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Zarządzanie Mediami
vol. 3
issue 1
Marketing Media (MM ) is a term which, together with the ongoing massification and interactivity of the media is becoming increasingly popular. The media in the media marketing are characterized by sending transfers, mediates them and multiply them being their recipient at the same time. Media marketing should not be regarded as a way of reaching out through the media to the client – it is the component of the management and marketing. This media marketing, not marketing products or services by the media. The article pointed out some of the tools, techniques and modern marketing communication channels used by media companies. The purpose of this publication is to analyze the aspect of marketing communication which is organization of „Action plebiscite” in the network. Exemplification of the above considerations is the „Dziennik Zachodni” acting in Silesia since 70 years.
Trends towards environmentally-friendly activities and the emphasis on the idea of sustained development are increasingly more visible on present-day markets. The growing environmental consciousness of the society, the changes of consumer needs and their expectations from business as well as the business sector awareness of the necessity to consider environmental issues support the development of EM . The article presents the origins and assumptions of green marketing and the characteristics of environmentally-friendly instruments. It also includes selected results of a survey aimed at determining the level of consumer environmental awareness and the related consumer behavior as well as finding the information about the expectations regarding the development of green marketing.
Na współczesnym rynku coraz wyraźniejsze są tendencje w kierunku podejmowania działań proekologicznych i akcentowana coraz wyraźniej idea zrównoważonego rozwoju. Rosnąca świadomość ekologiczna społeczeństwa, zmieniające się potrzeby i oczekiwania nabywców względem przedsiębiorstw, a także dostrzeganie przez przedsiębiorstwa konieczności uwzględniania wymogów środowiska naturalnego sprzyjają rozwojowi koncepcji marketingu ekologicznego. Artykuł przedstawia genezę i założenia marketingu ekologicznego oraz charakterystykę proekologicznych instrumentów marketingowych. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano również wybrane wyniki badań ankietowych, których celem było określenia stopnia świadomości ekologicznej konsumentów i związanych z nią proekologicznych zachowań, a także poznanie oczekiwań względem działań sprzyjających rozwojowi marketingu ekologicznego.
The aim of the paper is to assess the attitudes of company managers in the food and drink sector in Western Europe and Central-Eastern Europe towards implementing marketing strategies that take into account not only economic, but social and ecological aspects as well. Innovation is a growing topic among scholars when discussing issues related to the enhancement of company performance and competitiveness. Such innovation may refer to technological changes (new products, processes), as well as non-technological ones referring to various marketing and organizational methods. In the paper the authors focus on innovations in marketing activities arising from the application of a more socio-ecological orientation. The paper comprises two parts: one theoretical, one empirical. In the first part the role of innovation in the process of creating company competitiveness is presented, as well as the concept of an innovative marketing strategy. In the second part the results of international research are discussed.
This paper investigates how the use of social media has influenced the marketing sector globally. By highlighting the human factor-related risks and caveats inherent in digital marketing, this paper suggests the strategy that firms and multinational corporations can apply to mitigate them, and thus cautiously make use of the myriad of benefits ‘hidden’ behind the unexploited potential of digital marketing. This paper is a research project that draws from secondary data gathered in a manner enabling a critical examination and insight into issues and processes specific to digital marketing today. A nested analysis of selected case studies complements the discussion. Apart from its academic merit, this research will be of great value to practitioners as it will help them understand the potential risks and threats posed by the facilitation of social media at the corporate level. It will offer a presentation of the plethora of benefits that it entails, and consequently suggest a strategy that will help corporations get the most out of these versatile platforms.
