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This study is devoted to the biblical background of the article of faith „He Descended into Hell”, which is the least known and the least understood by modern Christians. The truth about the descensus of the Son of Man is deeply rooted in the religious thought of Israel, which is shown by inspired and non-canonical texts. According to the views of the ancient, the death and the abyss constituted the necessary elements of the human existence. Christ, surrendering to the law of death, descended into Sheol after His death. In the underworld, being sinless, He conquered evil and its maker. He brought the good news to the dead, who had been waiting for the Messiah for centuries. The Work of Redemption by the Son of God is universal.
The article is devoted to the novel Crusaders (1935) by the Polish novelist Zofia Kossak (1889–1968). It discusses the author’s hypothesis about the Polish participation in the First Crusade (1096–1099). The article focuses on the possible interpretation of the novel in the spirit of the philosophy of Polish Messianism. The accession to the Crusade forces by the Silesian warriors can be considered as an act of redemption for the sins of the whole Polish nation as well as a pilgrimage to Poland being regarded as visiting the Promised Land. The psychological aspects of the first (according to the novel) participation of Polish armed forc-es in an international military expedition are also considered in terms of tribal solidarity, consolidating the role of Christianity and pagan traditions that had a significant impact on Poles at the end of the eleventh century.
issue 322
The purpose of this article is to indicate principles of granting tax relief in the repayment of obli­gations resulting from the European funds refund based on the administrative resolution given by the administrative body in cases when European funds disbursed as part of operational programmes were used contrary to its intended purpose, with violating procedures, charged undue or in the ex­cess height. The article distinguishes three types of tax relief: redemption in one piece or in part, postponing the repayment and spreading in instalments. It determines detailed principles of granting tax break for beneficiaries of not drivers of the business activity as well as for entrepreneurs, granted at the request of the beneficiary, as well as ex officio. The article is defining premises of granting these concessions i.e. the important interest of the taxpayer or the public interest. It is clarifying the principles of basing the administrative resolution on the administrative recognition and in case of entrepreneurs with reference to tax relieves constituting the state aid. The institution of granting concessions in the repayment is the exception from the principle of the universality and the equality of regulating these obligations. Irrespective of the entity initiating proceedings, relief can be granted only where justified, within the limits closely defined by the law. Granting it constitutes privilege of the beneficiary more than a rule.
In Jesus Christ, the human person finds greatness, dignity and worth of humanity. This article reflects on the doctrine of the great African bishop, St. Augustine of Hippo and Pope John Paul II. It discusses the truth about Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of humankind. The concept of redemption as represented by the bishop of Hippo is in essence sacerdotal and sacrificial as it is ultimately expressed by the sacrifice of the Cross. The Cross of Jesus Christ manifests the great and merciful willingness of God towards the fallen human person who is the slave of sin. The triple victory of Christ: over sin, death and Satan, restores the human person to life in the communion with God.
Blessed John Paul II in his homilies preached in 1991 to his compatriots in the new socio-political circumstances emphasised that man is still “maturing to freedom”. The human being is created with the free will but his or her freedom needs redemption. The Risen One revealed the immensity of love which the Creator has for his creatures. It is perfected in the act of redemption. The Incarnate Son of God came to restore the fatherhood of God for people as well as the sonship of people in relation to God as the Father. The teaching and the deeds of Christ confirm the superiority of the human over the law. The life of Jesus Christ is characterised by a unique freedom. Jesus knowingly entrusted his earthly lot to the Father. The freedom of Christ has its source in His unity with the Father in the Spirit. Christ is the rock on which the edifice of truth about the world created by God and about the redeemed man stands. “He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom and our righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor 1: 30). The awareness of the redemption is based on the conviction that man cannot justify himself or herself but he or she needs God’s justification. Christ is the only Righteous and this is through his obedience that “many will be made righteous” (Rom 5: 19).
