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A human being functions in a contemporary reality, which is marked by an uncertainty, a risk and concerns about fundamental values, an ambivalence and an axiological relativism. Therefore, people can feel decrease in their sense of security in both personal and social dimensions. Due to the issues discussed in this paper it is important to acknowledge a security as a process, which is changing and evolving. Since an action and development are included in achieving optimal security, the impact of personality and as a further consequence one of the most dominant human need i.e. self-realization should also be included. If a human being has well-formed need for creating themselves, they function as a creator, or at least a co-creator of their own development and security.
The article reveals the essence of the self-realization processes of teacher and student personality, studied and theoretically justified pedagogical conditions for creative self-realization of teachers and students. It is no accident that in recent years in teaching science, a new paradigm of education and training, aimed at creating socio-pedagogical and psychological conditions contribute to intense self-realization of a personality. Gradually, the main purpose is educational efforts as full disclosure of the individual capacities and abilities, her/his creativity, which would be based primarily on own strength, own mind and will in a changing reality. The concept of self-realization essentially transforms our understanding of the driving forces and mechanisms of developmental processes of man, the younger the individual support system, finally, the very purpose of education and educational efforts of society and schools. At present understanding of the nature of self, its contents and characteristics relevant criterion isn’t studied enough. A necessary component and an important mechanism for the technology of self-realization of scientific and creative potential of students and teachers are their competent creative relationship at different levels - humanistic communication, formulating and solving problematic issues of long and deep dive into the creative process, reflective activities. Along with the purposeful influence at prospective teachers in the process of vocational education a subjective context of conscious self-improvement as prospective professional, embracing both the adaptation of its individually unique features and capabilities according to the requirements of the teaching profession, and the organization of prospective teacher preparedness for the regular improvement of pedagogical qualification and a continuous development of social, moral personality traits is essential. Professional and pedagogical teaching values is a complex of different types of professional values, which under favorable conditions successfully carry out professional activities. A variety of vocational teacher pedagogical values are the following: information, communication, humanistic, prognostic, diagnostic, analytical and evaluation, research. The selected types of vocational teacher pedagogical values are interrelated and influence each other, but do not lose their own nature.
In the Quran, mankind is mentioned in many verses with honours and dignity re-garding its creation and position. The human being in some verses is honoured and respected: man is superior to angels as they bowed for Adam as the first man. Mean-while the human being in other verses is dishonoured and devalued; being described like animals or lower beings. The aim of this paper is to deal with the Quranic perspec-tive regarding the human being’s dignity and honour. The nature of human dignity and honour in existential interpretation is seen in self—realization and self—making desti-nation. In this regard everything in the world is in the service of man in making his destination and identification.
The authoress widely presents one of the concepts of creative teacher as a subject of self-realization aim. In this concept teacher is perceived as person who has to take up a difficult challenge preparing him and his students to innovative actions in personal, cultural, social and professional areas. Additionally the article raises the problem of advancement of teacher's qualifications in the self-realization competences in a system of formal and non-formal education. In the article the following problems are discussed: -defining the sources, the essence and function of pedagogical innovative work; -the idea of creative teacher and characteristic of different types of creativity: the teacher as an artist, the teacher as an inventor and rationalizer, the teacher as an innovator, the teacher as a creativity worker and the teacher as the subject of self-realization; - the problem of the education of teacher as a the subject of self-realization.
The article deals with the phenomenon of authorship in Ukrainian cinema, its ideological principles, creative guidelines. The researcher examines young Ukrainian film directors, their relevance, figurative composition, expressive means. In this article the authors analyze the modern interpretation of essential traits of such notions, as “outlook”, “harmony”, “person”, “self-realization”, “spirituality”. While working on the subject, author used the methods of scientific analysis, synthesis, comparison.The researcher concludes that Ukrainian artists who position themselves as writers sometimes substitute possession craft, complicating cinematic language, while only simulating experiment as a sign of creative authorship. The article expresses the belief that the modern Ukrainian cinema is a significant creative potential realization of the author’s identity.
