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Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 11
issue 2
Our whole discussion has focused on man’s self-fulfillment in and through the marital union. The mutual self-donation of man and woman is a participative act in that whenever acting is performed ‘together with the other,’ the husband and wife transcend themselves in action and thereby realize the authentically personalistic value of the action and man’s self-fulfillment in it. This mutual selfgiving of husband and wife finds its expression in and through the body. This self-fulfillment, however, is attained only when the husband and wife become responsible for each other and meet the demands of the personalistic norm. The marital union must adapt itself to the objective demands of the personalistic norm, without which the act of mutual love between husband and wife is degraded to the ‘utilitarian’ level. The structure of responsibility which demands reference to the object in accordance with its true value must be satisfied.
This article examines Karol Wojtyła’s concept of participation and alienation by starting the discussion on his personalist anthropology, leading to his structure of the human community. Wojtyła’s personalist anthropology reveals to us the nature of the human person as a unique, unrepeatable personal subjectivity. According to Wojtyła, the human act takes us to the knowledge and understanding of the person’s interiority and simultaneously allows us to have a glimpse of the human person’s specific complexity. Then, I analyze the correlation between person-action in living and acting with other persons. Here, I attempt to demonstrate that if our existence has to acquire any human significance, it is that, rather than alienation, which makes such a unique experience possible. Finally, I explored the impact of the failure to grasp a genuine understanding of the human person and the capacity to participate in the humanity of other persons, setting a profound sense of alienation that dehumanizes us to our very core. This paper aims to answer the following questions: Given the actions that can be performed ‘together with others,’ how does the person’s acting with others affect the dynamic correlation of the action with the person? What is the significance of this participation for the personalistic value of the action? Why is alienation antithetical to participation?
Artykuł omawia istotne filozoficzne założenia koncepcji samorealizacji w myśli Osho. Zasadniczą tezą pracy jest stwierdzenie, że wspomniana teoria wspiera się na przyjętej przez filozofa ewolucyjnie pojętej wizji natury ludzkiej. W wyniku tego samorealizacja jest wyrażana przez podmiot samodzielnie i świadomie jako ukierunkowany i zamierzony proces pełnej formacji ludzkości. Zważywszy także na przyjęte przez Osho założenie o holistycznej strukturze świata, zgodnie z którym współistnienie istot ludzkich na pewnych poziomach wiąże się z wzajemnym oddziaływaniem, samorealizacja ma u niego sens nie tylko ontologiczny, lecz również zyskuje znaczenie etyczne, ponieważ wymaga ona od podmiotu kształtowania świadomej i odpowiedzialnej za osobisty rozwój postawy dla dobra własnego oraz innych.
The article analyzes the philosophical assumptions regarding the concept of selfrealization in Osho’s thought. The main thesis of the study is the statement that the theory is based on the evolutionary vision of human nature accepted by the author. As a result, self-realization is expressed independently and consciously by the subject as a directed and intended process of complete formation of the humanity. Considering Osho’s assumption about the holistic structure of the world, according to which the coexistence of human beings on certain levels is connected with interaction, self-realization has not only an ontological sense, but also gains an ethical meaning because it tends to shape a conscious and responsible attitude for the personal development, in the subject’s and others’ best interest.
The article discusses the nature and interaction of concepts “professional self-identification” and “self-realization”. The approaches to the definition, stages, structure, performance criteria of these concepts are analyzed. Professional self-determination is defined as the process of formation of the personality’s relationships with professional environment and the way of its realization, an integral part of a holistic life of self-determination. Self-realization is seen as a conscious process of thorough investigating and growth of potential and incentive-motivational essential powers of a person, as the process of affirmation of the self, which provides self-knowledge and self-education. It is proved that professional identity is a managed process and, thus, offered educational support to students with the aim to realize their potentials, to reveal the abilities and inclinations, thus increasing the efficiency of the process of self-realization.The leading trends are defined: humanization of society and education; the possibility of systematic and continuous education throughout life; the dominant position of creativity in the education system, that is, change of strategies to personal that make the development of fundamental knowledge with the help of a teacher, their parallel use in practice and creating conditions for the use of knowledge in unforeseen circumstances, on the basis of the developed creative skills; application of modern system of professional orientation, which should help everyone to fully develop his/her own potential (gift, talent, originality of thoughts and actions, professionalism), which is determined by the nature of social relations, formation of a perceived need for an adequate professional self-determination is carried out in practical creative activities through the integration of social, cognitive, and socio-labor activity of the individual. It is determined by the value of the level of development of creative abilities in the process of professional self-determination. It is assumed that the mechanism of self-realization in its fundamental aspects corresponds to creativity, creativity is considered as a constant attribute of the activity of the individual, the attribute of any profession. Thus the desire for professional self-determination is inherent to every individual and is essentially a reflection of a more basic need – fulfillment.
