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The article describes the stages of professional development of the individual; psychological regularities and features of professionalization in student's years are analyzed.
Radca prawny jest jednym z wolnych zawodów wykonywanych Polsce. W odniesieniu do tej grupy zawodowej zastosowanie mają wszelkie zasady rozwoju kariery zawodowej określone w literaturze przedmiotu. Radcy są jednak zobowiązani ponadto na mocy obowiązujących przepisów do uczestniczenia w szkoleniach w celu doskonalenia zawodowego. Egzekucje tego obowiązku zapewnia katalog kar. Podkreślenia jednak wymaga, iż to nie kary powinny wpływać na koniczność samodoskonalenia się tej grupy zawodowej, lecz wysoka odpowiedzialność za interes klienta i wysoki standard świadczonych przez radców usług.
Legal counsel is one of the liberal professions to be performed in Poland. In relation to this professional group all the rules apply to career development referred to in the literature of the subject. However, counsel must also, pursuant to the provisions in force to participate in training to in-service training. Executions this obligation provides a catalogue of penalties. Highlight, however, requires that no penalty should affect the imperative of self-improvement this professional group, but high responsibility for the interest of the client and the high standard of services provided by attorneys.
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of occupational burnout in social services professions. Occupational burnout was first reported in the seventies. Intense civilization changes and increasing demands placed on social services have caused that the psychological costs they incur. At work, doctors, nurses, teachers, emergency workers, police officers and others are becoming more and more significant. Representatives of these professions are exposed to severe stress, which they can not cope with, are permanently tired, exhausted, are less and less satisfied with the work they do. Taking up the fight with such burdens, they distance themselves from the people they help. Over time, their involvement in the profession is getting weaker. They change it or go into premature retirement. These phenomena are commonly called “burnout”.
This research paper examines the professional and non-professional methodological competencies of secondary school teachers in Nigeria. The main focus of this study is to probe the impact of professional and non-professional methodological competencies as a predictor of teaching effectiveness. Although this exploration is survey research, a questionnaire was used for data gathering, and multiple statistical procedures were employed in the analysis. This study contributes to the field both in terms of theory and practice. Theoretically, it provides an outline of school effectiveness and quality improvement that can be used as a basis for further research. The study identifies factors that create barriers to methodological competencies for the two categories of teachers used in this study. It also describes the present situation on the ground in Nigerian secondary schools. At the practical level, this outline might guide school leaders, education planners and policy makers in their school effectiveness and quality improvement endeavors.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 6
issue 1
When conflicts of interests arise for the professional, s/he should be aided in their resolution by a long-standing body of knowledge called ethics. Ethics provides an array of concepts, vocabulary, and strategies to aid in both the understanding and the resolution of such challenges. Central here are two concepts, viz. responsibility and conflict of interest. Responsibility emerges incrementally from a person’s knowledge, freedom, and deliberation. Conflicts of interest are either simple or complex: simple, when a principle conflicts with human wants; complex, when two or more principles are mutually inconsistent. An analysis of these two concepts leads us to the claim that a professional, to remain such, even while embracing an ever-expanding burden of responsibility, needs a conceptual framework for resolving conflicts of interest.
In the article, some meaningful oppositions are discussed, which are actual in Michael Bulhakov’s prose, such as „professional ~ non-professional”, „master (=creator) ~ professional (=educated servant of the anti-creative Soviet Authority)”. The moral key of the opposition „master ~ professional” in Bulhakov’s prose has been proved. Just this key is basic in the contemporary Russian language consciousness, where the opposition „personal ~ impersonal” is characteristic.
In accordance with the legal rules that applied until the end of December 2013, the Polish real estate intermediary was obliged to perform in accordance with these rules as well as professional standards, with particular accuracy and care appropriate for the nature of the profession as well as the principles of professional ethics. On 13 June 2013 Polish Parliament adopted an Act amending the existing law on the exercise of certain professions, abolishing regulation of the profession of real estate intermediary or agent. From 1 January 2014, virtually all requirements became obsolete, like the need to possess a license, to possess proper education, the completion of an apprenticeship and the lack of a criminal record. The question arises how the real estate market coped with compliance with the law as well as professional standards and ethics. The aim of this article is to present proposals for new solutions in the area of professional standards for real estate intermediaries, in response to the changed markets conditions, and to compare the changes in the principles of professional ethics.
