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Discussion of the publication series of the Women's Space Foundation: "A female guide to the Cracow of women’s rights activists".
Editorial topics have almost always been included in the field of book studies, but for a long time they were not subjects of systematic research. It was only in the second half of the 20th century, with a rapid development of the publishing market, that interest in editing grew considerably, leading to the emergence within bibliology of a set of questions called today bibliological editing (as opposed to scholarly-historical and philological editing). A need to develop editing understood in this manner was noted by Leon Marszałek (1912–1996), an outstanding Polish publisher, editorin-chief of encyclopaedias and dictionaries at the Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe press, author of scholarly and expert publications in which he consistently popularised the idea of editing as a separate discipline practised as part of book studies, called for comprehensive research to be carried out in this area and attempted to formulate its curriculum. The article is an attempt to reconstruct the editorial concept presented in Marszałek’s most important theoretical works. The author discusses his views on the subject matter in question and the scope of editorial research, its aim, methodological basis as well as interdisciplinary links. It is worth recalling those views as an interesting point of reference for the reflection on the current state of bibliological editing and its status in contemporary books studies.
In the article the author discusses the presence of the oeuvre of Stanisław Przybyszewski (1868–1927) on the Polish publishing market. Stanisław Przybyszewski is a representative of Polish mod­ernism. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries as well the readers as the literary critics were very interested in his prose, poetic and dramatic creation. This article characterizes the publishing history of Przybyszewski’s literary works in Poland from his debut in 1892 to the end of his life in the light of the cooperating with Przybyszewski’s publishing companies such as Księgarnia Polska, Gebethner and Wolff and Lektor, and Polish publishers, e.g. Stefan Demby.
This article is rewritten from my MA thesis, ‘The Paris Reception of Bohuslav Martinů between 1923 and 1940’, compiled in 2005 from material collected during my sabbatical at the Université de Paris–Sorbonne. The article presents a continuous picture of the forms and changes of the reception of Bohuslav Martinů‘s personality and work in the contemporary Paris press during the course of the seventeen years of his life there. A survey of the reviews of his work, year by year, from twenty-two selected periodicals, is supplemented by a description of the periodicals and reviewers that are essential for the correct evaluation of the reviews.
Human Affairs
vol. 24
issue 1
This essay discusses some current challenges in academic publishing and interdisciplinarity, including interdisciplinary publishing, by referring to some recent experiences in the Finnish academic community. In particular, the recent “Publication Forum” exercise, organized in Finland by the Finnish Federation of Learned Societies, is briefly analyzed. Journal rankings play important roles but may also be used in problematic ways. Interdisciplinary research programs and institutes also need to consider their own challenges in contemporary academia.
The article is devoted to the efficiencyof mogern Ukrainian publishing in the context of social communication activities and determine the possibility of publishing as an active participant in communication and range of problems that hinder its effectivness. The new look on social communikation system discovers a meaningful role of publishing as social institute. The resaerch is focusing on the cariera of book market statistics (knowing the audience). business effectivness, mission and aims of publishing house, usage of proper media and involving professional communicators. Described significance of social communikation is not based on commersial feedback, but on the social benefits. Althought the financial indexes are not diminished: the main points of publisher's income outlined. The results of study show the great communication potential of all types of publishing that should be brought to life.
Opowiadania oświęcimskie (Auschwitz stories) by Maria Zarębińska-Broniewska were first published in a book version in 1948. All the texts included in the book, however, had been written earlier. The first ones were first released in a daily newspaper „Polska Zbrojna” („Armed Poland”) in early June 1945, just a few days after the author’s return from a concentration camp. They were one of the first accounts which concerned women concentration camps. The book which was published later included nine out of eleven short stories written by Zarębińska. The manuscript of the synopsis of the book was also saved. However, a very ambitious project of creating tens of short stories was not completed due to the author’s death. This article is a description of individual editions of Auschwitz stories in the years 1948, 1960 and 1971, which become better in form, but move away from the original project which was hidden in the handwritten notes.
