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The texts included in the volume deal with the issues concerning the creation and circulation of literary works in the Polish People’s Republic. The elements of a literary career, such as recognition of an author, his or her descent or pro‑state activity, are the subject of study. The authors persuade that the social position of a writer did not always correspond with the artistic value of his or her work and that it is possible to reconstruct the transformations of the cultural politics in the Polish People’s Republic on the basis of the examination of the fate of the books handed in for evaluation to the office of censorship. The analysis of the specific careers proves the thesis that literature in the communist system could not be situated outside the cultural context and the external factors had a significant impact on the final form of the work.
The article presents the role of Zofia Nałkowska in inter-war Polish literary culture. Her activity in the structures of literary life was combined with personal commitment to promotion of young talented authors. While she maintained close bonds with the political elites of the Polish Republic, she also functioned above the ideological divisions, actively supporting authors who were opposed the state. As the only woman she was member of the Polish Academy of Literature. Her participation in the official forms of public life forced her to spend time mostly in male company. At the same time, Nałkowska’s most important relationships, both with women and men, developed in private space.
The aim of the article is to survey the correspondence of Viktor Astafyev, published in three different books, for statements about the work of contemporary writers, his own creativeness and comments on literary life in the Soviet Union and Russia. It is worth noting that the Siberian prose writer exchanged letters with critics and writers for many years. In the text much attention is paid to his critical opinions and evolving views on the Russian literature
Łódź that has never had significant literary tradition, reached a few interesting debuts of young artists during the dramatic years of the war. Tuwim siblings should be named among them, along with Aleksander Kraśniański and Mieczysław Braun. Multi-ethnicity of Lodz resulted in a diverse view on the ongoing conflict, which found its echo in the work of local writers. In their works we find descriptions of both the drama of everyday life as well as questions about the meaning of the war and the future of the reborn state. Since there was problem with publishing books, the local newspaper publishes gave enormous contribution to the development of local literature by publishing the work of young artists on its pages.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie różnic między dawną Francją a Polską na podstawie działalności społeczno-kulturowej kobiet. Jaskrawym przykładem jest niewątpliwie salon literacki, który narodził się we Francji na początku XVII, a w Polsce zaczął się rozwijać dopiero na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku. Analiza historyczna wykazuje, jak różnice ustrojowe mogły wpływać na rozwój życia literackiego oraz pozycję kobiety w społeczeństwie.
The aim of the article is to show the differences between France and Poland regarding social and cultural activities of women. These differences are aptly illustrated by the institution of the salon, which emerged in France at the beginning of the 17th century, while in Poland it started to develop only at the turn of the 19th century. A historical analysis shows how the differences in political systems influenced the development of literary life and the position of woman in society.
Concerning carnival and death: Lviv between 1939 and 1941 The author of this article focuses on the distinctive cultural situation in Lviv between 1939 and 1941. In October 1939, the process of merging of writers from three ethnic groups (Polish, Ukrainians and Jewish) into a single organization called The Union of Soviet Writers began. Such a situation can be interpreted with the help of Bakhtin’s theory of carnival, especially while talking about the ambivalent behaviour of anti-communist writers. From another point of view, the main characteristics of the situation were fear, horror, and death threat, which each author experienced in his own way. The author of this article analyzes the memoirs of Ukrainian and Polish writers to portray this unexampled period and the repression of creative individuality by totalitarian authorities.
Между карнавалом и смертью. Львовский опыт 1939–1941 годов В статье освещается исключительная культурная ситуация, сложившаяся во Львове в период 1939–1941 годов. В октябре 1939 года начинается процесс объединения писателей трёх группировок (польских, украинских и еврейских) в единую организацию — Союз советских писателей. Ситуацию того времени имеет смысл интерпретировать в свете категории бахтинского карнавала. С одной стороны, это касается амбивалентной позиции писателей-антикоммунистов. С другой стороны, ее характеризует состояния боязни, ужаса и угрозы гибели, которые каждый по-своему переживали участники литературной жизни. На основании воспоминаний польских и украинских писателей можем оценить беспрецедентность момента, а также прессинг тоталитарной системы на творческую индивидуальность писателя.
This article analyses the similarities between literary blogs and personal diaries. A literary blog is a specific kind of personal diary in which the author focuses less on personal experience and instead on the outside world, or rather on a particular part of it: notes made on what he or she had read and on the literary life of his or her era. Personal motifs and elements from the author’s private life are marginal as they become part of a broader narrative in which books become central. The boundary between the personal and the public becomes highly fluid. This article shows how the interpenetration of the intime and extime worlds influences the definition of the literary blog as a genre.
