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The article aims at the presentation of the Soviet and German occupants’ policy towards the polish landed gentry in the years 1939–1945. An analysis of operations both totalitarian regimes possessing high social prestige in the interwar Poland was conducted. The study presents the aims that occupants wanted to gain from the social and property elite of the occupied country. This paper shows the collation of the two occupants’ operations. In the Soviet zone the occupants aspired to elimination the polish landed gentry as a social rank, whilst in the German zone weakening the position and the isolation in the Polish society were the objectives. The gentry property war employed by Germans led to the exploitation of agriculture in General – Gouvernement. The Soviet authorities used the Polish landed gentry to rationalise abolishment of the old order. In practice, it meant liquidation of the gentry’s property through nationalization and the appropriation of effects and immovables. It was often connected with illegal annexation and devastation.
The author focuses, after brief outline of wartime highlights in the life of Professor Zygmunt Zagórski, on short biographical notes of prewar linguists from Wilno, who after the war moved to various research centres in Poland and abroad: Olgierd Chomiński, Jan Otrębski, Erwin Koschmieder, Halina Turska, Józef Trypućko, Czesław Kudzinowski, Wacław Cimochowski, Antoni Szantyr, Zofia Abramowiczówna, Stefan Oświęcimski, Danuta Turkowski, Anatol Mirowicz, Max Weinreich, Stanisław Stankiewicz. Additionally, there are discussions of several scientists who approached linguistics in their research: Kazimierz Moszyński, Konrad Górski, Maria Renata Mayenowa, Maria Aleksandra Rzeuska, Czesław Zgorzelski, Józef Bujnowski. The article concludes with an reprint of a poem by Józef Bujnowski, written on hearing the news of disarmament of the Armia Krajowa resistance army.
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Oflagi w pamięci indywidualnej i zbiorowej

The text presents basic historical data about oflags, and also sociological concepts useful for their analysis. Oflag, is a short form for Offizierslager für kriegsgefangene Offiziere, a German prisoner of war camp for officers which existed during the 2nd World War. Within twenty military regions of Germany, there were almost 800 different camps, where 10 million prisoners of war from Europe and United States of America were incarcerated (among them there were half a million of Polish officers and soldiers). Oflags are subject of many historical, sociological and psychological studies. Concepts of totalitarian institutions by E. Goffman, culture and its collerates by S. Ossowski, cultural systems by A. Kłoskowska and B. Sułkowski, social frames of remembrance by M. Halbswach, are all helpful in oflags description and analysis. The framework of this study is an analysis of social remembrance – individual and collective, and its carriers – cultural correlates, such as necropolises, sites of former prisoner of war camps, utility objects, artistic objects (graphics, sculptures, literary texts, songs), documents (photographs, letters). They operate in private and public circuits, where memory sphere abrades with non remembrance sphere – oblivion and exclusion.
Referring to the concepts of liquid modernity by Bauman, in the text I will analyze the stories of selected characters of children’s and teenagers’ contemporary books who had to face the problems of happiness, consumption, responsibility and crisis of identity. To contrast the issue of getting rid of one’s “self” in the contemporary culture, I analyze the attitudes of literary characters immersed in the war reality, i.e., in the time when it was really “hectic” and when hiding one’s identity was absolutely necessary to survive.
This paper focuses on the patient-doctor relationship in Polish forced laborers during WW II. As the analysis of historical documents shows, this relationship was mainly shaped by ideological and economic factors during Nazi rule. In treating Polish patients who had been deported for forced labor, several protagonists who had different scopes of acting were involved. Besides to the German doctor, employers and health insurance companies had significant influence on the intensity (or lack) of medical care. Instead of adhering to ethical principles, these institutions focused on an economy-driven strategy with the prime target of maintaining the laborers’ workforce by minimal efforts. The workers’ health needs and their consent were not paid attention to. Under these circumstances, patient-physician relations were even more unequal und far more hierarchical than among members of the German “Volksgemeinschaft.”
In dem Artikel wird sich mit Patienten-Arzt-Verhältnis in Bezug auf polnische Zwangsarbeiter im Deutschen Reich befasst. Die Analyse der Dokumente aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges zeigte, dass dieses Verhältnis hauptsächlich von ideologischen und ökonomischen Faktoren geprägt war. Zudem waren daran mehrere Akteure beteiligt, die über unterschiedlich große Handlungsspielräume verfügten: Neben dem deutschen Arzt nahmen auch Arbeitgeber und Krankenkassen Einfluss auf den Umfang der medizinischen Versorgung polnischer Zwangsarbeiter. Anstatt sich an Prinzipien der ärztlichen Ethik zu orientieren, verfolgten diese eine rein ökonomisch motivierte Strategie. In deren Mittelpunkt stand nicht die Genesung der Patienten, sondern die Wiederherstellung der Arbeitskraft bei minimalem Aufwand. In den allermeisten Fällen geschah dies über den Kopf der Betroffenen hinweg.
