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The article includes an analysis of two articles written by Professor Anna Przecławska. Both of them concern the academic education of educators (not only teachers). In the early 1970s article Przecławska discusses a new approach to teacher training due to fundamental socio-political change in Poland covering all spheres of social life, also educational and cultural institutions where educators worked. Przecławska talks about the links between practice and general, theoretical knowledge, emphasising the necessity to create a new kind of student practice – not based on following the masters. A reflection on the place of theory and practice in academic preparation of educators and their social role is developed in Professor Przecławska’s article from 1985. The main tasks of educators as organisers of educational process are discussed. To fulfil them, educators should have a broad knowledge about man, not only narrow, specialist, practical preparation. Educators also need skills allowing them to use academic knowledge to solve practical and theoretical problems in their educational work.
The article presents the aspect analysis of the research literature on the formation of professional creativity in conditions of master’s training. Such research methods are used: analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of literature. The paper analyzes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the research problem, creativity in the context of professional training of future teachers. It outlines the historical and pedagogical aspects, analyzes the philosophical and ideological framework and describes the psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for the formation of the individual creativity, and presents an analytical description of the current state of the problem of formation of creativity in conditions of training. The conditions of the process of formation of the individual creativity at the university are characterized. In this paper, methodological aspects of research problems of creativity in the context of professional training of future teachers are revealed: in particular, it presents a retrospective analysis of the definition of “creativity” as the basis for creative educational activities; scientific and theoretical understanding of the semantic concept of “creative future teachers” is shown; the meaning of creativity, as the quality of future social workers, is described and its structural components are determined. The theoretically grounded and experimentally tested pedagogical system of future social workers’ creativity formation in higher education was built. The system components forming the creativity of future social workers are characterized: motivational-target, content, technology, object-subject, creative and environmental, as well as the criteria of efficiency of the system and its performance. It is proved that the educational system of future social workers’ creativity formation in higher education will be effective on condition of detection and abide by the theoretical principles and taking into account the methodological aspects and needs of pedagogical practice. The study of the essential characteristics of professional creativity of the future masters of pedagogical education will be the subject of the author’s further research.
The paper presents the critical analysis of Canadian and domestic studies on the teachers’ training in Canada; the main stages of informatization of Canadian society are reflected. The current status, issues and tendencies of higher pedagogical education development in Canada in conditions of the society informatization are considered. Some features of online learning environments and the use of ICT in education of the faculties in some universities in Canada are revealed. It is pointed out that in modern conditions of open access to information the latest ICTs are fundamental to the processes of learning and teaching throughout the world (particularly in Canada). Access of students and teachers to knowledge and information predetermines the fact that new technologies are challenging traditional processes, methods and approaches to teaching and learning, so current and future teachers should be prepared to use new ICTs. Canadian researches concerning teacher education on the role of Canada in the implementation of information technologies throughout the world are analyzed. The historical facts of science and technology in Canada that have affected the implementation of ICT in education, including teaching, are studied. Some didactic possibilities of ICT for teachers’ life-long learning, new knowledge and skills development, expanding the boundaries of teaches’ professional activities, reducing the time to organizational matters, efficiency and mobility training are revealed. Among the tendencies of pedagogical education development Canadian researchers mention the increase of time for practical training of students, teaching in the online environment, which leads to the transformation of the role of the teacher from the translator of knowledge to an active participant in the learning process, effective use of ICT tools (laptops, portable devices, clickers, a variety of computer programs), increasing the working time of teachers on the background of reducing the number of classes, etc. The purposes of the future researches are pointed out: reviewing the issues considered the nature, direction and the main types of modern ICT in Canadian scientific and educational literature; implementation the experience of Canadian pedagogical education in Ukraine, because improving the training of teachers in our country using ICT is extremely important.
