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In the article they made analysis of chosen stylistic devices about syntactical character used for creating humorous announcements i.e.: repeating (including the syntactic parallelism), proximity of homogeneous sentences, parenthesis, the pause and the ellipse. The main author’s purpose is description of detailed functions of syntactical devices and analysis of vocabulary, which they contain.
The purpose of the text was to determine, inter alia, what tools does communication grammar give in the process of interpreting a text. A dialogue between K. Wojewódzki and M. Figurski from their show „Poranny WF”, aired on Radio Eska Rock on June 12, 2012 was analyzed. The following research activities were carried out sequentially: 1. Defining the propositional content against the background of the language situation and its pragmatic considerations. 2. Characterizing the interactive system and investigating of conversational strategies. 3. Recognizing the intention of the broadcasters of conversational sequence and confronting with the theory of linguistic joke. 4. The relationship between the intention of the senders and the effects of their statement. It was concluded that the dominant strategy of the examined verbal operations was the axiological and emotive strategy. Intentions of the broadcasters were not read in accordance with their assumptions. In the context of linguistic joke, the indicated dialogue proved to be a misguided behavior and the ways of reception gave rise to qualifying it (in the context of linguistic etiquette and ethics) as rude and violating the principle of respect for the dignity of the partner of language contact.
In the 20th century, tuberculosis was already perceived as a democratic disease. An overview of tuberculosis became different and less serious. Seven-volumed press ephemerid from the interwar period, that is, Prątka Jednodniówka (Bystra Śląska) is one of the examples. This journal is gelotherapeutic. Introducing satirical, journalistic, literary and graphic genres, it used some sophisticated rhetorical and metaphorical devices to familiarize tuberculosis and made an attempt of a laughter therapy. A sense of community associated with the undertaking, placing the subject in the health resort reality and undertaking medical issues in a humorous manner: the aim of all these factors was to show the life in the sanatorium as well as tuberculosis itself in the crooked mirror of a satire.
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