The article represented the idea that universities as centers of formation of the new thinking noosphere, noosphere consciousness perform another function center for training specialists in sustainable development society. The University is regarded as the center of human formation, which has critical and innovative thinking, able to continuous self-development and self-improvement for the purpose of self-realization.
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Pojęcie wolności i jego teoretyczne konotacje

There do exist two basic approaches towards the term ‘freedom’. The first one, is a general approach, related to an universal meaning of the term. The second one, is a particular approach, based on taking/heading for understanding of freedom in plural terms. Both approaches might, but not necessary do, exclude each other. An alternative takes an interpretation of particular freedoms, which simultaneously excludes the existence of a universal freedom (and the other way around). On the other hand, conjunction, i.e. the examination of a universal freedom on the basis of analysis of particular freedoms and/or reconstruction of the term “freedom” on the basis of interpretations and meanings given to particular freedoms. As a follower of the idea of conjunction of both approaches, I’m analyzing in this paper the theoretical connotations of this term such as: the feeling of freedom, its limitations, responsibility, tolerance, auto-creation and self-realization. This is being done for the reason to stress out the depth and the vastness of freedom, as well to let the potential reader reconstruct it.
A numerous previous reports on Polish women’s emigration provided information on their passive role in the decision making process concerning leaving Poland, obtaining employment predominantly in the sector of household services or their marriage-oriented strategy of survival in the foreign country. The current picture of women’s roles in emigration has been changed. The purpose of the presented research was to explore the paths of self-realization of Polish female emigrants regarding the gender roles realised by them in the field of the work-life balance idea. The research was conducted in psycho-sociological approach. There were 113 adult Polish female emigrants, who had spent a period of time exceeding one year on emigration in Europe, North America, Australia and Asia admitted to the research. This project was realised on the basis of quantitative data gathered throughout online survey and supplemented by qualitative data in the shape of 15 semi-structured interviews. The obtained results showed that the examined Polish women declare to undertake gender roles compliant with the new cultural model, and to lesser extent compliant to the traditional one. They demonstrated proactiveness in the phase of decision-making about emigration and as they attempted to combine their family life with the professional sphere in the country they have arrived in what corresponds with the WLB idea promoted in developed countries.
In the article can be found an explanation what the “Warrior of the Light” metaphor means in the modern world. This figure can often be seen in anyone, who cares about security culture. The value of security culture has grow enormously in the time, when the crisis of all the values began. The author wants to concentrate on the Far East aspects of security culture, which gained in the twentieth century high acceptance also in the western cultural tradition. Of a great importance were here Martial Arts with its numerous Far Eastern varieties, which gives opportunity not only for great physical development, but above all, have a great influence on the human psyche. For this reason, one of the main issues of this work is to understand what “The Way” (jap. dō) really is. It is considered to be a method of human self-realization based on the domain of Martial Arts. Helpful in this task will be to examine how this method was seen by the creators of contemporary Budō, Funakoshi Gichin (living and working in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century), and Ōyama Masutatsu (living in the mid-twentieth century). The author focuses also on the history and philosophy of Budō, which aims for spirituality of martial arts, going back to Indo-European original source.
The author of this article is trying to prove that today (as in ancient times) exist people, who commit themselves to self-improvement based on the so-called Warrior’s Way. They have much in common with ancient warriors form the Far East. Moreover, it is the culture of honor that determines the value of different nations and all humanity. Despite the fact, that oriental warfare systems are invariably associated with the concept of physical culture, it is their sense of nobleness that determines their special and unique identity. Today you can find many followers of continuation of their own self-improvement process based on the challenges associated with the achievement of psychophysical perfectionism, which is an integral factor in any martial art. The Warrior’s Knight Way carries lots of character of the martial arts schools, which even today meet the needs of safety and self-realization of a person. Decisive influence here have religious systems of India, Tibet, China, Korea and Japan. The author of this article believes, that the decisive factor of personal development (in the Far East Martial Art) is the Buddhist philosophical-religious system and psychology associated with it. In the background appears here neoconfucianism as a combination of Buddhism and Confucian philosophy of the social organism. Not without a meaning are ideas from Hindu (India), Taoism (China) and Sith religion (Japan). Inherent in the Far East martial arts are the traditional transmission and ritual.
