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An observed trend, which can be defined as tourist interest in natural hazards and disasters, has persuaded the authors to attempt to research several issues, including tourist motivations and specific tourism properties and functions of this form of activity. The objective also covered the allocation of this social and natural process in the general structure of tourism. This interest has a long history, and a new stage is currently forming, which partly results from factors affecting society, such as information and education, which provoke antagonistic reactions. Extreme natural phenomena entail a common reduction of tourist interest in the destination which hosted the event; however, it never drops to zero. Differences are visible depending on the type of phenomenon. On the other hand, natural hazards and disasters are considered to hold a specific tourism value. This article discusses the allocation of this human activity in the tourism forms known to scientists, accounting for its diversity and relating to ethics.
The development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has significant economic and social impacts at both the global and regional level. Some of these implications have been perceived as positive and unexpected. While both the positive and negative social and economic impacts have been highlighted in the literature, opinions on these impacts remain ambiguous. Those aspects considered to be advantageous include faster communication, ease of use, development in the range of services and revenues, and an increase in individuals’ free time allowance. ICT penetrates all branches of the economy as a set of general purpose technologies. New information and communication technologies ease everyday life, serve as tools to help people in extreme situations, e.g. accidents, illnesses or natural disasters, and are also the pillars of contemporary entertainment media. The usefulness of ICT has been stressed and loudly disseminated to a large extent by the media. On the other hand, these new technologies sensitize society in quite new ways to the well-known natural hazards that people have encountered in the past.
The present research investigated the perception of the flood threat and willingness of inhabitants of regions experiencing regular severe floods to take preventive actions.Residents of two type of regions were compared: those living in a region protected by flood levees vs. residents living unprotected regions. Inhabitants of the area protected by the levees resulting in the rare experience of flood, perceived probability of flood as lower and  reported higher willingness to take preventive actions than inhabitants of the area unprotected by levees. Similarly as in many previous studies personal experience and social norms turned out to be crucial factors in determining self-protective behavior. On the other hand unlike in other studies, we found no relationship between decision makers’ willingness to take preventive actions and factors related to threat appraisal, such as the perceived magnitude of loss and the perceived probability of damage. Finally, we found that the impact of a given factor on willingness to protect oneself against a hazard may depend on the kind of measure of the protective behavior
The present research investigated the perception of the flood threat and willingness of inhabitants of regions experiencing regular severe floods to take preventive actions.Residents of two type of regions were compared: those living in a region protected by flood levees vs. residents living unprotected regions. Inhabitants of the area protected by the levees resulting in the rare experience of flood, perceived probability of flood as lower and  reported higher willingness to take preventive actions than inhabitants of the area unprotected by levees. Similarly as in many previous studies personal experience and social norms turned out to be crucial factors in determining self-protective behavior. On the other hand unlike in other studies, we found no relationship between decision makers’ willingness to take preventive actions and factors related to threat appraisal, such as the perceived magnitude of loss and the perceived probability of damage. Finally, we found that the impact of a given factor on willingness to protect oneself against a hazard may depend on the kind of measure of the protective behavior.The present research investigated the perception of the flood threat and willingness of inhabitants of regions experiencing regular severe floods to take preventive actions.Residents of two type of regions were compared: those living in a region protected by flood levees vs. residents living unprotected regions. Inhabitants of the area protected by the levees resulting in the rare experience of flood, perceived probability of flood as lower and  reported higher willingness to take preventive actions than inhabitants of the area unprotected by levees. Similarly as in many previous studies personal experience and social norms turned out to be crucial factors in determining self-protective behavior. On the other hand unlike in other studies, we found no relationship between decision makers’ willingness to take preventive actions and factors related to threat appraisal, such as the perceived magnitude of loss and the perceived probability of damage. Finally, we found that the impact of a given factor on willingness to protect oneself against a hazard may depend on the kind of measure of the protective behavior.