The article presents the basic relations between identity (its cumulative function) and the creation of human capital. Man in the work environment should benefit from the concepts, procedures & tools offered by modern human resource management in the process of creating his own identity. Identifying & understanding the elements & tools of human resource management for building the identity accelerates its development, demonstrates the possibilities of the use of their fields of competences and moral dispositions in modern organizations. Such approach is an attempt to combine the identity with key factors of organizations’ human capital development, an attempt to establish essence relations between them.
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Nieustanny rozwój większości procesów cywilizacyjnych (w tym: techniki i nowoczesnych technologii wytwarzania, systemów informacji, organizacji pracy itp.) sprawia, że ciągle rosną wymagania formułowane pod adresem osób funkcjonujących w owej cywilizacji. Rośnie zapotrzebowanie na człowieka, nie tylko na takiego, który uzyskał dyplom renomowanej uczelni, ale głównie na takiego, który zdobytą w procesach edukacyjnych wiedzę i umiejętności potrafi należycie spożytkować na użytek własny i swojego otoczenia. Osoba, która ma wysokie kompetencje, potrafi myśleć holistycznie, poszukiwać nowych innowacyjnych rozwiązań i skutecznie je wdrażać w życie realizując ambitne cele, rozumie innych, dba o swój nieustanny rozwój osobowy i zawodowy itd. Słowem jest kompetentnym fachowcem, urzędnikiem, czy menadżerem (określany mianem profesjonalisty) zmierzającym do osiągania profesjonalizmu. Problematyce profesjonalizmu i pożądanym cechom, które winny charakteryzować profesjonalistę poświęcone zostały rozważania zawarte w niniejszym tekście.
Continuous development of the majority civilization processes (including technology and advanced manufacturing technology, information systems, organization of work, etc.) makes a constant grow of demands formulated to the people operating in this civilization. There is a growing demand not only for man, who graduated from prestigious universities but mainly for man, who is able to properly use the knowledge and skills gained in process of learning for their own use and their surrounding areas. A person who is highly competent, can think holistically, looking for new innovative solutions and effectively implement them in life pursuing ambitious goals. A man who understands the other, take care of his continuous personal and professional development etc. In one word he is a competent expert, officer or manager (referred as professional) aimed to achieve professionalism. Issues of professionalism and a desirable feature that should characterize a professional devoted to the considerations contained herein.
Th is paper deals with the number of important issues: how to become a professional, able to carry out ones functions competently, and seek for autonomy; what conditions the professionalism; how to improve professionalism in practice and everything. An overview of a professional, the conceptions of the concept of professionalism, the essence of the development of professionalism in practice are examined, the interrelationship between the learning from experience, practice and professional development is reasoned. Key empirical research fi ndings are presented: the approaches of teachers / andragogues who upgrade qualifi cations at Klaipėda University Institute of Continuing Studies, Lithuania, to professional development in practice on the aspect of learning from experience.
Modernization of Ukrainian social and cultural space in the twentieth century is reflected in all spheres of life. The transition to civil society has identified a number of issues, including citizenship education in terms of the renewed Ukraine. Achieving this outcome involves not only learning social skills and practical skills that provide social adaptation and mobility of graduates for a changing society, but also the youth engagement, the ability to quickly changing social roles, the possibility of active and creative participation in the social process. The basic concept for determining the nature of the term «citizenship» is a lifestyle. It can be described as an activity reaction to the physical world in all its manifestations. The position is a set of specifically defined actions, original answers to certain factors. Thus, the author stresses that lifestyle means outlook due sustainable, generalized spiritual and practical relation of man to reality and of itself and is characterized by a certain degree of activity, orientation, color evaluation, manifested in various forms of human activity, combining them into a single whole. The citizen of the XXI century is a person possessing the legal culture and sense of responsibility for his country, its prosperity, knowing and respecting the laws, its rights and duties, able not only to live in the civil society and legal state, but also to create it. So the main purpose of educational work in the extracurricular activities Cossack classes in pedagogical college is to versatile the development of a personality of the future competitive specialist with high legal and political culture, social activity and qualities of a citizen-patriot. The future teachers’ civic development in the extracurricular activities Cossack classes is a unified, purposeful process of formation of the personality of the citizen-patriot, a worker and professional. The success of the future teacher’s citizen’s education largely determines the spiritual space of the students, which guides them to the purchase and use of the personal experience of the democratic relations that characterize the student government, the design and establishment of a similar space in the future professional activity. The prospects for further research are related to the definition and study of the concepts and terminology of research, installation the components and levels of performance in the training of future teachers in extracurricular activities of Cossack class.