One intricate and perhaps, divisive task in philosophy is that of gauging growth in societies. The complexity stems from the reality that everyone seems to possess a template for growth, and so people are wont to use different yardsticks for its measurement. For the technically inclined, the index is science; in civil circles, the measure is perhaps, that of political evolution; and in religious spheres, it is increase in member-ship/physical structures. Ironically, all the advances arising thereof have been marred and sometimes eclipsed by torrid upheavals: violent overthrow of governments and wars; financial meltdowns; scourge of pandemics; prospects of nuclear combat; religious bigotry; chaotic climate, etc., that make life precarious. Human civilization is on the brink of self-destruct. “Ethics in Business” reimagines the interconnectivity of all spheres of human life, and proposes that the opportunity to redeem our broken world is tied to reengineering the values of trust and loyalty.
The author of the article Christ as the face of the Father’s mercy. A top-down and theophanic conception of God’s Mercy draws the most fundamental approach to the mystery of mercy as a form of the inner revelation of the Triune God's life from the ample Polish literature devoted to the issue of God’s Mercy, and analyzes it. Also practicing mercy, according to this conception, may be done in the right way if its features are recognized in Jesus Christ the Incarnated Son’s deeds. The author calls this perspective of theology of mercy “a top-down conception”, as humanity is not able to comprehend the essence of mercy without the aid of the supernatural world that, on the one hand, shows what God is like in His essence, and on the other, how one should follow God to be saved. God's self-revelation in the salutary events becomes – according to the author – the best interpretation key of God's theology of mercy, showing His Trinitarian character.
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Prayer as an expression of love

The article presents the issue of the conjunction of prayer and love, which constitutes the essence of prayer. Attention is drawn to the fact that the reflexive human nature is in demand for prayer, which was reflected in the culture of antiquity. The need and appropriate understanding of prayer in the Old and New Testament thought is emphasized, which is ultimately explained in the love manifested in Christ the Redeemer of Man. The analytical and critical as well as the historical methods are employed in this article.
According to teaching of John Paul II looking at a reality of suffering in the perspective of a redemptive work of Jesus Christ is a vital moment which points at an essential correctness in presenting a sense of suffering. This is why it is around this view on the mystery of suffering a merit-related assessment of Polish preaching on the subject should be concentrated. Redemptive events are the basis for understanding a value of suffering which often touch human existence in a painful way. Thought of John Paul II is harmonious with homilies which try to explain the sense of suffering in the light of the mystery of redemption. A very positive element on preaching is showing a reality of suffering in the light of Christ’s victory that was won in resurrection. Among negative tendencies visible in the analysed homilies one should mention the fact that some preachers, looking for a sense of suffering in the light of faith, refer to the light that comes from the redemptive events only in a limited way, or show the value and meaning of the cross without their link to a soteriology. A serious weakness of many homilies is underlying the mystery of passion of Christ without its natural connection to the mystery of His resurrection. A certain group of authors cannot see a relation between the truth of a redemptive suffering and the truth of a primeval love of God for men.
Rocznik Teologiczny
vol. 57
issue 4
The article presents two basic traditional interpretations of Is 53. The first one is Christian and understands the last song about the Lord’s servant as referring to Jesus from Nazareth and the second traditional Jewish interpretation, according to which the entire Israel is Lord’s servant. Then, the article presents the tradition of the suffering messiah in the Jewish religion (the messiah Josephson) and the views on the redemptive significance of the collective suffering. The article shows that the Holocaust had a redemptive meaning in practical sense, since this crime, by being a warning and an admonition, contributed to the improvement of the contemporary world.
Artykuł przedstawia tradycyjne chrześcijańskie rozumienie Iz 53 odnoszące ostatnią pieśń o słudze Pana do Jezusa z Nazaretu oraz tradycyjną interpretację żydowską, wedle której sługą jest cały Izrael. Następnie ukazana zostaje tradycja cierpiącego mesjasza w religii żydowskiej (mesjasza syna Józefa) i poglądy o odkupieńczym znaczeniu cierpienia narodu. Artykuł pokazuje, że Holokaust miał znaczenie odkupieńcze w sensie praktycznym, ponieważ będąc przestrogą przyczynił się do poprawy współczesnego świata. Autor opowiada się za pluralistyczną interpretacją Iz 53, wzywa do wzajemnego szacunku wyznawców różnych religii oraz przestrzegania najlepszych nauk swoich religii, co ma przyczynić się do nastania czasów mesjańskich.