The subject matter of the article refers to the satisfaction of employees resulting from the provision of work through the employee. In the theoretical part, the concept of job satisfaction was defined and research on job satisfaction was invoked. In the empirical part of the article presented the results of a study on the relationship between selected factors of job satisfaction and socio-demographic characteristics of respondents. The factors included as those having influence on job satisfaction were: self-fulfillment, relationships with managers and co-workers, the concept of having a job (work certainty), work organization and professional achievement. And to the socio-demographic characteristics the individual characteristics of the individual were included: age, gender, place of residence, education, workplace, general work experience and current work experience in the surveyed enterprise. The research methods used in the publication include literature analysis and the survey technique. Excel and Statistica were used to describe the test results. The conclusions of the study are the final part of the paper.
Tematyka artykułu odnosi się do satysfakcji pracowników wynikającej ze świadczenia pracy na rzecz pracobiorcy. W części teoretycznej zdefiniowano pojęcie satysfakcji z pracy i przywołano badania nad nią. W części empirycznej artykułu zaprezentowano wyniki badania zależności między wybranymi czynnikami satysfakcji z pracy a cechami socjodemograficznymi respondentów. Do czynników oddziałujących na satysfakcję z pracy zaliczono: samorealizację, relacje z przełożonymi i ze współpracownikami, posiadanie pracy (pewność pracy), organizację pracy oraz osiągnięcia zawodowe. Do cech socjodemograficznych następujące charakterystyki indywidualne jednostki: wiek, płeć, miejsce zamieszkania, wykształcenie, stanowisko pracy, staż pracy zawodowej ogólny i aktualny staż pracy w badanym przedsiębiorstwie. Wykorzystane w publikacji metody badawcze obejmują analizę literatury oraz technikę ankiety. Do opisania wyników badań posłużono się programami: Excel oraz Statistica. Końcową część opracowania stanowią wnioski z badań.
Artykuł ten, poświęcony został aktualnej z punktu widzenia współczesnych problemów społecznych tematyce, dotyczącej zjawiska wartości w życiu współczesnego człowieka. W poszczególnych częściach artykułu ukazano podstawowe pojęcia związane z problematyką wartości oraz najważniejsze tezy, związane z wpływem wartości na rozwój osobowości współczesnego człowieka. W publikacji przedstawione zostało również zjawisko intencjonalności, czyli zwrócenia się podmiotu wobec danej wartości, afirmacja jej jako, że wspomniany proces jest bardzo istotny biorąc pod uwagę przedmiot rozważań ukazany w tym artykule, udzielając istotnych odpowiedzi z punktu widzenia wpływu hierarchii wartości na poczucie sensu życia człowieka. Osoba jako podmiot, prezentuje określoną hierarchię wartości, co ma istotny wpływ na rozwój jej osobowości, całokształt działań i zakres samorealizacji. W dalszej części artykułu, autor skupia się na analizie potencjalnych przyczyn charakterystycznego dla współczesnego społeczeństwa, kryzysu wartości, jego negatywnego wpływu na młodego, dojrzewającego człowieka oraz sposobach jego rozwiązania. Poszukując rozwiązań sytuacji, opartej na wspomnianym kryzysie wartości, autor dostrzega ważną rolę postawy nauczyciela/wychowawcy, jego poziomu autorytetu wśród uczniów/wychowanków. Nauczyciel profesjonalista ma szansę zapobiegania negatywnym następstwom dla rozwoju młodzieży dojrzewającej, wynikającym z nihilizowania podstawowych norm i wartości przez współczesne społeczeństwo konsumpcyjne.
