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Experience of the epidemic showed the strengths and weaknesses of Polish Catholicism. People’s longing for sacraments, liturgy and the mass during the restrictions related to the epidemic showed their attachment to the practice of faith. At the same time, the Church faced the need for fast technical development, especially in the area of the Internet (broadcasts, contact with the faithful). Simultaneously, various controversial issues are brought up regarding truths of faith, experiencing and understanding the life of the Church and understanding piety. There are three main challenges for the Church: proper formation of clergy and laity, shaping the right spirituality and opening to new forms of faith transmission and related pastoral conversion.
The new evangelization is dialogical and mystagogical. It is a fundamental task of every ecclesial community. In our time it is done in a pluralistic society primarily through the preaching of the word of God from person to person and the witness of a Christian life. Its objectives are faith, conversion of every man, bringing man to salvation. Bearing in mind the situation of the Christian faith in the modern world, one ought to seek new forms of preaching the word of God, especially using the electronic media.
vol. 12
issue (1)22
In autumn 2012, XIII General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops was held, devoted to the issue of new evangelization. The aim of the congregation was to conclude upon the thought and action undertaken so far by the Church in the field of new evangelization. The Synod points out three categories of addressees of the evangelization mission. One of the Synodal recommendations concerns seeking new forms and methods of proclaiming the Good News to contemporary man. The author of this article responds to this Synodal appeal and attempts to focus the reader’s attention on social media as tools of new evangelization. The text starts with the definition of terms used in the title – “new evangelization” and “social media.” Then, one context of new evangelization is picked out of the six pinpointed by the Synod and discussed: the medial context. The third part of the article attempts to determine the points of convergence of new evangelization and the tools of social media. Finally, the fourth part deals with practical application of the discussed ideas and expounds the criteria that need to be met in planning an effective strategy of using social media in the evangelization efforts of a parish. In the concluding remarks, the author highlights further research directions in the domain, such as ethical and legal codes for Christian leaders undertaking evangelization activities in social media, or research on the assimilation of the evangelization content by homo medialis.
The article includes an attempt to describe the relationship between inculturation and the new evangelization, focusing on inculturation as a method of the new evangelization. In the literature of the subject there are many studies on inculturation in indigenous cultures of Africa or Latin America. However, there is little scientific literature on contemporary culture, which is also the subject of missionary activities of the Church. Therefore there is a need to systematize and investigate this topic. As a result of the analysis, the article shows that it is possible to use analogies in the application of inculturation, and it is possible to speak of inculturation in the new evangelization. An outline of the areas of contemporary culture is also presented which particularly require evangelization and inculturation.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 18
issue 2
187 - 196
Apostolic exortation of Holy Father Pope Francis „Evangelii gaudium” was published in 2013 after the Synod of bishops which was dedicated to THE NEW EVANGELIZATION FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF THE CHRISTIAN faith but we can also treat it as a major document of pope’s Fran-cis pontificate. Article presents vision of the pope’s Francis church which is concentrated more on the existential than essential dimensions. The analysis of pope’s Francis teaching was done in three dimensions: 1) the joyful proclama-tion of the Gospel through the new evangelization 2) pastoral conversion and missionary task of the Church 3) poor Church for the poor. Exhortation is an invitation to explore inside the Gospel an authentic joy and power which is able to change the modern world. Exhortation is an invitation to announce the Gos-pel to the modern world and impulse to manage urgent tasks of New Evangelization.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 15
issue 2
The article is focused on school retreats as a place of the new evangelization. The considerations are mainly based on opinion polls which were conducted among young people after Lent retreats held at the seminary in Lomza (in 2009) and at the veterinary and general education secondary school in Lomza (in 2012). The author’s attention was paid to three aspects of the new evangeliza-tion, namely zeal, method, and expression. The analyses suggest that (1) young people are careful observers and can distinguish reliable religious testimony from mere preaching supported by social engineering and persuasion training, (2) towards audiovisual means one should keep moderate attitude and resist a temptation of making them an end in itself, (3) young people love to sing, listen to the good music, watch the pantomime, and be exposed to positive ex-amples of life, which makes an opportunity to face them with the new evangeli-zation. In the conclusion the author claims that school retreats are liked by young people and in a certain way they do evangelize them.
