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The paper approaches contemporary Romanian media in order to outline negotiation and discursive conflict strategies in public storytelling about the country’s recent history. In the so-called Romanian social imaginary, notions of public versus private highlight the way public officials resort to the language of culture-specific communication-related concepts that are a starting point for much of the discourse on decision-making
Functional business valuation is the prevailing doctrine in the theoretically well-founded German-language literature, because the value of a company is primarily dependent on the purpose (function) of the valuation. This paper deals with one of the three main functions of business valuation: the argumentation function. This is where the argumentation value of the business is determined. The argumentation function is the function that has been the least theoretically developed and accepted to date, but is probably the most commonly used one in the real world. This article shows for the first time in the English-language literature the core ideas of the theoretical foundation of this function.
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Stylistics and Persuasion

vol. 17
The paper deals with stylistics and persuasion but, in order to be able to speak about them, we started first with the presentation of rhetoric that represents the core for both the study of style and the study of argumentation. Stylistics and persuasion represent, in fact, the two meanings of the new rhetoric: study of style and art of argumentation, which are only apparently divergent (in reality, they are able to function together). The figures of speech (associations of words that can embellish and render force to the discourse) are closely connected to the study of style. We insisted mainly on the rhetoric figures (figures of words, of meaning, of construction, of thought), as they are the ones that play a persuasive role. Persuasion is linked to argumentation, both being focused on the receiver and expecting an action from him. For argumentation we identified the most important argumentative strategies (of cooperation, interrogation, polemic negation, rejection, metaphor), based on different argumentation and persuasion techniques, that have as the main objective the influencing of the interlocutor, the change of his beliefs and attitudes, techniques that can also appear in negotiation, seen as an argumentative discourse. Persuasion, apart from the quality of the arguments presented, is also efficient if it fulfils four criteria: credibility, coherence, consistency and congruence and also if the language and style used are adequate to the auditory, to their social and educational standards etc. At the same time, because persuasion combines the appeal to intellect with the appeal to emotions, the arguments are frequently followed in the persuasive discourse by rhetoric figures. In order to see the connection between stylistics and persuasion, the way in which the rhetoric figures and the arguments help and complete each other during the persuasive discourse, we have chosen a fragment from the last discourse of Jim Jones, the founder of the Peoples Temple, discourse held in front of his followers and which had as a result the suicide of more than 900 people. This discourse proves the power of persuasion, the (sometimes) lethal force of language.
The investigation of a corpus of American prenuptial agreements and Spanish capitulaciones matrimoniales shows how the popularity of premarital contracts is spreading everywhere. The American and the Spanish documents, juridically diverse in many aspects, embedded in two different legal systems, belong to the genre of contracts and are classified as a type of negotiation/mediation. The lexical and semantic analysis focuses on the specialized terminology used to refer to the human actors and their actions within the documents. The aim is to discover whether and how legal, intercultural and sociological divergences emerge from the textual context. Participants play several roles in the various semantic-pragmatic units constituting the contract, being in turn considered as contracting parties, married couple, notary public, parents, esposos, padres, and otorgantes. Their actions are highlighted by a punctual and proper use of verbal constructions and speech acts, such as asserting, signing, stipulating, agreeing. The study demonstrates how actors and actions do not stand autonomously and separately: they perform and fulfil a specific pragmatic function in a precise legal and cultural context.
