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Path of Science
vol. 4
issue 9
У статі розглядаються правові акти, які встановлювали відповідальність за незаконну діяльність, пов’язану з переміщенням товарів через митний кордон на українських територіях під час їх входження до складу СРСР. Про-стежуються тенденції розвитку особливостей встановлення відповідальності за товарну контрабанду в незалежній Україні. Встановлено, що вітчизняний законодавець, враховуючи досвід СРСР, до кінця 2011 року передбачав кримінальну й адміністративну відповідальність за контрабанду, після 2011 року таке поняття як адміністративна (товарна, економічна) контрабанда перестало використовуватися в нормотворчій практиці. Контрабандні злочини стали лише кримінальними й асоціюються з незаконним переміщенням предметів, вилучених з вільного обігу (наркотиків, зброї, вибухівки та ін.). Всі інші правопорушення, пов’язані з незаконним переміщенням товарів через митний кордон, є порушеннями митних правил, відповідальність за які передбачена Митним кодексом України. Наголошено, що відбулося об’єднання поняття «адміністративна (товарна, економічна) контрабанда» з поняттям «незаконне переміщення товарів через митний кордон» у рамках однорідних адміністративних правопорушень.
The article deals with legal acts that set liability for illegal activities, related to the movement of goods across the customs border on Ukrainian territories during the period of their belonging to the USSR. The trends of development of the peculiarities of establishing liability for smuggling in independent Ukraine can be followed. It has been established that domestic legislators, taking into account the experience of the USSR, provided criminal and administrative responsibility for smuggling by the end of 2011. After 2011 such notion as administrative (commodity, economic) smuggling ceased to be used in law-making practice. Smuggling crimes have become only criminal and are associated with the illegal movement of items removed from free circulation (drugs, weapons, explosives, etc.). All other offenses, related to the illegal movement of goods through the customs border are violations of customs rules, the responsibility for which is provided by the Customs Code of Ukraine. It is emphasized that the concept of “administrative (commodity, economic) smuggling” has been united with the notion “illegal movement of goods through the customs border” within the framework of homogeneous administrative offenses.
The pension fund investments should be characterised by a long term, low risk and profitability, which implicates the necessity of portfolio diversification. In general, pension funds having regular long-term contributions should develop the long-term policy and its effects would be responsible for the economic position of their future beneficiaries. The ways of capital allocation are also critical in terms of the entire economy, as a constant flow of financial resources provided by pension funds stimulates the activity of its recipients. The typical assets in a pension fund's portfolio in the developed economy are stocks, bonds and real property owing to low (negative) correlation between these assets and their diversified potential. The legal investment limits imposed on the Polish pension funds exclude direct investment in real property, which is responsible - in the authors' opinion - for the lower level of diversification and hinders the risk reduction. The authors analyze the Polish pension fund portfolios focusing on risk and return levels. The aim of the study is to find the answer to the important question about the results of hypothetically added real property to the portfolios of pension funds.
One of the important matters, in accordance with the act regulations from the date 13th September 1996 about keeping the communities clean and in order, is the duties issue which a legislator laid, in the range, upon the property owners. Having its theoretical as well as practical meaning in mind, it will be elaborated on within the framework of this article. The publication was constructed considering changes which are in effect for the date of 1st January 2012 and applied in the analysed range regulations of the communal law as well.
Medical waste can be one of the most serious threats to human life and health, especially due to the risk of infections (bacteria and viruses), the presence of hazardous chemicals, and microbiological cultures. Recycling and disposing of this waste is problematic, and is subject to a separate set of laws. The position and responsibilities of those responsible for the management of medical waste are also unique. The study focuses on the definition of medical waste (excluding veterinary waste). It shows the most important problems in this area and how it should be managed given the current legal regulations. Statistics and issues related to the control of medical waste management in Poland are cited.
As a result of the adoption by the European Parliament, in 2014, of the package of new directives coordinating the procedure of public procurement granting, it was possible to consider improvements of the binding legal regulations, both with regard to their adjustment to the new directives, and with regard to the use of the experience gathered to date. Months passed since the adoption of the new directives, but no clear information was provided on the future of the public procurement law: whether comprehensive works would be taken to reconstruct the procurement system, or whether the government would focus on adding new provisions to the existing legal regulation that was not clear anyhow already. From time to time, the public opinion was informed about the works on the implementation of the new directives package. Today we know, though, that it will consist in another amendment to the public procurement law, deprived of the thorough consideration of the functioning of the procurement system.