The article raises the issue of the young generation’s striving for the realisation of its potential and talents as well as the use of development opportunities in the context of both favourable and unfavourable conditions of the social-cultural reality. The problems resulting from the axionormative chaos, differentiated opportunities, and changes in all of the areas of life that the contemporary youth wanting to appear on the societal arena is struggling with are also indicated in the article. The considerations oscillate around the categories of identity, needs, existential dilemmas and self-improvement as well as the goals and life plans of young people.
In the article, the author analyzes three models of attitudes towards people with special needs in the world: the medical model, the model of normalization, and social model, as well as defines priority humanistic approach based on respect for human dignity, rights and freedoms of every individual, regardless of gender, age or state of health. The basic needs of people with disabilities are identified, as well as the need for self-realization by which people seek to find their place in life and to realize their potential, talents, professional self-determination. We considered internal and external support mechanisms of “the disabled” in their development, for whom inclusive education aims at: creating favorable psychological climate in the family; creating cultural system in society; support from the government in professional and creative self-realization; social prevention and control of negative attitudes towards people with disabilities; providing equal rights by state, that erasure boundaries between “healthy” people and those with disabilities; positive self-perception and self-attitude; active life; a clear identity and personalization; responsibility, freedom and a strong will; belief in yourself and a positive assessment of one’s own and other people’s capabilities. We considered foreign and domestic regulations that ensure the rights of people with special needs: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons (1971), the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons (1975), the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention (1983), Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993), the Salamanca Statement on Principles, Policy and Practice in Special Needs Education and a Framework for Action (1994), the Dakar Declaration (2000), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006, New York) and others.
W artykule autor przeanalizował trzy modele postaw wobec osób o specjalnych potrzebach na świecie (model medyczny, model normalizacji i model społeczny) oraz określił priorytetowe podejście humanistyczne oparte na poszanowaniu godności ludzkiej, praw i wolności każdej osoby, niezależnie od płci, wieku czy stanu zdrowia. Wskazano też podstawowe potrzeby osób niepełnosprawnych oraz potrzebę samorealizacji, w wyniku której ludzie starają się odnaleźć swoje miejsce w życiu i wykorzystać swój potencjał, talenty, profesjonalną determinację. Uwzględnione zostały wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne mechanizmy wsparcia „niepełnosprawnych” w ich rozwoju, dla których edukacja włączająca ma na celu: zbudowanie korzystnego klimatu psychologicznego w rodzinie; stworzenie systemu kulturowego w społeczeństwie; uzyskanie wsparcia rządu w profesjonalnej i twórczej samorealizacji; zapobieganie społecznym negatywnym postawom wobec osób niepełnosprawnych i ich kontrolę; zapewnienie równych praw przez państwo; usuwanie granic między „zdrowymi” a osobami niepełnosprawnymi; pozytywne postrzeganie siebie; aktywne życie; wyraźną tożsamość i personalizację; odpowiedzialność, wolność i silną wolę; wiarę w siebie i pozytywną ocenę możliwości (swoich i innych osób). W opracowaniu przedstawiono zagraniczne i krajowe przepisy gwarantujące prawa osób o szczególnych potrzebach, takie jak: Powszechna deklaracja praw człowieka (1948), Deklaracja praw dziecka (1959), Deklaracja praw osób upośledzonych umysłowo (1971), Deklaracja praw osób niepełnosprawnych (1975), Konwencja dotycząca rehabilitacji zawodowej i zatrudnienia osób niepełnosprawnych (1983), Konwencja o prawach dziecka (1989), Standardowe zasady wyrównywania szans osób niepełnosprawnych (1993), Deklaracja Salamanki w sprawie zasad, polityki i praktyki w zakresie specjalnych potrzeb edukacyjnych i ramy działania (1994), Deklaracja z Dakaru (2000), Konwencja o prawach osób niepełnosprawnych (2006, Nowy Jork) i inne.