Problem stosowania kar cielesnych wobec dzieci jest od wielu lat tematem burzliwych debat społecznych. Pojawiają się liczne argumenty zarówno za, jak i przeciw stosowaniu jednego z najpopularniejszych środków wychowawczych – klapsa. Każdy rodzic, również ten odbywający karę pozbawienia wolności, ma na ten temat swój własny pogląd. Rodzice odbywający karę pozbawienia wolności to swoista kategoria skazanych – są to osoby, które mimo pobytu w zakładzie karnym nie przestają pełnić roli rodzica, a ich oddziaływania wychowawcze są również kontynuowane po odbyciu kary. W artykule porównano opinie 50 kobiet i 50 mężczyzn na temat skuteczności stosowania wobec dzieci wybranych kar cielesnych. Wszyscy badani to rodzice małoletnich dzieci do lat 18, którzy wychowywali je przed osadzeniem i utrzymują z nimi systematyczny kontakt również w trakcie pobytu w zakładzie karnym. Wykorzystując kwestionariusz ankiety własnego autorstwa, ustalono, że matki-więźniarki za wysoce skuteczne uznają kary w postaci krzyku, klapsa i zamykania dziecka w pokoju. Ojcowie natomiast zdecydowanie wyżej niż matki oceniali skuteczność takich kar jak silne bicie ręką, bicie pasem oraz groźba ukarania dziecka karą cielesną. Zarówno matki, jak i ojcowie skazani za czyny przeciwko rodzinie za wysoce skuteczne uznali kary w postaci krzyku, silnego bicia ręką, zamykania dziecka w pokoju, groźby ukarania karą cielesną lub złośliwych komentarzy kierowanych do dziecka. Wyniki badań wyraźnie wskazują, że respondenci preferują w wychowaniu dzieci kary związane ze stosowaniem siły fizycznej. Zasugerowano, że w pracy penitencjarnej ze skazanymi rodzicami powinno się podnosić ich świadomość pedagogiczną m.in. poprzez kształtowanie umiejętności komunikacji z dzieckiem, właściwego doboru kar i nagród oraz naukę sposobów nieagresywnego reagowania na niewłaściwe zachowania dziecka.
The problem of inflicting corporal punishment on children has always been socially controversial. There are many arguments for and against imposing one of the most common forms of educational measures which is a spank. All parents, including the ones who serve prison sentences, have their own point of view on this matter. It should be underlined that imprisoned parents are a peculiar group of prisoners, as in spite of serving prison sentences, they still serve the role of a parent and when they come out of prison, they impose their own educational measures on their children. The article presents the comparison of different opinions on the efficiency of some chosen corporal punishments. The study sample consisted of 50 women and 50 men. All respondents are parents of under-aged children up to 18 years. The convicts raised their children before being imprisoned and continue to have regular contact with them. The research method was a questionnaire prepared by the author and it revealed that imprisoned mothers find spanks, screaming and closing the child in the room very effective. On the contrary, imprisoned fathers much often point out at threatening with a spank, a strong hand slap or by belt. Both mothers and fathers convicted for violence against family point out at screaming, threat of punishment, malicious comments on the child, strong hand slapping or closing a child in their room as efficient educational measures. The research results indicate that respondents prefer penalties related to the use of physical strength in raising children. It was suggested that the penitentiary process of convicted parents should include building up their pedagogical consciousness by developing the ability to communicate with the child, choosing correct punishments and rewards and learning a non-aggressive way to react to an inappropriate behaviour of a child.
The aim of the article is to disclose the essence and analysis of the factors of successful educational interaction between a teacher and a student in the study of pedagogical disciplines on the basis of the axiological approach in teacher education. The author uses general scientific and special methods, adequate to the theme and purpose (the study and analysis of scientific literature; synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization aimed at substantiation of theoretical positions of the study; pedagogical experiment, etc.). The article substantiates the view that the formation of a successful learning interaction as a didactically-oriented system of communication in the process of studying of pedagogical disciplines necessary for quality implementation. Presented with the research purpose and implemented by the author in the practice of the didactic technology of teaching pedagogical disciplines based on axiological principles and takes into account relevant due to social, professional and personal goals of self-development of future teachers, determining the corresponding complexes of personal values. During the forming experiment was gradually updated in the learning activities: values personal development of the student; value the professional activity; values professional development of the student; the integral values of interaction, developed and adopted by the student in previous phases and are developed according to holistic ideas about professional pedagogical activity during the period of the discipline. The author experimentally confirms the effectiveness of the teaching interaction when studying pedagogical disciplines can be achieved, if its didactic framework aimed at developing the personal, professional and social values; its purpose and result is the readiness of future teacher to personality-centered constructive and functional-role relationships in a humanistic educational environment where its value relation to the reality of the educational process is activated and acts as an internal stimulus for continuous personal and professional self-development. The direction of future research is identified in the search of ways of optimization of mediated educational interaction in the study of pedagogical disciplines by means of distance education.
Among the many intersections in the history of two slavic brotherly peoples – the Polish and the Russian – there is one insufficiently studied theme. This is a story about the project design of the teachers’ seminary in Krasnostav, Lublin province, and its opening in the Russian town of Mologa, which in the 30s of the twentieth century fell into the construction zone of Europe’s largest waterworks and was completely flooded. The article reveals the reasons for the seminary’s organization, describes its activities, and justifies the process of its transformation into pedagogical courses. The content of the article is based on unpublished materials of the State archive of the Yaroslavl region, including reports, notes, correspondence of the Commissariat of Education, YaroslavlGubernsky and district education departments; statutes, budgets and protocols of the pedagogical Council of Mologa seminary and teacher training courses.
