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The commented ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal concerns the constitutionality of the provision of Article 70(1) of the Family and Guardianship Code, which provided that the time limit for a child to bring an action to deny the paternity of his or her mother’s husband is three years and runs from the moment the child reaches the age of majority, regardless of the child’s know-ledge of his or her biological origin, i.e. regardless of whether the child within that time limit acquired knowledge that he or she did not come from his or her mother’s husband and whether the child could decide to bring an action. The expiry of the three-year period resulted in the expiry of the child’s right to claim the denial of paternity of the mother’s husband and, consequently, precluded the possibility of a positive determination of the paternity of a man other than the mother’s husband. The Constitutional Tribunal found this provision to be inconsistent with Article 30 in conjunction with Article 47 in conjunction with Article 31(3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The author agrees with the position expressed by the Constitutional Tribunal in the judgment in question, which in this case provides a basis for consideration of the relationship between the right to know one’s biological origin and the value of stabilising the civil status of a child and persons remaining in an established family relationship with him or her.
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Zdraví a rodinný stav: dvě strany jedné mince?

This article focuses on the link between marital status and health and presents an overview of the theories and empirical studies that are devoted to this issue. The article examines the issues of selection and causality, the importance of the quality of a union, gender differences, marital and partnership histories, and social context. It shows that, while the link between marital status and mortality or physical and mental health is well documented in the literature, the relative significance of causality and selection is still under discussion. The contemporary literature does not even have a clear answer yet for the question of how much the link between marital status and health is mediated by institutional factors.
Market basket analysis, which is a method of discovering co-occurrence relationships, is widely used for the purposes of marketing research and e-commerce, mainly by supermarkets and online stores. Moving beyond the traditional notion of a market basket understood as a fixed list of products, the technique can be applied for data mining in other fields of research which do not involve traditional transactions and purchases made by customers. The following article describes theoretical aspects of market basket analysis with an illustrative application based on data from the National Census of Population and Housing 2011 with respect to marital status. This is the first application of market basket analysis to census data to be conducted in Poland, in which attributes of the market basket have been replaced with respondents’ demographic characteristics. This approach makes it possible to identify relationships between legal (de jure) marital status and actual (de facto) marital status, taking into account other basic socio-demographic variables available in large datasets. Using the R software to generate choropleth maps classified by province as a method of visualizing association rules, it was possible to conduct a spatial analysis of the phenomenon of interest.
Self-rated health is an important measure of health status and outcomes and plays a significant role in the quality of life. The main purpose of the study was to estimate selected demographic and socio-economic factors associated with perceived health status among middle-aged Polish people. The sample being studied consisted of 5,776 women and 2,191 men aged 35-65 years, participants of two nation-wide cross-sectional surveys: the survey on middle-aged women’s health and quality of life (WOMID) and the survey on men’s health and quality of life, both conducted in 2000-2004. Participants were administered a gender-specific questionnaire on demographic, socio-economic status, lifestyle behaviours and self-rated health. The subjectively evaluated health status was then correlated with sex, age, marital status, place of residence, education level, financial situation, types of leisure time and the tobacco use. Data were processed using uni- and multivariate statistical procedures including the logistic regression models LOGITs and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). It was found that the perceived health status was associated with women’s and men’s age, and in women with their menopausal status. Women were likely to evaluate their health significantly worse than men. It was found that marital status, educational attainment and financial well-off were the factors significantly associated with perceived health status in both women and men. In concluding remarks it should be stated that the health perception of women and men in mid-life is significantly related to their socio-economic status.
Decyzje o wyborze mieszkania zależą od indywidualnych preferencji i warunków ekonomicznych, a zmieniają się wraz ze zmianami gospodarczymi i rozwojem rynku mieszkaniowego. Polska jest gospodarką postsocjalistyczną, w której obserwuje się znaczną poprawę sytuacji na rynku mieszkaniowym. Pojawienie się deweloperów mieszkaniowych, którzy dość szybko zwiększają zasoby mieszkaniowe, system finansowania budownictwa mieszkaniowego oraz wciąż powolne powstawanie rynku prywatnego wynajmu pozwoliły wielu ludziom na swobodny wybór struktury własności i usamodzielnienie się. W tej części artykułu przedstawiamy przegląd literatury oraz rys historyczny rynku mieszkaniowego w Polsce.
Housing tenure decisions depend on individual preferences and the surrounding economic conditions, and change along economic changes and the development of the housing market. Poland is a post-socialist economy that has observed significant improvements in the housing market. The emergence of housing developers that increase the housing stock rather fast, a housing finance system and the still slow emergence of a private rental market allowed many people to make free tenure choices and to become independent. In this part of the paper we present the literature review and the historical background of the housing market in Poland.
Zostały przeanalizowane determinanty wyboru struktury własności przez Polaków w latach 2006, 2010, 2014 i 2018 na podstawie danych EU-SILC, przy rozróżnieniu na współzamieszkiwanie z rodzicami, wynajem po stawkach rynkowych i posiadanie domu na własność. Średnie efekty krańcowe, uzyskane na podstawie wielomianowych regresji logistycznych, pozwalają stwierdzić, że posiadanie domu jest silnie związane ze statusem rodzinnym, ale związek ten z czasem słabnie. Osoby stanu wolnego, nieposiadające dzieci, ale o lepszych dochodach, stają się coraz bardziej skłonne do posiadania domu. Tym samym własność przestaje być główną domeną rodzin konwencjonalnych. Co więcej, wynajem staje się opcją usamodzielnienia się dla tych, których nie stać na kupno domu. Jest to jednak raczej rozwiązanie tymczasowe, ponieważ wynajem jest droższy niż zakup domu z kredytem hipotecznym. Autorzy znajdują również dowody na istnienie różnic w zakresie własności domów pod względem płci posiadaczy – kobiety częściej niż mężczyźni są właścicielkami, a rzadziej współmieszkańczyniami swoich rodziców. Wraz z ewolucją systemu finansowania budownictwa mieszkaniowego rosnące płace zwiększają prawdopodobieństwo posiadania domu. Zaobserwowano, że w regionach gęsto zaludnionych, gdzie rozwija się rynek najmu, wybory są bardziej swobodne. Objaśniono wykorzystane dane, zaprezentowano wyniki empiryczne i poddano je dyskusji.