The salvific meaning of the death of Christ and the problem of God’s wrath, understood as God’s hatred of sin, have long been intertwined in the history of theology. In some soteriological formulations, we can observe attempts to directly link the death of Christ with God’s wrath, that is, that the chief meaning of Christ’s passion lies in providing appeasement. The article outlines the main historical phases of this kind of theological synthesis. It seeks to trace the relationship between the salvific dimension of the cross of Jesus and theological interpretations of God’s wrath. The article has been divided into three parts. The first presents the development of the interpretation of the death of Christ in Patristic and Scholastic theology. The second part discusses the culmination stage of the theological link between the death of Christ and God’s wrath, beginning with the Reformation concept of “penal substitution” and then following this idea's contestation over time. The article's third part explores contemporary attempts at understanding this relationship, i.e. the death of Christ viewed within the context of God’s wrath.
Zbawcze znaczenie śmierci Chrystusa oraz gniew jako nienawiść Boga względem grzechu przeplatały się w dziejach teologii. W pewnych ujęciach próbowano nawet powiązać krzyżową śmierć Chrystusa z gniewem Bożym w taki sposób, jak gdyby Jego śmierć miałaby ten gniew uśmierzać. Artykuł zarysowuje główne fazy takiej syntezy teologicznej, dążąc do prześledzenia zależności między wiarą w zbawczą wartość śmierci Chrystusa a interpretacjami gniewu Bożego. Najpierw przedstawiany jest rozwój interpretacji śmierci Jezusa w teologii patrystycznej i scholastycznej. Na drugim etapie omawiany jest moment kulminacyjny związku teologii krzyża z teorią gniewu Bożego wyrażający się w reformacyjnej koncepcji zastępstwa karnego i w przejawach jej kontestacji. Z kolei trzeci etap prezentuje współczesne próby ukazania relacji pomiędzy zbawczą wartością krzyża a ideą Bożego gniewu.
Afferuntur et considerantur Tertulliani dicta de spe in vivo animi habitu apud christianos, et inprimis: de spe et exspectatione, de spe promissionis, de spe resurrectionis, de modo quo sanctae Voces ln Scriptura Sacra occurrentes spem nostram aedificant.
The purpose of the present study is to demonstrate how each man could rise from a suffering circumstance, discovering in it an opportunity for inner conquest. This is the strong human potential as Homo Patiens. In this way it is possible to assert the opposite thesis concerning a deterministic view of human being. The main solution the paper offers in any given set of pain experience is Christian faith as the only way to discover the hidden meaning of suffering. The essay develops a Christian analysis about human pain and it takes in consideration, most of all, the reflections of Edith Stein and the Holy Pope st. John Paul II in view of deepening the saving philosophy proposed by the Mystery of the Cross.
Człowiek w naturalny sposób wchodzi w relacje z Bogiem, czego wyrazem jest stan i akty wiary. Odniesienie do Stwórcy stanowi źródło nadziei, iż element miłości będzie czynnikiem dominującym w relacji do Niego. Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest interpretacja fenomenu wiary w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI przy zastosowaniu metody dramatycznej wypracowanej w szkole innsbruckiej. W pierwszej części artykułu zaprezentowano metodę dramatyczną jak też dramaturgię zbawczą, w której za Raymundem Schwagerem wyodrębnia się pięć aktów. W drugiej dokonano dramatycznej analizy nauczania Benedykta XVI w kwestii wiary. W nauce Papieża można wskazać na następujące zjawiska współczesne związane z wiarą: geneza kwestionowania wiary, proces powrotu do Boga oraz docelowa wizja zjednoczenia z Bogiem na fundamencie wiary. W artykule wykorzystano literaturę obejmującą publikacje teologów innsbruckich, jak też wypowiedzi papieskie. W oparciu o krytyczną analizę dostępnych tekstów sformułowano wnioski.
