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The article presents the careers of two representatives of one of the oldest Polish magnate families – Tęczyński, coat of arms Topór, the elder sons of Andrzej (d. 1588), the governor of Krakow: Gabriel (d. 1617), the voivode of Lublin and Andrzej (d. 1613), the castellan of Bełz, living at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. It has been proven that after a long period of education outside the borders of the Commonwealth, which was interrupted in 1593 by an episode, when the brothers were sent to the General Sejm, from the beginning of the 17th century, as young magnate sons, they actively participated in the public life. Gabriel worked in the local government of the Lublin Voivodeship, while Andrzej was a member of the Opatów regional parliament. Although the brothers did not reach the highest state offices – the end of Gabriel's career was Lublin voivodship, and Andrzej castellany of Bełz – they showed significant activity during the Sandomierz rebellion in 1606-1607, taking the side of the royal camp. In the following years, Andrzej Tęczyński expressed his support for the royal party in his views and attitude, while the elder Gabriel distanced himself from the policy of Sigismund III Vasa at least from 1611. Their careers ended with fairly sudden deaths, after which the public activity was taken up by the youngest of their brothers - Jan Magnus (d. 1637), the voivode of Kraków, with whom the Tęczyński line came to an end.  
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Institutional Change in Practice

In 2003, when we had begun working on the National Programme of Development (NPR) 2007-2013, I was wondering what could be done in order to prevent our political successors from wasting, aft er the parliamentary elections of 2005, what we would have achieved by that time. Th e main challenge to deal with was how to take advantage of EU membership and utilise EU structural instruments. It is rational, that a full cycle of development foreseen in such plan is carried out more for than a dozen years or so, that is, at least three to four government terms. I assumed that the most sensible solution would be to prepare a complete NPR and all the documents needed, but without passing them. Instead they were left for our successors for adjustments2. I had thought that if the proceedings were fully transparent and accompanied with broad national debate, involving representatives of the opposition, then our successors would respect the outcome of such a collaboration and further use it. I also assumed that they would only change the details like titles, covers, reorganize something, but apart from that they would accept the Programme simply because they would not be able to develop anything entirely new on time. I was wrong, as it turned out. Almost everything was forsaken just because it was developed by the former, 'not right' government. Even the slightest traces of NPR disappeared from the site of the Ministry of Regional Development.
vol. 63
issue 4 (381)
On 30th August 2018, the act – Law of Entrepreneurs (u.p.p.) entered into force, whose Chapter 5: Limitations on Economic Activity Auditing comprises the basic regulations related to the principles and mode of entrepreneurs auditing. As a result, the need arouse to decide whether the provisions of the said chapter should apply to NIK audits, or whether the provisions of the Act on NIK of 23rd December 1994 should be applied. The dialogue in “Kontrola Państwowa” presents two opposing stances. Rafał Padrak is of the opinion that u.p.p. should be treated as superior in interpreting the individual provisions of the law related to entrepreneurs, while Elżbieta Jarzęcka-Siwik believes that the discipline stemming from the regulations of u.p.p. does not apply to audits conducted by NIK. This is because it cannot be reconciled with the constitutional and statutory provisions related to the status of a supreme audit institution, the subject matter of state auditing, its principles and objectives. It seems that the problems identified will be solved in practice, including judicature.
Facta Simonidis
vol. 2
issue 1
It is highly important to build the civil society and create an active attitude enga#ging the public activity. Social activity helps individuals to build their own identity. It facilitates self-realization and gives satisfaction.The article contains the analysis of the empirical researches conducted in February 2009 on students of PWSZ in Zamość. The data of research results, analysis and conclusions have been presented. The research shows the areas of students` activity, level of their life satisfaction and relationship between their social engagement and understanding their lives.
Niezwykle ważne dla budowania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego jest kształ#towanie postaw aktywnych, zaangażowanych w działalność publiczną. Aktywność społeczna sprzyja budowaniu własnej tożsamości jednostki, ułatwia jej samorealizację, dostarcza satysfakcji.W celu zbadania aktywności społecznej młodzieży studiującej, a także jej poziomu zadowolenia z życia, przeprowadzono w lutym 2009 roku badania empiryczne wśród studentów Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Zamościu.Badania wykazały obszary aktywności społecznej studentów, poziom ich zadowolenia z życia oraz zależności pomiędzy zaangażowaniem społecznym a poczuciem sensu życia. Artykuł zawiera, zestawienie statystyczne, analizę materiału empirycznego zebranego podczas badań oraz wnioski.
