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Objective. The aim of the study was to verify psychometric properties of the Czech version of Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) in a representative sample of the Czech Republic and to assess sociodemographic differences in various types of trauma across different groups of the Czech population. Methods. A cross-sectional study (N=1000, mean age 46.0, 48.6 % men) collected data using the CTQ. Medians and quartiles were used to assess the data, non-parametric tests were used to test the differences between groups. The dimensional structure was tested by confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Results. All subscales of the CTQ correlated moderately. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed the suitability of the original 5-factor solution. The internal consistency of the CTQ subscales was very good (α ranged from .817 to .922), except physical neglect with questionable consistency (α= .642). According to the empirically derived cut off score, emotional abuse (EA) was found in 20.2 %, physical abuse (PA) in 18 %, sexual abuse (SA) in 9.7%, emotional neglect (EN) in 15.6 % and physical neglect (PN) in 37.2% of the Czech population, with 24.5 % of respondents with one type of trauma experience and 23.8% with multiplex traumatisation. People living alone had a significantly higher occurrence of EA, EN and PN. People with primary school education had a significantly higher occurrence of EN and PN compared to those with higher education. Disability was significantly associated with the occurrence of EA. The incidence of SA was significantly associated with living alone and achieved primary education. Limitations. Data collection method (a standardised face to face interview) could affect the social desirability of answers as well as sensitivity to emotionally demanding items.
Cieľom štúdie bolo overiť psychometrické vlastnosti českého prekladu CTQ (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire) na reprezentatívnej vzorke dospelých obyvateľov Českej republiky (ČR) a posúdiť sociodemografické rozdiely v jednotlivých podtypoch traumatizácie v rôznych skupinách obyvateľstva. Metódy. V rámci výskumnej štúdie na reprezentatívnej vzorke obyvateľstva ČR (N=1000, priemerný vek 46,0; 48,6 % mužov) boli zozbierané údaje nástroja CTQ. Na popis dát boli použité mediány a kvartily, na testovanie rozdielov v skupinách boli použité neparametrické testy. Dimenzionálna štruktúra dotazníku bola testovaná exploračnou a konfirmačnou faktorovou analýzou. Výsledky. Nástroj CTQ je možné považovať za validný sebaposudzovací nástroj pre dospelých na retrospektívne zisťovanie traumatizácie v detstve v českom kultúrnom kontexte. Exploračná a konfirmačná faktorová analýza ukázali vhodnosť pôvodného 5-faktorového riešenia. Na potvrdenie konvergentnej validity boli použité škály úzkostnosti a vyhýbavosti z dotazníka ECR-R (Experiences in Close Relationships - Revised) a škála neuroticizmu z BFI-44 (Big Five Inventory). Vnútorná konzistencia subškál CTQ bola výborná (s Cronbachovým α v rozmedzí 0,82 až 0,92), okrem škály fyzického zanedbávania (α = 0,64). V reprezentatívnej vzorke obyvateľstva ČR bolo podľa empiricky odvodených prahových hodnôt zistené u 20,2 % respondentov emocionálne týranie (EA), u 18 % fyzické týranie (PA), u 9,7% sexuálne zneužívanie (SA), u 15,6 % emocionálne zanedbávanie (EN) a u 37,2 % fyzické zanedbávanie (PN). U 24,5 % obyvateľstva bol prítomný aspoň jeden typ traumatizácie a u 23,8 % traumatizácia viacerými typmi traumy. U ľudí žijúcich osamelo bol signifikantne vyšší výskyt EA, EN a PN. Obyvatelia s dosiahnutým základným vzdelaním mali signifikantne vyšší výskyt EN a PN v porovnaní s ľuďmi s vyšším typom vzdelania. Výskyt SA bol významne asociovaný s životom osamote a dosiahnutým základným vzdelaním. Invalidita bola signifikantne spojená s výskytom EA. Jednotlivé subškály CTQ medzi sebou stredne korelovali. Limity. Limitom štúdie je spôsob zberu údajov. Štandardizované interview mohlo ovplyvniť odpovedanie na citlivé položky sociálne želateľným smerom.