The advent of online advertising has drastically changed how football is approached and funded. No doubt, Information and Communication Technology has had huge impact on sports development across the globe and also has created new vista for sports promotion, marketing, sports followership and revenue generation. This study examines the influence of online advertising in the promotion of Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). The technological determinism theory was used as theoreti-cal basis for this research work. Survey method of research was adopted with four hundred copies of questionnaire administered to respondents in four States in the North- Central zone of Nigeria namely; Niger, Kogi, Benue and FCT. It was found that the extent of online advertising usage by the League Management Company (LMC) and NPFL club sides is poor in compare to its usage by other league organizers and club sides in advanced nations. Therefore, this study recommends that the league han-dlers should, immediately, consider setting up a fully equipped social media marketing team. This should include; web designers, graphic artists, online media influencers and advert executives. The LMC should also ensure the employment of professional web designers to revamp the look-and-feel of the site. Make it more user-friendly and updated constantly. Also, the website should be fully commercialized. online, advertising, league, football, promotion, professional Pojawienie się reklamy internetowej radykalnie zmieniło podejście do piłki nożnej i jej finansowania. Bez wątpienia technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne wywarły ogromny wpływ na rozwój sportu na całym świecie, a także stworzyły nowe perspektywy promocji sportu, marketingu, obserwowania sportu i generowania przychodów. Niniejsze badanie dotyczy wpływu reklamy internetowej na promocję Nigeryjskiej Profesjonalnej Ligi Piłki Nożnej (NPFL). Podstawę teoretyczną niniejszej pracy badawczej stanowi teoria determinizmu technologicznego. Przyjęto ankietową metodę badań, obejmującą czterysta kopii kwestionariusza udzielonego respondentom w czterech stanach północno-środkowej strefy Nigerii, a mianowicie; Niger, Kogi, Benue i FCT. Stwierdzono, że zakres wykorzystania reklam online przez League Management Company (LMC) i strony klubowe NPFL jest niewielki w porównaniu z ich wykorzystaniem przez innych organizatorów lig i kluby w zaawansowanych krajach. Dlatego w tym badaniu zaleca się, aby prowadzący ligę natychmiast rozważyli utworzenie w pełni wyposażonego zespołu marketingu społecznościowego. Powinno to obejmować; projektantów stron internetowych, grafików, osoby wpływające na media internetowe i specjalistów ds. reklam. League Management Company (LMC) powinno również zapewnić zatrudnienie profesjonalnych projektantów stron internetowych w celu zmiany wyglądu i działania witryny. Sprawić, aby była bardziej przyjazna dla użytkownika i stale aktualizowana. Strona powinna być również w pełni skomercjalizowana. online, reklama, liga, piłka nożna, promocja, zawody
The citizen of the XXI century is a person possessing the legal culture and sense of responsibility for his country, its prosperity, knowing and respecting the laws, its rights and duties, able not only to live in the civil society and legal state, but also to create it. So the main purpose of educational work during the pedagogical practice on the basis of the Cossack classes of secondary educational institution is to versatile the development of a personality of the future competitive specialist with high legal and political culture, social activity and qualities of a citizen-patriot. The formation of citizenship of future teachers during the pedagogical practice on the basis of the Cossack classes of the secondary educational institution is an unified, purposeful process of formation of the personality of the citizen-patriot, worker and professional. The success of citizenship the future teachers education, largely determines the spiritual space of the students, which guides him to the purchase and use of the personal experience of democratic relations that characterize the student government, the design and establishment of a similar space in the future professional activity. Civic education should form a large piece of education in any young modern country which has chosen a democratic way of development. In Ukraine, there have been many programs and projects related to the development of civic background and significant experience exists both in the governmental and non-governmental sector. However, in order to develop future teachers’ civic position during the pedagogical practice on the basis of the Cossack classes of the secondary educational institution in the country it is necessary to create a systematic process that allows all citizens to obtain civic education. The matter is not in unification of approaches and methods, but in their diversity which has been observed in the educational activity of the informal sector. The main obstacle for coordinated development of the formation of citizenship of future teachers in the governmental and non-governmental sector is the absence of a common conceptual base for development. The time has come to develop a single, unified strategy for the development of future teachers’ civic position in the extracurricular activities in Ukraine taking into consideration the accumulated experience herein, reliance on existing national programs and best practices from other countries.
