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The scale of disinformation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has been called infodemic. It involved disseminating various messages and theories that had a significant negative impact on limiting the spread of the disease but also exacerbated existing social antagonisms and emboldened and radicalised fringe groups. Infodemic, to a large extent manifested in social media, also fostered the formalisation of denialist circles, who transferred their sometimes very aggressive sentiments from the web to the real world. Negation and contestation of the pandemic were partly born spontaneously but were also created as part of postmodern hybrid activities. Consequently, narratives of infodemic led to difficulties in functioning health services, but above all, to an increase in morbidity and mortality related to COVID-19. The consequences of the infodemic would also include various economic effects, such as increased medical expenses for unvaccinated people or turbulence in the labour market.
In this study we conduct a systematic literature review with the aim of pointing out the characteristics and types of fake news. We use them to formulate a framework to facilitate classification of fake news instances. Using the classification framework of fake news, we analyse 59 different fake news cases regarding immigration. The research team provided a proof of concept of applicability of the proposed framework for categorising immigration fake news cases. Towards this direction, machine learning algorithms were employed to identify association rules among the classification facets of our framework. The findings of the research study show that a number of these rules can be used in order to design a semi-automated tool that fills-in some of the characteristics of our framework and infers the rest, thus utilising the extracted rules. Benefits stemming from this work include a proposition of an easy to use framework for fake news classification, and derivation of commonly occurring patterns that demonstrate how fake news, as well as their types, interrelate.
The Covid-19 outbreak and its dissemination resulted in the creation of a new, specialised and global discourse among the population. This paper aims to investigate a tsunami of dis- and misinformation on the basis of selected, most frequently occurring, items of fake news to show how the ‘infodemic’ (Covid-19-related misinformation) has expanded, and how fake news is structured. The paper concludes by presenting patterns of fake news, including grammar structures, the frequency of the given lemmas and collocations, in the hope that it will provide greater transparency, help to flatten the ‘infodemic’ curve and make the readers more aware of how myths about coronavirus have been formed during the pandemic.
This study examines the effectiveness of fact-checking to curb misinformation about COVID-19 spread through social media which has been considered the main channels for spreading misinformation in general (Newman et al., 2021). Using computational methods combined with content analysis, we analyzed Faktograf ’s fact-checks on COVID-19 (N=211) published between July 2020 and March 2021. Using a selected sample, we compared the debunked and misinformed versions of the same story based on the main elements of the communication process: source, channel, message, and recipient, to measure their estimated effectiveness in combating “infodemics”. The main findings show that the practice of fact-checking websites to publish debunking content on their own websites and to use social media to disseminate debunking content is insufficient.
The article presents experiments exploring the memory misinformation effect. Subjects heard a recording and afterwards read a description of it, which included, in the misled group, some details inconsistent with the recording; finally thay answered questions about the recording. The aim of the research was to replicate the tainted truth effect, consisting in poor memory functioning of non-misled warned subjects and to check whether a subject’s involvement in the issue moderates this effect. Highly involved subjects were more resistant to the misinformation effect than those lowly involved. In the case of highly involved participants, warning was effective in reducing the misinformation effect, but it also caused more errors in the case of non-misled subjects. Thus, warning witnesses about nonexising discrepancies between what they saw/heard and what they were told, might lead to less accurate testimony.
Cel i hipoteza: przedmiotem badań prezentowanych w artykule jest postrzeganie prawdziwości fake newsów w zależności od sposobu ich definiowania: jako dezinformacji intencjonalnej (wąska definicja) lub niezamierzonej dezinformacji (szeroka definicja). U podstaw analizy leży hipoteza, zgodnie z którą fake newsy definiowane wąsko będą skuteczniej udawały prawdziwe wiadomości niż fake newsy definiowane szeroko, a zatem użytkownicy będą obie te grupy fake newsów postrzegać w różny sposób. Metody badań: metoda sondażu diagnostycznego, zawierającego skalę fake newsów, oraz psychologiczny pomiar poziomu analitycznego myślenia i aktywnie otwartego myślenia. Wyniki i wnioski: analiza udowadnia, że użytkownicy postrzegają prawdziwość fake newsów w dwojaki sposób: twarde fake newsy (fake newsy definiowane szeroko) są postrzegane jako mniej prawdziwe, a super fake newsy (fake newsy definiowane wąsko) są postrzegane jako bardziej prawdziwe. Ponadto, podczas gdy analityczne myślenie wpływa korzystnie jedynie na rozpoznawanie twardych fake newsów, to aktywnie otwarte myślenie chroni przed uwierzeniem zarówno w twarde, jak i super fake newsy. Wartość poznawcza: w artykule przedstawiono medioznawczo-psychologiczną analizę postrzegania prawdziwości różnych grup fake newsów i dzięki temu wskazano różne sposoby projektowania działań edukacyjnych w tym obszarze.