Bezpieczeństwo powszechne zaliczane jest obecnie do kluczowych dziedzin bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Jego głównym celem staje się ochrona ludności przed skutkami różnego rodzaju zagrożeń, które mogą się pojawić na terytorium Polski, ale także poza jej granicami. Zagrożenia te mają charakter zarówno zagrożeń wywołanych działalnością człowieka, ale też i zagrożeń, których źródłem są siły natury. W artykule, jego autor podjął próbę określenia pojęcia, nakreślenia istoty i przedstawienia autorskiej klasyfikacji zagrożeń naturalnych z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa powszechnego. Jest to efekt prac badawczych Autora, które znalazły swoje odzwierciedlenie w będącej aktualnie w procesie wydawniczym monografii pt. „Zagrożenia naturalne w ekologicznej przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa”. Projekt uzyskał dofinansowanie z programu MEiN „Doskonała nauka”.
General security is now counted among the key areas of national security. Its main objective is becoming the protection of the population from the effects of various types of threats that may arise within the territory of Poland, but also outside its borders. These threats are not only threats caused by human activity, but also threats that are caused by the forces of nature. In the article, the author has attempted to define the concept, outline the essence and present the author’s classification of natural hazards from the perspective of universal security. This is the result of the author’s research work, which is reflected in the monograph currently in the publishing process, entitled “Natural hazards in the ecological environment” and “Natural hazards in the ecological security space.” The project received funding from the MEiN “Excellent Science” programme.
W artykule przedstawiono zagrożenia występujące w gospodarstwach rolnych i wskazano przyczyny ich powstawania. Zaproponowano również sposób klasyfikacji tych zagrożeń. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zagrożenia związane z klimatem. Wybór ten nie jest przypadkowy, bowiem zagrożenia przyrodnicze w znacznej mierze wpływają na wielkość produkcji roślinnej, która stanowi podstawową działalność większości gospodarstw rolnych w Polsce. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie ubezpieczenia upraw rolnych jako narzędzia minimalizującego zagrożenie o charakterze klimatycznym w gospodarstwie rolnym. W artykule dokonano próby określenia, które z zagrożeń o charakterze przyrodniczym jest w Polsce najistotniejsze. Omówiono także wykorzystanie instrumentu ubezpieczenia upraw w Polsce, począwszy od wielkości areału objętego ochroną ubezpieczeniową, poprzez typy najczęściej ubezpieczanych upraw, a skończywszy na rodzajach wybieranego ryzyka. Wysnuto wnioski dotyczące niedopasowania struktury zawieranych ubezpieczeń do potrzeb polskich gospodarstw rolnych
This article presents possible risks to farms. It indicates the causes of characteristic threats to agriculture and attempts to classify these dangers. Particular attention has been paid to climatic risks. This choice is not accidental because natural hazards have a significant effect on plant production, which is the core business for most farms in Poland. The aim of the study is to present crop insurance as a means of minimizing farming risks related to climate. The article attempts to determine which of the natural hazards in Poland is the most important. It also discusses the use of crop insurance in Poland; starting from what area is covered by insurance, through which crops are frequently insured, and ending with selected types of risk. It proposes insurance matched to the needs of Polish farms.
Torfowiska zlokalizowane w obrębie Mierzei i Niziny Karwieńskiej stanowią potencjalne archiwum ekstremalnych wezbrań sztormowych. W trakcie badań terenowych dokonano rozpoznania utworów podpowierzchniowych w celu weryfikacji doniesień o możliwości występowania w tym rejonie współczesnych osadów sztormowych. Wykonano liczne sondowania, z których najważniejsze zaprezentowano w artykule. Wyraźny zapis sedymentacyjny procesów sztormowych zachował się jedynie w obrębie torfowiska najbardziej eksponowanego w kierunku morza, przy ujściu rzeki Czarnej Wdy. Cechą charakterystyczną osadów sztormowych okazała się malejąca miąższość osadów piaszczystych w kierunku lądu oraz ostra granica erozyjna w spągu. Obserwacja cech teksturalnych piasku wskazuje na pochodzenie osadu z plaż i wydm Mierzei Karwieńskiej. W obrębie zaplecza bariery nie znaleziono osadów, które mogłyby być powiązane ze sztormami. W związku z tym stwierdzono, że w przeszłości nie doszło do znaczących powodzi sztormowych, które pozostawiłyby w obrębie Niziny Karwieńskiej łatwo wyróżnialną warstwę osadów piaszczystych.