The aim of the article is to investigate a film poster as a marketing message in 1990–2010. 1990 marks a borderline in Polish culture. However, after years of monopoly, Polish films disappeared from cinemas. Thus, there has been a necessity to face the competitors i.e. US films. The point is not only in quality of the film art itself, attractive topics, better technical quality, but also – considering the ruthless laws of the market – in more intensive endeavors to promote Polish films. The poster is the most common advertising form of the film art and an important part of its marketing strategy. The paper is an attempt to present how the film poster has been functioning since 1990s, how it has played its marketing mission, what instruments have been used and how it has presented the film content. Contemporary film posters function like advertisements of products and services related to free time. They offer experience. Through the schemes applied they relate to emotions, which is justified from the marketing point of view. Poster representation of the film is an iconographic abbreviation of emotions that it offers. A potential viewer can usually read without major problems the author’s intensions and while watching the advertisement she/he chooses the emotions that she/he would like to experience. The promise of the experience is constructed and offered by means of pictures and words in a particular style. The author shows that although the poster is a complex phenomenon it is also standardized, which is helpful in creating a clear advertising message. A successful poster arises desire to buy goods or services. It follows the basic AIDA marketing principles. With the help of iconographic layer of picture and typography, the designer constructs a defined image directed at the target audience. At present, the poster is mostly rather an advertisement. Just like a commercial related to the brand it advertises, the film poster is consistent with the type of film. Thus, the film poster implies what the viewer can expect.
vol. 45
issue 3
This paper attempts to present a method for determining the level of goal achievement corresponding to a marketing strategy formulated for a new product launched in a competitive market. The research method used in this paper is a literature review in the area of new product development (NPD) and marketing strategy. The obtained scientific results indicate the importance of measurement of the effects of a new product strategy and provide various new metrics in this field. In practice, the author proposes useful indicators to measure the effects of a new product strategy in competitive markets. Given the economic and marketing implications of the study, its originality concerns the results that provide the basis for the improvement of company's efforts in effect measurement of a new product strategy and also marketing strategy in competitive markets. The present paper contains an overview of scientific works about new product competitiveness, and also proposes a modification of the method used to measure new product competitiveness on the marketplace. The research contribution to marketing sciences primarily includes the formulation of a set of real rates to measure success or fail rate of a new product strategy in a competitive market. The novelty of the research lies in the approach used to obtain quantitative parameters for evaluation of market competitiveness of a new product in various industries.
vol. 47
issue 1
Evaluating contemporary business changes against the backdrop of the concept of turbulent business environment presented by Ansoff in the '70s allows us to identify a new way of interpreting Ansoff's description of turbulence as the key characteristic of the business environment. The new business landscape, described by VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, BANI (brittle, anxious, nonlinear, incomprehensible) or RUPT (rapid, unpredictable, paradoxical, tangled) acronyms, is complex, illegible and intensified by COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine. It results in shortening the lifecycle of the organisation as well as the importance needing to be attributed to an organisation's predisposition towards remaining resilient in the face of turbulence. The paper is based on primary research and aims to identify the role of marketing in contemporary business environment and future development in the context of the idea of resilient organisations. The identified business challenges are addressed using the described marketing functions - 'customer advocacy', 'business owner' and 'professional manager'.
Umění (Art)
vol. 72
issue 1
Christmas (or winter) exhibitions became an integral part of the European art scene in the nineteenth century. They provided a welcome diversion for both the public and the exhibiting artists, who were essentially confined to the dates of the annual art exhibitions, held usually in the spring. The tradition of Christmas exhibitions in the art centres of continental Europe, especially in the Germanspeaking countries, can be traced back to the first third of the nineteenth century. By the middle of the century, they had spread throughout Europe, from London to Berlin and Prague. Christmas exhibitions appeared in the calendars of both art associations and private gallerists who wished to promote their own businesses. In Prague, one of the most prominent entrepreneurs was Nicolaus Lehmann, who opened his art salon with a permanent exhibition in the 1870s, and, more than a decade later, another prominent figure in the field of art presentation, Alois Wiesner, appeared on the scene. In addition to the permanent displays, both gallerists regularly held Christmas exhibitions in their salons in order to increase the saleability of the works presented. By organising art sales shows, they expanded the official exhibition scene in Prague in the last third of the nineteenth century. In this way, Lehmann and Wiesner introduced the general public to a wide range of contemporary artists and their latest artistic creations, as well as a modern approach to artistic operations.
