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Minimalist Phonology (MP; Pöchtrager 2006) constructs its theory based on the phonological epistemological principle (Kaye 2001) and exposes the arbitrary nature of standard Government Phonology (sGP) and strict-CV (sCV), particularly with reference to their confusion of melody and structure.For Pöchtrager, these are crucially different, concluding that place of articulation is melodic (expressed with elements), while manner of articulation is structural. In this model, the heads (xN and xO) can license and incorporate the length of the other into their own interpretation, that is xN influences xO projections as well as its own and vice versa. This dynamism is an aspect of the whole framework and this paper in particular will show that stops and fricatives evidence a plasticity of category and that, although fricatives are simpler in structure, stops are the more primitive of the two.This will be achieved phonologically through simply unifying the environment of application of the licensing forces within Pöchtrager's otherwise sound onset structure. In doing so, we automatically make several predictions about language acquisition and typology and show how lenition in Qiang (Sino-Tibetan) can be more elegantly explained.
Ustawa o gospodarce nieruchomościami wprowadziła trzy licencjonowane zawody związane z obsługą sfery nieruchomości: pośrednika w obrocie nieruchomościami, zarządcę nieruchomości i rzeczoznawcę majątkowego. W opracowaniu scharakteryzowano zakres i zasady funkcjonowania tych zawodów oraz przedstawiono firmy, w ramach których realizują swe zadania. Dokonano jakościowej i ilościowej charakterystyki firm zajmujących się w Polsce pośrednictwem w obrocie nieruchomościami, zarządzaniem nieruchomościami, rzeczoznawstwem majątkowym.
Act on real estate economics, introduced three certified professions operating in real estate market: real estate broker, property manager and real estate valuator. The paper presents scope of activities of the professions, regulations that rule the operations of the professions. Presented were also companies within which professionals operate. The Authors conducted quantitative and qualitative description of companies operating as real estate brokers, property management and valuators.
The claim of the article is that the distribution of vowel quantity in Standard Scottish English is sensitive to the substantive complexity of the following consonant, which may block the licensing originating in the V position that follows the potential long vowel (Licensing Absorption). Licensing Absorption interact with the scale of the preponderance of A element within the featural make-up of licensed vowels thus deriving the attested pattern of the distribution of vowel length in SSE.
Autor artykułu wykazuje, iż dystrybucja długich samogłosek w szkockim dialekcie języka angielskiego jest uzależniona od dwóch czynników. Pierwszym jest złożoność spółgłoski następującej po potencjalnie długiej samogłosce. Im bardziej złożona jest spółgłoska, tym mniejsza możliwość licencjonowania długości. Drugim czynnikiem jest aktywność elementu A w licencjonowanej samogłosce. Im mniej aktywny jest element A, tym większa potrzeba licencjonowania. Interakcja tych dwóch czynników jest odpowiedzialna za obecność lub brak obecności długich samogłosek w pewnych kontekstach.
The aim of this article is to address the issue of vowel length in the northern varieties of the Welsh language. The approach used to perform the formal analysis was the theory of Government Phonology. This model was chosen because of its non-arbitrary assumptions concerning the syllabic structure. The data were collected from various academic works dealing with the pronunciation of Welsh and subsequently categorised so that it could be clearly presented and analysed. Further, the paper summarises previous analyses of Welsh vowel length giving a critical overview of different approaches. Their strong and weak points help formulate new hypotheses. The analysis proposed in this article assumes that Welsh long vowels obtain their structure as a result of lengthening. The structure of such a vowel is composed of two independent nuclei separated with an empty onset, which is induced by stress. The melody of the vowel is a result of spreading to an empty position which has to be licensed.
Artykuł podejmuje problematyki związaną z długością samogłosek w północnej odmianie języka walijskiego. Narzędziem formalnym, jakie zostało wykorzystane do przeprowadzenia analizy fonologicznej, był model fonologii rządu. Model ten został wybrany z uwagi na jego niearbitralne ujęcie struktury sylabicznej. Przedstawione dane zostały zebrane z szeregu dostępnych publikacji na temat wymowy języka walijskiego oraz skategoryzowane w sposób umożliwiający klarowną analizę. Następnym krokiem było podsumowanie analiz długich samogłosek w języku walijskim wykonanych w różnych modelach teoretycznych w odniesieniu do ostatniego ćwierćwiecza. Zarówno mocne, jak i słabe punkty tych analiz posłużyły do sformułowania nowych hipotez prezentowanych w proponowanej analizie. Analiza proponowana w tym artykule zakłada, że długie samogłoski nie stanowią takiej struktury sylabicznej przez całą derywację, ale są efektem wzdłużenia. Struktura takiej samogłoski składa się z dwóch odrębnych ośrodków sylaby, z czego jeden jest wtrącony przez akcentowanie, oddzielonych od siebie pustym nagłosem. Melodia długiej samogłoski jest efektem rozprzestrzenienia się struktury segmentu na pustą pozycję, która musi być licencjonowana.
