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Purpose. To research the contents of polemic of uniate theologian Elijah Morochowski with Meletiy Smotrycki in the work “Paregoria albo utulenie uszczypliwego lamentu mniemaney Cerkwie Swiętey Wschodniey zmyślonego Theophila Ortologa”, concerned the question of primacy of the Pope. Methods. In the article it is used the historical and cultural, hermeneutics, comparative methods. Results. The polemical works of Elijah Morochowski reveal the importance of the primacy of the Pope in religious controversy in Rich Pospolyta in XVI‒XVII centuries. The report deals with the different ways of interpretations of the historical figures, events, the rules of Church councils by the uniate theologian Elijah Morochowski and apologist of orthodox church Meletiy Smotrycki. It is researched the cultural contacnts catholics, uniates with the orthodox theologians in the Rich Pospolyta, that is fixed in polemical texts of Ukrainian, Polish literatures. It is analyzed the sources of argumentation, the ways of communication of the controversialist with the opponent, pointed to means of persuasion, the methods of interpretation of Holy Bible.
The attitude of Piotr Skarga toward occurrences from the years 1606–1609 was defined by his political opinions, which bases were monarchism and Catholicism of the Counter Reformation. In the discussed time Skarga voiced his opinions in three works. His invectives had a little in common with the truth. The main invective regarding the “rebels” concerned the crime against the Roman Catholic Church. The remaining matters were only an addendum of the main issue. Meanwhile, for the “rebels” more important than confession were nobility and citizenship. Hence came Skarga’s entire incomprehension for demands and system of nobles. There were many more writings which appeared as impostors of Piotr Skarga. The authors, for the most part anonymous, described thepreacher as the supreme enemy, the sower of discord, the destroyer of freedom and the embodiment of evil. T hey alleged him a peasantorigins, hypocrisy, and false care for the country. Skarga was the enemy of the political nation of The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, hated all of that nation matters. Still, the Polish people from XIXth and XXth centuries committed to memory the adherents of Zebrzydowski as the “rebels”, even if “rebels” really basically understood, what was the reason of The State of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. summarized by Dawid Szymczak
The death of a sinner in Orthodox polemical literature of the era of the Union of Brest In the Orthodox polemics of the end of the 16th and the first half of the 17th century, sinners, dying of a “bad death”, are most often apostates from the faith (bishops who joined the Union of Brest), converts, and religious dissenters, especially persecutors of the Orthodox Сhurch, and those committing sacrilege and blasphemy. Descriptions of their miserable deaths are based on a traditional Old East Slavic schema, but they have a particular, less universal dimension. They generally act as cautionary examples, which are referred to when discussing current issues (the dispute over the legality of the Synod of Brest, the controversy over the acquisition of temples and properties, the debate over the calendrical reform, and the apologetics and defence of Orthodox sanctuaries, icons, and relics). In all cases, the death of a sinner (Uniate, Catholic or Protestant) becomes the final confirmation that the Orthodox author is right, as well as the evidence of the sanctity of his tradition, and the sign of condemnation of the religious dissenters.
Смерть злодея в православной полемической литературе времен Брестской церковной унии В православной полемической литературе конца ХVI и первой половины XVII века в роли грешников, умирающих „злой смертью”, чаще всего выступают вероотступники (главным образом, епископы, признавшие Брестскую церковную унию 1596 года), люди, обращенные из православия, и инославные христиане, в первую очередь гонители Церкви, святотатцы и богохульники. Описания их жалкого конца опираются на традиционную древнерусскую модель, но в отличие от нее носят гораздо менее универсальный характер. Большей частью они играют роль назидательных примеров, к которым полемисты обращались в связи со злобой дня, такой как спор о каноничности брестского поместного собора, протесты против захвата православных храмов и имущества, разногласия насчет календарной реформы или же апология и защита православных святынь — церквей, икон и мощей. Во всех приведенных примерах смерть злодея (униата, католика или протестанта) является окончательным оправданием позиций благочестивого автора — доказательством богоугодности его собственной традиции и знаком осуждения любого инославия.
The article first gives a short presentation of Angelus Silesius (1624-1677) or, Johannes Scheffler, and then more thoroughly analyses the first part of his work entitled Idea causarum fundatarum, transeundi a Lutheranis ad Ecclesiam Catholicam; comprehensarum Illationibus duabus which has been forgotten today. The baroque writer used exclusively brief statements which confirm the truth of the Roman faith and simultaneously debunk arguments in favor of Protestant religion. Above all his work was supposed to provide polemical ammunition for the supporters of the Roman Catholic Church and to justify discontinuing relations with Protestantism. In order to achieve this purpose, the writer enumerated and discussed arguments related to the most important arguable theological issues, such as the apostolic succession, miracles, attitude to God’s Word, religious life, celibacy, the figure of Luther and his adherents, etc.
