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W artykule przedstawiono zmiany jakie zaszły w spółdzielniach mleczarskich w małych miastach po wstąpieniu Polski do UE. Przeanalizowano liczbę spółdzielni mleczarskich w małych miastach, spożycie niektórych artykułów mleczarskich, przychody netto ze sprzedaży produktów. Zwrócono także uwagę na proces konsolidacji, ofertę produktową spółdzielni mleczarskich oraz modernizację spółdzielni. Z analizy danych wynika, że spółdzielnie mleczarskie w małych miastach stanowią ponad 39% spółdzielni zrzeszonych w KZSM ZW2. Niektóre z tych spółdzielni należą do krajowej czołówki, np. „Mlekovita” w Wysokim Mazowieckim, OSM Ryki, OSM Sierpc czy OSM Krasnystaw. Największy wzrost przychodów netto ze sprzedaży produktów odnotowała spółdzielnia mleczarska „Mlekovita” o ponad 268% w 2010 roku w stosunku do roku 2004. Stwierdzono pozytywne zmiany w spółdzielczości mleczarskiej w małych miastach po wstąpieniu Polski do UE.
The article presents changes that have taken place in dairy cooperatives in small towns after Poland’s accession to the EU. It analyzes a number of dairy cooperatives in small towns, consumption of selected dairy products, net revenues from sales of products. It also draws attention to the process of consolidation, product range of dairy cooperatives as well as modernization of cooperatives. The analysis of the data shows that dairy cooperatives in small towns constitute over 39% of cooperatives united in KZSM – National Association of Dairy Cooperatives. Some of these cooperatives are among the best in the country, for example: „Mlekovita” in Wysokie Mazowieckie, OSM Ryki, OSM Sierpc, or OSM Krasnystaw. Dairy cooperative „Mlekovita” has registered the highest increase in net revenues from sales of products, over 268% in 2010 in comparison to 2004. Positive changes have been noted in dairy cooperatives in small towns after Poland’s accession to the EU.
The problem of changing and shrinking economic base of many small towns causes necessity of searching new paths of development for them. Central service functions existing in those towns previously are largely washed out to larger cities as a result of the present metropolisation processes. The opportunity for economic base or redevelopment of small towns should focus on manufacturing industry. The issue of the paper is to indicate the role of industry for the development of labour market in the space of the small towns, proving the positive impact has practical applications because of its ability to design and implement new development strategy objectives of these towns. The study area were Poland’s counties (poviats), in which the central city had less than 20,000 inhabitants.
The authors present an overview about small towns’ urbanisation in Hungary. Following the specific aspects and factors of their urbanisation in the last centuries, the authors conclude that 20 years after the political and economic transition, small towns arrived at a crossroads in their development. Suffering the effects of demographic change and an outflow of young adults, almost every typical, traditional small town has been shrinking since at least the last decade. This crisis is more intensive than the overall decrease of the population number in Hungary. Only atypical small towns have been able to increase their population. Behind the crisis of typical small towns, the paper defines some possible factors, including the delayed effects of transition, the re-evaluation of small towns in the globalising, network-based economy and the actual reduction of the state’s spatial functions and presence. Although some niche-based strategies are open for success, for the majority of small towns the question still remains open: what new functions and attributes could make them attractive and successful in the 21st century?
Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja konsekwencji społeczno-ekonomicznych przemian zachodzących na rynkach pracy, w wybranych małych miastach województwa śląskiego. Porównywane miasta Imielin i Szczekociny reprezentują tak pozytywne, jak i negatywne przykłady przekształceń na rynku pracy. Prześledzono zmianę liczby miejsc pracy w obu ośrodkach, a także wpływ tych procesów na podstawy dochodowe samorządu terytorialnego oraz poziom aktywności gospodarczej. Artykuł prezentuje również konsekwencje społeczno-demograficzne, wyrażone zmianą salda migracji izniekształceniami w strukturze wieku i płci mieszkańców. Podjęto również próbę identyfikacji tych efektów na lokalnym rynku nieruchomości. Określono przyczyny różnic zachodzących procesów w obu miastach oraz potencjalne dalsze kierunki zmian.