Artykuł odnosi się do problematyki stosunków polsko-ukraińskich podczas II wojny światowej oraz dzisiejszych relacji między narodami. Pierwsza część pracy przedstawia krwawe „wydarzenia”, które miały miejsce na Wołyniu i w Galicji Wschodniej w latach 1943-1945. Ofiarami nacjonalistycznych ukraińskich grup padali przedstawiciele narodu polskiego żyjący na tamtych obszarach. Lata II wojny światowej zostały podzielone na okresy działań antypolskich, z których kulminacyjnymi były wiosna i lato 1943 r. Wtedy właśnie dobrze zorganizowane grupy OUN-UPA rozpoczęły zsynchronizowane i zaplanowane akcje antypolskie. Przedstawione zostały liczby pomordowanych Polaków i zabitych w akcjach odwetowych Ukraińców oraz zaatakowanych polskich osiedli. W drugiej części pracy zawarte zostały wyniki badań przeprowadzonych przez autora na grupie polskich i ukraińskich studentów. Badanie podzielone zostało na dwie części, z których pierwsza dotyczyła oceny polsko-ukraińskich relacji dzisiaj, a druga określenia stanu wiedzy historycznej studentów. W tej części pracy przedstawione zostały również wyniki badań CBOS, z którymi skonfrontowane zostały wyniki badań autorskich.
The article refers to the problem of Polish-Ukrainian relations during the second world war and contemporary relations between both nations. The first part of the article describes horrible events that took place in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia in 1943-1945. Poles living in those areas became victims of nationalist Ukrainian military groups. The time of the second world war was divided into a period of anti-Polish actions which had reached their peak in spring and summer of 1943. At that time well-organized groups of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists with its military arm - Ukrainian Insurgent Army commenced synchronized and planned anti-Polish actions. Second part of the article includes results of a survey carried out by the author among the group of Polish and Ukrainian students. The survey was divided into two parts - the first one relating to opinions on contemporary Polish-Ukrainian relations, and second one relating to the history knowledge of students. This part also includes CBOS survey results which were compared with author’s survey.
Na początku stycznia 1944 r. wschodnie tereny II Rzeczypospolitej objął front działań wojennych pomiędzy III Rzeszą i ZSRR. W tej sytuacji Okręg Armii Krajowej Wołyń przystąpił do wykonywania akcji „Burza”, której celem była walka z cofającymi się wojskami Niemiec i wystąpienie wobec oddziałów Armii Czerwonej w roli gospodarza Wołynia. Do jej prowadzenia utworzył 27. Wołyńską Dywizję Piechoty, która przez siedem miesięcy uporczywych walk na Wołyniu, Polesiu i Lubelszczyźnie przebyła trudny szlak, liczący około 500 kilometrów. W ponad 60 stoczonych walkach poniosła znaczne straty osobowe. Do niesienia pomocy rannym i chorym żołnierzom utworzono w niej służbę zdrowia. Artykuł omawia powstanie i rozwój organizacyjny tej służby, a także działalność jej personelu. Składał się on z kilku lekarzy oraz ponad 100 sanitariuszek. Młode dziewczęta, głównie harcerki, wykazały niezwykłe bohaterstwo. W warunkach ciężkich walk i marszów przez liczne bagna ofiarnie pomagały rannym.
At the beginning of January 1944 the eastern part of the Second Polish Republic was on the front of military operations conducted by the Third Reich and the USSR. Consequently, the Wołyń Division of the Home Army began their “Storm” (“Burza”) operation whose purpose was to fight the retreating Nazi troops and confront the Red Army units occupying Wołyń. The 27 Wołyń Infantry Division was formed to carry out the operations. After seven months of fierce fighting in Wołyń, Polesie and the Lublin Province, the division moved forward 500 kilometers in harsh conditions. In over 60 hard-fought battles it suffered heavy personnel losses. A medical service unit was formed within the division to provide medical care for the sick and wounded soldiers. The article deals with the formation and organizational development of the service and the work of its personnel. The staff consisted of several doctors and over 100 nurses. Young girls, mainly Girl Scouts, performed great acts of heroism. During heavy fighting and marches through numerous swamps they gave enormous help to the wounded.
The publication describes the activity of Polish theater during the Second World War. It is an attempt to look at theater from the perspective of the tasks and values it presented in this particularly difficult period. The article describes the functioning of open and underground theaters and theaters operating in concentration camps. The above-mentioned activities cannot be reduced to one formula or a specific species. In these conditions, the artistic level and innovation of many performances amaze. Paradoxically, this most dramatic theater achieved its greatest autonomy during the occupation. It has become a useful tool for restoring human dignity and art.
The author of the essay considers Leszek Wosiewicz’s Kornblumenblau as a film about art and focuses on the self reflexive elements present in the film, particularly those referring to film conventions. This analysis examines the film in the context of the reflections about the meaning of art in totalitarian systems and situation of the artist in the reality of the concentration camp. Kornblumenblau depicts degenerated art as depriving of freedom and rescue, becoming another tool of oppression. Dehumanizing power of this art points at the final decay of man in the epoch of gas chambers.
