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Studia Ełckie
vol. 17
issue 1
The article describes the origins and development of the parish in Radostowo in 1945. The main attention was paid to changes in the equipment of the church, pastoral development, operation of the parish school, religious associations and pastors. Radostowo was founded in the years 1333-1342. Its location was approved in 1362 by Bishop Jan Stryprock and back the church was dated. The first known probost was Thomas Kranch, mentioned in 1482. In 1888-1890 there was conducted a restauration of the interior. The parish was not large. In 1777 Easter Holy Communion was taken by 726 people and 33 children were baptized. In 1901 (after the parish in Frączki was excluded) Easter Holy Communion was taken by 1010 and in 1941 by 1227 people. After World War II the parish did not have its own parish priest for many years until 1 July 1990 when rev. Jan Mucha became the probost and now rev. Marek Choromański has ministered to the parish.
The undertaken analyses enable a conclusion that the investigated visitation of the parish church in Bisztynek in 1798 was very detailed and delivered many interesting information which were skipped in other archival sources. The main part of documents was dedicated to the material cases what is wholly understood for the priests were obliged to notify scrupulously all incomes and expenses of the parish. The especially important information refer to established benefices, priests who worked there, and liturgical ornaments and things.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 18
issue 4
377 - 384
In the Archives of the Archdiocese of Warmia in Olsztyn there are two doc-uments of the latter part of the 16th century including information on the parish in Wrzesina. One of them is the description from around 1580, whereas the other post-visitation protocol is of 1598. They are not too detailed, but allow to trace back the date of the consecration of the church and the altars and its equipment. They also offer information about the pastors and teacher and in the case of the 1598 Protocol also the attitude of parishioners to the parish priest. Much attention was paid to material matters as well. From the description of about 1580 we can also learn about the towns belonging to the parish.
The Archive of Roman Catholic St. Kate’s Parish in Dzierzgoń has been adopted by the Elbląg Diocese’s Archive. There have been retained 165 archival unites from years 1524–1945 and 13 certificates’ books from years 1714–1946. The archives in Dzierzgoń provide valuable historic information about the Dzierzgoń town and the local places, especially about the religious, social, economic life and the confessional and lay education. A particular meaning have documents related to the local Franciscans Reformers’ Monastery.
The author performs an analysis of what position should the parish pastoral ministry take on a problem of receiving migrants in the period of rising migration movements. He recalls sample data on the number of migrants in Poland in order to present the scale of the problem. On the basis of selected biblical texts and the teachings of the Church the author presents theological motives of pastoral care for migrants, which are, among other things, imitation of Godʼs love for people, dignity of each man created in the image and likeness of God and unity of the human family. Moreover, he emphasises that the Church and hence every single parish is a Catholic community, which means universal, thus open to each believer regardless of race and place of origin. It is to be “home open to everyone”, also a hospitable environment for people from beyond Christianity and to create “a culture of encounter”. Important pastoral tasks are telling the truth about the situation of migrants and overcoming barriers impeding their reception, further acknowledging abundant wealth, which they can bring to the life of the Church and the society. The author provides with examples of practical pastoral initiatives, which a parish can and should undertake for the admission of migrants. These are, among other things, raising this problem in preaching and catechesis, involving incomers in liturgical and prayer life, inviting them to parish groups meetings in order to witness to each other.
The article aims at presenting the resources of the Archive in the Parish of St. Adalbertus in Rydzewo near Rajgród which is dated from 1810 to 2000. The author studies acts among which there are many not obligatory today. Therefore the structure of the article does not follow the present order of parish archives. The important fact is that the Rydzewo Parish acts base mainly on registers dated in XIX century. Since they also contain municipal acts, account, and correspondence, the simple division of the documents is often not possible. The article also mentions the archival material which was annexed by the state archives in the past.