Scientific objective: The subject of research presented in the article is the perceived accuracy of fake news depending on how it is defined: as disinformation (narrow definition) or misinformation (broad definition). The analysis is based on the hypothesis that narrowly defined fake news will more effectively pretend to be real news than broadly defined fake news, so users will perceive both of these groups of fake news in different ways. Research methods: a diagnostic survey method including a scale of fake news, and psychological measurement of the level of analytical thinking and active open-minded thinking. Results and conclusions: The analysis proves that users perceive the accuracy of fake news in two ways: hard fake news (broadly defined fake news) is perceived as less accurate and super fake news (narrowly defined fake news) is perceived as more accurate. Moreover, while analytical thinking only benefits the recognition of hard fake news, active open-minded thinking prevents one from believing both hard and super fake news. Cognitive value: The article presents a media-psychological analysis of the perceived accuracy of various groups of fake news, and thus different ways of designing educational activities in this area were determined.
Human memory is not as correct and reliable as it might be considered, as it is possible to be manipulated easily. Even a small suggestion could influence the memory, leading to the distortion of original memory or a creation of a new one. Children are more suggestible than adults, so their memories and testimony could be considered less reliable or trustworthy. In this experiment the influence of misinformation to the memory is examined on the sample of 107 children of school age. During the misinformation procedure the memory have been altered in 45.7 % of cases using misleading suggestive questions. The difference between the experimental and control group in wrong answers to the critical item question was more than 20 %. There was a confidence scale attached to every question. According to the results, even if children are able to remember properly, in situations the suggestive questions are asked in a face-to-face interview, their memories adapt to the new information and become less reliable for further testimony.
Lidská paměť není příliš přesná a spolehlivá, naopak je docela snadno zmanipulovatelná. Stačí i nenápadný podnět z okolí, který utkví v paměti, aby přepsal nebo se navázal na původní vzpomínky. Takto může dojít jak ke zkreslení původních vzpomínek, tak i k vytvoření zcela nových. Protože děti jsou sugestibilnější než dospělí, můžou být jejich vzpomínky a svědectví považovány za méně věrohodné. V tomto experimentu byl zkoumán vliv zkreslujících informací na původní vzpomínku u vzorku 107 dětí školního věku. Během misinformační procedury byla u 45,7 % dětí skrze sugestivní otázky vytvořena vzpomínka na něco, co nemohly vidět. Rozdíl mezi kontrolní a experimentální skupinou v chybování u kritické položky byl více jak 20%. Ke všem otázkám byla zařazena škála jistoty, aby se předešlo hádání odpovědí. Ukázalo se, že děti si sice jsou schopny zapamatovat přesné informace, ale při pokládání sugestivních dotazů v osobním rozhovoru se jejich paměť přizpůsobí novým podnětům a stává se nepřesnou v pozdějších výpovědích.
May you live in interesting times, the famous maxim quotes. Undoubtedly, at least in the historical context, periods of political, social, scientific, or economic riots – or at least commotion, ferment, crisis – have certainly earned such a title. So have the epochs which were subject to radical transformations distorting traditional relationships and institutions, existing patterns and rules. The abovementioned “interestingness” is thus a function of a radical change, challenge and variability, somewhat a derivative of erosion, and of all that we associate it with the notion of revolution or turn, be it political, social, economic, environmental, or scientific. The paper’s core aim is to examine the nowadays constantly revised, questioned, thus, shaking demarcation between science and pseudoscience in the light of new trends such as misinformation, denialism, internetisation and memoisation of scientific discourses.