Karwia Barrier peatlands are a potential archive of extreme storm floods. During the field work, the subsurface sediments of the investigated area were surveyed to verify the hypothesis of a presence of storm surge deposits within the barrier and accompanying peatlands. Numerous shallow drillings were performed and the most essential of them are presented in this paper. A distinguishable sedimentological mark of storm surge processes was recognized only in a peatland exposed directly to the sea, in close neighbourhood to the Czarna Wda river mouth. Thickness of sandy deposits decreasing landward and a sharp erosive boundary in the base were the most common features. Textural characteristics of sandy grains revealed a beach and dune source of these sediments. Peatlands located at the back of the barrier lacked sediments, which could be linked to the storm processes. This leads to a conclusion that none of historical storm floods left an easily disti nguishable sandy layer within the Karwia Lowland.
Cel badań. Analiza wypadków, które miały miejsce zimą 2015/2016 na obszarze Tatr polskich, pod względem ich przestrzennego rozmieszczenia; określenie przyczyn subiektywnych i obiektywnych, które mogły doprowadzić do tych nieszczęśliwych zdarzeń. Materiał i metody. W analizie wypadków górskich, które miały miejsce zimą 2015/2016 na obszarze Tatr polskich, posłużono się danymi pochodzącymi z elektronicznych kronik Tatrzańskiego Ochotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego. Zostały one wyselekcjonowane i wprowadzone do programu komputerowego Microsoft Excel 2010, gdzie opracowano je w postaci tabeli i wykresów słupkowych. Wyniki i wnioski. Wypadki górskie, które zdarzyły się zimą 2015/2016, lokalizowały się zarówno w Tatrach Wysokich (50%), jak i w Tatrach Zachodnich (50%). Największy wpływ na ich wystąpienie miały czynniki wchodzące w skład kategorii: obiektywne (przyrodnicze) – ich udział wyniósł aż 95%. Najsilniejszą bodźcowość z tej kategorii wykazały – zarówno w Tatrach Wysokich (57%), jak i Zachodnich (67%) – czynniki należące do grupy meteorologiczno-klimatycznej. Spośród wszystkich analizowanych czynników subiektywnych (ludzkich) największy wpływ na wystąpienie zimą wypadku górskiego miała nieznajomość topografii Tatr polskich (63%). Najczęstszymi obrażeniami ciała turystów poszkodowanych w wypadkach górskich były skręcenia (23%) i złamania (19%). W analizowanym okresie na obszarze Tatr polskich miały miejsce cztery typy wypadków górskich: turystyczne (94%), taternickie (4%) oraz lawinowe i narciarskie (po 1%).
Background. The aim of the paper was to analyse mountain accidents in the Polish Tatra mountains in winter 2015/2016 in terms of their spatial distribution and identification of subjective and objective causes that could have influenced their occurrence. Material and methods. Electronic records of the Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue were used for the analysis of winter mountain accidents in the Polish Tatras. The data were selected and introduced into the Microsoft Excel 2010 computer program; here, they were developed in the form of tables and bar charts. Results and conclusions. Winter mountain accidents in the Polish Tatra mountains were located in both the High Tatras (50%) and the Western Tatras (50%). The highest impact on winter mountain accidents was observed for objective (natural) factors (95%). The strongest stimulus among the objective factors was presented – both in the High Tatras (57%) and in the Western Tatras (67%) – by the meteorological and climatic factor group. Out of all the subjective (human) factors analysed, the lack of topography knowledge (63%) turned out to have the biggest impact on the occurrence of winter mountain accidents. The most frequent injuries occurring in mountain accidents were sprains (23%) and bone fractures (19%). During the studied period, four types of mountain accidents happened in the Polish Tatra mountains: tourist (94%), climbing-related (4%), as well as skiing and avalanche-related (1% each).
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