The aim of the article is to identify consequences of socioeconomic transformation of labour market in two selected small towns in the Silesian Voivodeship. In the analysed towns, Imielin and Szczekociny, positive and negative xamples of transformations can be observed. Changes in the number of work places in both towns and the impact of these processes on the basis of local income and the level of economic activity were taken into account. The article also presents socio-demographic changes according to migration, age and gender structure of the population. In the analysed small towns the relationship between the real estate market and the local labour market were noted. The reasons of differences in the processes occurring in both towns and potential future directions of changes were presented.
Small towns with urbanistic historical simple layout and preserved medieval spatial arrangements represent an integral part of town network of the Lodz voivodeship (just under 16 % of all towns and 33% of all small towns of up to 10 thousand inhabitants). In these towns there are numerous historic buildings which form cultural value not only on a local but also regional scale. There are different forms of protection of cultural heritage they shape. One form of direct protection of their value includes planning provisions which define functions of these buildings. It should be defined as part of spatial policy which forms of use of buildings are best for preserving and increasing the quality of monuments. In the course of research the following areas have been investigated: age, state of preservation, protection type, ownership relations and, above all, forms of use in relation to historic buildings. This research is aimed at identifying optimal, from the point of view of preservation of these buildings, planning provisions shaping the areas of their location. The research has established that services contribute the most to preserva-tion of historic buildings. The effect is a more detailed analysis of types of services and the impact they have on the state of monument preservation.
Małe miasta o urbanistycznym historycznym układzie prostym z zachowanymi średniowiecznymi układami przestrzennymi stanowią istotną część sieci miast woje wództwa łódzkiego (niespełna 16 % wszystkich miast i 33% wszystkich małych miast do 10 tys. mieszkańców). Znajdują się w nich liczne budynki zabytkowe, które tworzą wartość kulturową nie tylko w skali lokalnej, ale także regionalnej. Istnieją różne formy ochrony kształtowanego przez nie dziedzictwa kulturowego. Jedną z form pośredniej ochrony ich wartości są zapisy planistyczne określających funkcje tych obiektów. W ramach prowadzenia polityki pr zestrzennej należy zdefiniować, jakie formy użytkowania obiektów najlepiej służą utrzymywaniu i podnoszeniu jakości zabytków. W podjętych badaniach przeanalizowano wiek, stan zachowania, formę ochrony, stosunki własnościowe oraz przede wszystkim formę użyt kowania budynków zabytkowych. Badania te mają na celu identyfikację optymalnych, z punktu widzenia utrzymania tych obiektów, zapisów planistycznych kształtujących tereny, na których one występują. W wyniku badań ustalono, iż najbardziej do zachowania obiek tów zabytko - wych przyczyniają się funkcje usługowe. Efektem tego była dokładniejsza analiza rodzajów usług i ich wpływu na stan zachowania zabytków
Small towns are a popular subject in the literature on the geography of Poland. These include both important theoretical and research-based works, with the latter focused mainly on socioeconomic issues. The situation is different, however, in Ukraine, where conducting research on socioeconomics is especially difficult. The basic problem faced by researchers there is obtaining statistical data; although these difficulties may not be so serious when studying a specific region or the country as a whole, they have led to a lack of analyses of local areas, and especially of small cities. The purpose of this article is to present the diversity in the demographic potential of Ukrainian small cities; it does not provide a comprehensive analysis on the subject, but rather, offers an overview of the current state of affairs, and as such, is intended as an introduction to more extensive research. The research here will be thus focused on a comparative analysis of Poland and Ukraine.