The study is an attempt to describe the phenomenon of manipulation that occurs in the means of social communication. The author presents definitions of the problem demonstrating the most important aspects of the problem. Then he describes the various techniques of manipulation, indicating their presence in the media space. Finally, he shows the selected ways of defense against manipulation, the use of which can help in the proper reception of media content. It was also emphasized that manipulation present in the media is a disinformation tool in the hands of manipulators. It serves the interests of those who use it, and through its intentional and secretive actions harms the good both to the recipients of press releases, but also to those whose manipulation concerns.
The article deals with the problem of fake news and its potential impact on the functioning of democratic countries. The first part of the text discusses the problem of defining the term fake news. Nowadays there is no common understanding of the term fake news especially because it can refer not only to traditional (written) information but also to photographs or videos. Moreover the article highlights the danger of creating and distributing the misinforming content as it can have an influence on both: individuals and the whole society (e.g. it may have an impact on elections). In the second part, the article focuses on indicating solutions that are introduced in order to counteract fake news: such as educational campaigns and good practices in checking the information. The article points out also the most radical form of fighting against fake news namely the introduction of criminal sanctions for spreading disinformation. It is also highlighted that treating distribution of fake news as a crime may be a threat factor for democracy, especially for the freedom of speech. In order to analyse the phenomenon of fake news the theoretical research methods have been applied: analysis, synthesis and inference methods.
Celem artykułu jest analiza wszechobecnego współcześnie pojęcia fake news oraz jego potencjalnego wpływu na funkcjonowanie państw demokratycznych. Pierwsza część tekstu traktuje o problemie definicyjnym związanym z terminem fake news. W artykule wskazane zostało, że nie istnieje obecnie zgoda na wspólną definicję zjawiska fake news oraz że pojęcie to dotyczyć może zarówno treści pisanych, jak i zamieszczanych zdjęć czy filmów. Ponadto w tekście podjęta została próba analizy zagrożeń, jakie niesie za sobą tworzenie oraz dystrybuowanie treści dezinformacyjnych. Mogą one wpływać zarówno na pojedynczych obywateli, jak i na całe społeczeństwa (np. w ramach procesów wyborczych). W drugiej części artykułu autorka skupia się na wskazaniu rozwiązań, jakie obecnie proponuje się w celu przeciwdziałania fake news, a więc na wdrażaniu kampanii edukacyjnych na temat dezinformacji oraz na proponowaniu dobrych praktyk w tym zakresie. Tekst ukazuje również najbardziej radykalną formę zwalczania fake news, jaką jest wdrażanie sankcji karnych za propagowanie treści dezinformujących. W artykule podkreślone zostało, że ostatni z wymienionych sposobów walki z fake news może nieść za sobą zagrożenie dla demokracji, a zwłaszcza dla prawa do wolności słowa. W celu napisania artykułu posłużono się metodami badań teoretycznych, a zwłaszcza: analizą i syntezą oraz metodami wnioskowania.
The purpose of the analysis described in the text was to identify the characteristic features of the infodemic as a phenomenon on the example of the infodemic accompanying the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020. The author began with the definition developed by the World Health Organization in 2018, and traced the earliest scientific studies describing the phenomenon. Then, based on results of the examination of the studies and experts’ comments relating to the COVID-19 infodemic, the author described the main features of infodemic and their indicators. As a result of the investigation, the author decided to add four additional features to the initial infodemic characteristics. This is a new approach to the topic: the scientific literature on the does not contain such detailed characteristics of infodemic and focuses rather on selected phenomena associated with it.