Faith is both an act and a state of a human. God bestows the faith on people as a gift which, in itself, contains a commitment. The duties resulting from having this gift of faith are not only about passing it to one’s brethren but also about perseverance in it and preserving it despite various adverse circumstances. Moreover, faith is also the sort of relationship which we are able to shape. It is also very unique as it refers to God. A believer not only takes for granted the fact of God’s existence but above all he or she recognises it is possible to communicate with the Absolute that represents the supreme form of being. Despite the certitude of the act of faith there may be some inclinations lingering within a believer, or even some acts, which lead to the rejection of God’s existence and cause him or her to exclude the transcendent from one’s life. Dramatic theology allows not only to account for the reason behind Christ redemptive work but it is also helpful in describing the background of pathologies in faith. Application of the dramatic method in the analysis of the phenomenon of faith proves that the human existence has many aspects to it. However, it must be stressed that the variety of forms in which people express their inner being should be somehow related to the realm of the unchanging truths, values and imperatives. They can all be found in their perfect form in God. Therefore, such faith that includes the relationship with God provides men and women with the stability and the meaningfulness of their lives.
Przedmiotem niniejszej publikacji jest analiza polaryzującej funkcji krzyża, przedstawiona na przykładach wybranych sytuacji ze współczesnej historii Polski. Soteriologia w aspekcie przedmiotu badań wskazuje na to, jak dalece destrukcyjne jest wykorzystywanie symbolu krzyża w walce politycznej. Narzędziowe posługiwanie się elementami sacrum posiada tradycję biblijną. Podziały dyktowane brakiem akceptacji dla zbawczego przesłania zawierające się w krzyżu są warunkowane następującymi postulatami: wezwanie do zmiany, zachowanie czystości intencji oraz uznanie najwyższego autorytetu w Bogu. Każdy z tych postulatów zrealizował w sposób doskonały Jezus. Naśladowanie Mistrza z Nazaretu wiąże się więc z przyjęciem postawy ofiarności i niezłomnego trwania przy nauce Bożej. Nadzieja chrześcijańska wyraża się w tym, iż jedność porządku stworzenia (w tym również jedność społeczna) funkcjonuje ponad wszelkimi doczesnymi podziałami.
The aim of this paper is to account for the fact that the cross as a symbol has a polarising effect on contemporary Polish society. The analysis takes into account various events from recent national history. Juxtaposing the universal, soteriological dimension of the symbol of the cross with numerous instances of its exploitation in the political debate shows that the spiritual and religious meaning of this sacred sign has been largely distorted. The Scriptures offer many examples of misuse of religious symbols. There are three conditions to be met if the use of the cross in a debate is to be considered just: the call to moral change, honest intention and recognition of God as the supreme authority. Jesus perfectly fulfilled all these. Following Christ means being able to give one’s love generously and to obey the divine precepts. The Christian hope is based on the belief that the unity of the order of creation (also the national unity) is superior to the temporal and worldly divisions among people.
Der Band enthält die Abstracts ausschließlich in englischer Sprache.
The purpose of this article entitled “The snow and the war in The Snow was dirty by Georges Simenon and Warna or the weight of the snow by Paul Willems” is to show how the snow is playing a structuring role in the two studied works: first, due to its ambivalent properties, it makes the plot switch, secondly, it lets overcome the reality of the war in order to explore general questions as fate, purity and redemption.
Cet article vise à montrer comment la neige joue un rôle structurant dans les deux oeuvres étudieés : d'abord, du fait de ses propriétés ambivalentes, elle fait basculer l'intrigue ; ensuite, elle permet de dépasser la réalité de la guerre dans la mesure où elle mène à des questions plus générales comme la pureté et la mémoire, le destin et la redemption.
Том не содержит аннотаций на русском языке.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 4
issue 2
Of all the characters that undertake a search for redemption in Martin Scorsese’s films, perhaps it is the story of Jake La Motta in Raging Bull that for many reasons presents the greatest challenge to understanding redemption’s role in the narratives of his films. Is Jake La Motta a redeemed character at the end of Raging Bull? I argue that Scorsese uses Raging Bull to criticize a ritualistic view of redemption by portraying the beginning of Jake’s search as a futile attempt to submit himself to a public spectacle of ritual violence in the boxing ring while visually relating this to the Catholic sacraments and the crucifixion. It will only be later—in the loneliness of a jail cell, estranged from his family and without having to have had gone through a rite—that Jake achieves the self-awareness redemption requires.