This paper aims to present the real situation of individual businesses in Kosovo, the way of establishment and operation according to the legislation in Kosovo, as well as how much these businesses affect the economic development of the country. In addition to the legal regulation of individual businesses, some statistical data, which will shed light on the real situation of this type of business and how negatively the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the way individual businesses operate in Kosovo, will be presented. The Covid-19 pandemics has negatively affected many businesses in the world, as well as in Kosovo in almost all types of business organisations in the country and abroad. Individual businesses, in terms of registration, are simpler and managed by a single owner and this makes them more interesting to be established as a type of business organisation. This type of business organisation, if it does not find support from the state at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, will have it more difficult to survive in the market. Therefore, it is required that the executive body of the country create well-researched and easily feasible strategies so that, in this time of pandemics these businesses find support in various forms in order to stay in the market and operate according to the purpose established at the moment of registration.
Psychological violence at work is becoming an everyday phenomenon profoundly affecting an individual's physical and mental health and socio-economic life. In addressing this problem, which requires particular attention, it is of utmost importance, on the basis of research, to identify psychological violence in Lithuania, to carry out an analysis of causes and actions, to encourage society to consider potential consequences and take preventive action allowing to change the situation based on the examples of effective practice. In this article, the author aims at analysing the peculiarities of international and regional legal regulation of psychological violence at work.
Autorka bada organizacje pozarządowe jako instytucje kluczowe społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, mające wpływy na rozwój demokratyczny państwa. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę podstaw normatywno-prawnych powstania i działalności organizacji pozarządowych, mianowicie Konstytucji Republiki Bułgaria oraz Ustawy „O organizacjach pozarządowych”. Na podstawie badań wskazano na przewagi oraz wady zabezpieczenia prawnego funkcjonowania trzeciego sektora, a także kwestie problemowe wymagające doskonalenia w dziedzinie jakości.
The author considers NGOs as the key civil society institute which can impact on democratization of the state. The article highlights the NGOs legal framework. In particular, the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Law on NGOs has been analyzed. Advantages and disadvantages of NGOs legal framework were detected.
The analysis concepts and categorical apparatus of recreation in Ukraine on legal, reference, scientific and methodical literature sources are made. It is determined the features of structural organization of recreation sphere, the state and prospects of its development. The structural and organizational scheme of conceptual-categorical apparatus of recreation has been developed. There were clarified existing approaches and classification features based on the developed classifications and suggested author’s approaches, features and species.
Funkcjonowanie SOZ, a więc jakość i dostępność świadczeń zależy od wielu czynników, z których najważniejsze to starzenie się społeczeństwa, jednak system do radzenia sobie z nimi nie jest przygotowany. Dodatkowo kryzys finansowy spowodował zwolnienie tempa wzrostu gospodarczego i kłopoty finansów publicznych, co przekłada się na wielkość strumieni pieniądza płynących do systemu. W tych niekorzystnych warunkach szczególną rolę będą musiały odegrać przedsiębiorstwa. Jednakże praprzyczyną stanu, w jakim znalazł się polski SOZ jest niewłaściwa regulacja prawna, która wynika z braku odpowiedzialności politycznej zarówno koalicji, jak i opozycji.
Functioning of SOZ, so the quality and availability of services depends on many factors, the most important of which figured as the aging population, to deal with which it prepares the system. In addition, the financial crisis caused a slowdown in economic growth and public finance problems, which is reflected in the size of the streams of money flowing into the system. In these adverse conditions will have a special role to play business. However, the root cause of the state of a Polish health care system is wrong regulations caused by the lack of political accountability of both the coalition and the opposition.
Functioning of SOZ, so the quality and availability of services depends on many factors, the most important of which figured as the aging population, to deal with which it prepares the system. In addition, the financial crisis caused a slowdown in economic growth and public finance problems, which is reflected in the size of the streams of money flowing into the system. In these adverse conditions will have a special role to play business. However, the root cause of the state of a Polish health care system is wrong regulations caused by the lack of political accountability of both the coalition and the opposition.