Objectives The aim of this study has been to examine the degree to which it is possible to predict job satisfaction in hospital nurses based on core self-evaluation and the nurses’ professional commitment. Psychological constructs of nurses’ professional commitment could predict a level of job satisfaction. Material and Methods A cross-sectional design was applied. Data was collected from 584 nurses of the University Hospital Osijek between April and November 2016. Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSES), Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) and Nurses‘ Professional Commitment Scale (NPCS) were administrated to the study participants. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to test the validity of each questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was used for testing the prediction of nurses’ professional commitment and core self-evaluation of job satisfaction. Nurses’ professional commitment is variable, which functions as a mediator between predictor (core selfevaluation – CSE) and criterion variable (job satisfaction – JS). As a mediator, it explains what the effect is, provided that correlations among all variables are significant. Results The correlation analyses reveal significant positive correlations between job satisfaction and core self-evaluation (r = 0.441, p > 0.001) as well as between job satisfaction and nurses’ professional commitment (r = 0.464, p > 0.001). Furthermore, core self-evaluation significantly and positively correlates with nurses’ professional commitment (r = 0.402, p > 0.001). The results have shown that nurses’ professional commitment mediates the relationship between core self-evaluation and job satisfaction. The bootstrap analysis showed that core self-evaluation partially mediated the relationship between nurses’ professional commitment and job satisfaction (β = 0.78, p < 0.001**). The indirect effects of core self-evaluation on job satisfaction through nurses’ professional commitment was also significant (β = 0.17, p < 0.001**). Conclusions Nurses who are more committed to their work, regardless of the structure of personality, have greater satisfaction in their work. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(5):649–658
We often hear that representatives of numerous professions, including those in the teaching profession, are characterised by an above-average preparation for work. This is a sign of demanding professionalism and being a professional in the vocation practised. This condition of being above average refers to the multiplicity of dimensions of the teaching profession, including the ethical dimension. Reference is made to the fact that the teacher has also to be a professional in ethical terms and in the course of the professional activity undertaken by them; hence, the paramount importance that is attributed to the sound ethical education of teachers, which should be at the highest level and, thus, prepare candidates for the teaching profession to deal with a number of ethical dilemmas which they are going to face in the course of practising their profession.
Niejednokrotnie słychać głosy, że reprezentanci wielu zawodów, w tym również zawodu nauczycielskiego mają charakteryzować się ponadprzeciętnym przygotowaniem do wykonywanej pracy. Stanowi to wyraz upominania się o profesjonalizm, o bycie profesjonalistą w uprawianym zawodzie. Ta ponadprzeciętność odnosi się do wielu wymiarów zawodu nauczycielskiego, a zwłaszcza wymiaru etycznego. Wskazuje się na to, że nauczyciel ma być profesjonalistą również pod względem etycznym w trakcie podejmowanej aktywności zawodowej. Stąd też tak doniosłe znaczenie przypisuje się rzetelnej nauczycielskiej edukacji etycznej, która powinna odbywać się na najwyższym poziomie, a co za tym idzie przygotowywać kandydatów do zawodu nauczycielskiego do radzenia sobie z wieloma dylematami natury etycznej, przed jakimi staną w trakcie uprawiania swojej profesji.
International arbitration as the efficient means of alternative dispute resolution has become, due to globalization, a highly specialised service rendered by professionals. Master’s degree program (LLM) completion enables those interested to become competent and competitive specialists in arbitration on the international arena. Great Britain has accumulated broad practical experience in organizing professional training in the field of international arbitration. Many leading British universities offer prospective students Master’s programs in this speciality, encouraging all comers, even those with the initial non-legal background. Basic competences of LLM graduates in international arbitration (systemic competences, professional instrumental competences, professional social and personal competences) have been identified and clarified on the basis of relevant sources analysis. Professionally important knowledge, abilities and skills have been generalized and explained. For instance, an international arbitration LLM graduate is obliged to possess communicative and social skills, cognitive abilities and skills in the subject area, must be competent in English law, etc.
