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Despite the considerable influence he exerted on post-war church architecture in Poland, the designer Władysław Pieńkowski (1907–1991) is today an altogether forgotten figure. The current paper outlines his biography and his early oeuvre; this is because his experience in designing office blocks and industrial plants gained while working under the supervision of the most outstanding Polish architects of the mid-20th century, was to be of key importance to his later, independent designs for ecclesiastical buildings. The paper focuses on a particularly important work, one which in many ways constitutes a breakthrough in the architect’s career, namely the church of St. Michael the Archangel in the Mokotów district of Warsaw. This was the first entirely new church to be erected in the capital of Poland after the year 1945. Its construction depended on the dynamic changes in the balance of political forces. The church could be built owing to the support of the PAX Association circle, including the direct involvement of Bolesław Piasecki. In spite of their patronage, however, construction works were repeatedly halted and extended over several years, and the architectural design had to be reworked. The paper contains an analysis of three fundamental designs for the church, now held in the St. Michael the Archangel parish archive and in the architect’s records preserved by his heirs. The first design dates from the period of 1948/9–1951, the subsequent one from the year 1954, and the final one from 1956–1961. The evolution of the design moved from the initial continuation of forms typical of the pre-war Modernised Revivalism, through a peculiar reference to Socialist Realism, to rigorous Modernism. The church of St. Michael the Archangel became Pieńkowski’s testing ground; there, he tried out several solutions which he would consistently utilise in the subsequent years of his career, e.g. the large-scale application of prefabricated elements in both the construction and the decoration of the edifice. The construction of this church was concurrent with important events of a political (the Thaw) and religious nature (the Second Vatican Council). Tracing the history of the design for the Warsaw church and clarifying its connections with contemporaneous church architecture in Poland and in Western Europe made it possible to present the key problems faced by the Polish designers of ecclesiastical architecture in the first decades of the People’s Republic of Poland.
In the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, the space of the temple is identified with the holy place, the sacred. Issues related to architecture, including religious architecture, although not the most important in church doctrine, nevertheless find their place in it. The subject of religious architecture appears primarily in connection with the function that the building is to fulfill for the community of believers – a gathering place for the celebration of the liturgy. The sacred building should meet liturgical requirements, and also help to build community and an atmosphere of concentration, with the shape of the space so that it stands out from many other buildings that have different social purposes. He thus becomes “God’s home”. The sacrum of the church space is also emphasized by the extensive symbolism, referring both to its whole and individual parts. Throughout the history of the Church, the topic of religious architecture has appeared in many of its documents, both universal and local. The most important of them will be cited in the text, showing the complexity and importance of the issue of religious architecture in the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.
W niniejszym artykule rozważaniom poddano kwestię urządzania miejsc modlitwy w sąsiedztwie uczelni wyższych i domów studenckich. Przeprowadzono ankietę wśród studentów zamieszkujących akademiki Politechniki Gdańskiej w celu sprawdzenia, czy istnieje realna potrzeba urządzania ww. przestrzeni. Kolejno przedstawiono przykłady tymczasowych miejsc modlitwy projektowanych w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu w krajach Europy Zachodniej. Po dokonaniu analizy wyselekcjonowanych obiektów i przeprowadzeniu dyskusji w oparciu o studia literaturowe, możliwe stało się wyciągnięcie wniosków dotyczących możliwości i sposobów kształtowania tymczasowych przestrzeni modlitwy w niejednokrotnie zabytkowym i zatłoczonym otoczeniu uniwersytetów.
This article considers the problem of arranging places of prayer in the vicinity of universities and dormitories. A survey was conducted among students living in the dormitories of the Gdańsk University of Technology in order to determine if there was a real need to arrange such spaces. Subsequently, examples of temporary chapels designed in the last 20 years in Western European countries were presented. Analysis of the selected facilities and discussions based on literature studies made it possible to draw conclusions on the possibilities and ways of shaping temporary prayer spaces in the often historic and crowded university environments. The research included in situ investigations.
Dokument datowany na 1772 rok i przechowywany w Archiwum Arcybiskupim w Cuzco przedstawia prośbę Maríi Nicolasy de Christo, prepozytki Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, domagającej się, aby jej beaterium nie zostało przekształcone w kapelanię. Tercjarka opisuje sytuację instytucjonalną i ekonomiczną beaterium. Jej petycja została poparta świadectwami dziewięciu świadków z Cuzco, którzy odwiedzili domy i kaplicę tercjarek. Opisy świadków przekazują nam obraz architektury i wystroju beaterium Nuestra Señora del Carmen z 1772 roku. W ówczesnym czasie było ono jednym z najważniejszych w Cuzco. Dokument służy jako pretekst do refleksji nad architekturą beateriów w Cuzco i ich funkcjami w strukturze miejskiej i wieloetnicznym społeczeństwie tego miasta. W XVII i XVIII wieku można zaobserwować hierarchizację struktury społecznej, która zależała od statusu ekonomicznego, czystości krwi czy płci, a beateria były odpowiedzią na potrzebę stworzenia przestrzeni życiowej dla samotnych kobiet, bardzo często pozbawionych wystarczających zasobów ekonomicznych, by samodzielnie się utrzymać.