The investigation of a corpus of American prenuptial agreements and Spanish capitulaciones matrimoniales shows how the popularity of premarital contracts is spreading everywhere. The American and the Spanish documents, juridically diverse in many aspects, embedded in two different legal systems, belong to the genre of contracts and are classified as a type of negotiation/mediation. The lexical and semantic analysis focuses on the specialized terminology used to refer to the human actors and their actions within the documents. The aim is to discover whether and how legal, intercultural and sociological divergences emerge from the textual context. Participants play several roles in the various semantic-pragmatic units constituting the contract, being in turn considered as contracting parties, married couple, notary public, parents, esposos, padres, and otorgantes. Their actions are highlighted by a punctual and proper use of verbal constructions and speech acts, such as asserting, signing, stipulating, agreeing. The study demonstrates how actors and actions do not stand autonomously and separately: they perform and fulfil a specific pragmatic function in a precise legal and cultural context.
vol. 7
issue 1
Translation has always been characterized by a variety of methodologies adopted to reach different objectives. If until some years ago scholars were discussing the interdisciplinary nature of translation, today we prefer to define it a « multidiscipline », - this is a term that underlines both the disciplinary autonomy of the field and the plurality of approaches and perspectives that characterize it. The aim of this paper is to expose, from an accurate diachronic analysis, a rich intersectorial reciprocity that gives extreme relevance to the theory/theories of translation within the evolution of humanistic and social disciplines.
This paper explores two primary propositions: a) philosophical mediation is a vital component of cultural diplomacy, historically evolving from a practice based on cultural sensitivity, critical analysis, and public discourse; b) in the realm of diplomacy, philosophical mediation delineates the principles of cultural “adaptability,” addressing local social dynamics and epistemologies where the art of negotiation is applied. This approach does not seek to dismantle or expose prejudices, ideological and religious beliefs, pseudo-historical anticipations, and political narratives. Instead, philosophical mediation strives for a delicate equilibrium; supporting tolerance of accepted traditions alongside democratic and constructive criticism, and promoting enlightenment and progress.
Game theory can be viewed as an important contribution to multi-agent modeling, with widespread applications in economics and other social sciences. This paper presents two distinct approaches to extending – sociologizing – classical game theory: firstly, a system/institutional approach – social science game theory (SGT), and secondly, Erving Goffman’s interactionist approach (I-game theory). The two approaches are presented and compared; they are also contrasted with the classical theory. The article ends by concluding that due to the social science game theory, sociologists and social scientists are no longer forced into the classical straightjacket with its hyper-rationality, anomic players, and the absence of any social fabric (institutional and cultural formations). Moreover, the new game theory offers a reliable toolbox of social science concepts and methods for describing, analyzing, and explaining highly diverse interaction phenomena. We claim that those two approaches have already proved themselves useful for investigating and modeling a variety of interaction processes including cooperation, conflict, and negotiation.
Mediation is the process by which a neutral third-party works with disputing parties to assist them in reaching an acceptable, voluntary settlement of their dispute. Mediators are often faced with competing demands over and above those of the dispute itself. For example, establishing and maintaining control of the mediation process without appearing to bully the disputants, persuading a party to reexamine it's position without appearing to lose their neutrality, and convincing a party that the present offer of settlement is the best possible, given the circumstances, without appearing to be determined to reach closure at all costs.The present paper examines data from labor, divorce, and community mediations (both transcripts and reports from the mediators) to show how mediators reduce tensions like those mentioned above through various devices such as establishing common ground, reframing the issue, use of metaphorical examples, and reliance on innuendo, ambiguity, and equivocation.
The paper explains the difficulties that have been emerging for the Southern Caucasus regarding these countries’ relationship with and towards the EU. Through the deconstruction of the area’s particularities and specificities, and its framing in the EU’s policy to the region, this paper aims at analyzing the implications of the transition efforts and stability in the area for Europe in general, along with the different roles each of these pieces - Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - play in the complex strategic Caucasian puzzle.
This paper is an analysis of mediation, in which special focus was put on the creativity of individuals in the world of social meanings. The typology of mediation participants and the ways in which they build a situation is presented, including: (i) types of social relations in advisory situations as described by Alicja Kargulowa; (ii) Roger Fisher’s, William Ury’s and Bruce Patton’s method of negotiations; and (iii) the work by Kenneth L. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann in which the relation between negotiators and the purpose of mediation, or the attitude of negotiators to its purpose and other participants of a conflict situation have been taken into account. This different approach to mediation allows the reader to see other aspects of the procedure. Contrary to the criminal trial, the vision of mediation presented here reveals that the settlement arrived at by the parties is not the only benefit of the procedure, as it does not only focus on facts but also on relationships and the interests of the parties. Looking at the process of mediation through the prism of the negotiating parties may be an inspiration and raise awareness. It also serves to ensure openness to the philosophy of restorative justice.