Vánoční nebo zimní výstavy se v průběhu 19. století staly nedílnou součástí uměleckého provozu v Evropě. Byly vítaným zpestřením pro publikum i vystavující umělce, kteří byli v podstatě limitováni termínem konání výročních přehlídek umění zpravidla v jarním období. Tradici vánočních výstav v uměleckých centrech kontinentální Evropy, zejména v německy mluvících zemích, lze vysledovat do první třetiny 19. století. Jejich rozšíření je pak možné v celé Evropě sledovat kolem poloviny století, ať už v Londýně, Berlíně i Praze. Vánoční výstavy se objevily jak v kalendáři akcí uměleckých spolků, tak soukromých galeristů, kteří se svým přístupem snažili podpořit vlastní podnikání. V Praze mezi nejvýraznější podnikatele patřili Mikoláš Lehmann, který svůj umělecký salon se stálou výstavou otevřel v sedmdesátých letech a o více než deset let později se na scéně objevila další výrazná osobnost na poli prezentace výtvarného umění, Alois Wiesner. Oba galeristé ve svých salonech kromě stálých výstav pořádali pravidelné výstavy vánoční, jejichž prostřednictvím se snažili zvýšit prodejnost prezentovaných děl. Pořádáním prodejních přehlídek umění rozšířili v poslední třetině 19. století oficiální výstavní scénu v Praze. Lehmann i Wiesner tak široké veřejnosti představili mimo široké škály současných autorů a jejich nejnovější výtvarné produkce především moderní přístup k uměleckému provozu.
Cel: ustalenie treści strategii marketingowych firm województwa łódzkiego na rynkach zagranicznych. Metodologia: studia literaturowe oraz badania pierwotne za pomocą kwestionariusza wywiadu i kwestionariusza ankiety jednostki do badania zostały dobrane z danych GUS z sekcji C. Były to firmy zarejestrowane w systemie REGON na koniec 2016 roku w województwie łódzkim. Z listy ponad 2800 jednostek do badania zakwalifikowano 900 jednostek, a zwrot ankiet wynosił 117 kwestionariuszy ankiety. Wyniki: ekspansja firm województwa łódzkiego koncentruje się przede wszystkim na eksporcie. Wskazało tak ponad 93% badanych. Firmy te to tzw. firmy reaktywne, czyli takie, które dokonują eksportu jako odpowiedź na zapytania ofertowe otrzymane z zagranicy. Działania marketingowe nie mają charakteru kompleksowego. Tylko jedna czwarta badanych firm prowadziła badania marketingowe rynków zagranicznych. Badane firmy realizują strategię adaptacji produktu i ceny, za działania promocyjne w większości odpowiadają pośrednicy z rynków zagranicznych. W dystrybucji dominują pośrednicy zagraniczni. Mniej niż połowa badanych firm prowadzi badania efektywności swoich działań marketingowych na rynkach zagranicznych. Ograniczenia/implikacje badawcze: ograniczenia badawcze to trudny dostęp do jednostek badanych i niechęć udzielania odpowiedzi. Wyniki badań mogą posłużyć do przygotowania strategii marketingowych eksporterów i być przydatne dla jednostek administracji rządowej i samorządowej odpowiedzialnej za wsparcie dla eksporterów Oryginalność/wartość: wzbogacenie wiedzy o postępowaniu polskich firm na rynkach zagranicznych i ich strategiach marketingowych na nich. JEL: M31 Acknowledgements This research received no funds. Suggested Citation: Grzegorczyk, W. (2021). Marketing Activities of Łódź Voivodeship Companies on Foreign Markets – Research Findings. Problemy Zarządzania (Management Issues), 19(1), 137–146.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to determine the content of marketing strategies pursued by companies based in the Łódź Voivodeship on foreign markets. Design/methodology/approach: Literature studies and primary research by means of structured interviews and a questionnaire. The companies were sampled for the study from the Statistics Poland (formerly known as the Central Statistical Office) data, section C. These were companies registered in the National Business Registry system (REGON) in the Łódź Voivodeship at the end of 2016. From the list of over 2,800 units, 900 units were qualified for the study, and the number of returned questionnaires was 117. Findings: The expansion of Łódź Voivodship companies focuses primarily on exports. This was indicated by over 93% of the surveyed enterprises. These are so-called reactive companies, i.e. companies that export as a response to inquiries received from abroad. Marketing activities are not comprehensive. Only a quarter of the surveyed companies conducted marketing research on foreign markets. The surveyed companies implement the strategy of product and price adaptation, with intermediaries from foreign markets being mostly responsible for promotional activities. Distribution is dominated by foreign intermediaries. Less than half of the surveyed companies conduct research on the effectiveness of their marketing activities on foreign markets. Research limitations/implications: Research limitations include difficult access to surveyed companies and their reluctance to provide answers. The research results can serve the preparation of exporters’ marketing strategies and can be useful for national, regional and local governments responsible for supporting exporters. Originality/value: Expansion of knowledge about the behavior of Polish companies on foreign markets and their marketing strategies there. JEL: M31 Acknowledgements T This research received no funds. Suggested Citation: Grzegorczyk, W. (2021). Marketing Activities of Łódź Voivodeship Companies on Foreign Markets – Research Findings. Problemy Zarządzania (Management Issues), 19(1), 137–146.