The Artist In L’univers Concentrationnaire. Leszek Wosiewicz’s “Kornblumenblau” As a Treaty About Art The author of the essay considers Leszek Wosiewicz’s Kornblumenblau as a film about art and focuses on the self reflexive elements present in the film, particularly those referring to film conventions. This analysis examines the film in the context of the reflections about the meaning of art in totalitarian systems and situation of the artist in the reality of the concentration camp. Kornblumenblau depicts degenerated art as depriving of freedom and rescue, becoming another tool of oppression. Dehumanizing power of this art points at the final decay of man in the epoch of gas chambers.
The complicated, troubled and tragic events of a wealthy family from Vlorë, Albania, which a century ago expanded its business to Italy, in Brindisi and Trieste, and whose grand land tenures and financial properties in Albania were nationalized by Communism after the Second World War. Hence the life-long solitary and hopeless fight of the last heir of the family to reconquer his patrimony that had been nationalized by Communism. Such properties would have been endowed to a planned foundation, which aims at perpetuating the memory of his brother, who was active in the resistance movement during the war and therefore hung by the Germans. His main institutional purpose is to help students from the Vlorë area to attend the University of Trieste. The paper is a travel in time through history, sociology and the consolidation of a state’s fundamentals, by trying to read the past aiming to understand the presence and save the future. The paper highlights the need to consider past models of social solidarity meanwhile renewing the actual one. This as a re-establishment of rule and understanding, a strategy to cope with pressures to renegotiate the social contract, as a universal need, by considering the past’s experiences as a firm base for successful social interaction. All this, inside a story which in the first look seems to be too personal and narrow, meanwhile it highlights the present and the past in a natural organic connection, dedicated to a nation in continuous struggle for its social reconstruction.
Статья посвящена восприятию Германии и немцев глазами евреев, которые воевали в Красной армии. Рассказывается, что до перехода границы евреи, как советские солдаты, были полны желания мстить за гибель родных и невиданные разрушения. Однако никто из них не представлял, какую непростую задачу (психологическую, нравственную и эмоциональную) предстоит решить, попав на территорию противника. После перехода границы эти настроения переменились. На смену ненависти пришло милосердие. Встреча с реальной Германией, ее культурой, архитектурой, достижениями научно-технического прогресса, комфортом домашней жизни вызвали и другую реакцию. Автор делает вывод о том, что пребывание в Германии дало бесценный опыт, который евреи надеялись использовать при восстановлении мирной жизни в СССР. Они верили, что советское государство по достоинству оценит их вклад в общую победу на фронте и в тылу, но действительность оказалась иной. Все заслуги евреев в годы войны не привели к исчезновению антисемитизма в Советском Союзе. Материалом для нее послужили письма и дневники советских евреев, солдат Красной Армии, которые были собраны в архиве Центра диаспоры при Тель-Авивском университете в самое последнее время (2012-2017 гг.) и впервые вводятся в научный оборот.
After crossing the border, these sentiments changed greatly. Mercy replaced hatred. The meeting with real Germany, its culture and architecture, the achievements of scientific and technological progress as well as the comfortable home life there caused a different reaction. The author concludes that staying in Germany was an invaluable experience that the Jews hoped to use when restoring peaceful life in the USSR. They believed that the Soviet state would appreciate their contribution to the overall victory at the front and in the rear, but the reality turned out to be different. The services of the Jews during the war did not lead to the disappearance of anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union. This study is based on WW2 correspondence, letters and diaries of Soviet Jews, as soldiers of the Red Army, which were recently collected in the archives of the Diaspora Research Center at Tel Aviv University (2012-2017) and now, for the first time, are used for academic purposes.
Artykuł jest poświęcony postrzeganiu Niemiec i Niemców przez Żydów walczących w Armii Czerwonej. Przed przekroczeniem niemieckiej granicy Żydzi, podobnie jak żołnierze radzieccy, byli pełni pragnienia pomszczenia śmierci swoich bliskich i bezprecedensowych zniszczeń. Żaden z nich nie miał jednak pojęcia, przed jak trudnym zadaniem (psychologicznych, moralnym i emocjonalnym) będzie musiał stanąć, gdy wejdą na terytorium wroga. Po przekroczeniu granicy nastroje te uległy zmianie. Miłosierdzie zastąpiło nienawiść. Spotkanie z prawdziwymi Niemcami, ich kulturą, architekturą, osiągnięciami postępu naukowo-technicznego, życiem rodzinnym wywołało zmianę nastrojów. Autor konkluduje, że pobyt w Niemczech dostarczył nieocenionego doświadczenia, które Żydzi mieli nadzieję wykorzystać w przywróceniu spokojnego życia w ZSRR. Uważali, że państwo radzieckie doceni ich wkład w ogólne zwycięstwo na froncie i tyłach, ale rzeczywistość okazała się inna. Zasługi Żydów w latach wojny nie doprowadziły do zaniku antysemityzmu w ZSRR. Za materiał do tej pracy posłużyły listy i pamiętniki radzieckich Żydów, żołnierzy Armii Czerwonej, które w ostatnim okresie (2012-2017) zostały zebrane w Diaspora Research Center Uniwersytetu w Tel Awiwie i po raz pierwszy są tu wprowadzane do obiegu naukowego.
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