In the first centuries of Christianity a meeting of small communities was considered as the way of resolving conflicts, making important decisions, and seeking God’s will for the community. With the increasing number of believers followed necessary decentralization of ecclesiastical structures so that dioceses could decide on administrative and organizational matters. Clergy assemblies have served these issues and we can consider them today as prefiguration of diocesan synods. Most authors believe that the first diocesan synod assembly took place in France in Auxerre in A.D 578. Over the centuries, the institution of diocesan synod experienced both the flourish moments, as well as the crises. For its definitive fixation in the canonical doctrine should be considered the treaty of Pope Benedict XIV De Synodo Dioecesana published in 1748. The value of the diocesan synod as a legal institution has been confirmed by the Second Vatican Council, which in the Decree Christus Dominus has expressed the wish of synodal fathers that the institution will take on a new life and serve the Church in modern times. The current legislation concerning the diocesan synod is contained in the Code of Canon Law (c.  460-468), as well as in the Instruction of the diocesan synods issued in 1997 by two Vatican congregations. In Poland since the promulgation of the Code in 1983, until the year 2012 31 diocesan synods were held. Some of them took place in the days of communism, the other in a free Poland, which also had an impact on their course. In addition to many historical, ecclesial and pastoral circumstances particularly important was the influence of St. John Paul II,who personally participated in the opening or closing of some diocesan synods.
Canonical visitation of the parish as a form of implementation of the episcopal office is the momentous duty of every diocesan bishop. In the light of tradition reveals itself as one of the oldest institutions through which the shepherd of the diocese maintains direct contact with both clergy and laity. Because of the great pastoral significance of the visit as early as the fourth century synods ordered that the bishops during, taught and the Sacraments, a turning point in reviving this form of episcopal ministry had the Council of Trent whitch visits treated as an act preparatory to the diocesan synod. The Second Vatican Council referring to the biblical tradition and described the office of bishop as a “pastoral” and episcopal ministry as a “spiritual governance”. Noting that the territory of the diocese and its population should be such that the bishop, though he had to help others, he could personally act as bishop, created in this way, the fundamental conditions to give a canonical parish visitation clearly pastoral character. The last part of the article shows the extent to which the pastoral dimension of the mission of the diocesan bishop determines the practice of the canonical visitation of the Archdiocese of Warmia.
The Diocese of Ełk was established in 1992 as a major change in the structure of the Church in Poland. It connects the land belonging in the past to various forms of the Polish state and the German state, as well as the Russian state. As a result of these conditions, the parishes of the Roman Catholic Church in this area have arisen in different circumstances and have distinct traditions. Parishes are currently experiencing similar problems. Within the Diocese of Ełk there was an increase in the number of parishes and the process of unifying the way they functioned.
The appeal to carry out the work of the New Evangelization leads to changes in the general concept of pastoral work. It is essential to turn ‘inherited’ Christianity into ‘proposed’ Christianity and pastoral work that is concentrated on administering sacraments into the one that awakens and develops faith. In order to show faith as a personal relation with God more successfully the chaplaincy should become more missionary and evangelical in its character. The objective of the parish is to make a permanent effort in becoming a real sign, that is the sacrament of the Kingdom of God. Among other things, it should be manifested in the promotion of the new form of ecclesial community that is the community of communities, the communion of services and charismata. The modern ecclesial movements are one of the most effective tools for evangelization available to the Church in the modern world. However, it seems that modern movements and associations that follow the theological renewal after Second Vatican Council are still underestimated and unemployed. A significant contribution to the process of local Church renewal and growth may be also made through the project of evangelization retreat. Another important conclusion is the necessity to highlight the important role of the lay in the apostolic mission of the Church. The involvement of the lay in a Church life should take place through their active participation in liturgy. What is more, they ought to participate in services and assignments to realize the communional parish vision. Creating small basic communities that reveal church communion and become evangelization centres may result in parish activation and renewal, and at the same time practicing cooperation between the shepherds and the lay. A parish community understood as a cooperation between the clergy and the laity becomes the real sign of the Church.