Niezwykle ważne dla budowania społeczeństwa obywatelskiego jest kształtowanie postaw aktywnych, zaangażowanych w działalność publiczną. Aktywność społeczna sprzyja budowaniu własnej tożsamości jednostki, ułatwia jej samorealizację, dostarcza satysfakcji. W celu zbadania aktywności społecznej młodzieży studiującej, a także jej poziomu zadowolenia z życia, przeprowadzono w lutym 2009 roku badania empiryczne wśród studentów Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Zamościu. Badania wykazały obszary aktywności społecznej studentów, poziom ich zadowolenia z życia oraz zależności pomiędzy zaangażowaniem społecznym a poczuciem sensu życia. Artykuł zawiera, zestawienie statystyczne, analizę materiału empirycznego zebranego podczas badań oraz wnioski
It is highly important to build the civil society and create an active attitude engaging the public activity. Social activity helps individuals to build their own identity. It facilitates self-realization and gives satisfaction. The article contains the analysis of the empirical researches conducted in February 2009 on students of PWSZ in Zamość. The data of research results, analysis and conclusions have been presented. The research shows the areas of students` activity, level of their life satisfaction and relationship between their social engagement and understanding their lives
The article analyses the fifteen-year journey of the Republic of Croatia to recognise the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people. It is noted that, unfortunately, the long-term strategic partnership that developed between our countries had little effect on Croatia expressing its attitude to the terrible crime of the communist regime at the official level. In this case, as a rule, the Ukrainian State did not do enough. It is noted that during the presidency of V. Yanukovych in Ukraine, not only practically no attention was paid to the international work on clarifying the issues of the Holodomor, but also V. Yanukovych himself made an illegal statement that recognizing the Holodomor of 1932-1933 as a fact of genocide of Ukrainians is wrong and unfair. This statement not only demonstrated V. Yanukovych's disdain for millions of innocent victims of the Ukrainian genocide, but also crossed out already existing developments, including and in the Republic of Croatia. V. Yanukovych actually committed a crime - he violated the Law of Ukraine “On the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine”. It is emphasized that the greatest efforts in informing the Croatian public and the political elite in the Republic of Croatia were made by activists of the Ukrainian diaspora. Due to their efforts, since the beginning of the 1990s, events were regularly held to honor the memory of those who died during the Holodomor. Ukrainian cultural and educational societies published books, brochures, organized exhibitions, supported the international campaign “Unquenchable Candle”, etc. Moreover, the work was carried out in two directions - for the general public of citizens of the Republic of Croatia and for Ukrainians in Croatia. It is emphasized that significant efforts of our diaspora were directed to work with Croatian parliamentarians, on whom the official recognition of the Holodomor as genocide ultimately depended. It is noted that representatives of the Ukrainian Embassy, who were co-organizers of events honoring the victims of the Holodomor, were also actively involved in this work, and worked to spread information about this crime of the communist regime. It is indicated that the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and the new crimes against humanity committed by Russian soldiers became the decisive argument that convinced the political elite of the Republic of Croatia to recognize the Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.
У статті проаналізовано п`ятнадцятирічний шлях Республіки Хорватія з визнання Голодомору 1932-1933 років в Україні геноцидом українського народу. Зазначається, що впродовж тривалого часу стратегічне партнерство, яке розвивалося між нашими країнами, на жаль, мало вплинуло на те, аби Хорватія на офіційному рівні висловила своє ставлення до жахливого злочину комуністичного режиму. У цьому випадку, на жаль, недопрацьовувала Україна. Зазначено, що за часів президентства В. Януковича в Україні не лише практично не приділялася увага міжнародній роботі із роз’яснень питань Голодомору, але й сам В. Янукович зробив протиправну заяву про те, що визнавати Голодомор 1932–1933 рр. як факт геноциду українців є неправильним і несправедливим. Ця заява не лише продемонструвала зневагу В. Януковича до мільйонів невинних жертв геноциду українців, але й перекреслила вже наявні напрацювання, у т. ч. й у РХ. В. Янукович фактично здійснив злочин – порушив Закон України «Про Голодомор 1932–1933 років в Україні». Наголошується, що найбільших зусиль в інформуванні хорватської громадськості, політичної еліти в РХ доклали активісти української діаспори. Їхніми стараннями з початку 1990-х років регулярно проводилися заходи із вшанування пам’яті загиблих у роки Голодомору. Українські культурно-просвітні товариства видавали книжки, брошури, організовували виставки, підтримували міжнародну акцію «Незгасима свічка» тощо. Причому робота велася у двох напрямах – для широкого загалу громадян РХ та для українців Хорватії. Акцентується, що значні зусилля наших діаспорян були спрямовані на роботу із хорватськими парламентарями, від яких у кінцевому рахунку й залежало офіційне визнання Голодомору геноцидом. Зазначається, що до цієї роботи також активно долучалися представники українського Посольства, які були співорганізаторами заходів із вшанування жертв Голодомору, працювали на поширення інформації про цей злочин комуністичного режиму. Вказано, що повномаштабне вторгнення Росії в Україну 24 лютого 2022 року та нові злочини проти людяності, здійснені російськими солдатами, стали тим вирішальним аргументом, який переконав політичну еліту Республіки Хорватія визнати Голодомор геноцидом українського народу.
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