This article was devoted to the actual, from the point of view of contemporary social problems, subject-matter concerning the phenomenon of values in a con­temporary man’s life. In particular parts of the article, there were presented main notions connected with problem of values, and the most important theses con­nected with the influence of values on the development of a contemporary man’s personality. In this publication, there was also presented the phenomenon of in­tentionality, that is a subject’s turning to a particular value, affirmation of it, since the phenomenon mentioned above is very significant from the point of view of the subject of considerations presented in this article, giving essential answers from the point of view of the influence of the hierarchy of values on the sense of hu­man life. A person as a subject presents defined hierarchy of values, which has significant influence on the development of his/her personality, the whole of ac­tivities and the scope of self-fulfillment. In the next part of the article, the author concentrates on the analysis of potential reasons of the crisis of values charac­teristic for the contemporary society, its negative influence on a young maturing man and on ways of solving it. Searching for the solutions of a situation based on the crisis of values mentioned above, the author perceives the important role of a teacher’s/educator’s attitude, his/her level of authority among students/pupils. A professional teacher has a chance to prevent negative consequences for the ma­turing teenagers’ development resulting from the nihilisation of basic norms and values by the contemporary consumption-oriented society.
W artykule zaprezentowano rolę identyfikacji w procesie społecznej integracji młodzieży ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Wyniki pracy podzielono na dwie części. W pierwszej dokonano charakterystyki relacji panujących w szkole ponadgimnazjalnej dla dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. W drugiej części opisano społeczną i psychologiczną adaptację osób ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi do środowiska młodzieży. Dowiedziono, że stereotypowe postrzeganie młodego człowieka przez innych jako „niepełnosprawnego” utrwala jego negatywne spojrzenie na otaczający go świat i ludzi. Natomiast identyfikacja z osobowymi przykładami pozytywnych doświadczeń ma dodatni wpływ na zamierzoną integrację w ramach społeczności młodzieży ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Upatruje się w tym sposób na budowanie poczucia własnej wartości, wiary w siebie, umacnianie kontaktów społecznych, samorealizację i osiągnięcie społecznego sukcesu młodych ludzi.
The article examines the role of identification in the process of integration of young people with special educational needs into the society. The study results are divided into two parts: the first, in which the characteristics of the relationships within senior secondary schools for people with special educational needs are determined, and the second, in which the assessment of socio-psychological adaptation of persons with special educational needs in the youth environment is provided. It has been proved that while the stereotypical treatment of others as “defective” reinforces the negative perception of the world and people by the young man, the identification with those of successful experiences will have a positive impact on the prospective integration into the society of young people with special educational needs. The latter can be considered a means of developing a positive self-esteem, self-confidence, encouraging social interaction, gaining self-fulfillment and making social success by the young people.
Higher education for women in Europe became public after The First World War and the October Revolution. Before this time women had to really make effort to obtain it. Nevertheless women were taking part in scientific conferences especially philosophical ones. There are no data how many women finished philosophy courses in Europe. To find it out, one would need to visit every single university separately, analyse lists of female graduates and then aggregate it. This article shows that women not only studied philosophy in the XIX century, not only translated philosophical litrature in native languages, not only run philosophical publishing houses, but also gave philosophical lectures. At the same time this article shows, that women took part in scientific and philosophical life at the same level as men. Therefore they participadet in conferences and philosophical congresses. Until 1918 there were four global philosophical congresses: in Paris (1900), in Geneva (1905), in Heidelberg (1908) and again in Bologna (1911). In this paper we analyse women's speeches in these congresses and present their short intelectual biographies. We rely on published Books of Papers.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 5
issue 1
The article aims at demonstrating that, by his teaching on human person and his action, St. John Paul II (also known as Karol Wojtyła) implicitly contributed to a resolution of the most serious problem of contemporary philosophy, which consists in separating wisdom from love and substituting wisdom with understanding or knowledge. The author concludes that John Paul II makes a persuasive contribution to recover philosophy as the love of wisdom by (1) identifying truth in the area of freedom, self-fulfillment and conscience, and (2) appealing to man’s honesty and happiness.
W artykule autor dowodzi, że u podstaw etyki Osho leżą indywidualizm i subiektywizm. Wraz z autonomicznym podmiotem, to znaczy człowiekiem postrzeganym jako twórca wartości, stanowią one najważniejsze źródła moralności tej koncepcji. Ponadto kluczową rolę odgrywają tutaj pojęta w sposób bliski Sartre’owi wolność, a także odpowiedzialność, świadomość i samorealizacja.
The author of this article argues that individualism and subjectivism form the basis of Osho’s ethics. Along with the independent subject, the person perceived as the creator of values, they constitute the most important sources of morality in this conception. Furthermore, the key role is played here by freedom, close to the one understood by Sartre, as well as responsibility, awareness and self-fulfillment.
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