The Roman Catholic parish as a socio-cultural milieu. The paper deals with a number of essential issues, such as: a) parish membership; b) signs of social bonds in the parish; c) organizational structures of a parish and their activities. We look at the parish from the perspective of the real social integration that takes place on the level of everyday parish life, where social bonds are formed. Current discussions about decline or revival of catholic parish are replaced by those writings, which emphasize change and metamorphosis. The basic metamorphoses to which traditional parish communities are subjected, take place on various levels and in different aspects. In our discussion about the social condition of the Roman Catholic parish in Poland, we mainly focus on its religious and church activities, and not so much on issues related to solving diverse social problems (the public work of a parish).
vol. 64
issue 6: Teologia pastoralna
According to the Department of Foreign Affairs more and more people come to Poland in order to settle here. Although Poland is considered to be one of the least attractive countries in the European Union for incomers, many of them marry Polish citizens, find a job, study or start their own business in Poland. Such people live in big cities as well as in towns, becoming the members of local communities. Some of them are Catholics of various denominations, others are Christians from other Churches, some are non-believers or remain indifferent to any religion. They all, however, constitute a challenge for pastoral care of the family which aims at bringing them closer to Christ. Parish pastoral care priests, as it is indicated in the teaching of the Church, can undertake various initiatives according to the religious or denominational affiliation of the immigrants and their needs. The forms of assistance of pastoral care priests involve satisfying spiritual, psychological and material needs of incomers. However, the main aim of pastoral care is to integrate the newcomers with the local community.
For a very long time the parish constituted the basic community of the Church in terms of the organization of Church life, administration matters and pastoral care. As a rule parishes were territorial with their own parish priests. However, socio-cultural and religious transformations of the last decades have also caused many changes related to the parish. In this context such phenomena as the lessening number of faithful who participate in the life of the parish and the falling number of clergy, gain special signifi cance. The solutions most commonly practiced today include entrusting to one parish priest the leadership of a few parishes or the combining of a few parishes into larger units. The article is an attempt to seek other possibilities of organizing Church life in themodern world.
Przez bardzo długi czas parafi a stanowiła podstawową wspólnotę Kościoła. Dotyczyło tozarówno organizacji życia Kościoła, spraw administracyjnych, jak również jego duszpasterstwa. Z reguły były to parafi e terytorialne, które miały własnego proboszcza. Przemiany kulturowo-społeczne oraz religijne ostatnich dziesiątek lat spowodowały wiele zmian także w odniesieniu do parafi i. Szczególne znaczenie mają w tym kontekście takie zjawiska, jak: zmniejszenie się liczby wiernych biorących udział w życiu parafi i oraz zmniejszenie się liczby duchownych. Powierzanie jednemu proboszczowi kierowania kilkoma parafi ami czy łączenie kilku parafi i w większe jednostki to najczęściej stosowane dziś rozwiązanie. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą poszukiwania innych możliwości organizowania życia kościelnego we współczesnym świecie.
Przez bardzo długi czas parafi a stanowiła podstawową wspólnotę Kościoła. Dotyczyło to zarówno organizacji życia Kościoła, spraw administracyjnych, jak również jego duszpasterstwa. Z reguły były to parafi e terytorialne, które miały własnego proboszcza. Przemiany kulturowo-społeczne oraz religijne ostatnich dziesiątek lat spowodowały wiele zmian także w odniesieniu do parafii. Szczególne znaczenie mają w tym kontekście takie zjawiska, jak: zmniejszenie się liczby wiernych biorących udział w życiu parafi i oraz zmniejszenie się liczby duchownych. Powierzanie jednemu proboszczowi kierowania kilkoma parafi ami czy łączenie kilku parafi i w większe jednostki to najczęściej stosowane dziś rozwiązanie. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą poszukiwania innych możliwości organizowania życia kościelnego we współczesnym świecie.
Christ’s Great Commission: Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation (Mk 16,15) sets before the theologian the question about the place of proclaiming God’s Word and the forms of this proclamation. One of the major places of evangelization today is the virtual world. The aim of the article is an analysis of the content of Internet portals in the Poznań archdiocese. Research makes us realize that 25% of parishes still do not have their own portals. The author draws attention to the need to implement a thoroughly considered visual strategy of the parish, in which an essential role will be played by a presentation of the parish community during liturgy and evangelization activities. The article postulates a constructive communication based on building a message that would shape the conscience of the recipients, but also warns against fi lling the Internet with religious kitsch. The pastor should not treat the portal as a private blog of which he is the author but rather as a platform for pastoral suggestions that can be lived out by the faithful. The overriding goal is to enthuse the potential recipients while proclaiming the Good News to all creation.