In 1919 Rosa Bailly, a French enthusiast of Poland, established the Les Amis de la Pologne, a socio-cultural society propagating knowledge about Poland and its culture. This activity was supplemented by a publishing business. 1930 marked the beginning of publishing ‘Notre Pologne’, a monthly magazine for teenagers. The aim of the magazine was to attract young people to the association. The article presents the history and ideology of the periodical, its impact and the way of educating about Poland and its cultural heritage.
In the course of research focusing on the history of publication of the works of A. Dvořák, printed editions have been discovered for five works that were issued in 1885 and 1886 by the London publishing house Augener & Co. The literature and sources concerning the life and work of A. Dvořák, however, make no mention of this publisher or of its editions of Dvořák’s music. The study maps the history and activity of the publishing house, devoting the greatest attention to describing the new sources and to consideration of the possible circumstances of their publication – Augener’s editions of Dvořák’s compositions appear to have been prepared on the basis of already issued printings by the Prague publisher F. A. Urbánek – and of aspects of publishing practice at the time, especially with regard to copyright issues.
The history of publishing in Poland encompasses many issues associated with the emergence and dissemination of printed books. Of fundamental significance to the study of these issues are the records of the publishing output: while we have nearly complete — though requiring further exploration — records of this output for 15th–18th centuries, documented in bibliographies and catalogues, the situation is worse when it comes to the 19th and 20th centuries, until the outbreak of the Second World War. In this respect what we need is not only a continuation, but a radical intensification of bibliographic work. This concerns works published in the Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew and Greek scripts as well as musical notation. Polish book scholars devoted a lot of attention to the beginnings of printing in Poland; the historiography concerning various typographic workshops located in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is rich, though it still requires further extensive studies. The scholars were also interested in phenomena influencing the content structure of printed publications, like publishing privileges (in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), censorship as well as restrictions imposed by the partitioning powers and later by Poland’s communist authorities, as a result of which Polish publications had to be printed abroad and an independent publishing movement emerged. The scholars’ research interests also focused on books as products of the work of printers and publishers, on the publication of written works. They focused both on the various components of the book (title page, printer’s signet, stemmata etc.) and on its editorial composition as a whole. The scholars’ undoubted achievements in their studies of the history of publishing in Poland are significant, yet in many areas they need to be continued and expanded (an important task is an edition of sources for the study of the history of Polish publishing), and concentrated on the phenomena that stem from developmental tendencies in modern book studies.
The article aims to determine the current areas of economic development of publishing and printing companies that meet the requirements of economic digitalization. According to the results of content analysis of modern publications, effective ways of development implemented in branch enterprises are determined. In order to identify priority measures for publishing and printing companies with competitive potential and prospects for the industry development, a SWOT analysis is applied. The SWOT analysis revealed that potentially productive ways of enterprise development are expanding the range of products and services, improving their quality in the publishing and printing complex; integrating industry entities into the digital information environment, accessing international markets; state support in the implementation of measures to promote reading. It is determined that ensuring enterprises' efficiency requires the implementation of stages of effective enterprises development. Information support is necessary for making quality management decisions, respectively, to achieve the goals of development management. Resource potential combines a rational policy of supply and usage of financial, logistical, and labor resources. Organizational support aims to create an organizational structure in accordance with the purpose and objectives of enterprise management. The management of publishing and printing enterprises development aims at the transition to a new quality state, increasing earning capacity, competitiveness, extending the life cycle, mutually beneficial integration with the subjects of creative industries.
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Towards cultural diversification in sociolinguistics

This paper takes as its point of departure the fact that the loci of many sociolinguistic theories originate from Western, industrial, and ideologically monolingual (and often Anglophone) societies such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and many of the European nation states. This fact leads to a theoretical bias. After an explanation of the problem, this paper proposes ways to decolonise biases in sociolinguistics in practical terms. In general, it is suggested that researchers reach out and collaborate in all kinds of ways. Specific solutions suggested include, amongst others, redetermining what ‘good’ academic English and research constitute, using translation as a tool, proactively soliciting manuscripts, stimulating writing and research cooperation between authors with various backgrounds, making introductions to sociolinguistics broader in their cultural/linguistic focus, providing writing help, and diversifying editorial boards of journals.
