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Over the last ten years, the Labor Code has signifi cantly expanded employees’ rights related to parenthood, and thus the role of the employer in the fi eld of their implementation has changed fundamentally. The employer remains obliged to fulfi ll the employee’s basic rights enumerated in the Labour Code as a parent. However, the Polish legislator excessively burdens the employer with the role of the sole contractor of these general social principles related to the protection of motherhood and family, which causes a clear upset in the implementation of the constitutional obligations of the state towards its citizens. Looking at individual stages of employment from the period of pregnancy, in which protection is particularly strong, through the obligation to exercise parental leave and obligations imposed on the employer to employ an employee after taking leave, on protection during the period of custody, these are clearly noticeable limitations and burdens for the employer. The burden imposed on a particular employer often remains completely disproportionate to its capabilities. The employer bears the costs of social policy, which should be implemented by the state, thus it is fulfi lling the role of the guarantor in securing social interests. The solutions adopted by the Polish legislator stand in clear opposition to the regulation of international law. The burdens currently imposed on the employer resulting from the provisions of the Labor Code could be implemented to a large extent by relevant public insurance systems. De lege ferenda, the obligation to protect motherhood and the family as a constitutional social obligation should be carried out jointly by the state and the employer. De lege lata, the lack of proportionality is clearly visible in the regulations in force and it signifi cantly limits the principle of economic freedom and employer’s property, in particular in relation to small entrepreneurs.
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Surrogacy legal issues in the UK and the Czech Republic

One of the basic meanings of the life of a human is to have a descendant. If the natural conception fails, people look for other options. One of them is surrogacy. Surrogacy stands for a long way with uncertain end and result. The only certain result is, some rules must change. One of them is “mater semper certa est”. Legislation on surrogacy varries coutry to country. Some countries, like United Kingdom, recognize surrogacy on law basis for decades. Some countries, on the other hand, do not have legal bounds set. Although the surrogacy as a medical treatment is legal there. Czech Republic stands just for the country with no legislation. Comparism of these two systems may lead to the conclusion what are the challenges of surrogacy in the law field.
The study examines maternity leave regulations in a situation where both parents or legal guardians of a child are officers of the Polish Prison Service, or one of them is a PS officer, and the other is an employee or insured on the basis other than the employment relationship, e.g. a contract of mandate. The latest amendment of 24 July 2015 amending the Labour Code Act and certain other laws has extended the range of cases where it is possible for other eligible persons to use part of maternity leave. The new solution enable not only the parents of the child but also other immediate family members to use part of maternity leave. The complexity of the provisions related to parental rights makes interpretation difficult. Moreover, neither the Prison Service Act nor the provision of Article 29 para. 5 of the Act on cash benefits from social insurance, referred to by the Labour Code, specifies which specific persons can be regarded as the closest family. Proper determination of entitled persons is crucial, as it entails the payment of benefits financed by the State, and also, on the basis of the Act on Prison Service, the legislator guarantees protection of the public service relationship by virtue of Article 108 to officers (regardless of the eligible person’s gender and the degree of relationship) taking maternity leave or holiday leave on the terms of maternity leave.