Małe miasto to popularny przedmiot zainteresowań w polskiej literaturze zarówno geograficznej , jak i ekonomicznej , c zy społecznej. Odmienna sytuacja ma mie jsce na Ukrainie , gdzie możliwości badań z zakresu geografii społeczno - ekonomicznej , czy też szerzej badań przestrzennych są bardzo trudne. Podstawową barierę stanowi dostęp do danych statystycznych. Brak takich danych przekłada się z kolei na mniejsze zai nteresowanie problematyką m ałych miast na Ukrainie. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zróżnicowania potencjału demograficznego małych miast Ukrainy na tle sytuacji krajowej. Zadaniem autorów nie jest szczegółowe rozwinięcie powyższej problematyki , a jedynie zarysowanie istniejącej sytuacji , co stanowi wprowadzenie do szerszych badań , które docelowo prowadzić będą do analiz porównawczych pomiędzy Polską i Ukrainą
The aim of the article is to analyze the process of public e-communication in the so-called first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e., between March and August 2020. The selection of the studied cases – seventy-two small towns in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship – allows for the following hypothesis: there is a certain model of public e-communication about the COVID-19 pandemic based on specific: (1) institutional and legal solutions; (2) instruments; (3) thematic threads. The use of several different, though complementary, research methods (comparative analysis, content analysis, questionnaire) leads to the conclusion that the hypothesis can be confirmed only partially. It turns out that the process of e-communication between small towns and the internal environment (inhabitants) is based on certain truncated "components", which does not change the fact that these towns also perceive the need to exchange content (in the form of text, graphics, audio or video) on the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and related changes and limitations.
The aim of this study was to present the variety of educational services in small towns of Małopolskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships. Performance of educational services is determined by numerous factors, of which the key ones are: economic and social policy, rules governing the funding of education and demographic processes. Education is a public service aimed at particular citizen groups (children, youth, adults) or at the society itself. The maim methods used in study was analysis of statistic data and structural coefficient and profiles of educational services. The first part of this paper deals with the condition and structure of the system in consideration to the types of schools and number of students affected by demographic changes in the region. The second part is an analysis of educational profiles in secondary schools in small cities with relation to their local job market and the economic advancement of the regions. The paper contains a juxtaposition of barriers and opportunities for the development of educational services in the analysed towns.
The main aim of the author was to analyse the population changes of small towns in Poland between 2002 and 2012. Small towns’ reaction to the global and regional demographic trends confirms their position between the rural areas and the urban municipalities. The differences between separate towns are significant, however those located within the metropolitan areas in Poland show a positive population dynamics, natural growth and migration balance net indexes. The image of small towns in terms of demographic changes is for that reason adequate to their socio-economic situation. However the question of the development of small satellite towns is asked as the functions are often leached to the core areas of the metropolis. The emerging problem of the depopulation of the vast majority of towns is also stressed in the paper. The depopulation types (in Webb typology) concern nearly 72% of all Polish small towns.
The main objective of this article is to indicate transport accessibility (according to two criteria: fly&60 and 6×60×60) and information accessibility (on the Internet) of all Polish (28 ) and all Nordic (9 ) towns — members of the International Network of Cities Where Living is Good. The research was conducted using non-reactive methods: content analysis and desk research. The analysis has shown that the fly&60 criterion is met by eight Cittaslow towns (seven Polish and one Nordic), and the 6×60×60 criterion — by five towns (four Polish and one Nordic), which confirms the thesis on the peripheral nature of Cittaslow cities, which in fact may be perceived as an attracting factor. Their location, away from frequently used routes, may attract (some of them already do so) tourists seeking alternative forms of leisure, following a growing global trend of sustainable tourism. The level of accessibility to online information on the Cittaslow towns is varied, but rather low.