Nakaz misyjny Chrystusa: „Idźcie na cały świat i głoście Ewangelię wszelkiemu stworzeniu” (Mk 16,15), stawia przed teologiem pytanie o miejsce głoszenia słowa Bożego i formy przepowiadania. Jednym z ważnych miejsc ewangelizacji jest dziś świat wirtualny. Celem artykułu jest analiza treści portali internetowych parafi i w archidiecezji poznańskiej. Badania uświadamiają, że nadal 25% parafi i w diecezji nie ma własnego portalu. Autor zwraca uwagę na konieczność wdrożenia przemyślanej strategii wizualnej parafi i, w której istotną rolę odgrywa ukazanie wspólnoty parafi alnej podczas liturgii i działań ewangelizacyjnych. Artykuł postuluje komunikację konstruktywną, opartą na budowaniu przekazu kształtującego sumienia odbiorców, przestrzega także przed zapełnianiem Internetu religijnym kiczem. Duszpasterz nie powinien traktować portalu jako prywatnego, autorskiego bloga, ale raczej jako platformę pastoralnych propozycji do realizacji w życiu wiernych. Wszystko po to, by zarazić entuzjazmem potencjalnych odbiorców, niosąc Ewangelię „wszelkiemu stworzeniu”.
A parish is a certain community of the Christian faithful constituted in a particular church, whose pastoral care is entrusted to a pastor (parochus) as its proper pastor (pastor) under the authority of the diocesan bishop. This article takes up the idea of entrusting the parish to an institute or society. The entrusting of a parish can be made either perpetually or for a specific, predetermined time. In either case, it is to be made by means of a written agreement between the diocesan bishop and the competent superior of the institute or society, which expressly and accurately defines, among other things, the work to be accomplished, the persons to be assigned to the parish, and the financial arrangements.
Kościół parafialny pw. Świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła w Grodzisku to ciekawy przykład wzniesionego na początku XVII wieku z fundacji szlacheckiej obiektu sakralnego wyróżniającego się na tle krajobrazu architektonicznego regionu szczególnymi okolicznościami powstania. Obiekt wzniesiony został staraniem Jana Rudnickiego, kasztelana sieradzkiego, który zdecydował się na budowę świątyni pod koniec swojego życia, w podeszłym wieku, wiedząc, że oprócz pięciu córek nie doczeka się już żadnego potomka. Początkowo kościół posiadał skromniejszą formę – dzisiejszy wygląd zyskał w wyniku kilku kolejnych przebudów, które zostały przeprowadzone w XIX wieku. W XVII wieku świątynia ograniczała się jedynie do prostokątnej nawy, półkoliście zamkniętego prezbiterium oraz zakrystii. Stanowi ona przykład udanego połączenia form architektonicznych zakorzenionych w średniowieczu, nadal niezwykle popularnych na terenie dekanatu uniejowskiego, z elementami renesansowego wnętrza. Omawiany obiekt świadczy o pozycji i zamożności fundatora oraz jego trosce, by nawet po śmierci ostatniego Rudnickiego pamięć o tej rodzinie nie uległa zatarciu.