Although political marketing management is still a very popular issue in modern political science, surprisingly, only few studies have tried to provide theoretical foundations for describing comprehensive marketing process in political parties. The aim of this paper is to present two complementary concepts developed by Robert P. Ormrod and Stephan C. Henneberg: Political Market Orientation and Strategic Political Postures. Both authors have prepared a theoretical framework for complex analysis of marketing operations in the parties. They consider political marketing management to be a permanent process which includes mainly building and maintaining relations with various stakeholders and creating strategies. The article presents these concepts from the perspective of previous studies and criticizes some assumptions in purpose to indicate possibilities and barriers of future empirical work.
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Marketing strategies of non-profit organizations

The following paper focuses on different possible ways on how to use marketing in the non-profit and public sector in the Czech Republic. The main purpose is to analyze possibilities already existing. My intention was not to create new ways and ideas but simply concentrating on already known theoretical concepts. Marketing is not a traditional aspect of the non-profit area, but giving the changes that occurred in ways of financing and sponsoring and the increasing amount of competitors, organizations had started using key instruments of marketing in order to differentiate themselves, be known and be able to compete with organizations of similar interests. The aim of this paper is to explain what a non-organization is, how marketing used in the non-profit sector differs from commercial marketing and how to apply usual marketing instruments - i.e. research, segmentation, targeting, positioning, when creating a marketing strategy.
In this paper, based on the analysis of official FAOSTAT and EUROSTAT data on poultry meat for 38 European countries for years 2007 and 2009, two hypotheses were examined. Firstly, considering four clustering variables on poultry meat, i.e. production, export and import in kg/capita, as well as the producer price in US $/t, using descriptive exploratory and cluster analysis, the hypothesis that the clusters of countries may be recognized was confirmed. As a result six clusters of similar countries were distinguished. Secondly, based on multiple regression analysis, this paper proofs that there exists the statistically significant relationship of poultry meat production on export and import of that kind of meat, all measured in kg/capita. There is also a high correlation between production, as a dependent, and each of two independent variables.
Customer-centricity – a concept, a trend or an absolute must-have in a modern consumer market? The answer may seem clear, and that no further profound reflections are required. However, it is impossible to specify unambiguously the criteria that should be met by an organization to be considered a customer-centric enterprise. This doubt stimulated the analysis of the available sources in which numerous authors have taken up the topic of the customer and his strategic importance for supporting a wide range of businesses. I focus on five different business concepts that combine a qualitative approach to the customer. The article attempts to define the concept of customer-centricity, and I identify five different qualities that should be met by an organization so that it may call itself “customer-centric”.
The objective of this text is a linguistic (mostly lexical) characteristic of the individual names of Czech political parties that participated in the elections to the Parliament of the European Union in 2014. First, the electoral political propaganda is specified as original, and yet the typical kind of marketing communication. Each of the names (chrematonyms) is subsequently classified in terms of their form, but also the content, i.e. according to their key words. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, the motivation of the naming process is specified in connection with its objective, i.e. to influence potential voters (similarly as a producer or trader are trying to persuade the consumer to buy a commercial product).