Nurt SVD
issue 2
The freedom of conscience and religion of the child is proclaimed in both the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In both pieces of legislation, the said freedom stems from the adoption of human dignity as the basis for these rights; however, attention must be paid to the different approaches presented and especially the consequences arising thereunder. The Polish Constitution provides the parents with the right to educate their child in accordance with their own convictions. However, the FGC orders to respect the child’s right to religious freedom and the power of parents to exercise that right in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child. Undoubtedly, the conflict of interests of both parties is fairly visible here. One should also pay attention to the following issues: taking into account the principle of the child welfare, child obedience towards parents and the guardian’s care for the spiritual development of the child. These issues require more extensive commentary including e.g. the law on the guarantees of freedom of conscience and religion, “Polish Concordat”, the so called individual religious acts, case law of the ECHR and the ECtHR and the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Wolność sumienia i religii dziecka jest proklamowana zarówno w Konstytucji RP, jak i w Konwencji o prawach dziecka. W obu aktach prawnych wspomniana wolność wynika z przyjęcia godności ludzkiej jako podstawy tych praw. Należy jednak zwrócić uwagę na możliwe różne ich interpretacje, a zwłaszcza na konsekwencje z nich wynikające. Konstytucja RP zapewnia rodzicom prawo do wychowywania dziecka zgodnie z własnymi przekonaniami. Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy nakazuje szanować prawo dziecka do wolności religijnej i korzystać z tego prawa w sposób adekwatny do poziomu rozwoju dziecka. Niewątpliwie konflikt interesów obu stron jest tutaj dość widoczny. Należy również zwrócić uwagę na następujące kwestie: uwzględnienie etapu rozwoju dziecka, posłuszeństwo dziecka wobec rodziców i troska opiekuna o rozwój duchowy dziecka. Te problemy wymagają szerszego odniesienia, np. do ustawy o gwarancjach wolności sumienia i wyznania, „polski konkordat”, tzw. indywidualnych aktów religijnych, orzecznictwa europejskiego trybunału praw człowieka oraz nauczania Kościoła katolickiego.
The article presents the possibility of combination of leaves connected with parenthood with performance of work. The primary objective of leaves connected with parenthood is providing care and upbringing to children. However, bearing in mind such elements as the Polish employment market and financial position of the parents, the legislator has provided with parent employees with possibility to combine child care with work. An employee on parental leave can undertake work at the enterprise of the employer who awarded the said leave as well as for another employer or undertake a different activity, also education or training. It is important that the undertaken work or other activity cannot exclude the possibility of obtaining the objective of the provided leave, i.e. taking care over the child.
Artykuł przedstawia możliwości łączenia urlopów związanych z rodzicielstwem z wykonywaniem pracy. Zasadniczym celem urlopów związanych z rodzicielstwem jest sprawowanie opieki i wychowanie dzieci. Jednak mając na uwadze m.in. polski rynek pracy oraz sytuację finansową rodziców ustawodawca przewidział dla pracowników – rodziców możliwość łączenia sprawowanej opieki z pracą. Pracownik przebywający na urlopie rodzicielskim i urlopie wychowawczym ma prawo podjąć pracę zarówno u pracodawcy, który udzielił mu takiego urlopu, jak i u innego pracodawcy oraz inną działalność, a także naukę lub szkolenie. Ważne aby podjęta praca lub inna działalność nie wykluczała możliwości realizacji celu udzielonego urlopu, tj. sprawowania opieki nad dzieckiem.
Service regulations which define employment of uniform service officers in regards to parental rights, predicts provisions which refer to applying the provisions of the Labour Code. It means that, the services regulations are not complete, and therefore application of provisions from other law systems is allowed. Another example of relations between a uniform service employment and the labour law, is introducing rules to service regulations which are similar (or identical) to a labour law. As previously mentioned, the amount of benefit payment during the leave related to childcare, has been regulated in the same way to they employees who take this kind of leave. Making officer’s status similar to employe’s status cause diverse consequences for officers. Some of them are more favorable to officers, for example parental rights. In this way, officers can benefit from these rights regardless of gender. Almost in the same way as employees, officers also have a right to additional maternity leave and childcare leave. Other changes, in relation to making officer’s status similar to employe’s status, cause however loss of service officers’ privileges, for example decreased pay during sick leave.
