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Previous studies (Bocian & Wojciszke, 2014) showed that self-interest biases moral perception of others’ unethical actions. Moreover, affective changes in attitudinal responses towards the perpetrator of an immoral act drives the bias. In the present studies, we attempted to answer the question whether people are aware of the self-interest bias in their judgments of others’ behavior. We conducted two experiments showing that moral judgments of verbally described and imagined actions were dominated by norms rather than self-interest (Study 1) and that people were not aware that self-interest distorted their moral judgment (Study 2). The unawareness of the self-interest bias among the participants was attributable to omission of their own emotional responses when forecasting their moral judgments. We discuss the importance of emotions presence in studies on moral judgments as well as contribution of the present research to the intuitionist approach to moral judgment.
In this article we reconsider strands of Adam Smith’s contribution to the project of the Enlightenment. Many of these, as we shall identify, remain poignant, and valuable observations for the twenty-first century. This sampled reconsideration touches both on (i) how Smith is identified, as well as occasionally misread, as an Enlightenment philosopher/economist; and (ii) the extent to which t/his enlightenment survives.
The article is a discussion of various, mainly sociological conceptions of human solidarity, with special focus on those that question the traditional dichotomous understanding of the motives underlying pro-social behavior. It also constitutes an attempt to broaden the debate by focusing on the conditions of human benevolence. Most up-to-date (social) research points to the crucial role of social distance: the closer the potential benefactor to the potential beneficiary, the more likely the act of helping; the more unconditional (or altruistic) the help offered, the more generous the offering. Here a question arises as to what determines the social distance between individuals (and groups) and how (group) boundaries are formed or defined. While social distance can be conceived in objective terms, e.g. as physical or geographical distance or as a degree of (e.g. socio-economic) dissimilarity that exists between the benefactor and the beneficiary, it is the subjective social distance that seems to have most bearing on the human motivation to help. Of paramount importance here, is the perception of the beneficiary, and in particular, the construction of their otherness, which might be (partly) determined by (a) dominant social norm(s).
Horyzonty Polityki
vol. 8
issue 25
  RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Do Smith, Hume and other Scots have an argument to reject John Brown’s claim in his Estimate that a society based on self-interest lacks cohesion? And can they do so without accepting Hobbes’ argument that the necessary cohesion can only be provided by the threat of coercion from a sovereign? THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Problem: The eighteenth century debate on the nature of commercial society. Method: Analysis of key texts in the debate as it occurred in Scotland. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The Scots argue that a society where everyman lives by exchanging, operating on the assumption of selfinterest, is a more peaceable, more equitable and thus more cohesive than that envisioned by Brown. When reinforced by the rule of law, self-interested behaviour supports mutually supportive behaviour. Ultimately this embodies a constant and universal principle of human nature. Human behaviour is not random or chaotic and a commercial society not only exemplifies that fact but also sustains a form of societal life superior to any that has one before. RESEARCH RESULTS: Nostalgia for an earlier time is mis-placed. For all its vehemence Brown’s critique is mis-directed and thus unjustified. CONCLUSION, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This selection of the Scots should be widened to investigate whether Ferguson, Kames, Wallace among others have the same resources as Hume and Smith to rebut Brown.  
Sukcesy gospodarki rynkowej przyczyniły się do ukształtowania rynkowej ideologii, według której zasady rynkowe są najlepszym sposobem regulowania tak gospodarki, jak innych dziedzin, takich jak edukacja, nauka, służba zdrowia itp. Ideologia ta opiera się na psychologicznym założeniu, że źródłem sukcesu wolnego rynku jest jego zdolność do mobilizowania ludzkiej motywacji i twórczych sił człowieka. Źródłem tej mobilizacji jest osobisty interes pobudzany przez rywalizację o kontrolę nad zasobami. Artykuł pokazuje, że aktywność kierowana wyłącznie przez własny interes może deformować działalność rynkową. Psychologowie dowodzą, że ludzie są zdolni do generowania motywów nastawionych na dobro własne, lecz również na dobro innych osób i na dobro społeczne w różnych jego formach. Te dwa rodzaje motywacji nieraz ze sobą konkurują, ale też mogą współdziałać. Uaktywnienie danej motywacji zależy od społecznych definicji znaczenia sytuacji, z którymi człowiek ma do czynienia. Ideologia rynkowa, stanowiąc jedno ze źródeł takich definicji, sprzyja dominacji własnego interesu jako podstawy rynkowej działalności.