W artykule podjęto analizę mediacji, eksponując indywidualną kreatywność jednostki w świecie znaczeń społecznych. Przedstawiono typologię uczestników mediacji i ich sposobów budowania sytuacji. Autorka pokazuje typy uczestników, uwzględniając: (1) sposoby nawiązywania rodzajów stosunków społecznych w sytuacjach poradniczych opisanych przez Alicję Kargulową; (2) metody negocjowania wyróżnione przez Rogera Fishera, Williama Ury’ego, Bruce’a Pattona oraz (3) opracowanie Kennetha L. Thomasa and Ralpha H. Kilmanna uwzględniające stosunek negocjatorów do celu i innych osób w sytuacji konfliktowej. Pokazanie odmiennego od prezentowanych dotychczas obrazu mediacji zwraca uwagę na inne niż prawne aspekty mediacji w sprawach karnych. Przedstawiona wizja mediacji pozwala dostrzec, że spisana przez strony ugoda nie jest jedyną korzyścią ze stosowania tej procedury, która w przeciwieństwie do procesu sądowego koncentruje się nie tylko na faktach, lecz także na relacjach i interesach działających i kształtujących przebieg interakcji stron. Być może spojrzenie na przebieg procesu mediacji przez pryzmat negocjujących stron konfliktu stanie się inspiracją czy będzie służyć uwrażliwieniu i otwarciu na filozofię sprawiedliwości naprawczej.
This article deals with the concept of ‘mainstream youth’ in the context of late modernity. The sociology of youth has traditionally operated from two distinct perspectives concerned with either ‚youth transitions‘ or ‚youth (sub)cultures’. This polarisation has led to the neglect of the experience of mainstream youth, who cannot be easily pigeon-holed into the above categories. Drawing on a series of focus groups and small-group semi-structured interviews with 61 young people, the authors analysed young people’s experience of consumption in the Czech Republic. Using the experience of young consumers, the research attempted to understand what it means to belong to the mainstream. The results indicate that belonging to the mainstream does not imply straightforward compliance with dominant power structures, but rather reflects a degree of reflexivity in which young people challenge stereotypes of passive conformism in complex and often paradoxical ways that are not yet well accounted for in the literature. The article suggests that the notion of ‘mainstream youth’ offers some potential as a conceptual way of understanding young people‘s relationship to social change in what appears to be an increasingly individualised society. At the same time, this notion provides an alternative approach that challenges many of the assumptions underpinning the sociology of youth’s conception of consumption.
W artykule została omówiona ta część zagadnień, która dotyczy relacji pomiędzy porozumieniem zawieranym w wyniku przejścia zakładu pracy na nowego pracodawcę a innymi zakładowymi źródłami prawa pracy. Omawiany problem jest w mojej ocenie istotny z uwagi na trudności interpretacyjne, jakie można napotkać, analizując zakres skutków prawnych, jakie wywołują te porozumienia. Przeanalizowano relację porozumienia transferowego w stosunku do porozumień zbiorowych, w tym układów zbiorowych oraz regulaminów pracy. Uważam, że porozumienie transferowe aktów tych nie może zastępować. Analizie został poddany także wpływ zasady równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu na treść tych porozumień.
This article is about relations between collective agreement which is conclude during the transfer of enterprise and others specific source of law namely binding in enterprise level. I my opinion this issue is very problematic during solving specific legal problems which are connected witch legal consequences of this agreement. In this article I will try to explain relation between this agreement and other collective agreements and work regulations. The main thesis is that transfer agreement can not replace others specific source of law existing in enterprise level. I will also analyze the influence of principle of equal treatment on the scope of this agreement.