Przedmiotem opracowania jest analiza regulacji w zakresie urlopu macierzyńskiego w sytuacji, kiedy oboje rodzice lub opiekunowie dziecka są funkcjonariuszami Służby Więziennej, albo jedno z nich jest funkcjonariuszem SW, a drugie pracownikiem bądź ubezpieczonym na innej podstawie niż stosunek pracy, np. umowy zlecenia. Ostatnia nowelizacja z dnia 24 lipca 2015 r. o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks pracy oraz niektórych innych ustaw rozszerzyła katalog przypadków, w których możliwe jest wykorzystanie części urlopu macierzyńskiego przez inne uprawnione osoby. Nowym rozwiązaniem jest przyznanie uprawnień do wykorzystania części urlopu macierzyńskiego nie tylko rodzicom dziecka, ale także innym członkom najbliższej rodziny. Złożoność i skomplikowanie przepisów dotyczących uprawnień rodzicielskich powodują trudności w ich interpretacji. Ponadto ustawa o Służbie Więziennej ani przepis art. 29 ust. 5 ustawy o świadczeniach pieniężnych z ubezpieczenia społecznego, do którego odsyła Kodeks pracy, nie precyzuje, jakich konkretnie członków ustawodawca zalicza do najbliższej rodziny. Właściwe określenie osób uprawnionych jest bardzo istotne, gdyż pociąga za sobą wypłatę świadczeń finansowanych ze środków publicznych, a ponadto na gruncie ustawy o Służbie Więziennej funkcjonariuszom (bez względu na płeć i stopień pokrewieństwa uprawnionego) korzystającym z urlopu macierzyńskiego czy urlopu na warunkach urlopu macierzyńskiego ustawodawca gwarantuje ochronę stosunku służbowego na mocy art. 108.
The subject of this article is the analysis of regulations in the scope of maternity leave in the case when both parents or guardians of a child are Prison Service (PS) officers or one of them is a PS officer and another one is an employee or insured based on something different than an employment relationship e.g. a commission contract. The last amendment of July 24th, 2015 on the change of act – the Labor Code and some other acts extended the scope of cases when it is possible to take a part of maternity leave by other entitled persons. What is a new solution is to grant the rights to use a part of maternity leave not only to the child’s parents but also to the other members of the closest family. The intricacy and complexity of the regulations pertaining to parental rights pose difficulties in their interpretation. Moreover, neither Prison Service Act nor regulation, article 29, item 5 of the act on social security pecuniary contribution to which the Labor Code relates, make it precise which members of the family the legislator considers to be the closes ones. The right specification of the people entitled is essential as it entails the payment of pecuniary contribution from the public money. Furthermore, based on prison service act , the legislator, by virtue of article 108, guarantees service relationship protection to officers (regardless of gender and degree of consanguinity) who make use of maternity leave or leave with the conditions of maternity leave.
The goal of this article is to highlight the role of a school, here understood as an educational facility, during the course of parental rights termination proceedings. There can be no doubt that the process of upbringing, especially the domestic factors and intense stimulus to which the child is subjected translate into patterns of behaviour and the way the child functions at school. Notably, prolonged learn-ing difficulties among children or periods in which the child presents complete disregard for societal norms and a lack of discipline should be a clear signal for the teachers and counsellors to review the family environment of the pupil in question. The article covers data regarding the school’s participation in the parental rights termination proceedings – e.g. opinions and recommendations formulated by the schools, teacher’s testimonies and children scorecards which reflect the educational progress of the child. The materials used include source materials (acts and ordinances, written opinions, Supreme and common court rulings), results of own research – casefile review based on a targeted casefile research questionnaire.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie roli, jaką odgrywa szkoła, rozumiana jako instytucja oświatowo-wychowawcza, w postępowaniach o pozbawienie władzy rodzicielskiej. Nie budzi wątpliwości, że w procesie wychowawczym czynniki i bodźce środowiska domowego, które najintensywniej wpływają na dziecko, przekładają się na jego funkcjonowanie w szkole. W szczególności długotrwałe problemy małoletniego z nauką bądź stwarzane przez niego trudności wychowawcze powinny stanowić dla nauczycieli i pedagogów sygnał do potrzeby wglądu w środowisko rodzinne ucznia. Dlatego też w niniejszym artykule zostały przedstawione dane dotyczące udziału szkoły w postępowaniu o pozbawienie władzy rodzicielskiej, tj. opinie sporządzane przez szkoły, zeznania nauczycieli w charakterze świadków oraz postępy w nauce osiągane przez małoletnich. Wykorzystano materiały źródłowe (m.in. akty prawne, piśmiennictwo prawnicze, orzecznictwo Sądu Najwyższego i sądów powszechnych) oraz wyniki badań własnych aktowych uzyskane przy pomocy narzędzia badawczego w postaci kwestionariusza do badania akt sądowych.
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