The postmodernistic culture rejects all objective values and established laying down structures and out lines, proposing instead the radical pluralism relating the forms of knowledge, ways of thinking and life as well as the paragon of behaviour – which in consequence caused the axiological vacuum being suitable ground for invasion of sects and various pseudoreligions, as well as for spreading the death culture. The pseudoreligions negate all fundamental truths of Christian faith and promise an easy salvation. To fight of faith it is necessary to undertake the effort of new evangelization. Among many tasks one should first of all to proclaim by all the accessible means the faith truth attacked by postmodernism and pseudoreligions and develop the small church communities. It is the task of the whole Church, the clergymen and the laity.
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Nowa ewangelizacja w Kościele

Polonia Sacra
vol. 22
issue 1(50)
Ewangelizacja była znana na przestrzeni wieków. Pierwsze posyłanie uczniów ma  znamiona głoszenia dobrej nowiny. Liczne dokumenty Kościoła usiłowały zdefiniować dzieło ewangelizacji i  nadać mu  nowe znaczenie. Pierwszym dokumentem jest dekret o  działalności misyjnej Kościoła ad  gentes Soboru Watykańskiego II, w którym czytamy, że Chrystus został posłany, „aby ukazywać miłość Bożą i zaszczepiać ją wszystkim ludziom i narodom”81. Misja ad gentes ma na uwadze tych, którzy nie słyszeli o Chrystusie. Posoborowe nauczanie Kościoła coraz częściej wskazuje, że każdy ochrzczony jest wezwany do głoszenia dobrej nowiny. Nowa ewangelizacja to głoszenie orędzia zbawienia na nowe sposoby, to wychodzenie ku  współczesnym z  nowymi formami i  środkami. Jednak najskuteczniejsze jest osobiste świadectwo. Niniejszy artykuł ukazuje zarys, pojęcia i próbę zdefiniowania nowej ewangelizacji na tle dostępnych opracowań, zwrócenie uwagi na dokumenty Kościoła, w których temat nowej ewangelizacji poruszany jest w  sposób wieloaspektowy. Następnie wzięci są pod uwagę adresaci Dobrej Nowiny.
Evangelization was known over centuries and well know in  the history. First sending off the apostles, has characteristics of the proclamation of the Good News. Several Church’s documents tried to  define the process of  evangelization and to give it a new meaning. The first document is the Decree ad gentes on the mission activity of the Church of the Second Vatican Council, in which we read, that Christ was sent “to reveal and to communicate the love of God to all men and nations”82. The mission ad gentes is concerned about those who never heard about Christ. Postsynodal Magisterium of the Church more often indicates that every baptised person is called to proclaim the Good News. The new evangelization means proclamation of the salvation in new way, it means to go out to modern man with modern forms and means of communication. Yet the most effective is one’s personal experience. This article shows an outline, concepts and attempts to define new evangelization in the light of  the available materials, with particular attention to  the Church’s documents which treat new evangelization in different perspectives. Then taken into account are the recipients of the Good News.
Postmodernism is, in many respects, a term that has lost most of its cultural and academic cachet. This does not, however, mean that the themes, context, and conditions to which it referred are no longer relevant. In this essay, I will briefly review the latest reports which show a decreasing interest in organized religion, and interpret these results as symptomatic of a larger change in the state of knowledge. To this end, I will examine Jean­‑François Lyotard’s analysis of the loss of metanarratives as a way of understanding the implicit rules of the dialogue that occurs between the theist and the atheist or agnostic. Next, I will note the unique capacity of beauty to transcend the diverse language games played by both sides of the conversation. I will conclude by contending that this characteristic of beauty offers a kind of common ground which can be built upon, fostering further dialogue as well as an opportunity for evangelization.