The paper presents the situation of cooperative banks in the light of the banking sector and the marketing strategy implemented by cooperative banks in order to strengthen their competitive position. The major advantages of cooperative banks over the competition of commercial banks include: customer trust in the bank, a good image of the bank, awareness of the local environment, Polish capital exclusively, lower propensity to risk compared to commercial entities. In their activ-ities, cooperative banks follow the fundamental principles and values of the cooperative such as honesty, responsibility, and also less pressure to maximise profits, which result from the coopera-tive forms of activity – this gives cooperatives greater financial stability. The results achieved by cooperative banks in recent years seem to imply their good position in an increasingly competitive market. Cooperative banks still face a number of challenges which they must cope with to retain their market positions. These include mainly the promotion and implementation of innovative solutions, electronic banking, which will affect their ability to compete with commercial banks. A properly prepared and implemented marketing strategy of the bank is a firm foundation of the development of cooperative banking, especially on the local level. The implementation of cutting-edge services and innovations, desired by the customer, gives cooperative banking entities the opportunity to compete with their commercial counterparts. Gaining advantage in the long run makes it necessary to continuously monitor and identify the needs of customers and shareholders, and to rapidly adjust the service package to their expectations.
strategię marketingową realizowaną przez banki spółdzielcze w celu wzmocnienia własnej pozycji konkurencyjnej. Do atutów banków spółdzielczych w konkurencji z bankami komercyjnymi nale-ży zaliczyć: zaufanie klientów do banku, dobry wizerunek banku, znajomość lokalnego środowi-ska, wyłącznie polski kapitał, mniejszą skłonność do ryzyka w porównaniu do podmiotów komer-cyjnych. Banki spółdzielcze w swojej działalności kierują się podstawowymi zasadami i warto-ściami spółdzielczymi takimi jak uczciwość, odpowiedzialność, a także mniejsza presja na mak-symalizację zysku, wynikająca ze spółdzielczej formy działania, co daje spółdzielniom większą stabilność finansową. Wyniki, jakie osiągały banki spółdzielcze w ostatnich latach wskazują, że dobrze radzą sobie na coraz bardziej konkurencyjnym rynku. Banki spółdzielcze borykają się z wie-loma problemami, którym muszą podołać, aby utrzymać swoją pozycję na rynku. Chodzi głównie o promocję, wprowadzanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań, bankowości elektronicznej, co wpłynie na ich zdolność do podejmowania rywalizacji z bankowością komercyjną. Właściwie przygotowana i reali-zowana strategia marketingowa banku stanowi mocne podstawy dla rozwoju bankowości spółdziel-czej, zwłaszcza w środowisku lokalnym. Wdrażanie nowszych usług i innowacji pożądanych przez klientów daje możliwość konkurowania bankowości spółdzielczej z bankowością komercyjną. Uzyskanie przewagi w dłuższej perspektywie powoduje konieczność ciągłego monitorowania i identyfikowania potrzeb klientów i udziałowców oraz szybkiego dostosowywania oferty do ich oczekiwań.
Marketing i Rynek
vol. 20
issue 10
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie, na czym polega jeden z najnowszych trendów marketingowych zwany grywalizacją, a także analiza gier stosowanych w grywalizujących systemach pod względem ich struktury i mechanizmów działania, z uwzględnieniem wpływu, jaki wywierają gry na psychikę i zachowanie graczy. Zwrócono również uwagę na przeniesienie grywalizacji i gier na grunt działań marketingowych.
The goal of work is to present the functioning of one of the latest marketing trends known as gamification, the analysis of games used in gamification systems in terms of their structure and mechanisms, with attention to influence on the psychology and behaviour of the players. Attention was given also to the transferring gamification and games to the area of marketing activities.
The use of digital marketing in modern conditions is necessary and effective. It can be argued that digital marketing has become the most advanced channel for the promotion of goods and services, as points of interaction with consumers are developing rapidly, which allows companies to increase return on marketing, increase brand loyalty and increase market share. The article analyzes the use of digital marketing as a priority tool for influencing consumers; establishing the nature of the impact of the use of digital marketing tools and channels on the decision-making process within international companies.