The article analyzes current state of economic activity in the field of cinematography in Ukraine and offers several approaches to its classification, in accordance with criteria defined by legislation of Ukraine. In particular, the following criteria of classification are proposed: parties involved into the activity and corporate objects, purpose of activity, availability of special terms (licensing, patenting, quotas), availability of state support. Emphasis is placed on lack of the term “type of cinematographic activity” in the relevant legislation of Ukraine. Both positive and negative aspects of economic activity in the cinematographic industry which currently affect the activities of economic entities are considered. Examples of different types of cinematographic activity in Ukraine are given as perceived through the prism of entrepreneurship and economic relations in general. Recommendations have been developed aimed to improve the state of cinematographic legislation in Ukraine - both at the level of laws and by-laws. Main types of cinematographic activity in Ukraine are substantiated and singled out on the basis of conducted research.
The article deals with the problems of the activities of tour operators in Ukraine in the conditions of state regulation changes. The features of their functioning are determined taking into account the requirements of the regulatory framework for the regulation of tour operators` activities. The dynamics of the development of a network of subjects (en-tities) of tourism is analyzed. Attention is drawn to the current trends in the development of tour operators and travel agents’ activities in Ukraine. The author proposes directions for the revitalization of tour operators` activities in the market of inbound and domestic tourism.
Artykuł porusza problematykę działalności organizatorów turystycznych na Ukrainie w kontekście rozporządzeń państwowych. Specyfika ich funkcjonowania jest określana z uwzględnieniem wymogów ram regulacyjnych i legislacyjnych regulujących działalność organizatorów turystycznych. Analizowana jest dynamika rozwoju sieci podmiotów turystyki. Zwrócono uwagę na obecne tendencje rozwoju turystyki i biur podróży na Ukrainie. Autor proponuje kierunki rewitalizacji działalności organizatorów turystycznych na rynku turystyki przyjazdowej i krajowej.
The article focuses on the problem of consonant prosthesis in a number of Slavic languages with w view to establishing both the context and trigger of the process. The phenomenon is analyzed from the perspective of Government Phonology (Kaye, Lowenstamm, and Vergnaud 1985, 1990; Charette 1991; Harris 1994; Gussmann 2007; Cyran 2003; Bloch-Rozmej 2008) which advocates a hierarchical model of phonological structure. The evidence examined here comes from Polish, Sorbian, Russian, Czech, Ukrainian and Belorussian. In all these languages consonant prosthesis is realized in the onset of the word-initial syllable. Thus, we also discuss the problem of the initial syllable prominence and the significance of a licensing relation that binds the members of the initial CV domain. It is proposed that the nucleus which determines the identity of the onset licensee is directly responsible for the excrescence of a prosthetic consonant, both prosodically and melodically. Hence, in order to fully understand the nature of the development, the analysis of the vowels involved in the process in terms of their segmental structure is needed. It will be demonstrated that the elements which build vocalic segments extend their domain of interpretation to affect the positions preceding them in the structure of the word-initial syllables. The problem of consonant prosthesis will be examined as an instantiation of the cross-linguistic tendency to strengthen segments in word-initial contexts.
Celem artykułu jest analiza zjawiska protez spółgłoskowych w wybranych językach słowiańskich. Zostaje podjęta próba ustalenia kontekstu, w jakim zachodzi ten proces oraz jego przyczyn. Dyskusja prowadzona jest w ramach modelu Fonologii Rządu, który zakłada istnienie ścisłego związku między wystąpieniem danego zjawiska a pozycją w strukturze fonologicznej. Dane językowe zostały zaczerpnięte z języka polskiego, łużyckiego, rosyjskiego, czeskiego, ukraińskiego i białoruskiego. Analiza opiera się na założeniu, że pierwsza sylaba wyrazu pełni szczególną rolę w reprezentacji fonologicznej. Autorka dowodzi, ze tożsamość spółgłoski protetycznej zależy od natury następującej po niej samogłoski, np. występowanie [w] warunkowane jest obecnością samogłoski zaokrąglonej. Ponadto istotną rolę w procesie tworzenia protez spółgłoskowych odgrywa element będący członem głównym segmentu.
