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Scope and fast pace of implementation of some economic reforms caused appearance of many problems in Poland. Situation of this type was the reason for widening of poverty, worsening of people’s state of health and appearing of pathological behaviors. Weak resistance against difficult situations in life is, in turn, the cause for falling into the state of helplessness. People afflicted by homelessness become unable to manage by themselves, they lose their way in the surrouding reality (cultural and personality effects typical for a homeless person). Thus, the issue of homelessness is of the extreme character (is the most tragic in its effects), and in consequence – of the pathological character. Problems that come into existance are the field for an active social policy and social work as well as for activities of mutual-aid and of charitable character. Article presents opinions of inhabitants social blocks on homelessness.
Domestic violence against elderly family members is one of the many problems faced by the social aid system in Poland. It seems to have increased in recent years, which may be due to greater social awareness of the problem and the functioning of institutions providing aid in such cases, or to the growing courage of victims. It is reasonable to assume that the problem will only increase, as the society ages and the numbers of elderly increase and as the elderly themselves become more aware of their rights. The legal system has to be ready for this. The aim of the article is to explain why domestic violence against the elderly is a modern challenge for the social aid system. The problem will be presented in relation to research done in social aid institutions in Podlasie, presenting the scale of the problem of violence against the elderly, the characteristics of the victims and suggestions for improvements to existing regulations.
The article presents the history of the social worker in the system of social aid in Poland. Reflection on the changing conception of the job of the social worker and on the changes of his professional role along with the institutionalization and professionalization of the job is the main motif of the considerations. In the first part of the article the idea and traditions of social work are briefly outlined, which is an introduction to a discussion of the history of the function of the social worker (initially ‘social curator’) in the institutional system of social aid. Starting from the social curator in Poland before World War II, through the personnel of social aid in the period of the Polish People’s Republic, and ending with the social worker in the contemporary Republic of Poland – the article discusses the institutional position of the people who do the job, the changing range of the job’s tasks and the profile of the professional role that is a response to social expectations. In the article attention is paid to the fact that ever more is required from social workers as far as their professional and ethical competence is concerned, but also to the broadening scope of tasks and responsibility of the social worker who, in the contemporary conception of the job, is to fulfill the function of the local social politician.
The article deals with the phenomenon of social exclusion, and specifically with the differential access of people and groups to aid given by mainstream society, and the rise of a category defined as “the excluded among the excluded”. The starting point for the current analysis is the observation that aid does not reach to the same degree all members of society who need it. Aid is rationed and distributed among the recipients according to non-accidental rules created by communities. These rules are constructed with consideration given to material and technical limitations, but they also reflect social awareness of who and how should be helped. The aim of this article is to answer the question of how definitions of the situations which lead to granting or taking away of the right to aid are established, which social actors gain control over social definitions of the situation of need and help, and what the consequences of this control. I use the case study method to analyze the practices of NGOs which address their actions to people and groups afflicted by different types of social exclusion.
The article deals with the evolution of foster care, especially its legal aspect. The author refers to the idea of protection of human rights and the principle of subsidiarity as philosophical grounds for the functioning of this institution. Foster care can assume either the form of kinship placement (foster families, family-type children’s home) or an institutional form (various types of institutional establishments). The law prefers kinship placement, but the author emphasizes that in fact the best form of foster care is the one which in a specific situation offers the greatest chance of the child’s return to its family. The Act on Supporting the Family and the System of Foster Care passed on 9th June 2011 is evidence of the functioning of foster care first and foremost as a form of supporting the family.
Artykuł dotyczy ewolucji pieczy zastępczej, w tym zwłaszcza prawnego jej aspektu. Autor wskazuje na ideę ochrony praw człowieka i zasadę pomocniczości jako filozoficzny fundament jej funkcjonowania. Piecza zastępcza może mieć formę rodzinną (rodziny zastępcze i rodzinne domy dziecka) oraz instytucjonalną (różnego typu placówki instytucjonalne). Prawo preferuje formy rodzinne, jednak autor podkreśla, że najlepszą formą jest ta, która w konkretnej sytuacji daje największe szanse powrotu dziecka do rodziny. Uchwalona 9 czerwca 2011 r. Ustawa o wspieraniu rodziny i systemie pieczy zastępczej jest dowodem na kontynuację funkcjonowania pieczy zastępczej jako przede wszystkim formy wspierania rodziny.