The aim of the article is to indicate the influence of human resource policy on the presence of Polish science in global science. Research findings include an analysis of changes over time in the number of research personnel and papers indexed in the Web of Science database. The research method used in the study is statistical analysis with the use of correlation analysis and regression analysis. Application of these tools allowed for establishing basic relationships between the analysed variables. Obtained results point to the fact that the human resource policy in Polish science, aimed at increasing the number of papers published at international level or in international circulation, turns out to be effective. This growth was especially visible in the years 1999–2011.
Оваа статија е за рецепцијата на полската книжевност во Македонија и за промените во преведувачката политика во последните триесет години. Авторка та се обидува да ги издвои најважните библиографски единици од преведената литература и да даде една слика на тоа што и зошто се преведувало од полски јазик во овој период. Но, исто така, дава и еден кус преглед на мотивите и факторите кои влијаеле на овој неверојатен подем на преведувањето од полски јазик. Се разбира, разликите со претходниот период се очигледни, но исто така е важно да се нагласи дека полската литература во поново време станува значително позабележлива на книжевната сцена, што во голем дел е заслуга на амбициите на одделни издавачки куќи и преведувачи.
This article presents the rise of translated Polish literature to the Macedonian language in the thirty years period since Macedonia gained independence from Yugoslavia and transformed from a socialist to a capitalist system. The rise of private publishing houses automatically meant the rise of translating from other languages; in addition, the rise of foreign funds and especially the financial support by the EU in culture was a relevant factor for developing literary translations from Polish to the Macedonian language. The main part of this article is about the works which have been translated, their importance and the methods used in making the choices on what to translate.
Istniejąca w Polsce Ludowej cenzura prewencyjna poważnie krępowała swobodny przekaz niezależnych myśli i idei. Fakt ten jest niezaprzeczalny i stanowi podstawową hipotezę w dotychczasowych badaniach nad dziejami tej instytucji. Niemniej w bardzo szerokim już w tej chwili nurcie badań nad socjalistyczną cenzurą w Polsce nie ma pełnej zgody badaczy co do stopnia skuteczności działań Głównego Urzędu Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk oraz jego agend terenowych. Autor artykułu włącza się do tej dyskusji. Przeprowadzone przez niego badania, mające charakter case study, dotyczą skuteczności działań cenzury wymierzonych w jedną z najbardziej znanych katolickich oficyn wydawniczych w Polsce – poznańskie „Albertinum” – w latach 1948–1949. Wynika z nich, że skuteczność socjalistycznego aparatu kontroli w wielu wypadkach była wątpliwa. Artykuł napisany został z pozycji księgoznawczych; sformułowane w nim wnioski dotyczą wyłącznie obszaru wydawnictw nieperiodycznych.
Preventive censorship existing in People’s Republic of Poland seriously hindered free transfer of independent thoughts and ideas. This fact is undeniable and is a basic hypothesis in current research on the history of the institution. However, within extensive research on socialist censorship in Poland there is no agreement on the level of effectiveness of the Central Office of Control of the Press, Publications and Performances and its field agencies. The aim of the article is to contribute to this discussion. The author carried out a study on the effectiveness of censorship imposed on one of the most well-known Catholic publishing houses in Poland – Poznan’s “Albertinum” in years 1948−1949. The study shows that the effectiveness of socialist control system was often questionable. The article is written from the book study perspective and its conclusions apply only to the area of non-periodicals published by Albertinum Publishing House.
The paper describes a somewhat forgotten book collection of the outstanding Wrocław editor Jan Kuglin, in terms of the editions on print aesthetics contained therein. The collection, which is a reflection of Kuglin’s scientific passions, contains many valuable books in German, English, Polish, Russian and Czech in the field of book and printing history, editing, book design, typography, writing, graphic techniques, polygraphy, paper industry, bookbinding, etc. In the book collection of Kuglin one can find editions being examples of a perfect typography. Thus, the collection stored in the Library of the Institute of Information and Library Science of the University of Wrocław is an excellent source for research on the aesthetics of printing in the 20th century.