Konkordat między Stolicą Apostolską i Rzecząpospolitą Polską został podpisany 28 lipca 1993 r., natomiast ratyfikowany 23 lutego 1998 r. Ta międzynarodowa umowa potwierdziła i uszczegółowiła zasady proklamowane na Soborze Watykańskim II: 1) zasadę autonomii i niezależności Kościoła i państwa; 2) zasadę współdziałania Kościoła i państwa; 3) zasadę wolności religijnej. Konkordat reguluje m.in. następujące sprawy: uznanie osobowości prawnej Kościoła katolickiego i jego jednostek organizacyjnych; swobodę Kościoła w dokonywaniu zmian w strukturze terytorialnej Kościoła; ochronę małżeństwa i rodziny, a zwłaszcza uznanie skutków cywilnych małżeństwa zawartego według formy kanonicznej i współdziałanie państwa i Kościoła na rzecz małżeństwa i rodziny.
The Concordat between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland was signed on 28 July 1993 and ratified on 23 February 1998. This international agreement confirmed and specified the principles proclaimed at the Second Vatican Council: 1) the principle of autonomy and independence of the Church from the State; 2) the principle of cooperation between the Church and the State; 3) the principle of religious freedom. The Concordat regulates among others the following matters: recognition of the legal personality of the Catholic Church and its organizational units, the Church’s discretion in making changes in its territorial structure; protection of marriage and family, and in particular recognition of the civil consequences of a marriage concluded according to the canonical form, and the cooperation of the state and the Church in matters of marriage and family.
The article presents the results of the analysis of the EU’s negotiation power from the Tsebelis’ Veto Player Theory perspective, that was conducted on the basis of the two particular international negotiations with the United States and analyzes the likely influence of the veto players and their number on the final result of the negotiations. In order to verify if the veto players have influence on the negotiations’ result and how great it is, the negotiations with various decision-making procedures were chosen and a special research model was created. In response to the analysis, Tsebelis’ theory was adapted to the international negotiation area and it was broadened by the aspect of other mechanisms that can block the decision-making process (veto points).
The article deals with the issue of asserting the rights and interests of all employees who enjoy the representation of trade union organisations in their disputes with the employer. The aim of the article is to give a detailed presentation of issues related to collective labour disputes. To achieve this aim, the stages at which the rights and interests underlying collective labour disputes are presented in detail. This study employs the dogmatic-legal method. The author carries out an analysis and interpretation of the provisions relating to collective labour disputes in the field of labour law. It was vital to examine the legal norms established by the legislator. A description and systematisation of the applicable legislation was also conducted. Issues relating to the resolution of collective disputes in the workplace are presented theoretically with a detailed discussion of the specific stages. This presented work is divided into four parts. The first presents the basic notions related to collective labour disputes. The sections that follow present the problems involved in the particular stages of claims enforcement based on employment relationship, i.e. bargaining, mediation, and arbitration. The rules for joining specific stages of resolving the above mentioned disputes were also discussed. To a large extent, the issues elucidated here bring the reader, and above all entities involved in collective labour conflicts, closer to the methods of asserting their own rights and interests.
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie strategii i taktyk negocjacyjnych, sprzężonych z profilem negocjatora oraz uwarunkowaniami negocjacyjnymi. W ramach pojedynczej taktyki negocjacyjnej można realizować wiele technik. Negocjator, mając na uwadze etap rozmów, może wykorzystać właściwą technikę/techniki czy też taktykę/taktyki, których celem jest możliwie jak najdalej idące osiągnięcie założonego rezultatu negocjacyjnego, zgodnego z oczekiwaniami organizacji. W literaturze przedmiotu dostępne są informacje z zakresu stosowanych technik i taktyk negocjacyjnych, nie mniej jednak opisane są one najczęściej w odniesieniu do pojedynczego przypadku. W niniejszej pracy opisano i porównano poszczególne rodzaje technik i strategii negocjacyjnych, z jednoczesnym wskazaniem obszarów i sytuacji, w których mogą być wykorzystane na różnych etapach procesu negocjacyjnego.