The number of foreign nationals convicted of physical abuse in the period spanning 2004–2012 was around a dozen cases a year. The percentage of convicted foreign nationals in comparison with Poles indicted with the offence described in the provisions of Article 207 of the Polish Penal Code, was very low, i.e. 0.1%, throughout all the years studied. In the years 2004–2012, foreign nationals in Poland were convicted of 145 physical abuse offences. The perpetrators originated from 34 countries. Most of them came from Ukraine (24%), followed by Russia (12%) and Germany (7%). In the period under study, 8 convictions were secured for Armenian nationals, and 6 for Rumanian and Turkish, respectively. It should be noted that in the case of physical abuse, the aggrieved parties were mainly family members, spouses, and partners, but also children and the elderly, as well as the persons physically dependent on others for assistance in their activities of daily living (e.g. persons with disabilities). The relevant statistical data may readily be augmented by the materials gathered in the course of analysing the court’s records. Among the persons indicted for physical abuse, women are seldom the perpetrators, as only two were found in the cases analysed (28 offenders were male). The aggrieved parties were not their partners, though, but dependent individuals. The most numerous groups of perpetrators found in the court files included Russians (7 offenders) and Ukrainians (5). 7 offenders were EU citizens. Single cases were represented by other nationalities (2 Armenians, 2 Azerbaijanis, 2 Tunisians, 1 Belarussian, and 1 Iraqi). Much as in the case of other aggressive acts, numerous instances of physical abuse were related to their perpetrators’ inebriation. 18 offenders (i.e. almost 2/3 of the indicted ones) were under the influence of alcohol. The main motive of domestic violence was (besides alcohol abuse which seemed to directly trigger the outbursts of violent behaviour), some sort of conflict between family members in conjunction with an inability to alleviate it or resolve by other means. In the case of persons applying for a refugee status, long-term frustration was also found to be a contributing factor. Immediate family members of, i.e. wife, partner, children, and stepchildren aged 1–17 usually fall victim to domestic violence. In the case files under examination, a majority of the wronged women were of Polish nationality (23), 4 were Chechens, and one was an Azeri woman. In the majority of cases, where the perpetrator came from a country where Islam is the dominant religion (the perpetrator’s religious denomination was not mentioned in all the cases) and the victim was a Polish woman, it was hard to determine whether domestic violence has cultural reasons. These cases in no way differed from those in which the perpetrators were men of European origin. The actual percentage of foreign nationals convicted of rape in relation to the total number of convictions secured in pursuance of the provisions of Article 197 of the Polish Penal Code varies in the respective years of the period under study, ranging from 0.5% (in 2008) to over 2% (in 2012). The number of such convictions with regard to Polish nationals has been steadily decreasing, while remaining fairly stable in the case of foreign nationals (ranging from 4 to 17 per year). In the period spanning 2004–2012, foreign nationals in Poland were convicted of 88 rapes, their perpetrators originating from 29 countries. Over nine years, usually only one or two instances of convictions for rape were related to respective nationalities. Most convictions involved Ukrainians (20%), Bulgarians (17%), and Germans (8%). Romanian citizens were convicted in five cases, while Armenians and Russians 4 times each. A rich source of data on the perpetrators are the court records of criminal cases. In those studied, 18 perpetrators were revealed, all men. It would be rather hard to speculate, though, on any apparent regularity regarding their nationality. In that particular group, the most numerous were the Ukrainians (3). Otherwise, the group comprised single representatives of Russia (Chechen extraction), Tunisia, Morocco, Belarus, Syria, Algeria, Iran, Armenia, and the United States. Six offenders were EU citizens. The reason for a sexual assault was primarily the drive to satisfy one’s sexual desire, which in more than half of the cases was also related to alcohol abuse by the perpetrator. The statistics on the total number of rape offences committed by foreign nationals also differ in terms of the actual location where the rape was perpetrated. The majority (10) of offences described in the records studied took place in apartments and houses (as indeed it usually happens in all cases of reported rape in Poland), but open public spaces (e.g. streets, fields, woodland areas) made up an equally significant category (10 cases). In all cases the aggrieved parties were women, all of them of Polish nationality. They were mostly young or very young women. The youngest victim (of attempted rape) was 11 years old, while the oldest was 32. As with most cases of rape, one rule seemed to prevail throughout, i.e. first and foremost the victims of rape were personally known to the perpetrator. Out of the 20 identified victims, 12 knew the rapist, and 6 of them were members of the perpetrator’s family. In terms of the analysed records, minor victims appeared relatively numerous, also in view of the fact that the two perpetrators raped several girls. In no instance of rape of very young girls was the cultural aspect ever mentioned. In none of those cases was a young girl forced into marriage, or was cultural consent granted to having a sexual intercourse with a minor. Summing up the issue of foreign nationals as the perpetrators of physical abuse and rape, especially in the context of honour based violence, it is clear that currently such acts do not seem to have been committed mainly by the Muslims. Since foreign nationals residing in Poland mostly come from the neighbouring countries (predominantly Ukraine), they are by far the most visible as offenders. As far as the cases of rape are concerned, as referenced in the criminal records under study, the perpetrators’ mode of operation did not differ with respect to their nationality. In the case of foreign offenders, a substantial number of rape victims were very young girls, although this was in no way related to cultures that accept and promote child marriage or forced unions. All the perpetrators originated from our own cultural background.