It is necessary to stress that for the Church, on the one hand understood as an institution and on the other hand as a human community, faith is a primary factor of its identity and its existence in history. It is faith that allows to see the theological dimension of ecclesial life, that indicates the Divine genesis of the Church and its redeeming mission. In a most general sense faith is perceived in this context as a response of a man and the whole community to God’s call, focused on the event of Jesus Christ. The revelation and salvation done in Him is for the Church the only credible criterion of the mission of evangelisation. Unfortunately, faith is a dynamic reality which can develop, yet it can also give in to degradation. The "Year of Faith" experienced in the Church in 1967 and 2013, analogically to Jubilee Years, was to dynamise the religious life of believers and answer the questions which trouble the membersof the Church. The solemn credo and the postulate of new evangelisation will remain the most important symbols of this time.
issue 2(33)
Artykuł omawia treść dokumentu końcowego V Ogólnej Konferencji Episkopatów Ameryki Łacińskiej i Karaibów zwanego „Dokumentem z Aparecidy”. Autor, podkreślając różne wskazania pastoralne, zwraca szczególną uwagę na implikacje medioznawcze dokumentu, ukazując je w kontekście nowej ewangelizacji.
The article touches on the content of the final document of the 5th General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and Caribbean known as „Document from Aparecida”. Author emphasizing various pastoral indications underlines especially the media cognitive implications of the above document presenting them in the context of the new evangelization.
This article explores the concept of Natura Pura. It addresses its aspects both from the point of Scholastic thought as seen especially in the thinking of Thomas Aquinas. It also addresses the metaphysical question in relation to the thought of Aquinas and Henri de Lubac.
Nowa ewangelizacja dotyczy całego Kościoła. Urzeczywistnia się ona zasadniczo w trzech obszarach. Pierwszym jest obszar duszpasterstwa zwyczajnego. Do niego należą wier-ni, którzy zachowują żywą i szczerą wiarę katolicką, dając jej wyraz na różny sposób, chociaż brak jest im systematyczności w uczestnictwie w celebracjach liturgicznych. Duszpasterstwo ma na celu pobudzenie tych wierzących do duchowego rozwoju w oparciu o słowo Boże i życie sakramentalne. Drugi obszar obejmuje osoby ochrzczone, które jednakże nie żyją zgodnie z wymo-gami chrztu św., nie przynależą całym sercem do Kościoła, nie doświadczają już pociechy płynącej z wiary. Trzeci obszar to ewangelizacja związana z głoszeniem orędzia zbawienia tym, którzy nie znają Jezusa Chrystusa lub dotychczas Go odrzucali. Wielu z nich, ogarnię-tych tęsknotą za obliczem Boga, szuka Go w skrytości, również w krajach o starej tradycji chrześcijańskiej. We wszystkich tych obszarach ważne miejsce stanowi liturgia. Ewangeliza-cja w Kościele potrzebuje liturgii, która jest sposobem i miejscem doświadczenia w wierze zbawczej obecności Chrystusa.
New evangelization concerns the whole life of the Church. It is carried out in three principal areas. The first of them is the area of ordinary pastoral ministry. It involves the faithful who preserve a deep and sincere faith, expressing it in different ways, but seldom taking part in worship. The main objective of this kind of pastoral ministry is the spiritual growth of the believers, which enables them to increasingly better respond to God’s love with their whole lives. The second area includes people who have been baptized but nevertheless do not live in accordance with the requirements of baptism, are not whole-hearted members of the Church, and no longer experience the consolation offered by faith. The third area revolves around the evangelization of these who do not know Jesus Christ or have always rejected him. Many of such people, yearning to see God’s face, secretly seek Him, even in countries with ancient Christian traditions. In all of the abovementioned areas liturgy is of significant importance. Evangelization in the Church needs liturgy, which is not only a human activity, but also a meeting with God leading to contemplation and deepening of our friendship with Him. Without liturgy, the profession of faith would be ineffective.