Dynamiczny postęp cywilizacyjny obliguje współczesnego człowieka do przejawiania inicjatywy w kreowaniu własnego życia. Dlatego też obserwuje się zasadnicze zmiany zachodzące w stylach życia ludzi. Współczesne kobiety coraz odważniej konkurują z mężczyznami na płaszczyźnie zawodowej, jeszcze nie tak dawno będącej niejako w posiadaniu przedstawicieli płci męskiej. Dbając o własny rozwój, autonomię i wysoką pozycję społeczną, kobiety z coraz większą determinacją angażują się w karierę zawodową i edukacyjną. W artykule w oparciu o analizę biografii kobiet przedstawiono te płaszczyzny życiowe, które stwarzają największe szanse samorealizacji współczesnym kobietom oraz wskazano korzyści, jakie czerpie kobieta z podejmowania aktywności. Ponadto ukazano związek, jaki zachodzi pomiędzy całożyciowym uczeniem się jednostki a jej rozwojem zawodowym.
Dynamic civilization progress obliges modern person to manifest an initiative in creating personal life. For this reason, we are able to observe fundamental changes in people lifestyles. Nowadays women more courageously compete with men on professional surface, which few years ago was in property of male representatives. Taking care of development, autonomy and high social position women become involved with higher determination in professional and educational careers. Based on biographical research of women, the article presents these life areas which create the biggest chances of selfrealization nowadays women. Also, it shows benefits that women have from their activity. Additionally, the article shows an association between lifelong learning and professional development.
The article describes the main approaches to the phenomenon of realization of a teacher in philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects. Understanding of professional self-realization of a preschool teacher as a pedagogical category is associated with the peculiarities of his professional activity. In a pedagogical point of view, the realization is characterized as the individual’s development of his or her personal and professional abilities, talents and opportunities in all the spheres of activity. Professional self-realization is a dynamic process of active, motivated and conscious self-expression of one’s essential powers and possibilities in the professional field. “Professional self-realization of future specialists of preschool educational institutions” is understood as a set of individual professional and personal qualities of a future teacher. The teacher reproduces oneself in teaching activities in the course of interacting with preschool children. The humanistic orientation of the process of self-realization is determined by the person’s relation to oneself, to others, to the society. This relationship is based on compliance with the principles of tolerance, recognition of other people’s rights to free choice, attitude to a human as some value. It promotes the harmonious development of the personality. Different views on the structure of pedagogical tolerance are analyzed in the article. Its components are determined. Many authors excrete as indicators of tolerance the adoption and recognition of themselves, their positions and views; as well as knowledge, acceptance and recognition of the other, respect for his or her identity; the ability to be aware of stereotypes in themselves and allow someone else to have them; the ability to see an equally decent personality in others. The definition of the structural components of tolerance provides the possibility of building a pedagogical process in accordance with various spheres of the child’s personal development. Appropriate choice of methods contributes to the realization of a growing up personality. It is proved that tolerance is a necessary condition for one’s own pedagogical self. It also fosters pupils’ self-realization.
The report highlights the results of sociological studies devoted to the value system of the Russian society. Value priorities of Russians are considered in dynamics and in comparison with other European countries. In the light of empirical data various stereotypes and autostereotypes of national identity are critically analyzed, including the widespread myths about Russians’ special inclination towards collectivism and the lack of civil society in Russia. On the basis of data obtained by an original method of psychosemantic sounding the deep structures of the collective psyche together with the specific social representations of Russians and the “world view” that the majority of them share are analyzed. Considerable attention is also paid to the subject-matters of national pride, and to the peculiarities of Russian historical consciousness. On the basis empirical data collected by means of sociological research the question of Russia’s place in the system of relations of East – West is posed and discussed.