In recent years the problem of domestic violence in Poland is particularly frequent. It is extremely difficult to solve because it requires cooperation between entities co-executing the program counteracting this phenomenon as well as both the victim and their perpetrator. From the viewpoint of ongoing activities, continuing dissemination and updating in the local environment every information about institutions and organizations providing help to people entangled in the problem of violence is crucial, just as constant verification of the effectiveness and quality of the tasks undertaken.
W ostatnich latach w Polsce szczególnie częsty jest problem przemocy domowej. Jest on o tyle trudny do rozwiązania, że wymaga współpracy zarówno ofiary, jak i sprawcy przemocy z podmiotami współrealizującymi program przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku. Istotne jest z punktu widzenia prowadzonych działań, ustawiczne rozpowszechnianie i aktualizowanie w środowisku lokalnym informacji o instytucjach i organizacjach udzielających pomocy osobom uwikłanym w problem przemocy oraz stała weryfikacja skuteczności i jakości podejmowanych zadań.
W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki Ogólnopolskiej diagnozy problemu przemocy wobec dzieci dotyczące przemocy rówieśniczej. Badanie przeprowadzono na reprezentatywnej próbie 1 005 nastolatków w wieku 11–17 lat. Z badania wynika, że 59% nastolatków doświadczyło przemocy rówieśniczej, 41% badanych doświadczyło jej w formie przemocy fizycznej, 28% zaś w formie przemocy psychicznej. Niemal co piąty badany (18%) był ofiarą napaści zbiorowej, a co dziesiąty (11%) — znęcania się, które w zasadzie nie występuje w oderwaniu od przemocy fizycznej i psychicznej. 10% nastolatków doświadczyło przemocy w związku. Napaści zbiorowej oraz przemocy fizycznej najczęściej doświadczają chłopcy, natomiast przemocy psychicznej i znęcania się młodsze nastolatki (11–14 lat).
The article presents the results of National Survey of Child and Youth Victimization in Poland carried out on a representative sample of 1 005 adolescents aged 11–17 concerning peer victimization. The survey shows that 59% of teenagers have experienced bullying. 41% of respondents have experienced it in the form of physical abuse, 28% — psychological violence. Almost one in fi ve (18%) was the victim of group assault, and one in ten (11%) — bullying, which basically does not exist in isolation from the physical and psychological violence. 10% of teenagers have experienced violence on a date. Group assault and physical violence experienced by most boys, while psychological violence and abuse — the younger teenagers (11–14 years).