Among the laws regulating the press activity, the main one is the obligation to register a daily newspaper or a magazine (Article 20 of the Press Law). The registration application should include the data listed in that Article. Giving the role of a registrating body to the courts and not an administrative body, due to their independent nature, fosters the implementation of the free press rule formulated in Article 14 of the Constitution and developed in Article 1 of the Press Law. The ban on preventive censorship and press licensing is included directly in Article 54 Section 2 of the Constitution (this regulation, however, allows introducing by an Act of Parliament an obligation to obtain a license to run a radio or TV station). The registration mode is a kind of broadly understood application system and it is not included in the press licensing model. Nor does it have anything to do with preventive censorship. Regulations of the Code of Civil Procedure on non-litigious proceedings apply for registration procedure, together with alterations resulting from the Press Law. Magazine registration has two main functions: 1) protecting the name of no longer existing press titles (at the same time protecting the publisher’s right for the press title); 2) protecting the interests of potential readers. The latter case concerns preventing the reader from being misled about the true identity of a given newspaper. The Constitutional Tribunal noticed that the regulation concerning the registration mode is a limitation of the freedom of speech. However, the Tribunal did not find such a limitation that would breach Article 54 Section 1 or Article 31 Section 3 of the Constitution. Publishing a newspaper or a magazine may be suspended if in a given newspaper or magazine the law has been broken at least three times in a year, which has been confirmed by a valid criminal judgment. The regulations do not stipulate the option of cancelling the registration. It is, however, possibile that its validity may expire. According to Article 45 of the Press Law, in force since 19 July 2013, a person publishing a newspaper or a magazine without a license or suspended is subject to a fine. Currently such actions consitute a misdemeanour, and not an offence.
The transformation of innovation into commercial value depends primarily on appropriate protection of the intellectual property, usually by patents, and efficient pathway(s) of its transferability as well as the transfer of the protected knowledge. The key features of patents, from an economic perspective, are that they encompass new knowledge and confer monopoly rights to the owner. The exclusiveness of patent rights is generally conceived as a necessary mechanism to ensure further innovation, stimulate advanced research and facilitate efficient market transactions with patent rights. The patent holder can transfer the technology embodied by way of granting to others a license to use the patented invention in return for a share of the revenues, usually royalties. Patent rights transferability has been proven to be efficient and profitable to the industry as well as beneficial to the welfare of society. The economic and practical perspectives of the transferability and commercialization of patent rights are discussed.
The basic criteria of the higher education quality assessment in the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) are shown in the article. The author characterizes the features of the organization of licensing and accreditation for higher educational establishments and also training programs in which they work. A basic accreditation of educational programs had developed in these countries, because the content of the assessment during certification (external expertise) are the quality indicators not only of these programs and training, but also of a higher educational institution as a whole. The specified organs monitor the quality of education in each country: Council-board on quality assessment for higher education, Center for Higher Education Accreditating in Estonia, Center on quality assessment for higher education in Latvia and Lithuania. The basic steps of the procedure for licensing and accreditation of higher educational establishment are pointed out, including: introspection (self-examination, self-control); external expertise conducted by the expert commission on departure to higher educational establishment; the decision of accreditation and (or) certification. The decision taken by the Council-board on Accreditation for Higher Education (while higher educational establishment accreditating) or the Commission on Accreditation (while educational programs accreditating) and it can be of three types: full, conditional and refuse of accreditation. The author reveals the principles of evaluation and interpretation of the results for higher education quality. To assess the quality of education in the Baltic countries expert methods are used. The comparative analysis of the licensing procedures and accreditation in the Baltic countries, in particular defined species, types, terms, conditions of accreditation and licensing in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and also the common features are defined in the article. Studying the European experience, including experience in assessing the quality for education of the Baltic countries where the level of higher education is quite high, there is a need to revise the current system of licensing and accreditation in Ukraine, formation of new, modern approaches to monitoring the quality of education. Based on the experience of the Baltic countries it was made an attempt to determine the priority areas for further improvement of the quality assessment system in Ukraine.
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