The article investigates the peculiarities of the interpretation of faith as a quintessence in the conceptual world view of writers-polemists of the Early Baroque epoch. It is clarified that religious and literary controversy was caused by the adoption of the Union of Brest. In Ukrainian society, in fact, there was a schism between the supporters of different religious denominations into those who supported or rejected the Union. Therefore, the aim of the polemists was to establish the veracity of faith. The works of M. Smotrytskyj, Ch. Filalet, and H. Potij are created in accordance with the conceptual space of polemical literature of the Early Baroque epoch and represent diametrically opposed opinions on the interpretation of the Union. M. Smotrytskij and Ch. Filalet are against the Union and Catholicism, and as such express the idea of the necessity to protect the Greek Orthodox Church. Against this view, H. Potij demonstrates solidarity with the conception of the supporters of the Union, which contradicts the main ideas of M. Smotrytskij and Ch. Filalet. However, the concept of faith as the main condition of Christian life and the manifestation of spiritual values of personality acquires the highest axiological characteristic in the works of the polemists. Faith is the dominant philosophical and ideological category of the conceptual world view of the writers, a peculiar key to the implementation of the authors’ position in the controversy. The ideological sense of their works, which is embodied in religious concepts, represents the peculiarities of the outlook of the Early Baroque epoch. In the works of the polemists, the first priority is faith, which is God’s gift and creates existential dimensions of personality. Actually, faith is conceived as the basis of human life and the formation of a mentally conscious and value-oriented nation.
Roczniki Humanistyczne
vol. 70
issue 7
This paper discusses the satirical pamphlet Kalendar rymskyj novy [The New Roman Calendar], part of Herasym Smotrytsky’s book better known as Kliuch tsarstva nebesnoho [The Key to the Heavenly Kingdom, 1587], which is the first printed example of Orthodox polemical literature in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In his pamphlet, Smotrytsky shows the negative social consequences of the calendar reform by Pope Gregory XIII (1582) and categorically rejects the new calendar. Instead of scientific argumentation, he uses satire with irony, sarcasm, exaggeration and anecdotes. He also writes in a language close to the vernacular. All of this made his work understandable and convincing for Orthodox Ruthenians (Ukrainians and Belarusians) and accessible to the broad masses.  
Artykuł prezentuje jeden z najwcześniejszych przykładów prawosławnego piśmiennictwa polemicznego epoki unii brzeskiej – Kalendarz rzymski nowy Herasyma Smotryckiego. Utwór ten ukazał się drukiem w zbiorze tekstów tegoż autora, znanym powszechnie jako Klucz królestwa niebieskiego (1587), i jest uznawany za pierwszy w historii literatury ukraińskiej pamflet. W charakterystyczny dla wypowiedzi satyrycznej sposób Smotrycki komentuje reformę kalendarzową Grzegorza XIII (1582), prezentując jednocześnie stanowisko Kościoła wschodniego. Nie wdając się w dyskusje na temat naukowych podstaw reformy, opisuje jej społeczne konsekwencje na ziemiach ruskich Rzeczypospolitej, zamieszkałych przez ludność prawosławną, i przedstawia ośmieszającą krytykę katolickiego dyskursu jedności. Jego dzieło, napisane w przystępnej i atrakcyjnej dla ruskiego czytelnika formie oraz zrozumiałym dla niego językiem, jest przykładem udanego wykorzystania metod perswazji i argumentacji stosowanych w zachodnioeuropejskiej publicystyce religijnej doby reformacji i kontrreformacji.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problemu badań na opracowa-niem krytycznym i wydaniem wraz z komentarzem dwóch pism polemicz-nych czołowych reprezentantów katolicko-prawosławnej polemiki wyzna-niowej na ziemiach ruskich I Rzeczypospolitej. Będą to dzieła: Kasjana Sa-kowicza Perspektywa (1642) oraz Piotra Mohyły Lithos (1644). Proponowa-ne badania mogą mieć istotne znaczenie w rozwoju wiedzy na temat staro-polskiej i staroruskiej kultury literackiej tworzonej zarówno przez wyznaw-ców Kościoła katolickiego, jak i przez pisarzy wywodzących się z kręgu chrześcijaństwa wschodniego – prawosławnego w I połowie w XVII wieku.
The purpose of this article is to present the research problem related with conducting a critical analysis of two polemical writings authored by the leading representatives of the Catholic-Orthodox religious polemics who lived on the Ruthenian lands of the First Republic of Poland. The works will include: Perspektywa (1642) by Kasjan Sakowicz and Lithos (1644) by Piotr Mohyła. The project, which is also aimed at later publication of the above texts provided with a commentary, will play a significant role in the devel-opment of knowledge about literary culture created both by the followers of the Catholic Church and by writers originating from the sphere of Eastern Christianity in the first half of the seventeenth century.
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