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza wybranych świadczeń pomocy spo- łecznej w świetle zasady subsydiarności zawartej w ustawie o pomocy społecznej. Istotą pomocy spo- łecznej jest subsydiarność (pomocniczość) rozumiana jako zapobieganie, a w razie wystąpienie sytuacji uzasadniających korzystanie z pomocy społecznej – wspieranie osób i rodzin w wysiłkach zmierzają- cych do zaspokojenia niezbędnych potrzeb i umożliwienie im życia w warunkach odpowiadających godności człowieka. Rodzaj, forma i rozmiar świadczenia powinny być odpowiednie do okoliczności uzasadniających udzielenie pomocy. Analizie w niniejszym opracowaniu poddane zostały: zasiłek sta- ły, zasiłek okresowy, zasiłek celowy, zasiłek celowy niezależny od dochodu osoby zainteresowanej oraz specjalny zasiłek celowy i zwrotne zasiłki: okresowy i celowy oraz pomoc rzeczowa.
The subject matter of this elaboration consists the analysis of selected social aid benefits in light of the principle of subsidiarity included in the act on social aid. at is why the essence of the social aid consists the subsidiarity as understood as prevention, and in case of occurrence of any situations justifying beneting from the social aid – supporting of the individuals and families in their eorts aiming to satisfying necessary needs and allow their living in the conditions meeting the human dignity requirements. The type, form, and size of the benefits should correspond to the circumstances justifying such an aid awarding. The following benefits undergo analysis in this study: permanent benefit, periodical benefit, designated benefit, designated benefit independent on the income of an interested individual, social designated benefit and refundable benefits (periodical and designated ones), as well as aid in kind.
The society in which today's man exists is not only difficult but also complicated. That is why many people cannot cope with personal and social problems. Many of them experience social exclusion defined as the effect of various social disabilities, due to which an individual or a group cannot fully participate in social, economical and political life of the society to which they belong. The subject of social exclusion is most of all an individual, who was excluded on his way to realize his own humanitas due to his own faults or because of improper policy of the country. The most important problems located within the area of exclusion include: disability, unemployment, homelessness, addictions, loneliness and destitution. The above mentioned areas of exclusion are characterized and the author attempts to indicate ways to help those who have become victims of exclusion. The basic institution which helps the excluded is social aid, whose first and foremost aim is improving social life. Within social aid, social workers play an important role, since as educated and competent they can have an influence on improving a person’s life. Unfortunately, the basic needs of an excluded person are not always adequately addressed. These shortcomings affect most of all the weakest groups and individuals. Due to deficiencies in social policy and its subject areas: population, family, education, housing, income sharing, social security, employment - there occurs erosion of the weakest links of the social system. Thus there is a need of opening the policy of the state towards various social problems which are not always the fault of an individual but of the system, to which he/she belongs.
Społeczeństwo, w którym egzystuje współczesny człowiek, jest nie tyle trudne, ile bardzo złożone. Dlatego też wielu ludzi nie radzi sobie z różnymi problemami natury osobistej i społecznej. Wielu z nich doświadcza wykluczenia społecznego definiowanego jako efekt różnego rodzaju upośledzeń społecznych, wobec czego jednostka lub grupa nie może w pełni uczestniczyć w życiu gospodarczym, społecznym, ekonomicznym i politycznym społeczeństwa, do którego należy. Podmiotem wykluczenia społecznego jest przede wszystkim jednostka, która na drodze realizacji własnego humanitas została wykluczona w sposób przez siebie zawiniony lub doznała wykluczenia z powodu niewłaściwej polityki państwa. Do najważniejszych problemów lokujących się w obrębie wykluczenia autor zalicza: niepełnosprawność, bezrobocie, bezdomność, uzależnienia, samotność i ubóstwo. Scharakteryzowano przywołane powyżej obszary wykluczenia oraz podjęto próbę wskazania sposobów pomocy jednostkom, które stały się ofiarami wykluczenia. Podstawową instytucją pomagającą tym osobom jest pomoc społeczna, której pierwszym i podstawowym celem jest ulepszanie życia społecznego. Ważne miejsce zajmują w niej pracownicy socjalni, którzy jako jednostki wykształcone i kompetentne mogą wpływać na lepsze życie człowieka. Niestety, współcześnie nie zawsze w wystarczający sposób zaspokajane są podstawowe potrzeby zagubionych osób. Najsilniej dotykają one grupy i jednostki najsłabsze. Wskutek owych braków w polityce społecznej oraz w jej przedmiotowych zakresach: w polityce ludnościowej, rodzinnej, edukacyjnej, mieszkaniowej, polityce podziału dochodu, zabezpieczenia społecznego, zatrudnienia, następuje erozja najsłabszych ogniw systemu społecznego. Konieczne zatem wydaje się otwarcie polityki państwa na różne problemy społeczne, nie zawsze zawinione przez jednostkę, ale przez system, w którym się ona znalazła.