Saint Apostles Peter and Paul’s Church in Grodzisk is an interesting example of a church founded by a nobleman. It was erected at the beginning of the 17th century by the castellan of Sieradz, Jan Rudnicki, who had five daughters and no male heir. He decided to build a temple when he reached an old age and knew that he would not have any more children. Originally,, the church had a much more modest form than today. Its present appearance is the result of several reconstructions carried out in the 19th century. Initially it only had a rectangular nave, a semicircular closed chancel and a sacristy. It is an example of a successful combination of architectural forms rooted in the Middle Ages, still very popular in the Uniejów deanery, with Renaissance elements inside. The church is a testimony to the position and wealth of its founder and his concern to commemorate the family and ensure that it will be remembered long after the death of the last Rudnicki.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 19
issue numer specjalny
675 - 689
At present, innovative initiatives pose a serious pedagogic challenge, which is also faced by catechists and priests. Therefore, it is worth verifying traditional activities in school and parish environments and seeking new, crea-tive organisational and methodological solutions. This requires creativity of ideas and actions from catechists and priests, since not every initiative deserves to be called innovative. Only introducing better, alternative, reality-changing solutions can be referred to as innovative actions. On the basis of the term “innovative pedagogic initiatives”, as understood in the analyses, the article highlights good practices in the organisation and methodology of initiating various creative activities. They were presented as models for innovative initiatives in the school and parish environment. Also presented were characteristics of catechists and priests – innovators in the school and parish environment, who are open to the “signs of the times”, able to think creatively, to act outside the routine and to cooperate. This was the context in which barriers were described which limit the implementation of pedagogic innovations by catechists and priests and the methods of overcoming them.
Pastoral renewal through renewal of the Sunday assembly of believers is associated with multiple lines of action. At the forefront is the need for awareness of being the mysteries of faith and the Church, including in-depth evangelization and catechetical activities associated with the mystery of the Eucharist and the Church. Transformation of the parish road from hierarchical institutions to the parish as a living organism passes through the ecclesial community celebration of the sacraments, so that given by the priest, and lived by the laity, led to the survival of participation in the Church. Password: Like the Eucharist, like the parish mobilizes for an immediate, general work of renewal of the diocesan celebration of the Eucharist, especially on Sundays, in the spirit of Vatican II, to support the transformation in the modern parish. It should also transform the practice of Polish piety, also present in large cities, which tends to marginalize the Eucharist, the Mass. like „the way” to be completed practices of devotion. The Eucharist is often „lost” in the practice of the parish of the more popular and dripping with sentimentality occasional church services: month – of Mary evening devotions to the Blessed Virgin, Rosary Way of the Cross, to the Divine Mercy. Do not depreciating in any way these and other services, it is worth paying attention to the importance of the Eucharist and other liturgical accentuate the proportions in the thinking and practice of pastoral.
The article entitled „Formation Towards Parish Community as the Goal of Religious Education in Schools” is an attempt to describe the role and meaning of religious education in the process of making the parish into a community. The author proves that the religious education inschools can greatly influence to transform the parish into community and the meaning of catechetical instruction cannot be diminished. This analysis is based on the correlation between the catechetical teachingin schools and the pastoral-catechetical activity in the parish. Fr. W. Osial relates first how the catechetical task of formation towards the community is viewed in the documents of the Church. The documents say that this is one of the six fundamental goals of catechesis. The second part of the article is an analysis of the content and forms of education for the community. Numerous and specifice xamples of th ecatechetical activity inschools are presented here and are divided into short and long-term (based on the formation in various religious groups) activities. In the last part the author explores the question of the role of the teacher in the process of drawing the pupils into the parish. The teacher’s attitude is one of the most important factors in influencingtheparticipation of young people in the initiatives directed to them. The teacher’s importance as a role model is also stressed, as well as his personal engagement and openness to the problems of youth.
As part of the symposium entitled “School Religious Retreats and Contemporary Forms of Transmission of Faith,” held at KUL JP II on 21-22 January 2013, a presentation was delivered by the youth from the Nicolas Copernicus Secondary School no. 9 in Lublin. X The presentation was entitled “Retreats the Way I would like them to be.” The author of this article reports on the open round-up of the debate that the youth had participated in their religion classroom before the symposium. The debate gathered nine groups of students, and was conducted with the use of metaplan. The structure of this method also allowed a clear definition of the particular stages in which the youth presented their response to the following questions: How do the youth truly assess the organization and conduct of school religious retreats? (What is the status quo?); What should the retreats look like? (Prognosis); What are the reasons for why the retreats are not what they are expected to be? In the round-up session, the participants got acquainted with the conclusions and postulates formulated by the youth as regards the steps to be taken to make the school religious retreats match the assumptions of the organizers and the expectations of the young participants.
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