The success of the market economy has inspired the market ideology, which affirms that free market mechanisms are the best form of regulation of economy and other activities, such as education, health care, science etc. This ideology is based on the psychological assumption that the underlaying sourcesofthefree-marketsuccessisitscapability for mobilization of human motivation and activation of human creative potential. This mobilization is an effect of rivalry over control of resources. The paper shows that self- interest as the sole source of market motivation may lead to the distortion of economic functioning. Psychological research indicates that human motivation may originate from the concern about self-interest as well as from the concern for other people and society. While these two types of motives may instigate discrepant action tendencies, they may also direct action to a common goal. Activation of motives depends on the social definition of a given situation. Being one of the sources of such definitions, the market ideology fosters the dominant role of the self-interest in economic activities.
The article contains the results of research of self-attitude as a factor of self-realization of professional-creative potential of future practical psychologists. The essence of the concept of “self-attitude” is revealed, the structure of the phenomenon is analyzed, thepsychologicalcharacteristicsofstudents’ self-attitude of V and VI courses, speciality “Practical Psychology” are given. The research was aimed at studying the psychological characteristics of self-attitude of future psychologists who study at the V and VI courses at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. Makarenko, specialty “Practical Psychology”. The experiment was attended by 30 students (15 students of the V course and 15 students of the VI course); 4 of them were boys and 26 were girls. In the study of self-attitude was applied the method of V. Stolin and questionnaire of personal orientation of E. Shostroma. The results of the study indicate that for graduating students of specialty “Practical Psychology” are habitual the high rates of self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-interest; expectation of positive attitude and ability to other close contacts. The low estrates of self-attitude were observed on indicator panel of “self-management”, “self-understanding”, and a large percentage of students of the V, VI courses have low level of self-esteem. Also in low level of development are such features as self-attitude, empathetic and reactive sensitivity, integrity and knowledge of human nature. The study allows to draw the conclusion that with a fairly developed properties of self-attitude of graduate students of specialty “PracticalPsychology”, some of its features require a higher level of development that can be achieved with special psycho-developing work during their university studies. This process will contribute to the special construction of educational process (application of active methods: trainings, business games, etc.), as well as the effective operation of university psychological services provided to increase the number of its employees. The prospects of further researches we see in the deep analysis of structure of self-understanding and self-attitude, and also in research of self-interest as a motivational component of self-understanding.
Hume’s view that the object of moral feeling is a natural passion, motivating action, causes problems for justice. There is apparently no appropriate natural motive, whilst, if there were, its “partiality” would unfit it to ground the requisite impartial approval. We offer a critique of such solutions as that the missing non-moral motive is enlightened self-interest (Baier), or that it is feigned (Haakonssen), or that it consists in a just disposition (Gauthier). We reject Cohon’s postulation of a moral motive for just acts, and also Harris’s attempt to dispense with motive as the source of their merit, by invoking extensive sympathy, and citing their beneficial societal consequences. These solutions assume that, if Hume remains a virtue ethicist, the natural virtues supply the paradigm. Taylor claims that a revolution in motivational psychology follows the inauguration of the artificial convention of justice, remoulding the natural virtues. This solution founders, we argue, upon unresolved contradictions besetting even these virtues
Celem artykułu jest analiza koncepcji homo oeconomicus, będącej jednym z podstawowych fundamentów ekonomii głównego nurtu w porównaniu do alternatywnych podejść, zaprezentowanych przez przedstawicieli ekonomii heterodoksyjnej, m.in. ekonomii behawioralnej i neuroekonomii. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na model REMM (Resourceful, Evaluative, Maximising Man), który wydaje się być brakującym ogniwem pomiędzy homo oeconomicus i homo moralis. Przyjęto jednocześnie, że wąska interpretacja homo oeconomicus, kierującego się własnym interesem, stanowi zbyt duże uproszczenie i taki paradygmat w realnym świecie może być szkodliwy dla społeczeństwa. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy i został napisany na podstawie literatury przedmiotu, w tym materiałów źródłowych. W badaniach wykorzystano podejście zarówno deskryptywne, jak i interdyscyplinarne. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy sformułowano wniosek, że wyjaśnienie ekonomicznych zachowań człowieka wymaga bardziej holistycznego i dynamicznego ujęcia. Wskazano na niekompletność i nieadekwatność paradygmatu homo oeconomicus w stosunku do rzeczywistości. Zauważono, że racjonalność człowieka ekonomicznego wynika nie tylko z troski o własny interes, ale również z jego zakorzenienia w społeczeństwie i kulturze. Badanie pokazało, że zachowanie ekonomiczne zależy od kontekstu i jest dodatkowo zdeterminowane przez moralność, która wywodzi się z systemów społecznych i religijnych. W konkluzji stwierdzono, że człowiek gospodarujący nie może być zredukowany wyłącznie do maszyny koncentrującej się jedynie na swoim własnym interesie materialnym. Ocena moralna jednostki podejmującej decyzje w świecie ograniczoności zasobów jest nieunikniona.