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie dostępności transportowej (według dwóch kryteriów: fly&60 i 6×60×60) oraz dostępności informacyjnej (internetowej) wszystkich polskich (28) i wszystkich nordyckich (9) miast zrzeszonych w Międzynarodową Sieć Miast Dobrego Życia. Badania zostały przeprowadzone metodą badań niereaktywnych: analizy treści, desk research. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że kryterium fly&60 spełnia osiem miast Cittaslow (siedem polskich i jedno nordyckie), a kryterium 6×60×60 — pięć miast (cztery polskie i jedno nordyckie), co potwierdza tezę o peryferyjnym charakterze miast Cittaslow, mogącym być atraktorem, ze względu na to, że ich położenie z dala od uczęszczanych tras może powodować, że te małe miasta staną się (niektóre z nich już są) celem turystów szukających alternatywnych form wypoczynku wpisując się w rozwijający się światowy trend zrównoważonej turystyki. Dostępność informacji na temat miast Cittaslow w Internecie jest zróżnicowana, ale co do zasady mała.
The article concerns about conditions of development of a peculiar small towns – Guben (German) and Gubin (Polish). Their situation is interesting with reference to their border location, as well as peripheral and divided and because of the geopolitical context of globalization and European integration where they have to deal with it in a common way. The main objective of this article was to discover the differences and similarities of two border towns as a base for their future socio-economic development and co-operation due to the new political situation and end of barriers, both institutional and legal. Spatial analyses focused on two towns – Guben and Gubin, nowadays divided by a Polish-German border, that before World War II used to be one unit. The temporal extent of the article refers to the period of 1995–2012, but some historical background was also showed. The applied methods and data sources were based on Polish and German statis tics. The demographical and economic situation was analysed and showed a difficult and complex problems in both towns despite the fact that in details they differ from each other. Detailed analysis included: the population number, the births and deaths rates as well as migration balance. The economic and functional images of both towns are different and traffic at the border-crossing does not play a stimulant role. Due to the EU and Schengen Area enlargement in Guben and Gubin did not greatly stimulate the socio-economic situation. The representatives of both towns stated that common actions are a viable and the best solution to problems of both towns.
The aim of the study is to analyze the intra-inequality in the province. Wielkopolski. These inequalities are examined in the analysis of socio-economic changes in the small towns in the province of Wielkopolska in three time spots: 1992, 2000 and 2008. This is a continuation of the research of Konecka-Szydłowska, Hauke (2011). The indicators used in the analysis take into account various aspects of the phenomenon studied and refer to the following issues: population, technical infrastructure, housing and the economy. The study used exploratory techniques based on regression models which are constructed and estimated for the indicators examined in the above three sections of time and for differences between 2000 and 1992 and between 2008 and 2000. These models were constructed and interpreted in a similar manner as in the analysis of convergence. Interpretation is an extension of the idea of convergence usually analyzed GDP.
Celem pracy jest analiza nierówności wewnątrzregionalnych w województwie wielkopolskim. Nierówności te badane są w oparciu o analizę zmian społeczno-gospodarczych w małych miastach województwa wielkopolskiego w trzech przekrojach czasowych w 1992, 2000 i 2008 r. Jest to kontynuacja badań przedstawionych w pracy Koneckiej-Szydłowskiej, Haukego (2011).Wskaźniki zastosowane w analizie uwzględniają różne aspekty badanego zjawiska i odnoszą się do następujących zagadnień: sytuacji ludnościowej, infrastruktury technicznej i mieszkalnictwa oraz gospodarki.Wanalizie wykorzystano techniki eksploracyjne oparte na modelach regresyjnych zbudowanych i oszacowanych dla badanych wskaźników w trzech powyższych przekrojach czasowych oraz dla różnic między rokiem 2000 a 1992 i między rokiem 2008 a 2000. Modele te konstruowane i interpretowane były w podobny sposób jak w analizie konwergencji. Interpretacja ich jest rozszerzeniem idei konwergencji zwyczajowo analizowanej dla PKB.