Среди множества пересечений в истории двух славянских братских народов – польского и российского – есть один мало изученный сюжет. Это история о разработке проекта учительской семинарии в г. Красноставе Люблинской губернии и открытии её в русском городе Молога, который в 30-е годы ХХ в. попал в зону строительства крупнейшего в Европе гидроузла и был полностью затоплен. В статье раскрываются причины открытия семинарии, даётся характеристика деятельности, а также обосновывается процесс её трансформации в педагогические курсы. Содержание статьи строится на основе неопубликованных материалов Государственного архива Ярославской области, среди которых доклады, записки, отчёты, переписка Народного комиссариата просвещения, Губернской коллегии народного образования, Ярославского губернского и уездных отделов народного образования; положения, уставы, сметы и протоколы заседаний педагогических советов Мологской учительской семинарии и педагогических курсов. 
W artykule autorka poddała analizie kształcenie nauczycieli przedmiotu Przyroda, który jest realizowany w szkołach podstawowych (II etap edukacyjny) i ponadgimnazjalnych (IV etap). Skupiła się na kilku aspektach kształcenia przyrodniczego: miejscach – jednostkach uczelni wyższych, w których jest ono prowadzone, w tym na formach, w jakich jest ono tam realizowane, programach studiów i ich zgodności z aktualnie obowiązującymi przepisami prawnymi. Analiza danych dostępnych na stronach internetowych badanych uczelni pozwoliła określić cechy kształcenia przyrodniczego nauczycieli w Polsce. Kształcenie to odbywa się we wszystkich dużych ośrodkach akademickich w Polsce, głównie na wydziałach biologicznych i geograficznych, zarówno w ramach studiów I i II stopnia, jak i studiów podyplomowych. W kształceniu przyrodniczym dominuje przygotowywanie przyszłych nauczycieli przyrody dla szkół podstawowych, co jest zgodne z założeniami ostatniej reformy systemu oświaty. Niepokoją natomiast różnice dotyczące wymagań w stosunku do kandydatów na te studia. Programy niektórych studiów wykazują ścisły związek z jednostkami, w których są prowadzone, a nie zawsze dają przyszłym nauczycielom przyrody pełną podbudowę merytoryczną i metodyczną.
The paper examines the problem of Natural Science teachers’ initial training. Natural Science is a subject present in the primary school and upper secondary school curriculum in Poland. The paper focuses on several aspects of Natural Science education. The universities and the institutions offering that type of courses have been considered. The forms, course programmes and their accordance with the current teacher training standards have been examined. The analysis of the data available on the Internet sites of the investigated universities let the author recognize and describe certain characteristics of Natural Science education in Poland. Initial training of future science teachers is taking place in all big universities in Poland. It is run mostly within biology and geography faculties. Both undergraduate, graduate and also post-graduate studies are in offer. Among the available courses the most common group constitutes the initial training for future primary school teachers, which is compatible with regulations of the recent reform of the educational system. Significant differences in the requirements for candidate-teachers depend on the place of studying. The study programmes reveal strict correspondence with the profile of the units which offer them. Not always do they give a complete and satisfying level of subject and pedagogical preparation for the future science teachers.
The article refers to the development of the special educational course “Forming Democratic Citizenship of a Teacher in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education”. Prospective research results of the issue in question, as a way of implementing democratic principles in the pedagogical process of professional teacher training in the conditions of renovation of Ukrainian society and public activity development, have been defined. Studying of the educational discipline is aimed at: mastering by teachers-to-be the historical and pedagogical foundations of the formation and promotion of citizenship education in world educational systems in the context of civilizational development of mankind; learning of theoretical positions of citizenship education: the essence, pedagogical importance, purpose, tasks, principles, regularities; becoming proficient at methodical bases and tools (forms, methods, means) for realizing the tasks of citizenship education in the pedagogical process. What is more, future pedagogues are taught to use modern methods of diagnosis and evaluation of the quality of educational process to establish the level of citizenship education; to analyse and summarize the data of pedagogical diagnostics of civic education and use its results for improvement of the educational process; to implement the integration of content related to citizenship education in pedagogical activity; to implement the leading forms, methods and means of civic education in the pedagogical process; to build cooperative relations on the basis of social tolerance, democracy, recognition and respect for different views and beliefs.