The article summarizes for the first time the results of scientific and experimental research of the diagnostics and evaluation of the results of the use of innovative technologies of heuristic teaching of students and senior pupils. Diagnostic approach to the course and learning outcomes as a common heuristic activity of a teacher and pupils, a teacher and students is based on an innovative interpretation of the purpose and content of education in general and certain types of educational work in particular. Quantitative and qualitative indices of educational products form the main purpose of heuristic learning as the most effective method of self-cognitive and creative skills of pupils and students. So the diagnostic providing with heuristic mastering the Humanities is specially studied: a careful working out together with colleagues, pupils, students, testing and practical application of scientific criteria and indices of progress and results of heuristic learning. Besides, the main results of this study are distinguished – its external and internal products. The external products are compositions, reports, stories, projects, articles, reviews of subjects, solving by students and future teachers of various cognitive-creative, professional-creative tasks etc. Internal products of learning and creative self-realization are the formed leading personal characteristics of the cognitive and creative self-realization of senior pupils and students of humanities: motivation for independent creation, creative interactive cooperation between subjects of education; using the mechanisms of heuristic activity and diagnostic skills; dynamics of cognitive and creative independence as an integrative criterion of self-realization. The approved and experimentally tested the completed complexes of criteria and indices for each of the external and internal products of heuristic learning activities are used for the first time. It is revealed that a complex of interconnected diagnostically measured didactic conditions promotes the successful cognitive and heuristic activity of senior pupils and students: organization of productive interactive cooperation; profound and prolonged immersion of learning subjects in meaningful for them an independent cognitive and creative work; support for the process and results of learning activity with scientific reasonable diagnostic tools. Experimental results showed important positive changes in the dynamics of self-realization of basic cognitive and creative qualities of senior pupils and students. The number of pupils and students of experimental classes and groups who have achieved a high and a sufficient level of motivation for independent creation have increased by 2 times. Significant changes have occurred in the possession of the mechanisms of creative activity: if at the beginning of the experimental work only a quarter of pupils and students had high and sufficient levels of possessing the necessary mechanisms of creation and use them in creating of an educational product and at the end of the experiment their number increased by more than 2.5 times and amounted to 68 %. 80 % of pupils in the course of experimental work formed the sufficient diagnostic ability to measure and assess their own educational products.
Wizerunek osób z zaburzeniami psychicznymi w świadomości tzw. zdrowego społeczeństwa powinien ulec poprawie. Sztuka może być jednym ze sposobów przybliżenia ich świata myśli i wyobrażeń osobom pełnosprawnym. Dodatkowo twórczość artystyczna jest zaznaczeniem swojej obecności w świecie, a może też być przełamaniem bariery społecznej izolacji. Artykuł omawia wyzwalanie potencjału rozwojowego człowieka z zaburzeniami psychicznymi i ukazuje samorealizowanie się tej osoby poprzez kontrowersyjną działalność artystyczną.
The image of people with mental disorders in the awareness of the so-called “healthy” society should be improved. Art can be one of the methods of making their ways of thinking and imagination easier to understand for non-disabled people. In addition creativity and artistic expression is the indication of one’s presence in the world, and can also break down the barrier of social isolation. The article discusses the process of unleashing the developmental potential of an individual with a mental disorders and shows their self-realization through the controversial artistic activity.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 10
issue 3
Zamoyska presented reflections unique for the European social thought. She identified with philosophical and religious views considering work as the fundamental manner of fulfilling man’s individual and social life. However, from the standpoint of a practical human life, these ideas lacked an important factor. And namely, showing precisely the way of performing work itself. Thus, work requires employing an appropriate method, which translates directly into the practice of human life. And she did not mean a narrowly conceived method, concerning selected jobs or some kind of man’s professional activities. The suggested method referred to work which every man needs to undertake in order to fulfill his or her life. It concerned work which enables men to fulfill themselves in the most fundamental dimension as humans. This is accomplished by man undertaking systematically three kinds of work throughout their life: physical, intellectual and spiritual. They are interdependent and mutually complementary, this is why none of them may be excluded during human life. Only their parallel continuation ensures man’s harmonious development. The suggested method is universal since it concerns the way of performing work as a factor conditioning the fulfillment of human life. Thereby, her considerations on the method of work bring new meaning into the field of practical philosophy.