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego wśród 1722 studentów z pięciu polskich uczelni. Jego celem było określenie skali przemocy fizycznej doświadczania w dzieciństwie, zidentyfikowanie form tego rodzaju krzywdzenia oraz związku między przemocą fizyczną doświadczaną w dzieciństwie a zachowaniami szkodliwymi dla zdrowia. Badani samodzielnie wypełnili kwestionariusz dotyczący negatywnych doświadczeń dziecięcych. Wyniki badania wskazują na dużą częstość występowania przemocy fizycznej (46%). Najbardziej rozpowszechnioną jej formą było karanie w postaci klapsów (41%). Stwierdzono istotny związek między doświadczaniem przemocy fizycznej w dzieciństwie a późniejszym występowaniem zachowań ryzykownych dla zdrowia, takich jak zachowania autodestrukcyjne, używanie substancji psychoaktywnych oraz ryzykowne zachowania seksualne.
The article presents the results of a survey conducted among 1722 students from five Polish universities. Its purpose was is to determine the scale of physical abuse experienced in childhood, to identify forms of this type of abuse and the relationship between physical abuse experienced in childhood and health-harming behaviors. The respondents filled out a questionnaire on adverse childhood experiences. The results of the study indicate a high rate of physical abuse (46%). The most widespread form of physical abuse was punishment in the form of spanking (41%). A significant association was found between physical abuse in childhood and health-harm behaviors, such as self-destructive behaviors, the use of psychoactive substances, and risky sexual behaviors.
Celem artykułu było przedstawienie i porównanie wyników badań zrealizowanych w Polsce, w Chorwacji oraz na Łotwie na temat stosowania kar cielesnych oraz postaw względem tej formy dyscyplinowania. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w sierpniu 2017 r. metodą CAWI na próbach kwotowo-losowych osób w wieku 15 lat i więcej (w Polsce: N = 1005, Chorwacji: N = 500, na Łotwie: N = 500). Zdaniem około połowy respondentów na przestrzeni ostatnich 10 lat można obserwować spadek stosowania kar fizycznych. W Polsce i na Łotwie połowę badanych stanowią zdecydowani przeciwnicy stosowania kar fizycznych. W Chorwacji można zaobserwować większe poparcie dla tego typu zachowań. We wszystkich badanych krajach obowiązuje prawny zakaz stosowania kar fizycznych. Wśród badanych wiedziało o tym 61% Polaków, 59% Chorwatów i 46% Łotyszy. Połowa badanych Polaków i Łotyszy (odpowiednio, 52% i 51%) oraz 62% Chorwatów to zwolennicy prawnego zakazu stosowania kar cielesnych. Najpopularniejsza metoda wychowawcza to stosowanie różnego rodzaju zakazów. Polscy rodzice nieco rzadziej niż pozostali stosują kary cielesne (26% w Polsce vs 32% na Łotwie i 35% w Chorwacji). Utrata panowania nad sobą to najczęstszy powód stosowania kar cielesnych przez rodziców we wszystkich trzech krajach. W obszarze wychowania dzieci respondenci największe zaufanie mają do własnego doświadczenia i własnej intuicji. Większość świadków cielesnego dyscyplinowania dziecka nie podjęło w tej sytuacji żadnych działań i zazwyczaj wynikało to z braku wiedzy, jak to zrobić.
The aim of the article is to present and compare the results of research carried out in Poland, Croatia and Latvia on the use of corporal punishment and attitudes towards this form of discipline. The survey was conducted in August 2017 using the CAWI method on quota-random samples of persons aged 15 and over (in Poland N = 1005, in Croatia N = 500, in Latvia N = 500). According to about half of the respondents, a decline in the use of corporal punishments can be observed in the last 10 years. In Poland and Latvia, half of the respondents are strong opponents of the use of corporal punishments. In Croatia, there is more support for this type of behavior. In all investigated countries, there is a legal ban of corporal punishment. 61% of surveyed Poles, 59% of Croatians and 46% of Latvians are familiar with this law. Half of surveyed Poles and Latvians (52% and 51% respectively) and 62% of Croatians are supporters of the legal ban of corporal punishment. The most popular discipline techniques is the use of various types of bans. Polish parents use corporal punishment less than parents in Croatia and Latvia (26% in Poland to 32% in Latvia and 35% in Croatia). Loss of self-control is the most common reason for corporal punishment by parents in all three countries. In the area of raising children, the respondents have the most confidence in their own experience and their own intuition. Most respondents who witnessed corporal discipline of the child did not take any action in this situation due to lack of knowledge on how to react.
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