We analyse tenure choice determinants of Poles for the years 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018 on EU-SILC data, distinguishing between co-residence with the parents, renting at market rates and owning a house. The average marginal effects obtained from multinomial logistic regressions allows us to conclude that ownership is strongly connected to the family status, but this relationship weakens over time. Unmarried people without children but with better incomes become increasingly more likely to be homeowners. Thus, ownership is not anymore a main domain of conventional families. Moreover, renting becomes an option to become independent for those who cannot afford to buy a house. But it is rather a temporary solution, because renting is more costly than buying a house with a mortgage. We also find evidence of the gender gap in homeownership, as women are more likely to be owners, and less likely to co-reside with their parents than men. Along the evolution of the housing finance system, growing wages make ownership more likely. We observe that the choices are more free in densely populated regions, where the rental market develops. In this part of the paper explain the data that we use, present the empirical results and discuss them.
The text shows impact of the EU law on the internal legal order in question sat the edge of competences of the Members States, as matters of civil status stay beyond the exclusive competences of the EU. The ECJ develops previous case-law concerning relation between the non-discrimination rule and sex-orientation in the labor matters. In the light of the Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation, the CJEU treated the French PACS concluded by a homosexual couple at the same way as a marriage in spite of the fact that the French legislation had highly differentiated both statuses at the moment when the facts of the case took place. The provisions of “the bank collective agreement, […] under which an employee who concludes a civil solidarity pact with a person of the same sex is not allowed to obtain the same benefits, such as days of special leave and a salary bonus, as those granted to employees on the occasion of their marriage, where the national rules of the Member State concerned do not allow persons of the same sex to marry” create a direct discrimination in the light of the Art.2(2)(a) of Directive2000/78/EC.
Background The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of education, marital status, employment status and place of residence on mortality in the working age population of Poland in 2002 and 2011. Material and Methods All deaths of Poland’s inhabitants aged 25–64, in 2002 (N = 97 004) and 2011 (N = 104 598) were analyzed. For individual socio-economic groups standardized mortality rates (SDR) per 100 000 and rate ratio (RR) were calculated. Results In the group of economically inactive men SDR decreased from 2244.3 in 2002 to 1781.9 in 2011, while in the group of economically active population increased from 253.8 to 298.9 (RR drop from 8.8 to 6). In the group of economically inactive women SDR decreased from 579.5 to 495.2, and among the economically active women population it increased from 78.8 to 90.9 (RR drop from 7.4 to 5.4). In the group of men with higher education SDR decreased from 285.7 to 246, while among men with primary education it increased from 1141 to 1183 (RR increase from 4 to 4.8). In the group of women with higher education SDR decreased from 127.2 to 115.6 and among women with primary education it increased from 375.8 to 423.1 (RR increase from 3 to 3.7). In the group of divorced/separated SDR also increased – from 1521.4 to 1729.8 among men and from 365.5 to 410.8 among women. Conclusions Future prevention and educational programs should be addressed primarily to the population economically inactive, with primary education and those divorced/separated. Med Pr 2017;68(6):771–778
Wstęp Celem pracy była ocena zależności między wykształceniem, stanem cywilnym, statusem zatrudnienia i miejscem zamieszkania a umieralnością mieszkańców Polski w wieku produkcyjnym w latach 2002 i 2011. Materiał i metody Analizą objęto zgony mieszkańców Polski w wieku 25–64 lat w 2002 r. (N = 97 004) i 2011 r. (N = 104 598). Dla poszczególnych grup społeczno- -ekonomicznych obliczono standaryzowane współczynniki umieralności (SDR) na 100 000 mieszkańców i wskaźniki nierówności (rate ratio – RR). Wyniki W grupie mężczyzn biernych zawodowo SDR zmniejszył się z 2244,3 w 2002 r. do 1781,9 w 2011 r., natomiast wśród aktywnych zawodowo wzrósł z 253,8 do 298,9 (spadek RR z 8,8 do 6). W grupie kobiet biernych zawodowo SDR zmniejszył się z 579,5 do 495,2, natomiast wśród aktywnych zawodowo zwiększył się z 78,8 do 90,9 (spadek RR z 7,4 do 5,4). W grupie mężczyzn z wykształceniem wyższym SDR zmniejszył się z 285,7 do 246, a w grupie z wykształceniem podstawowym wzrósł z 1141 do 1183 (wzrost RR z 4 do 4,8). W grupie kobiet z wykształceniem wyższym SDR zmniejszył się z 127,2 do 115,6, a w grupie z wykształceniem podstawowym zwiększył się z 375,8 do 423,1 (wzrost RR z 3 do 3,7). W grupie rozwiedzionych/ /separowanych również wzrosły SDR – z 1521,4 do 1729,8 wśród mężczyzn i z 365,5 do 410,8 wśród kobiet. Wnioski Przyszłe programy profilaktyczne i edukacyjne w zakresie ochrony zdrowia należy adresować przede wszystkim do osób biernych zawodowo, z wykształceniem podstawowym oraz rozwiedzionych lub żyjących w separacji. Med. Pr. 2017;68(6):771–778
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