For centuries health institutions have been the most traditional community-oriented providers of public services. The paper focuses on the initial steps of urban development of health facilities in Vilnius city. Historic health institutions are analysed as a specific prototype of what is understood today as a "hospital". In the paper special attention is drawn to the process of emerging of "a hospital" as an independent public institution, its connections to other public buildings, its urban integrity with adjusting and surrounding development as well as its architectural importance for Vilnius city.Having emerged as a consistent part of religious and sacral complexes, health institutions (špitolės - in Lithuanian) occupied a part of space in traditional convents, located throughout Vilnius Old Town. In early years (around the 15th-16th c) health and treatment spaces were based in ordinary rooms of convents and monasteries. Later in the 17th-18th c they were transferred to specially designated blocks and houses within a convent territory and occupied a major part of spaces there. In the late 18th - 18th c health facilities gradually were disconnected from convents and churches to separate building complexes and finally became completely a new and independent type of public institutions.During the historical periods of development health complexes changed their functional layout and so their planning from initial missions of "separation" and "isolation" to "care" and developed finally to "healing" and "cure". Analysis of selected cases in Vilnius Old Town reveals that as long as changes in urban location of health complexes took place, it was followed by their functional evolution. Making an integral part in numerous sacral complexes, usually consisting of a church, convent, healing centre, garden and cemetery, health institutions were a part of important "architectural hills" that are clearly notable as vertical and spatial landmarks in the surrounding townscape of Vilnius city. Artistic spatial arrangement and architectural expression are the other specific traits that distinguish health complexes - hospitals - in the context of surrounding development.Health complexes have always played the most important public role in Vilnius city as centres of social aid, community life, religion, culture and health services for local neighbourhoods. Research on the development of health institutions in historical run is a strong foundation to build up the perspectives for architectural and municipal policies for the future of these complexes. The issue gains special importance in the recent situation of essential transformation of the public health care system in Lithuania and in Vilnius city.
Straipsnyje pateikiama sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų - šiandienos ligoninių prototipo - urbanistinės raidos analizė istoriniu rakursu. Atskleidžiama pirmųjų sveikatos priežiūros objektų - gydyklų - raidos chronologija išryškina jų ryšius su kitais visuomeniniais kompleksais, jungtis su gretimu ir aplinkiniu miesto apstatymu, taip pat architektūrinę svarbą Vilniaus miestui.Atsiradę po Vilniaus senamiestį pasklidusiuose vienuolynų pastatuose nuo XV a., sveikatos priežiūros objektai pradžioje užėmė dalį jų gyvenamųjų patalpų. Vėliau XVI-XVII a. gydymo paslaugos buvo tolydžio perkeliamos į atskirus vienuolynų pastatus ar jų priskirtas dalis, kur užėmė didžiąją dalį patalpų. XVIII-XIX a. sveikatos priežiūros pastatai palaipsniui prarado glaudų ryšį su sakraliniais pastatais, atsiskyrė nuo jų ir tapo nauju viešųjų paslaugų pastato - ligoninės - tipu.Per raidos šimtmečius sveikatos priežiūros ir gydymo pastatai įgavo savo unikalią funkcinę ir erdvinę struktūrą pagal teikiamas paslaugas, kurias pradžioje sudarė atskyrimas, globa bei priežiūra, vėliau - gydymas ir sveikatos priežiūra. Atliktas tyrimas rodo, kad sveikatos priežiūros gydymo pastatams atsiskiriant nuo vienuolynų, keitėsi ir jų funkcinė struktūra. Būdami dalimi sakralinių kompleksų, kuriuos dažniausiai sudarė bažnyčia, vienuolynas, gydykla, sodas ar parkas bei kapinės, gydymui naudojami vienuolynų pastatai išsiskyrė Vilniaus siluetuose ir panoramose - jie buvo raiškių "architektūrinių kalvų" dalimi. Šių pastatų grupių išraišką lėmė jų ypatinga erdvinė kompozicija bei architektūrinė raiška.Sveikatos priežiūros ir gydymo pastatai per visus laikus išlaikė itin glaudžius ryšius su vietos bendruomenėmis, teikdami joms socialinę pagalbą ir sveikatos priežiūrą, būdami religijos ir kultūros centrai. Šių pastatų kompleksų istorinės raidos tyrimas yra tvirtas pagrindas, skirtas paremti šių kompleksų architektūrinės tvarkybos ir municipalinės politikos principams. Šis klausimas yra ypač aktualus šiandieną, kai pradedama radikaliai pertvarkyti sveikatos priežiūros sistemą Lietuvoje ir Vilniaus mieste.
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