Historical sites may be found in nearly all small towns in Poland. Some are listed by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the role of these resources in the broader set of elements shaping the tourism potential of towns, and also to illustrate the regional differences among small towns in Poland in terms of their potential to develop a local or regional tourism sector. The study provides a typology of towns based on local natural and landscape elements, cultural heritage resources as well as hotels and other tourist accommodations. The statistical data discussed in this paper was obtained from the Local Data Bank of Statistics Poland for the period 2012–2014, while historical sites were chosen from the National Heritage Board of Poland. The study covers all small towns in Poland and has shown unequivocally that the presence of a historical site is not necessarily a factor in the overall development of a local tourism sector. The cultural resources appear to be an undervalued asset, which can be used to develop a local tourism sector, especially in towns which are searching for new development paths.
The paper aims to determine the trajectories of the development of small towns in terms of the urban resilience concept in a demographic dimension. It makes it possible to answer the question of how towns adapt to contemporary socio-economic processes. The subject of the research is a set of small towns in Wielkopolskie Voivodship. The period of the study involves the years 2003–2016 which enables us to grasp the changeability of development conditions related to transformation, globalization, and integration processes as well as the economic crisis. The research is conducted with the use of indexes of change dynamics with a fixed basis. Analysis provides for a diversified size structure of small towns, their location and administrative functions performed. In 2003–2016 the trajectories of the resilience of Wielkopolskie small towns were diversified. The basic criterion influencing their course is the size structure of a given center and its location, whereas administrative functions are of minor significance. The smallest towns (of a mixed type — i.e., roller-coster with elements of avant-garde type) seem the most resistant to external disturbances, have a higher degree of resilience and thus adapt better to contemporary socio-economic changes in the demographic dimension. An important external disturbance which clearly modifies the values of the selected indexes of resilience and vulnerability dynamics as well as the course of the trajectories of the development of towns with a diversified size structure was an economic crisis strengthened by globalization and integration processes.
Celem pracy jest określenie trajektorii rozwoju małych miast w ujęciu koncepcji urban resilience w wymiarze demograficznym. Pozwala to odpowiedzieć na pytanie jak miasta adaptują się do współczesnych procesów społeczno-gospodarczych? Przedmiotem badań jest zbiór małych miast województwa wielkopolskiego. Zakres czasowy opracowania obejmuje lata 2003–2016, co umożliwia uchwycenie zmienności uwarunkowań rozwoju związanego z procesami transformacji, globalizacji, integracji i kryzysu gospodarczego. Badanie prężności miast w wymiarze demograficznym prowadzi się za pomocą indeksów dynamiki zmian o stałej podstawie. W analizie uwzględnienia się zróżnicowaną strukturę wielkościową małych miast, ich położenie geograficzne i pełnione funkcje administracyjne. W latach 2003–2016 trajektorie prężności małych miast woj. wielkopolskiego były zróżnicowane. Podstawowym kryterium wpływającym na ich przebieg jest struktura wielkościowa danego ośrodka i jego położenie, mniejsze znaczenie mają pełnione funkcje administracyjne. Wydaje się, że miasta najmniejsze (o typie mieszanym, tj. typ roller-coaster z elementami typu awangardowego) są najbardziej odporne na zakłócenia zewnętrzne, posiadają wyższy poziom prężności i tym samym lepiej adaptują się do współczesnych procesów przemian społeczno-gospodarczych w wymiarze demograficznym. Istotnym zakłóceniem zewnętrznym wyraźnie modyfikującym kształtowanie się wybranych wartości indeksów dynamiki prężności i wrażliwości oraz przebieg trajektorii rozwoju miast o zróżnicowanej strukturze wielkościowej jest kryzys gospodarczy, wzmacniany procesami globalizacji i integracji.