Due to globalisation social processes, once lasting for decades, proceed rapidly changing the way of thinking in individuals and whole societies, and leading to secularisation. Together with the lifestyle, the way of experiencing faith goes under modification and more and more people lose their spiritual identity living as if God did not exist. Cultural transformation of the world, especially Europe, is becoming a particular challenge for the Church to be itself in the new reality and learn how to carry out its pastoral activity in a proper way. This task is difficult but indispensable. Nowadays the Church is appointed to establish new ways of preaching the Good News to people of the 21st century and learn to understand contemporary people who frequently think according to postmodernistic spirit. This bears the need of new evangelization and renewed catechesis, which will both hold the authority of the Word of God and be close to lives of the catechized. Hence the ministry of word has to be dialogue-oriented, and directed to correlation of experience of life and faith. Only then will it be alive, interesting and capable of guiding a contemporary human to meeting with the Lord.
Nowadays, we can observe a disturbing phenomenon, where faith loses its vitality and erodes slowly. Therefore, in the present situation, the Church is undertaking the work of new evangelization, caring for the authentic transmission of faith with new dynamism and using new means. Consequently, the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization was established. The aim of this article is to present the history of the creation and the course of evangelization initiatives of this dicastery, with particular emphasis on the Jubilee of Mercy. The analysis made it possible to establish that the actions of the Pontifical Council are consistent with the Pope's teaching on God's mercy. The initiatives taken are a specific manifestation of the new evangelization, one of the many tasks of which is also to announce the mercy of God to the world which becomes a real experience through works of mercy, proclaiming the word of God or administering the sacraments, especially the sacraments of penance and reconciliation.
Współcześnie można zaobserwować niepokojące zjawisko, gdzie wiara traci swoją żywotność i ulega powolnej erozji. Dlatego też Kościół w obecnej sytuacji podejmuje się dzieła nowej ewangelizacji, troszcząc się o autentyczny przekaz wiary z nowym dynamizmem i za pomocą nowych środków. W związku z tym została powołana do istnienia Papieska Rada ds. Krzewienia Nowej Ewangelizacji. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie historii powstania oraz przebiegu inicjatyw ewangelizacyjnych tej dykasterii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Jubileuszu Miłosierdzia. Dokonana analiza pozwoliła ustalić, że działania Papieskiej Rady są spójne z nauczaniem papieża na temat miłosierdzia Bożego. Podjęte inicjatywy są konkretnym przejawem nowej ewangelizacji, której jednym z wielu zadań jest także ogłaszanie światu miłosierdzia Boga, które staje się realnym doświadczeniem m.in. na drodze uczynków miłosierdzia, głoszenia słowa Bożego czy sprawowania sakramentów, szczególnie sakramentu pokuty i pojednania.
Can counterparts of the Catholic new evangelization be found in the Protestant world? They certainly can. One of them—despite all their temporal and theological difference—is Pietism, a religious revival movement initiated by Philipp Jacob Spener (1635–1705), who presented his proposals in the book titled Pia Desideria (1675). Pietism emphasized the revival of personal faith, ardent prayer, reading the Holy Scriptures, human involvement in the transformation of socio-economic structures, missionary activity, and community life. Is there, conversely, also a Catholic form of Pietism? The answer is not straightforward, because the 21st century Catholic Church has behind it the great work of the Second Vatican Council with its call for lay apostolate, biblical renewal, and the revival of ecclesial movements. The idea of the parish as a “community of communities,” sensitivity to the need to proclaim the kerygma, the emergence of prayer and formation groups, charismatic renewal—in all of these one can see the implementation of the ideals that guided the Pietists. In a sense, Pope Francis’ exhortation Evangelii Gaudium deserves to be called the pia desideria of our times.
Teologia i Moralność
vol. 11
issue 2(20)
The permanent formation of priests for pastoral care of families is a continuation of seminary formation. It is one of the elements of pastoral identity of a priest and an urgent challenge of the new evangelization. The priestly formation is ultimately a self-formation. This article presents the issue of the permanent formation of priests for the pastoral care of families. It reveals the essence, principles, objectives of this formation, and methods for the implementation. The article is based on the official teaching of the Church and theological literature.