The main aim of this article is presenting strategies and negotiations tactics, tasks relate to them accordingly. Strategies and tactics are coupled with profile of negotiator and negotiating circumstances. As part of a single negotiation tactics many techniques can be implemented. Negotiator may use the right technique or tactics which aim at outcome as close as possible to the assumed goal. Source literature offers information about this field, however, the material is most often described in terms of an individual case. In this paper the author elaborates on and compares different types of techniques and negotiation strategies and suggests the areas and situations in which they may be used at different stages of the negotiation process. The best technic or tactic can be useful for a negotiator and helps him to achieve an object requested.
The article is an attempt at creating/recreating a definition of the notion of negotiation. We wished to look closely at how lexicographers attempt to grasp its essence in their descriptions and how it is represented by the authors of publications in this communication practice. The research material consisted of the principal Polish language dictionaries compiled after 1945 and the examples drawn form the professional literature published between 1974 and 2014. This time period was chosen in order to recreate a possibly contemporary understanding of negotiation. Conclusions from such a twofold observation make up a detailed scientific description, centred around the answers to the questions concerning the key words that name the negotiation, its participants, as well as the purpose of negotiation and the relation between parties.
Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę zbudowania/odtworzenia definicji pojęcia negocjacje. Chciałyśmy się przyjrzeć, jak jego istotę próbują uchwycić w swych opisach leksykografowie i jak przedstawiają je autorzy publikacji poświęconych tej właśnie praktyce komunikacyjnej. Materiał badawczy stanowią najważniejsze słowniki języka polskiego powstałe po 1945 roku oraz przykłady zaczerpnięte z literatury branżowej, wydanej w latach 1974–2014. Proponowany zakres czasowy podyktowany jest chęcią odtworzenia w miarę współczesnego rozumienia negocjacji. Wnioski z tak dwutorowo przeprowadzonych obserwacji złożyły się na szczegółowy opis naukowy, którego osią są odpowiedzi na pytania o słowa klucze nazywające negocjacje, ich uczestników, a także cel negocjacji i stosunek stron.
The GATT agreement was the first to include agriculture and to cover both border protection and domestic and export subsidies for agricultural products. The round completed successfully in 1994. The subsequent Doha or Development round aimed at furthering progress launched in GATT has not been so successful. This paper explores why the Doha round has been difficult and why it now appears there will not be a meaningful agreement. Developing countries are much more numerous today in WTO, and they insist on an agreement to better their situation. Agricultural subsidies are still a major impasse between rich and poor countries. The absence of the industrial sector to balance agriculture also is an impediment. Furthermore, bilateral and regional agreements have made much more progress and provide many of the gains that might eventually come from a multilateral agreement. Recent work has concluded that domestic reforms are key to achieving the gains of any trade agreement, and they will be essential for Poland to capture the gains from EU membership.
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Negotiation metaphors across cultures

Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in the cultural dimensions of conflict. Books, numerous studies, and courses have offered perspectives on the nature of culture and its complex relationship to the transformation of conflict. This article focuses on metaphors concerning negotiations across cultures. Certain metaphors are widely used in diverse approaches to negotiation. The article attempts to answer the question of how the usage of metaphors for the process of negotiation differ across cultures.
Ostatnie lata przyniosły eksplozję zainteresowania międzykulturowymi wymiarami konfliktu. Książki, liczne badania, a także szkolenia i kursy zaproponowały różne perspektywy, pozwalające na analizę roli kultury w transformacji konfliktu. Ponieważ stosowanie metafor określających proces negocjacji jest w dużym stopniu uzależnione od kultury, w artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób użycie tych metafor różni się od siebie w odmiennych kulturach.
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