This article focuses on the basic skills of the teacher in distance education system, that contribute to the successful organization of the educational process, it also generalizes their competences and determines that the teacher in the system of distance education, being in charge of the learning process, should be able to see the technological, organizational, socio-economic and socio-psychological ways of obtaining maximum pedagogical results. We also found out that the definition of the appropriate qualification characteristics of specialists in the field of distance learning remains open to discussion. We considered the main tasks of the professional training of teachers in distance education that are looked at in modern studies, characteristics of professional, informational, communicational and legal competences of the teacher in distance education. Using the methods of analysis, comparison and systematization of theoretical knowledge we list the main teacher’s competences that contribute to the effective organization of the educational process in the system of distance education. We discovered that the distance education requires special preparation of the teacher and involves possession of a number of specific competences. In our opinion, these are: the competence of the methodological design of the educational process; the competence of development of various types of organizational documentation for conducting a distance course, according to the forms and methods used; the competence of development of electronic content, including different types of pedagogical control in the system of distance learning; the competence of knowing forms, methods of organization of distance learning and tools for professional-pedagogical communication in practice; the competence of leading classes taking into account psychological characteristics of students’ behavior in a virtual environment; the competence of organizational skills in distance learning; the competence of the independent cognitive activity, the ability to adequately assess their own professional level, skills of self-development and self-organization. For the establishment of communication links, promoting the adaptation of the students, encouraging, collaboration, diagnostics of educational achievements, usage of different methods for the development of individual qualities allow teachers to establish interaction with them effectively and successfully, which helps to achieve the goal of studying. The obtained results can be used in developing of the content of the special educational courses in teachers of higher education institutions, educational and methodological manuals, aimed at training teachers to organize the educational process in the system of distance learning.
The article contains a report of the second research workshop of our Euro-Identities project. The workshop took place immediately after collecting first data (pilot interviews). On the base of the digital recording of all sessions, the protocol carefully attempts to reconstruct the proceedings of the research workshop as a social arrangement for the generation of analytical knowledge. Therefore it can be read as a reconstruction of – in the sense of Alfred Schütz’ perspective of “Making Music Together” – “how to do together” analysis of autobiographical narrative interviews. The report dwells on the questions of how to get a first impression of the interviews, of how the European phenomenon is addressed in them and, of how to do the research steps of formal text sort analysis, structural description, analytical abstraction including the reconstruction of the overall biographical structuring and contrastive comparison. Although at this stage of analysis it is not dealt with the research step of constructing a theoretical model, phenomena of social worlds and social arenas, of European opportunity structures, of networking and establishing of social relationships, of transnational comparison, of transgressing cultural borders, of new professional initiatives and professional hybridization and of a non-essentialist self-identification with Europe are found.
W artykule przedstawiony został drugi warsztat badawczy poświęcony analizie materiałów w projekcie Euroidentities. Spotkanie, które miało miejsce zaraz po ukończeniu zbierania wywiadów pilotażowych zostało nagrane i dzięki temu możliwe było sporządzenie dokładnego protokołu. Zapis warsztatu jest przykładem rekonstrukcji – w rozumieniu Alfreda Schütza – ‘jak robić razem’ analizę wywiadów biograficzno-narracyjnych. W artykule została zwrócona uwaga na następujące kwestie: znaczenia pierwszego wrażenia z lektury wywiadu, odpowiedzi na pytanie badawcze w jaki sposób pojawia się w nim temat Europy, jak realizować procedurę badawczą – strukturalny opis tekstu, analityczną abstrakcję, porównania kontrastowe. Chociaż na tym etapie pracy nie tworzy się modeli teoretycznych zwrócono uwagę na takie zjawiska jak: światy i areny społeczne, europejskie struktury możliwości, tworzenie sieci relacji społecznych, specyficzny typ identyfikacji europejskiej.
The aim of this article is to present the factors that have an impact on the choice of the level of education that first grade vocational school students and technical school students have made. Advantages (according to students) of attending both types of schools, as well as sources of information concerning possibilities and rules of professional (vocational) education, opinions concerning the level of difficulty and other people’s influence in the decision-making process have also been presented. Current provisions of educational law and other research concerning the choice of a secondary school appear in the article. There is also a reference to developmental period in which students are supposed to make their first educational-vocational choices, as well as to the theory of professional development.
. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie czynników wpływających na wybór poziomu kształcenia zawodowego przez uczniów z klas pierwszych szkół branżowych i techników. Przedstawione zostaną zdania młodzieży na temat korzyści kształcenia w szkole branżowej i technikum, źródła informacji na temat możliwości i zasad kształcenia zawodowego, opinie dotyczące poziomu trudności i wpływu innych osób na podejmowane decyzje. Odwołano się do aktualnych przepisów prawa oświatowego i innych badań odnoszących się do wyboru szkoły ponadpodstawowej. Nawiązano również do okresu rozwojowego, na jaki przypada podejmowanie pierwszych edukacyjno-zawodowych wyborów i teorii rozwoju zawodowego.
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