Artykuł prezentuje proces odtworzenia cyklu życia znanej od 1991 r. marki oranżady Hellena, która w wyniku upadłości likwidacyjnej firmy w 2006 r. zniknęła z rynku. Jej odtworzenie, w wyniku przejęcia majątku upadłej firmy przez Jutrzenkę Colian, nastąpiło w 2007 r., kiedy podjęto intensywne działania nad strategią ponownego wprowadzenia na rynek. Precyzyjnie przygotowana i efektywnie wprowadzona strategia marketingowa doprowadziła do wzrostu wartościowo w latach 2010–2012 o 20% segmentu kategorii produktowej oranżada. Ponadto rozwój tej kategorii stał się impulsem do wzrostu i dynamicznego rozwoju w nowych segmentach asortymentowych, odzwierciedlonych znaczną rozbudową portfela produktowego marki Hellena do 29 typów produktu.
The article describes the process of relaunching the product life-cycle of a soft carbonated drink brand Hellena, known since 1991, which, due to the company's bankruptcy liquidation in 2006, disappeared from the market. The relaunching, following the takeover of the company's capital by Jutrzenka Colian, took place in 2007, when intensive activities aiming at relaunching the brand were implemented. Precise preparations and an effectively implemented marketing strategy led to a 20% increase in value of the soft carbonated drink category segment in years 2010 through 2012. Apart from this, the development of this category has been an impulse to a dynamic development in new product range segments reflected in a significant expansion of Hellena brand product portfolio to 29 product types.
In this article, the author considers market segmentation as a process of dividing the market into separate parts – segments that differ from each other with different sales opportunities of the manufacture’s products. The author demonstrates such segment of the consumer market as the market of cosmetic services. Principle scheme of segmentation of the cosmetic services market is shown. Criteria and characteristics (principles) of segmentation necessary for forming market segment are singled out. The article also focuses on the sequence of creating a market segment. The author reveals two principal approaches to marketing segmentation used in world practice. The basic principles of segmentation of the consumer market are described. Distribution of income by population groups, % in 2015-2017, is analyzed. (for April month), on the basis of which the possibility of breaking up potential consumers into stable segmental groups was considered, segmentation of the population on the basis of income can serve, when the entire population is divided into five 20% of groups. The author distinguishes and describes the characteristic features of the methodology, segmentation which consists of successive stages. The point of view of modern world marketing is to first see the market segments, and then the country. The issue is not so much about the market potential of Kazakhstan, but about the potential among all consumers of cosmetic services. The main companies now describe the segments of the world market and the niches that cross national borders. They can be achieved physically, using a variety of means of communication and distribution channels, but the psychological target orientation is realized similarly. These segments are identified on the basis of adherence to similar concepts of the ideal product. This allows the company to develop the same product range for such segments, and the product is sold to the same target segments for benefits in numerous countries. Goal: Purpose of this article is to consider the cosmetic services market segmentation as one of the most important marketing tools. Also consider market segmentation as a process of dividing the market into separate parts – segments that differ from each other with different sales opportunities of the manufacturer’s products. Identify such a segment of the consumer market as the market of cosmetic services. Analyze features of the distribution of income by population groups,% in 2015-2017 (for the month of April), also to break down potential consumers into stable segmented groups based on income, when the entire population is broken down into five 20% of the groups, to consider enterprises segmentation by the size of trade turnover and areas of activity. Methods: Methods of document analysis (translation of primary and especially secondary data into targeted information), analysis of methodological and educational literature, observation (the method of collecting primary marketing information about the studied, by monitoring selected groups, customers, employees of the enterprise) are used as methodological tools. Results: In this article, market segmentation as a process of dividing the market into separate parts is considered – segments that differ from each other with different sales opportunities of the manufacturer’s products. Also there considered such segment of the consumer market as the market of cosmetic services. Features of income distribution by population groups,% in 2015-2017, are analyzed (for the month of April), a breakdown of potential consumers into stable segmented groups based on income was also carried out, when the entire population is divided into five 20% of the groups, the segmentation of the enterprise according to the size of trade turnover and spheres of activity was considered.