The paper summarizes the main findings of a study on small towns in peripheral locations in Germany. In its first part, the results of the data analysis are presented and the spatial distribution of shrinking and growing small towns in Germany is described. The majority of them in peripheral areas are currently shrinking, which includes an assemblage of demographic, economic, infrastructural and fiscal problems, leading to a danger of a negative downward spiral. The second part deals with specific challenges and problems of the shrinking towns. In qualitative case studies, main disadvantages of peripheral location and peripheralisation processes of four selected towns are outlined, which narrow the scope of action for local politics. Part 3 provides a short analysis of the main strategies of those four towns coping with peripheralisation. In the last part, an outlook is given in a more general matter, which shows possibilities to turn the ascribed deficits of peripherality into strengths.
Sustainable development policies have become new objectives of local actions since the implementation of the notion in the 1990s. Small towns promote images of places where the living is easy and with sustainable amenities like “natural” living environment. But, beyond these perceptions, operational sustainable development policies are quite occasional. Taking a sample of French small towns in the Auvergne region as examples, it is interesting to analyse this paradox of an interesting potential leading to rare effective actions. It seems that it is quite difficult for local stakeholders to implement really transversal and not sectoral policies and the lack of capacity and budget is an important issue for them as it takes time and money to develop really participative and holistic programs.
Social participation enables citizens to take part in the decision-making process. It is an increasingly popular instrument in Poland. The effectiveness of participation is the most important issue in this context. In accordance with the Act of 9 October 2015, urban regeneration mainly applies to mitigating negative social phenomena. The social aspect is also important at the stage of establishing urban regeneration programmes. Extensive social participation in the process of creat­ing these programmes is one of the main requirements. The aim of the article is to present the scale of the involvement of local communities in the procedure of creating regeneration programmes in selected small towns in Poland. Conclusions from the analysis include an assessment of participation success rate in regeneration activities.
The aim of this paper is to identify the endogenous capital of small towns in the Poznań agglomeration and to analyse its role in their development. The agglomeration of Poznań (a NUTS 4 unit) is located centrally in the Wielkopolska voivodeship, which lies in the western part of Poland. There are eight small towns in the Poznań agglomeration that vary in size and socio-economic functions they perform. They belong to two size classes. Those with 5–10 thousand inhabitants predominate; those are Buk, Kostrzyn Wielkopolski, Kórnik, Pobiedziska, Puszczykowo, and Stęszew. The class with the population of 10–20 thousand contains Mosina and Murowana Goślina. Their endogenous capital is identified in terms of three types: endogenous social capital, or population, its resources and quality; endogenous economic capital, or local wealth and production base, free lots and investment areas; and endogenous natural capital, or the condition of the environment, natural resources, and landscape attractiveness. In the analysis of the endogenous capital of small towns of the Poznań agglomeration, the following research instruments have been used: the index method, mathematical-statistical methods, and the survey research technique. The final analysis reveals that in the set of eight small towns of the Poznań agglomeration the highest quality of endogenous capital can be found in Puszczykowo, Kórnik, Mosina, and Murowana Goślina, and the lowest, in the peripheral ones: Buk and Kostrzyn.
The main aim of the article is to determine the role of services in the economies of small towns of Silesia and Wielkopolska (Greater Poland) regions. It will be achieved through the following steps: (A) characteristic of the set of towns under study, (B) determination of the share of services in their economies, and (C) description of their level of service development. The analysis rests on two criteria employed at each stage of the research: (a) that of location, which embraces the voivodships: Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Śląskie (Silesia region) and Wielkopolskie voivodship and (b) that of size, with three classes of small towns distinguished: up to 5 thousand, 5-10 thousand, and 10-20 thousand population.
The main aim of the author was to determine the influence range of towns in the light of their economic linkages. The text is part of the author’s larger research project which focuses on the problem of identification and delimitation of functional areas of small and medium-sized towns. An important element of the analyses, apart from their cognitive aspect, is a proposal of an independent tool to measure the phenomenon of economic linkages with the use of data included in the REGON (National Register of Business Entities) database. All the analyses have been conducted on the basis of 38 small and medium-sized towns in the Lodz voivodeship.
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