In this article, the author outlines the basic features characterizing the understanding of the human being in the thought of Hans Urs von Balthasar, according to which we attain our true human fullness only by accepting the grace of redemption that Christ has gain for us. The imitation of Christ, which is the primordial task of all the redeemed, is, in its essence a acceptance and fulfillment of the missionary vocation received from God. Accepting this mission and living it allows us to reach our full human potential, i.e. to bring about and assimilate our deepest identity as a human being. A further consequence of this process is self-actualization, and ultimately personal holiness. An important context for this process is contemplative prayer.
W niniejszym artykule autor nakreśla podstawowe cechy charakteryzujące rozumienie człowieka w myśli Hansa Ursa von Balthasara, według którego człowiek dochodzi do osiągnięcia prawdziwej pełni swego człowieczeństwa jedynie poprzez przyjęcie łaski odkupienia wysłużonej mu przez Chrystusa. Naśladowanie Chrystusa, które jest pierwotnym zadaniem człowieka odkupionego, jest w swej istocie przyjęciem i wypełnieniem otrzymanej od Boga Ojca życiowej misji. Przyjęcie tej misji i życie nią pozwala człowiekowi dotrzeć do pełni prawdy o sobie, tj. zrozumienia oraz przyswojenia swojej najgłębszej tożsamości jako bytu. Dalszą konsekwencją tego procesu jest dla człowieka jego spełnienie, a w końcu także osobista świętość. Ważnym kontekstem tego procesu jest modlitwa kontemplacyjna.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 24
issue 2
In the twentieth century, a number of research activities were undertaken, the purpose of which was to find evidence, indicating the existence of life in space. These activities can also be the subject of theological reflection. The field of this reflection is filled with two trends of thought. The first one is purely hypothetical, since the evidence for the existence of life has not been discovered yet. The second area of reflection is more real and focuses, for example, on the sense of searching for other civilizations, whether human existence is something special in the universe, or is it a longing for a different, higher form of civilization is it not an expression of the eternal longing for perfection and for immortal life?
W XX wieku podjęto wiele działań badawczych, których celem było znalezienie dowodów wskazujących na istnienie życia w kosmosie. Działania te mogą być także przedmiotem refleksji teologii. Pole tej refleksji wypełniają dwa nurty myślenia. Pierwsze jest czysto hipotetyczne, jako że dowodów na istnienie życia dotąd nie odkryto. Druga przestrzeń refleksji jest bardziej realna i koncentruje się np. na sensie poszukiwania innych cywilizacji: czy ludzkie istnienie jest czymś wyjątkowym we wszechświecie, czy tęsknota na inną, wyższą formą cywilizacji nie jest wyrazem odwiecznej tęsknoty za doskonałością i pragnieniem życia nieśmiertelnego?
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 8
issue 2
Trzeba wyraźnie rozróżnić Kościół święty, czyli wolę Bożą i orędzie Boga, i Kościół grzeszników jako słabość człowieka. Kościół święty stara się orędzie Boga przekazać światu.
Any analysis of the problem of “the Church of saints and the Church of sinners” must start from de fining the Church as such. First and foremost, the Church cannot be conceptually reduced to hierarchical structures, nor should be put on equal with the ecclesiastic institution. Instead, it must be seen as the personal communion of people with Jesus Christ. This view is originally expressed in Joseph Ratzinger’s claim that “The Church is the people of God as the Body of Christ.” This claim means that the Church does not create herself, that she is not a human creation, but she comes from God and it comprises the human co-element in the realization of the Divine Plan. In this sense, the Church is holy, yet, at the same time, she gathers sinners. This holiness relies on the unconditional grace of God’s Incarnation. Indeed, the Holy Church realizes the will of God and she is His envoy to the universe, while the Church of sinners is a Church made of people, trying to transmit God’s message to the world, despite the limits and sins of her members.
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