Formacja stała prezbiterów do duszpasterstwa rodzin jest kontynuacją formacji seminaryjnej. Jest ona jednym z elementów pastoralnej tożsamości prezbitera i ważnym wyzwaniem nowej ewangelizacji. Stała formacja prezbitera jest ostatecznie autoformacją. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie stałej formacji prezbitera do duszpasterstwa rodzin. Ukazuje istotę tej formacji, jej zasady, cele, zadania i formy realizacji. Źródła opracowania stanową oficjalne wypowiedzi Kościoła oraz literatura przedmiotu.
This article is based on the reflection of Bishop Dominique Rey on the missionary mandate of the parish in the twenty-first century. Its structure consists of three chapters. The first chapter presents pastoral and academic achievements of Bishop Rey, especially in terms of evangelization. Then the article presents a brief analysis of current threats, to which - according to Dominique Rey – a modern parish is exposed. The third part of the article shows indications formulated by the Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon to contribute to the greater awakening of the missionary spirit in each parish community. In his teaching, Dominique Rey also remembers that evangelization must start from deepening our personal relationship with Christ. Every priest in parishes and all parishioners should keep this in mind.
Niniejszy artykuł oparty jest na refleksji biskupa Dominique Reya na temat misyjnego posłannictwa parafii w XXI wieku. Na jego strukturę treściową składają się trzy rozdziały. Najpierw refleksja w nim zawarta oparta została na przedstawieniu osiągnięć duszpastersko-naukowych biskupa Reya, zwłaszcza pod kątem jego aktywności ewangelizacyjnej. Następnie artykuł prezentuje krótką analizę aktualnych zagrożeń, na które – zdaniem Dominique Reya – narażona jest współczesna parafia. Z kolei, w trzeciej jego części ukazane zostały wskazówki biskupa Fréjus-Toulon, mające przyczynić się do większego rozbudzenia ducha misyjnego w każdej wspólnocie parafialnej. W swoim nauczaniu Dominique Rey przypomina również stale o tym, że każda ewangelizacja musi rozpocząć się od pogłębienia naszej indywidualnej relacji z Chrystusem. Powinien więc o tym pamiętać każdy duszpasterz w parafii oraz wszyscy parafianie.
The new evangelization is a concrete task, precisely described in the documents and teaching of the Church. Its characteristic features include: a new context in which the Gospel is proclaimed, a new recipient of this message, a new enthusiasm, new methods, new means of expression, as well as a new keryx and a new content, which is the kerygma sensu stricto. The new evangelization is one of the three types of evangelization in addition to the mission ad gentes and the ordinary evangelization.
The experience of Church shows that saints played a vital role in its history, especially in the origin of evangelization. Therefore it is justified to ask a question about the specificity of evangelization throughout particular historical periods and saints’ contribution. According to the analysis of historical events, based on the theological key, certain images of sanctity were formed during the following ages. These models had distinctive features and developed in response to, both, ecclesial and cultural challenges. Models of : saint – prophet, saint – preacher and saint – patron should be particularly mentioned here. The synthesis of all these patterns may result in constructing the model of sanctity which is presented in the new evangelization.
Doświadczenie Kościoła wyraźnie pokazuje, że kluczową rolę w jego dziejach, a zwłaszcza w dziejach ewangelizacji, odgrywali święci. Jest więc uzasadnione, by w kontekście nowej ewangelizacji zapytać się, na czym polegała specyfika tego dzieła w poszczególnych epokach i jaki wkład wnosili do niego najwybitniejsi święci. Prowadzona analiza doświadczeń historycznych w kluczu teologicznym pozwoliła wskazać, że w kolejnych epokach uformowały się pewne wyróżniające się modele świętości, stające się odpowiedzią na aktualne wyzwania eklezjalne i kulturowe. Można wyróżnić zwłaszcza modele: świętego-proroka, świętego-kaznodziei i świętego-patrona. Model świętości do zaproponowania w kontekście nowej ewangelizacji zdaje się oscylować w kierunku syntezy wskazanych tutaj modeli.
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