are strong and both scientific areas are interdependent. Nevertheless, growing differences and specialization seem inevitable, yet we need certain coordination of research and mutual following its results.
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