“Oficyna Poetów” was aliterary and cultural magazine published in London by Polish-born émigré couple, Krystyna and Czesław Bednarczyk. After World War II they settled in Great Britain, and almost immediately started private printing press. That periodical was one of their biggest projects. “Oficyna…” was one of few magazines published abroad devoted to Polish literature and art. During communism era it was aplace where Polish authors could publish not being afraid of repercussions or censorship. The magazine also integrated Polish intelligentsia around the world and was some kind of alternative for “Kultura” published in Paris. During the years the owners of “Oficyna Po­etów iMalarzy” developed their skills and machine park of the press. Struggling from low budget and lack of support they still managed to maintain very high aesthetical level of their hand-made prints. The article is devoted to graphic and typographic form of the periodical. The Bednarczyks were editors, designers, typesetters and printers at the same time. They put great effort in selection of paper, print quality and acquired the most talented émigré illustrators to cooperate in “Oficyna…”. Aesthetic form of the magazine, as well as its cultural impact on Polish society in Great Britain can be sapid for researchers interested in emigration culture, literary magazines and niche printing movement in Great Britain.
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Psychologia polska, czy świata?

Roczniki Psychologiczne
vol. 17
issue 3
Psychologia jest nauką globalną i intesubiektywnie komunikowania oraz globalną, a nie narodową. Nie jest jednak nauką uniwersalną, gdyż wiedza w niej gromadzona jest wiedzą kontekstualną, zależną od systemu społecznego, od kultury. Globalność nie polega zatem na odkrywaniu prawd uniwersalnych, ale przede wszystkim na stosowaniu metod, które w danej kulturze pozwalają na replikowalność wyników i na powszechny, globalny do nich dostęp. Dostęp ten jest możliwy dzięki wspólnemu językowi. Jednym z istotnych elementów polityki naukowej jest zatem udostępnianie wiedzy, gromadzonej przez psychologów polskich, w językach kongresowych, przede wszystkim w języku angielskim. Wspieranie publikacji anglojęzycznej odbywa się w Polsce i w wielu innych krajach jest silnie skorelowane z parametryzacją ocen dorobku naukowego. Parametryzacja ma jednak swoje wady. Premiuje prace empiryczne, czasem przyczynkarskie, może obniżać poziom prac teoretycznych. Dla udostępnienia wiedzy w świecie potrzebne są zatem inne narzędzia: zmiana polityki wydawniczej. Artykuł kończą dwie tezy, które są zaproszeniem do dyskusji o mobilności kadry naukowej i strukturze nauki w Polsce.
Psychology is an intersubjectively communicable and global science, not a national one. However, it is not a universal science, since the knowledge accumulated in it is contextual knowledge, dependent on the social system and on culture. Therefore, the global character of psychology does not consist in discovering universal truths but, above all, in using methods that enable the replication of results in a given culture as well as universal, global access to them. Such access is possible thanks to the common language. Consequently, one of the important elements of science policy is ensuring that the knowledge accumulated by Polish psychologists is made available in congress languages, mainly in English. In Poland and in many other countries, support for English-language publication is strongly correlated with the parametrization of scientific output. Still, parametrization has its drawbacks. It promotes empirical and fragmentary studies and may decrease the standard and the number of theoretical ones. Different tools are therefore needed to make knowledge available worldwide: a change of publication policy is needed. The article concludes with two points that invite a debate on the mobility of academic staff and the structure of science in Poland.
The post-1989 literary historical narrative that is found in certain literary handbooks distinguishes the phenomenon of samizdat during the 1970s and 1980s as a special case in the circulation of lite rature, treating it as a separate phenomenon from conventional literature and its dissemination, which goes from publishing to printing, then to distribution and the bookstore. This article presents an outline for considering samizdat as a kind of normality in the context of political totalitarianism, which claims on one hand to protect normality by ‘normalising’ the social environment, yet by doing so brings about the violent reversal of normal conditions.
The aim of the article is not only to point out at low quality of typography of contemporary scientific books published in Poland, but mainly to aware that it generates negative impact on communication value. In that context 400 books published in Poland by bibliologists in last 10 years were analyzed by authors of the article. The conclusions presented in the article were based on the analysis of the semantic quality of covers (semantic relations of text and image). The most typical and repetitive errors (e.g. neutrality, literalism and incompatibility) were shown and described. Last, but not least, it was proven by some of good examples, that working on and achieving the proper quality of com­munication in cover’s design is possible, despite the costs. The only way to success is to understand the real needs of users and design thinking in books’ design.
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