This article traces the development of the concept of homo oeconomicus, a fundamental principle of mainstream economics. The concept is compared against alternative approaches proposed by representatives of other schools of thought such as heterodox economics, behavioural economics and neuroeconomics. Special attention is paid to the Resourceful, Evaluative, Maximising Man (REMM) model, which seems to be a missing link between homo oeconomicus and homo moralis. It is simultaneously assumed that the narrow interpretation of homo oeconomicus as a being solely guided by self-interest is oversimplified and that this kind of paradigm may be harmful to society in the real world. The article was written on the basis of a content analysis of literature. For the purposes of the research, both descriptive and interdisciplinary methods were employed. As a result of the conducted analysis, a conclusion was drawn that the explanation of economic behaviours requires a more holistic and dynamic approach. The incompleteness and inadequacy of the paradigm of homo oeconomicus were highlighted. It was noted that the rationality of the economic man results not only from concern for self-interest but also from his embeddedness in society and culture. The study showed that economic behaviour is context-dependent and additionally determined by morality derived from social and religious systems. In conclusion, it was emphasised that the economic man cannot be reduced to a machine concentrating on his own material well-being. The morality of an individual making choices in a world of scarcity is inevitably subject to assessment.
Artykuł poświęcony jest analizie cech samostanowienia studentów w kontekście samodeterminacji ich rozwoju osobistego. Samostanowienie jest definiowane jako wielomodalny system wartości emocjonalnej, który jest zbudowany na zasadzie dynamicznej hierarchii i działa jako jedna z jednostek strukturalnych jądra dyspozycyjnego osobowości i struktury jej samoświadomości, wyraża cechy stosunku osoby do siebie i zapewnia centrowanie jej wewnętrznej przestrzeni i kształtowanie wektora sensu jej drogi życiowej. Pozytywna samoocena osobowości wraz z jej osobistymi aspiracjami i perspektywami, autonomią, poczuciem własnej skuteczności uważane są za wskaźnik samookreślenia osobowości. Korzystanie z kwestionariusza autotestu W.W. Stolina, S.R. Pantilejewa pozwala zidentyfikować trzy poziomy samostanowienia według stopnia uogólnienia: samostanowienie globalne; samostanowienie zróżnicowane przez poczucie własnej wartości, autosympatię, własne zainteresowanie i oczekiwaną postawę innych; poziom konkretnych działań (gotowość na nie) w odniesieniu do swojego «Ja». Analiza badania samostanowienia studentów daje podstawy do twierdzenia, że badani charakteryzują się ogólnie wysokimi wskaźnikami integralnego samostanowienia oraz wysokimi i średnimi wskaźnikami zróżnicowanych skal i skali postaw. W grupach studentów o wysokiej i niskiej samodeterminacji struktura samostanowienia różni się pod względem wyrazistości jej składników.
The article analyzes peculiarities of students’ self-attitudes in the context of self-determination of their personal development. Self-attitude is defined as a poly-modal emotional-estimative system based on the principle of a dynamic hierarchy and acting as one of the structural units of a person’s dispositional core and a component of the structure of self-consciousness. Self-attitude expresses peculiarities of an individual’s attitude to oneself and provides centring of one’s inner space and formation of the semantic vector of one’s life path. Positive self-attitude along with personal aspirations and prospects, personal autonomy, self-efficacy is an indicator of a self-determined individual. The used questionnaire on self-attitude developed by V.V. Stolin, S.R. Pantileev allowed us to identify three levels of self-attitude according to the degree of its generalization: general self-attitude; self-attitude differentiated by self-regard, auto-sympathy, self-interest and expected attitude of others; the level of concrete actions (readiness for them) regarding Self. The analyses of students’ self-attitude has shown that the respondents are characterized by high indicators of general self-attitude and high and average lower-level indicators. The students with high and low self-determination have different expressiveness of the self-attitude components.
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