The document, dated 1772 and kept in the Archbishop’s Archives in Cusco, presents a request from María Nicolasa de Christo, preposita of the Beaterio de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, demanding that her beaterio not be converted into a chaplaincy. The tertian describes the beaterio’s institutional and economic situation. Her petition is supported by the testimonies of nine witnesses from Cusco who visited the homes and chapel of the tertian. The witnesses’ descriptions give us a picture of the architecture and decor of the Nuestra Señora del Carmen beaterium in 1772. At the time, it was one of the most important in Cusco. The document serves as a pretext to reflect on the architecture of the beaterios in Cusco and their functions in the urban structure and multi-ethnic society of Cusco. In the 17th and 18th centuries, one can observe the hierarchization of the social structure, which depended on economic status, blood purity or gender, and the beaterias were a response to the need to create a living space for single women, very often lacking sufficient economic resources to support themselves.
Dawną Koronę (a potem Rzeczpospolitą Obojga Narodów) i Królestwo Węgierskie łączyły w średniowieczu i epoce nowożytnej liczne skomplikowane relacje. To spe-cyficzne sąsiedztwo szczególnie widoczne są na Spiszu, w latach 1412—1772 po-dzielonym między oba państwa. W artykule przedstawiona zostały wybrane wiadomości z lustracji prowadzonej przez urzędnika Pawła Tisztę, zlecona przez władze węgierskie już po likwidacji starostwa spiskiego. Dokument z 1773 r. dostarcza licznych informacji dotyczących sytuacji trzynastu miast spiskich znajdujących się do niedawna pod polską władzą. Obok ukazania polityczno-gospodarczego tła życia codziennego poruszone zostały w nich kwestie mogące zainteresować badacza tak życia religijnego, jak i sztuki sakralnej na Spiszu: liczba wyznawców katolicyzmu i luteranizmu, pochodzenie wykształcenie i obowiązki lokalnych plebanów i pastorów, stan zachowania kościołów oraz – słabo rozpoznane w dotychczasowej literaturze – wzmianki o oratoriach wyznania augsburskiego, powstałych w starostwie za zgodą Stanisława Herakliusza Lubomirskiego. Miasta spiskie około roku 1773 r. rysują się w lustracji jako obszar zróżnicowany religijnie, którego mieszkańcy reprezentowali złożone podejście do tożsamości i miejscowej tradycji.
Historically, the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland (later the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) and Kingdom of Hungary shared very complicated realations during the Middle Ages and Early Modern period. This specific neighbourhood can be especially visible in the case of Spiš (Scepusium), in the years 1412-1772 divided between both countries. The article presents the selected information from the inspection report conducted by Paul Tiszta, ordered by Hungarian authority after the liquidation of the Scepusian capitaneatus (starostwo). Written in 1773, the document provides many records on the situation of thirteen cities, which not much earlier had been under the Polish administration. Besides showing the political and economical background of everyday life, it presents the information important for researchers interested in both Scepusian religious life and local art, concerning: number of Catholics and Lutherans, provenience and education of local parsons and ministers, condition of the church building and – almost absent in the previous literature – records on the Lutheran oratories in the cities of capitaneatus, build with the consent of Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski. In this report, Scepusian cities are presented as the religiously diverse territory which inhabitants manifested complex approach to the issue of their identity and local tradition.
The study contains a source edition of four detailed lists of buildings in the village of Podklasztorze near Jędrzejów, namely the church and the buildings of the Cistercian Abbey (including the monks’ house) as well as the buildings housing the Forestry Authority and an inn. The material is an annex to insurance documentation drawn up by the Insurance Directorate in Warsaw in 1848. In addition to a brief historical introduction and archival description of the sources presented, each of the estimate contains a short summary, while at the end readers will find a glossary of specialist terms, many of them archaic, describing the various elements of the structure or furnishings of the buildings. Despite the fact that the documents lack information (apart from technical details) about the appearance of the decoration and the furnishings, they still constitute a very interesting source of information about the preservation and condition of the analysed buildings. An integral part of the detailed estimates, containing very comprehensive lists of all components of the buildings with their valuation, comes in the form of hand-made plans of the analysed buildings. Reproductions of the plans together with photographs of the abbey buildings provide illustration material for the present study.
В данном исследовании рассматривается проблема функционирования культовых сооружений на территории Крымского полуострова в нормативных документах советских органов. Объектом изучения являются документы, касающиеся использования культовой архитектуры мусульманскими общинами в 1920 –1930 гг
This study addresses the issue of the functioning of religious buildings on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula in the regulatory documents of the Soviet authorities. The object of study is the documents regarding the use of religious architecture by Muslim communities in 1920 –1930.
Niniejsze opracowanie dotyczy kwestii funkcjonowania budynków sakralnych na terytorium półwyspu krymskiego w dokumentach normatywnych władz sowieckich. Przedmiotem badań są dokumenty dotyczące wykorzystania architektury religijnej przez społeczności muzułmańskie w latach 20 i 30-ch XX wieku
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