The article is devoted to revealing the key aspects of professional burnout as obstacles to cognitive and creative self-realization of teachers. The first place among great numbers of published researches on the issue of burnout, takes up the articles relating to teachers’ work. Burnout syndrome as a result of job stress has been extensively studied for over 30 years in the foreign psychology. In Ukrainian science the great interest to it has arisen recently, that is why this subject has not received appropriate consideration. The following methods of research were used: system-structural and functional analysis, theoretical analysis of Ukrainian, Russian and foreign scientific sources. In the context of our research we consider it necessary to review the concept of creativity. Analysis of psychological and educational research indicates that the problem of creativity is considered in the following aspects: philosophical, psychological and pedagogical. The subject of creativity is a human. The most important characteristics of educational creativity are: a high level of social and moral consciousness; search and problematic way of thinking; developed intellectual and logical abilities; vision problem; creative imagination, developed imagination; specific personal qualities; specific leading motives. Creatively working teacher could provide self-realization of his/her own personal creativity and create conditions for active students’ learning. But the problem of burnout appears. Burnout syndrome is one of the phenomena of personal deformation. There are three factors of professional burnout: personal, role and organizational. Personal factor includes motivation, variants of stress reaction and other personal features. Role factor is connected with role conflicts and role uncertainty. Organizational factor includes characteristics of professional tasks, type of leading, level of responsibility. So we got a theoretical justification for increased attention to the issue of prevention of burnout, because it reduces the creative self-realization, and has negative impact on the human psyche, which could cause further psychological disorders. The perspective of further research is to develop training programs for teachers to maintain and strengthen the mental health.
The article reveals spiritual values, historical-pedagogical, scientific-theoretical, methodological foundations of Cossack-knight education and proves the specifics and nature of contemporary youth upbringing on the Cossack principles. As the result of the analysis of historical and pedagogical experience of Ukrainian Cossacks the major ideas, values of Cossack pedagogy, which constitute the core of personality’s spirituality are suggested, namely: love for God, devotion to Ukraine, native people, willingness and ability to fight for its freedom and national interests; systematic improvement of body and soul, self-development and self-realization of all physical, mental and spiritual forces; upbringing of deep respect for the ethnic ancestors, gratitude to them for sacrificial struggle with the enemies of Ukraine; mastering the ability to be the holder of position, owner of native land formation of the self and the other senses of honor, nobility, and other knightly virtues, state-creating qualities; bringing up in each individual national dignity and pride, national consciousness and self-awareness; willingness to respect the representatives of other nations; introduction of the national government, the democratic foundations of Ukrainian Cossack way of life; ability to perform the duties for Ukraine, harmonious combination of personal and national needs and interests, readiness to sacrifice in the name of the victory of Ukrainian ideals; faithfulness to freedom-loving commandments of fighters for freedom of Ukraine, high knightly qualities of Ukrainian person of Shevchenko type; willingness to fight anti-Ukrainian, anti-state phenomena in life, to implement the Ukrainian national ideology, Cossack philosophy, knight morality. It is concluded that Cossack pedagogy, its cultural and national sense, ideological and moral values are fully reflected in national psychology, character, philosophy, and other components of the consciousness of our people. In Ukrainian system of education and upbringing were put leading ideas of national liberation of the Cossack movement, foundations of social life, which required the development of economy, culture, education and upbringing. It should be noted an important trait of the Cossack pedagogy – the ability to develop sensation, perception, imagination, intuition, subconscious – all that belongs to a perfect sphere of personality. The education of today's youth on the Cossack principles will promote the highest development of patriotism, self-realization of youth and the desire to protect their family and homeland.
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