Cel: wykazanie szkodliwości dezinformacji oraz podsumowanie fałszywych informacji dotyczących COVID-19, na które najczęściej są narażeni odbiorcy. Skonfrontowano najpopularniejsze mity nt. SARS-CoV-2 z wynikami badań naukowych Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). Metodologia: przegląd prac oryginalnych oraz przeglądowych dotyczących mitów nt. COVID-19. Wyniki: pandemia COVID-19 postawiła przed społeczeństwem wyzwanie w postaci nadmiaru informacji związanych z SARS-CoV-2. Niektóre z tych informacji mogą być fałszywe i potencjalnie szkodliwe. Zagrożenie stanowią również szybkie oraz docierające do szerokiego grona odbiorców rozprzestrzenianie informacji. Ograniczenia/implikacje badawcze: przedmiot publikacji, choroba COVID-19 jest poddawana nieustannym badaniom. Pojawia się wiele nowych publikacji, których nie sposób było uwzględnić w tym artykule, wymaga on zatem aktualizacji. Oryginalność/wartość: podczas pisania artykułu nie znaleziono podobnej publikacji. Jego tematyka pozwala na zwiększenie społecznej świadomości dotyczącej roli dezinformacji w czasie pandemii COVID-19.
Purpose: Demonstrating the harmfulness of disinformation and summarizing the COVID-19 false information to which recipients are most often exposed. Confrontation of the most popular myths about SARS-CoV-2 with the results of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). Design/methodology/approach: A review of original papers and reviews of myths about COVID-19. Findings: The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the public with information overload related to SARSCoV- 2. Some of this information may be false and potentially harmful. The rapid spread of information reaching a wide audience is also a threat. Research limitations/implications: The subject of COVID-19 is still unknown and is under constant research, there are many new publications that we are not able to include and this publication needs to be updated. Originality/value: We have not found a similar publication on this topic. The article draws attention to the problem of misinformation, thus helping in the prevention of infections and misguided harmful behaviors.
Podstawowym celem prezentowanego badania było sprawdzenie, czy zagrożenie pojęcia Ja oraz niskie zaangażowanie świadka wpływają na pamięć świadka naocznego, w tym w szczególności na jego podatność na dezinformację. W badaniu zreplikowano efekt dezinformacji. Zgodnie z oczekiwaniami stwierdzono też, że wysokie zaangażowanie w sprawę oraz zagrożenie pojęcia Ja sprzyjają procesom pamięciowym, podnosząc poprawność osób niedezinformowanych. Nie potwierdzono natomiast hipotezy o wpływie zagrożenia Ja oraz zaangażowania na wielkość efektu dezinformacji. Polepszenie pamięci wskutek zagrożenia Ja i zaangażowania u osób niedezinformowanych zinterpretowano jako zwiększoną motywację do ochrony stabilnego pojęcia Ja oraz staranniejsze kodowanie materiału następczego. Brak wpływu zagrożenia Ja i zaangażowania na podatność na dezinformację mógł wynikać z faktu, że czynniki te działają przeciwstawnie: jednocześnie polepszają pamięć materiału oryginalnego oraz pamięć dezinformacji, a tym samym znoszą się nawzajem.
The main aim of the presented experiment was to verify whether self-threat and low engagement influence memory processes of eyewitnesses, including their susceptibility to misinformation. The results replicated the eyewitness misinformation effect. Also, according to the hypotheses, high engagement and self-threat resulted in better memory, enhancing the performance of non-misled participants. However, the hypotheses stating that self-threat and engagement influence the susceptibility to misinformation were not confirmed. The enhancement of memory of non-misled subjects was interpreted in terms of increased motivation to self-protecting and more careful processing of the material to be remembered. The lack of relationship between self-threat, engagement and the susceptibility to misinformation could be due to the fact that self-threat and engagement act oppositely: on the one hand, they enhance the memory of the original event, but they also increase the memory of misinformation. Thus, no general effect is present.
The analysis of the characteristics of refusals to carry out preventive vaccinations, both in historical and contemporary perspective, showed that the dissemination of false information by vaccination movements, had and has a significant impact on the level of vaccination in the scope of individual preventive vaccinations, e.g. against polio, tetanus and diphtheria and it is real public health challenge. It is necessary to analyze the nature of the message in terms of the sender’s intentions, i.e. to distinguish between misinformation and disinformation. Preparation of an appropriate communication strategy in public health in this regard, seems necessary and crucial in terms of maintaining a high level of confidence in preventive vaccinations, and thus population resistance in the case of infectious diseases. Type of research methodology/research approach used: literature analysis.
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