W artykule podjęto próbę analizy blogów literackich i strategii pisarskich blogera w odniesieniu do dziennika osobistego na przykładzie blogosfery francuskiej. Blog literacki jest szczególną odmianą dziennika osobistego, w którym autor bardziej niż na własnych przeżyciach skupia się na świecie zewnętrznym, a nawet na jego pewnym wycinku: zapiskach z lektur i z życia literackiego swojej epoki. Wątki osobiste, okruchy życia prywatnego mają charakter marginalny, stają się częścią szerszej narracji, w której centralne miejsce zajmuje książka. Badaczka wykorzystuje ten materiał, by pokazać, jakie postawy krytyka i pisarza wyłaniają się z narracji o książkach.
This study deals with the grey zone phenomenon in the context of literary life under late Communist rule during the 1970s and 1980s in Czechoslovakia. The aim of this text is to attempt to trace, using the method of historical reconstruction, how the concept of the grey zone was understood in Czech and Slovak society before 1989, especially in texts and discussions on dissent and exile that reflected the reality of normalization. These texts show that awarenesss of the grey zone played an essential role in the thinking of dissident and émigré authors, as it challenged bipolar schemes and blackand- white images of social reality in the Czechoslovakia of the time. However, this conception of the grey zone often contradicts today’s journalistic and specialist approaches, which tend to classify the grey zone as a silent or passive majority. This study shows that the definition of what we now call the grey zone was much broader.
In her article, Monika Gnieciak analyses the impact of the publication of the Twilight saga on the functioning of contemporary literary life. The controversial popularity of the saga, both among its fans and anti-fans, combined with the development of social networking sites at the time of its publication, resulted in a cultural change which caused the mechanisms of literary communication to undergo a permanent transformation. At the same time, the mass readership of Stephenie Meyer’s fiction brought about a change in the status of the young adult genre, which from a marginal literary product has developed into one of the most vibrant segments of the current publishing market.
W proponowanym artykule analizie poddany zostaje wpływ publikacji cyklu Zmierzch na funkcjonowanie współczesnego życia literackiego. Wywołująca kontrowersje ogromna popularność sagi, zarówno wśród jej fanów, jak i antyfanów, w połączeniu z następującym ówcześnie rozwojem portali społecznościowych, zaowocowała zmianą kulturową, w wyniku której mechanizmy komunikacji literackiej uległy trwałej transformacji. Równoczesnym efektem masowej poczytności książek Stephenie Meyer była zmiana statusu literatury kierowanej do młodych czytelniczek, która z oferty marginalnej stała się jednym z najbardziej obecnie rozwijanych segmentów rynku wydawniczego.
The paper aims at presenting the community of Olsztyn authors, which has never been so dispersed and little consolidated since 1945. The authors hide in their artistic hermitages and avoid group comments. There is no literary magazine, which would constitute opinion-forming voice and create space for polemics, or exchange of views in Olsztyn, or the closes regions. Olsztyn has been becoming the real ”prose basin” recently. Włodzimierz Kowalewski, Mariusz Sieniewicz, Piotr Siwecki, Tomasz Białkowski, Joanna Wilengowska, Ewa Schilling, Tamara Bołdak-Janowska, Filip Onichimowski, Paweł Jaszczuk or Marta Syrwid are some of the well-known artists in Poland, who create their works here. Despite this fact, officially little is spoken about literature and it is not treated too seriously, although there are numerous ways of its effective promotion.
The article is about special cultural situation, which was in Lviv during 1939–1941 years in connection with liquidation of Polish state and soviet annexation of Galicia. In October 1939 began the process of merger of three ethnic writers’ groups (Polish, Ukrainians and Jewish) in one organization which was called The Union of Soviet Writers. From the other point of view, the main characteristics of the situation was fear, horror and death threat, which each author felt on its own way. Appealing to the memoirs of Ukrainian and Polish writers, we can talk about unexampled moment and also about pressing of creative individuality of author by the totalitarian power.
Artykuł podejmuje tematykę zmian, jakie zaszły na gruncie mecenatu literackiego (rozumianego jako materialne wspieranie ludzi pióra) w XIX wieku, analizuje ich przyczyny i skutki. Wskazuje nie tylko narodziny kapitalizmu jako czynnik, który przemodelował stosunki w obrębie życia literackiego, zwłaszcza finansowanie twórców. Analizuje także przemiany w mentalności ludzi, znaczenie wykształcenia się nowożytnej publiczności literackiej oraz jej oddziaływanie na twórców poprzez prenumeratę, przygląda się postaci nowoczesnego wydawcy (księgarza i drukarza) i znaczeniu jego działalności dla omawianych przemian. Rozważania te prowadzone są przez pryzmat zmian w mecenacie, opisane bowiem czynniki istotnie przyczyniły się do zaniku tej instytucji w starych formach. Zanim jednak do tego doszło (w XX wieku), stan pośredni między dawnym mecenatem wielkopańskim a mecenatem instytucjonalnym, świadczonym przez państwo, będzie nosił cechy pewnego rozproszenia. Owo rozproszenie zostało poddane analizie w artykule.