Cel: celem publikacji jest próba określenia możliwości zastosowania podstawowych założeń koncepcji CSR (społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu) i CSV (kreowanie wartości wspólnej) w procesie budowy strategii marketingowych, ich rodzajach i wykorzystania narzędzi marketingu-mix. Projekt/metodologia/podejście: do realizacji celu wykorzystano metodę krytycznej analizy literatury krajowej i zagranicznej odnoszącej się do tych zagadnień (koncepcje CSR i CSV). Wyniki: koncepcje CSR i CSV mogą być zastosowane w strategiach marketingowych przedsiębiorstw. Odnosi się to w szczególności do organizacji marketingu w przedsiębiorstwie, jego misji, wyboru rynków, ustalenia segmentu nabywców i narzędzi marketingu-mix. Następować powinna rozbudowa komórki marketingowej w przedsiębiorstwie, która odpowiada za kreowanie strategii marketingowej i uwzględnianie wartości wspólnej w polityce marketingu-mix. Wybór segmentów nabywców z punktu widzenia potrzeb społecznych umożliwi wykreowanie oferty przedsiębiorstwa w postaci wartości wspólnej – ekonomiczno- -społecznej oraz włączenie do jej tworzenia i do kanałów dystrybucji firm z rynków lokalnych. Konieczne są także zmiany polityki produktu, która powinna obejmować kreowanie produktów stanowiących wartość wspólną. Ograniczenia/implikacje badań: trudności w pojmowaniu przez przedsiębiorstwa odrębności pojęć CSR i CSV. Dalsze badania powinny skoncentrować się na tych problemach i na podejmowanych przez przedsiębiorstwa działaniach wynikających z tych koncepcji. Praktyczne implikacje: obejmują one propozycje poszerzenia zakresu badań marketingowych prowadzonych przez przedsiębiorstwa i skoncentrowanie ich polityki innowacji produktowych na produktach tworzących wartość wspólną. Oryginalność: tekst prezentuje rzadko podejmowane w literaturze marketingu zagadnienia konieczności uwzględniania w strategiach marketingowych przedsiębiorstw zmian zachodzących w środowiska naturalnym, związanych z tym regulacjach prawnych, potrzeb lokalnych społeczności, wysokiego poziomu edukacji nabywców i rosnących wymagań konsumentów wobec dostawców produktów.
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to attempt to determine the applicability of the basic assumptions of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and CSV (Creating Shared Value) concepts in the process of building marketing strategies, their types and the use of marketing-mix tools. Design/methodology/approach: In achieving the objective, a method of critical analysis of national and international literature relating to these issues (CSR and CSV concepts) was used. Design/methodology/approach: In achieving the objective, a method of critical analysis of national and international literature relating to these issues (CSR and CSV concepts) was used. Findings: The concepts of CSR and CSV can be applied to the marketing strategies of companies. This applies in particular to the organization of marketing in the enterprise, its mission, the selection of markets, the establishment of the buyer segment and the marketing-mix tools. There should be an extension of the marketing cell within the enterprise, which is responsible for creating the marketing strategy and incorporating shared value into the marketing-mix policy. The selection of buyer segments from the point of view of social needs will make it possible to create the company’s offer in the form of shared economic-social value and to include companies from local markets in its creation and distribution channels. Changes to product policy are also needed, which should include the creation of shared-value products. Research limitations/implications: Difficulties in understanding the distinctiveness of the concepts of CSR and CSV by companies. Further research should focus on these problems and the actions taken by companies as a result of these concepts. Practical implications: These include proposals to broaden the scope of marketing research conducted by companies and to focus their product innovation policies on products that create shared value. Originality/value: The text presents issues rarely discussed in the marketing literature on the need for companies to take into account in their marketing strategies changes in the environment, related legislation, the needs of local communities, high levels of buyer education and increasing consumer requirements towards product suppliers
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