Artykuł dotyczy rozwoju specjalnego kursu edukacyjnego pt. „Kształtowanie demokratycznego obywatelstwa nauczyciela w systemie szkolnictwa wyższego”. W opracowaniu zdefiniowano perspektywiczne wyniki badań omawianej kwestii odnośnie do sposobu na wdrożenie zasad demokratycznych w pedagogicznym procesie kształcenia zawodowego nauczycieli w warunkach renowacji ukraińskiego społeczeństwa i rozwoju aktywności publicznej. Studiowanie dyscypliny edukacyjnej ma na celu: opanowanie przez nauczycieli podstaw historycznych i pedagogicznych formacji i promocji edukacji obywatelskiej w światowych systemach edukacyjnych w kontekście cywilizacyjnego rozwoju ludzkości; poznanie teoretycznych pozycji edukacji obywatelskiej (istota, znaczenie pedagogiczne, cel, zadania, zasady, prawidłowości); zdobywanie biegłości w metodycznych podstawach i narzędziach (formy, metody, środki) do realizacji zadań edukacji obywatelskiej w procesie pedagogicznym. Co więcej, przyszli pedagodzy uczą się: stosować nowoczesne metody diagnozy i oceny jakości procesu edukacyjnego w celu ustalenia poziomu edukacji obywatelskiej; analizować i podsumowywać dane z pedagogicznej diagnostyki edukacji obywatelskiej i wykorzystywać jej wyniki dla poprawy procesu edukacyjnego; wdrażać integrację treści związanych z edukacją obywatelską w działalności pedagogicznej; wdrażać wiodące formy, metody i środki edukacji obywatelskiej w procesie pedagogicznym; budować oparte na współpracy stosunki, bazując na tolerancji społecznej, demokracji, uznaniu i poszanowaniu różnych poglądów i przekonań.
W artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia problemu edukacji pedagogicznej w państwowych seminariach nauczycielskich w Krakowie. Rozważania dotyczą funkcjonowania tych instytucji w okresie autonomii galicyjskiej. Podstawowym źródłami służącymi do przedstawienia procesu edukacji pedagogicznej w seminariach były głównie sprawozdania dyrektorów seminariów nauczycielskich oraz podręczniki do nauczania przedmiotów pedagogicznych. Na podstawie analizy wymienionych źródeł zaprezentowano zagadnienia dotyczące: treści nauczania przedmiotów pedagogicznych, wykładowców przedmiotów pedagogicznych, podręczników i wydawnictw pomocniczych z zakresu pedagogiki, oraz tematykę pedagogiczną prac pisemnych domowych i egzaminów dojrzałości. Treści kształcenia pedagogicznego obejmowały realizację takich przedmiotów jak: historia pedagogiki, pedagogika, dydaktyka, psychologia, antropologia oraz te treści, które współcześnie nazwalibyśmy pedagogiką przedszkolną, były one realizowane w seminariach żeńskich. Ze sprawozdań wynika, że przedmiotów pedagogicznych nauczali zazwyczaj dyrektorzy seminariów nauczycielskich lub ich zastępcy. Byli to nauczyciele, którzy aktywnie działali w towarzystw naukowych i podejmowali współpracę z czasopismami pedagogicznych. Ponadto popularyzowali wyniki swoich badań m.in. na łamach takich czasopism, jak: „Szkoła” i „Czasopismo Pedagogicznego” oraz „Muzeum”.
The article attempts to present the concept of pedagogical education in state Teacher Training Colleges in Krakow. Problems in the present study concern the functioning of these institutions in the period of Galician autonomy. The principal sources for the presentation of the process of pedagogical education in these colleges were mainly reports of the colleges’ directors as well as textbooks on pedagogical subjects. On the basis of the above mentioned sources, the following issues have been presented: teaching content of pedagogical subjects, lecturers of pedagogical subjects, textbooks and supplementary publications rela­ting to pedagogy as well as pedagogical subject matter of homework assignments and of secondary school-leaving exams. Within the scope of the teaching content of pedagogical subjects, there were: the history of pedagogy, pedagogy, didactics, psychology, anthropology as well as the subjects that are currently referred to as pre-school pedagogy, which were taught in female colleges. The reports indicate that it were usually the directors of the colleges and deputy directors who taught pedagogical subjects. These teachers actively participated in scientific societies and cooperated with pedagogical journals. Moreover, they familiarised the public with the results of their research results in periodicals such as “School”, “Pedagogical Journal”, “Museum” and in other publications.
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