The article refers to changes which happened in the field of literary patronage (considered as a material support for bookmen) in the XIX century and analyses causes and effects of those changes. It indicates the birth of capitalism as a factor that remodelled the relations within the literary life, especially financing the authors. The article also analyses the changes in human mentality, significance of the emergence of modern literary public and its influence on the authors by means of subscription; it observes the character of modern publisher (bookseller and printer) and influence of their activity on the changes. The consideration is seen from the angle of changes in patronage because the described factors significantly contributed to the decline of this institution in its old form. However, before it happened (in the XX century) there was a transitional state between the old lordly patronage and the new institutional one provided by the state. This transitional patronage was somehow dispersed and the dispersion is analysed in the article.
W artykule przedstawione zostały wybrane problemy, z jakimi przyszło mierzyć się literaturze i jej twórcom w obliczu zmiany stosunków: wyczerpywania się ugruntowanego wielowiekową tradycją mecenatu wielkopańskiego oraz narodzin wolnego rynku literatury. Poruszone zostały kwestie: niezgody na utowarowienie literatury; potępienia motywacji działania księgarzy i wydawców nastawionych na zysk; burzliwych relacji między nimi a ludźmi pióra; niechęci do nowożytnej publiczności literackiej, złożonej z osób o różnym statusie materialnym i poziomie wykształcenia. Artykuł zawiera także refleksje dotyczące podnoszonej w XIX wieku kwestii ryzyka tworzenia opłacalnej finansowo, lecz miernej jakościowo literatury będącej jednak odpowiedzią na zapotrzebowanie publiczności. Perspektywa badawcza obejmuje sześć pierwszych dziesięcioleci XIX wieku. Jest to czas, w którym problemy z wolnym rynkiem – percepcją stosunków w jego obrębie, szansami i zagrożeniami, są widocznej najlepiej. Koniec XIX wieku będzie już czasem, w którym wolny rynek jest ugruntowany, a zrozumienie jego zasad wyklucza część wcześniejszych problemów. Autorzy rozumieją już, że pieniądze nie muszą być czynnikiem degenerującym literaturę, mogą napędzać jej rozwój.
The article presents few chosen problems that literature and writers faced after the change of proportions between the fading lordly patronage established on centuries-old tradition and the birth of the free market in literature. In the article there are issues raised such as: disapproval of making literature a commodity, condemnation of money-driven booksellers and publishers, stormy relations between them and the wordsmiths, aversion towards the modern literary audience, which composed of people representing various material status and different level of education. The article reflects also on another 19th-century issue and that is the risk of creating cost-effective but yet poor quality literature, being on the other hand the answer to the public demand. The research perspective consists of the first six decades of the 19th century, the time in which the problems with the free market are seen best—that is the opportunities, risks and the perception of relations within the free market. At the close of the 19th century the free market is already established the comprehension of its laws excludes some of the former issues. At that point in time authors already understand that money doesn’t have to be a literature degenerating factor but rather one that accelerates its development.
Pamiętnik Literacki
vol. 113
issue 1
Recenzja dotyczy książki Marka Pieniążka „Polonistyka performatywna. O humanistycznych technologiach wytwarzania światów” (2018). Autor recenzji skupia się na tytułowym pojęciu performatywności i jego zastosowaniu w kontekście różnych problemów humanistyki, w tym dydaktyki polonistycznej. Następnie rozpatruje zalety i mankamenty „edukacji performatywnej”, która przeciwstawiona jest „tekstocentryzmowi” pojmowanemu w duchu strukturalistycznym, a także zastanawia się nad możliwościami wykorzystania zaprezentowanej przez Pieniążka koncepcji w praktyce nauczycielskiej. Na koniec omawia inne obszary zastosowania „polonistyki performatywnej”, m.in. dynamikę przestrzeni społecznej, życie literackie w dobie Internetu, nurt art and science.
The review refers to Marek Pieniążek’s book „Polonistyka performatywna. O humanistycznych technologiach wytwarzania światów” (“Performative Polish Studies. On Humanistic Technologies of Creating Worlds”, 2018). The reviewer focuses his attention on the title term of performativity and its applicability in the contexts of various problems within the humanities, including Polish Studies didactics. Then, he goes on to investigate the advantages and shortcomings of “performative education,” which he sets against “textocentrism” understood in structuralist spirit, and also reflects on the possibilities of employing Pieniążek’s conception into teaching practice. Ultimately, he discusses other fields of applicability of “performative Polish Studies,” e.g., into social space dynamics, literary life in the age of the Internet, the trend art and science.
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