Funkcjonowanie SOZ, a więc jakość i dostępność świadczeń zależy od wielu czynników, z których najważniejsze to starzenie się społeczeństwa, jednak system do radzenia sobie z nimi nie jest przygotowany. Dodatkowo kryzys finansowy spowodował zwolnienie tempa wzrostu gospodarczego i kłopoty finansów publicznych, co przekłada się na wielkość strumieni pieniądza płynących do systemu. W tych niekorzystnych warunkach szczególną rolę będą musiały odegrać przedsiębiorstwa. Jednakże praprzyczyną stanu, w jakim znalazł się polski SOZ jest niewłaściwa regulacja prawna, która wynika z braku odpowiedzialności politycznej zarówno koalicji, jak i opozycji.
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Drug Crime segment europeanization

Drug crime is clearly increasingly organized especially in trade and production of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Individual members states of the European Union including the Czech Republic and also legislation pervading transnational or national planes, is trying to take the most effective legal means to combat the cited crime. Legal regulations, detection and investigation of that crime must also exhibit certain specifics with regard to their nature. The current legal regulation of drug crime in the Czech Republic is thus intertwined independently with international, EU, but also the national plane. The author in his paper describes to the readers an Europeanisation treatment of drug offenses in the Czech legal order in accordance with the requirements imposed on it by the European Union and international law. She also focuses on its sufficiency– where indeed the legal instruments are blended, wherein it is possible to find flaws. She also reflects the current legal situation in the Czech Republic. She presents to the readers current problems, especially identifying ranges of drugs and related difficulties consequential for the criminal practice.
Decreasing the number of materialised securities for the benefit of electronic securities has led to distinctions between commercial and legal opinions on securities transactions. Contemporary financial markets only trade electronic securities held in securities accounts. Securities law enhances adjustments to economic realities and not to legal principles. Discrepancies between economic realities and securities regulation should be resolved in order to find a balance between successfully functioning transactions of electronic securities and legal schemes which are based on transfers of physically existing assets, which include securities, as a result of the theory of incorporations, in certain legal regulations. This article is a theoretical and legal reflection on selected issues connected with the transfer of securities with reference to discrepancies between economic realities and legal regulations.
Artykuł jest jedną z pierwszych prób analizy systemu prawnego współczesnego zjawiska istnienia destrukcyjnych społeczności internetowych, takich jak gra „Momo”, „Blue Whale” itp. Nacisk kładzie się na sposoby radzenia sobie z wejściem nastolatków w podobne grupy antyspołeczne. Autor analizuje ukraińskie doświadczenia w zwalczaniu tego globalnego problemu. Wnioski sugerują sposoby na przezwyciężenie destrukcyjnego wpływu Internetu na psychikę młodzieży. Przedstawiono zalecenia dotyczące zapobiegania uczestnictwa młodzieży w tych społecznościach internetowych
This article is an analysis of selected and the most important elements of the regulatory model of corporate governance in the Polish state companies with state treasury owns or holds. The analysis is based on the elements of corporate governance for members of the state companies, the relationship between state companies, the entitlement of employees and selected financial relationships.
The authors of the paper deal with the issue of infringement of the protection of religion and belief by the application of the constitutional freedom of expression in the Internet environment which, compared to traditional media (radio, television, etc.), allows not only rapid and immediate access to information, but also gives every single person space for unlimited dissemination of their ideas and opinions. Freedom of expression is thus unlimited, absolute in the conditions of the Internet environment. From a legal point of view, however, such a situation is very problematic. Besides freedom of expression, the constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms also include such rights as the right to privacy, the right to freedom of religious expressions, the right to respect for human dignity, personal honour, good repute and the protection of the name. In the Internet environment, it is obvious that a conflict of rights has to take place. In addition, due to the unlimited freedom of expression, the Internet is also a breeding ground for the dissemination of various hate speech, in many cases only on the grounds of the individual’s religious beliefs, which ultimately lead to committing the criminal offenses. For these reasons, the authors also analyze the individual negative, accompanying phenomena of unrestricted freedom of expression, having criminal implications, and examine specific verbal attacks that may also interfere with the right to protection of religion in the Internet.
Acta onomastica
vol. 60
issue 2
The naming traditions of Czech and Moravian Jews were significantly influenced by the law of Joseph II. on the necessity of accepting German given names issued in 1787. A list of authorized names was created. This list was abolished in 1836 when naming by any German name was allowed. It was only in 1867 when the Jews could give their children any name of their choice. During the occupation, the German law of 1938 applied in the Protectorate required that the Jews use either names from the list of authorized names or add the second name Israel or Sara to their existing name. After the war, these anti-Jewish restrictions were abolished. At present, Act No. 301/2000 applies to all Czech citizens without any differences.
The study deals with the legal regulation of publications in the Slovak Republic, noting the position of publishers and web portal operators in the context of the new law ‘on publications’. This law specified publishers and operators as participants in the media market, defined community media, and established modern regulatory elements, including self-regulation, which have brought significant transparency to the ownership and financing of print and web media. In this study, we note the historical outline of the development of the press after 1989, the stabilisation of the situation within the legislative regulation of the press in 2008, while our primary objective is to define the current legal standards of the newly adopted Publications Act. We also reflect on the possible risks and problems that the new law entails, but our main aim is to present the fundamental and innovative changes that have resulted from several years of legislative process in the field of media law.
Contrastare lo spreco alimentare è una delle maggiori sfide contemporanee per l’agricoltura, la PAC e il legislatore. Per cui, l’articolo si propone di rispondere alla domanda se e in quale misura, sia la legislazione europea sia quella nazionale, prevedano strumenti atti a contrastare il fenomeno. Continuano a mancare soluzioni giuridiche complessive, capaci di contrastare lo spreco in maniera efficace. Tuttavia, a livello dell’UE, è possibile notare il delinearsi di un processo volto a creare presupposti per le politiche future e quadri giuridici per le azioni volte a limitare e contrastare il fenomeno in questione. Comunque, già il fatto che il problema sia stato notato dal legislatore nonché l’attuale, sebbene solo parziale, standarizzazione della problematica in materia di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari meritano un giudizio positivo. Le misureadottate potrebbero costituire i primi passi da fare in una direzione che porta a introdurre soluzioni globali, pur costituendo nel contempo una manifestazione degli sforzi intrapresi dal legislatore al fine di garantire la sovranità alimentare, basata sul concetto di economia circolare.
Combating food waste is one of the greatest contemporary challenges for agriculture, the CAP and the legislator. The aim of the considerations is to answer the question whether and to what extent the legislation, both EU and national, provides for instruments to counteract this phenomenon. There are no comprehensive legal solutions that would allow effective prevention of food waste. However, at the EU level there is an observable process of setting up foundations for future policies and legal frameworks for actions aimed at limiting and combating this phenomenon. The mere fact that the problem has been noted by the legislator and the previous, albeit partial, normative regulation on combating food waste is a positive development. The measures already undertaken may constitute the first steps on the way to implementing comprehensive solutions that will, at the same time, be a manifestation of the legislator’s efforts to ensure food sovereignty based on a closed-loop economy.
Zwalczanie marnotrawienia żywności jest jednym z największych współczesnych wyzwań dla rolnictwa, WPR i ustawodawcy. Celem rozważań jest odpowiedź na pytanie, czy i  w jakim zakresie prawodawstwo, zarówno unijne, jak i krajowe, przewiduje instrumenty przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku. Brak jest kompleksowych rozwiązań prawnych, które pozwoliłyby skutecznie zapobiegać marnotrawieniu żywności. Jednak na szczeblu unijnym obserwuje się proces tworzenia podstaw przyszłych polityk i ram prawnych dla działań mających na celu ograniczenie i zwalczanie tego zjawiska. Sam fakt zauważenia problemu przez ustawodawcę i dotychczasowego, choć częściowego rozporządzenia normatywnego dotyczącego zwalczania marnotrawienia żywności jest pozytywnym zjawiskiem. Podjęte już działania mogą stanowić pierwsze kroki na drodze do wprowadzenia kompleksowych rozwiązań, które będą jednocześnie przejawem dążenia ustawodawcy do zapewnienia suwerenności żywnościowej w oparciu o gospodarkę o obiegu zamkniętym.
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