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The subject of the article addresses the challenges faced by social policy in the context of social changes in Poland. The needs of the oldest generations are internally diverse and therefore an effective policy must make accurate assessments. The article discusses the main characteristics of the Polish people and the analysis of two aspects of social policy towards the elderly and old age.
The problem of social security is closely related to meeting the needs of residents with a focus on inequalities between different groups at both the regional and local levels. Meeting the needs requires the existence and proper operation of certain institutions that solve social issues. It could be said that this is an area linked to and dependent on social policy, which has no clear definition in literature. Without a doubt, in the context of the development of security the essential elements of that policy are such as social policy, labor protection, employment, health, housing, educational, cultural and environmental protection, prevention and combating social pathology, population, family, policy considering the youth and old people. It is obvious that this kind of policy is limited to providing no equivalent benefits.
Studia Ełckie
vol. 17
issue 2
The family as the smallest social entity underlies each society and fulfils three basic functions: procreative, educational and economic. Among others, deteriorating economic conditions, i.e. high unemployment rate, low salary, increase of both running and educational costs are the main problems that face contemporary families. Expansion of pathological phenomena e.g. alcoholism, drug addiction, violence within the family, and crime can lead to the breakdown of the family. Other threats to the family persistence are disintegration of an extended family, lowering number of children per family.
Development disparities observed in the Pomeranian Region strongly affect its local labour markets, which calls for a wide range of strategies of reducing unemployment and counteracting social marginalization effectively. Local authorities have put the necessary labour and social policies in place, associating them with the regulations binding for the whole region. The most important documents included Development Strategy of the Pomeranian Region until 2020, Pomeranian Employment Scheme and Regional Social Policy Program. They guided this study and confirmed that labour markets require regular evaluations. Consequently, the aim of the study is to outline labour and social policies introduced by the local authorities in the Pomeranian Region.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie strategii i planów działań w obszarze rynku pracy przygotowanych przez władze samorządowe województwa pomorskiego. Władze regionalne i lokalne województwa pomorskiego opracowały szereg dokumentów wytyczających główne kierunki polityki rynku pracy. Najważniejsze z nich to Strategia Rozwoju Województwa Pomorskiego do roku 2020 oraz Regionalny Plan Działań na rzecz Zatrudnienia dla Województwa Pomorskiego. Ich pozytywną cechą jest spójność wzajemna oraz z odpowiednimi dokumentami i planami centralnymi. Punktem wyjścia dla opracowania tych dokumentów i wynikającej z niej strategii w zakresie rynku pracy są dysproporcje rozwojowe występujące w województwie pomorskim. Rzutują one bardzo silnie na sytuację na lokalnych rynkach pracy, co wymaga zróżnicowanego podejścia, m.in. do działań zmierzających do ograniczenia bezrobocia i zapobiegania marginalizacji niektórych grup społecznych.
This article deals with socio-cultural factors of the problems of "social status of older people". The aim of the paper is to analyze the socio-cultural values of elements of social gerontology in order to identify the factors that determine the basis for the formation of social policy of old age in modern society. We have indicated the basic attitudes and behaviours that affect the regulation of the social problem of the status of older people.
The main problem of this article is the basic income guarantee in the perspective of institutional economics. The author evaluates theoretical literature considering the topic and discusses past empirical research. The predicted and the actual outcomes of the programme are compared and synthesized using the New Institutional Economics framework. Hence the basic income guarantee is presented as a social policy proposition, and also as an institution in the meaning of this branch of economics. Originality of this approach relies on the novel use of institutional tools in the discussion considering the problem, mainly in the context of the empirical and theoretical results’ comparison.
Active ageing is more and more popular concept treated as medicine against expected problems of increasing proportions of the elderly. Active ageing approach has relatively short history because it was started in 1980. In particular intellectual climate. The paper is aimed at indicating genesis of the approach due to analysis how some ways of thinking popular in the second half of the 20thcentury affected the concept. Attention is paid to phenomenology, critical gerontology, neoliberalism, processual approach and future studies.
Koncepcja aktywnego starzenia się staje się coraz bardziej popularna receptą na spodziewane problemy związane ze wzrostem odsetka osób starszych. Jest ona relatywnie świeżej daty, albowiem powstała w latach 1980., w określonym klimacie intelektualnym. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie genezy tego podejścia, poprzez wskazanie najważniejszych nurtów intelektualnych drugiej połowy XX w. oddziałujących na ostateczny kształt koncepcji aktywnego starzenia się. Omówiony został wpływ fenomenologii, gerontologii krytycznej, neoliberalizmu, podejścia procesualnego i zarządzania przyszłością.
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Aging in a Big Town

The subject of this article is a big city social Policy towards old people with an example of Warsaw. The author was inspired to write this text with her partici- pation in a workgroup “Exclusion of elderly persons,” which prepared a diagnosis and formulated initial suggestions to the Social Strategy for Warsaw 2009–2020. It seems, that regardless the differences between big towns, basic goals and assumptions for the policy towards senior citizens are similar in the majority of metropolitan communities. Due to the fact that any proposal concerning social policy should be preceded by a diag- nosis, the article begins with the description of demographic situation of big Polish towns (above half million population) and with a diagnosis of the situation of senior citi- zens in Warsaw. Demographic and socio-economic data were obtained from the Central Statistical Office publications.
At present, liberal democracies conduct various policies in relation to people with disabilities. Several models of policy can be distinguished such as social-democratic, liberal, and corporate among others. This paper examines how the inclusion of people with disabilities is achieved in Canada. The inclusion of people with disabilities is achieved through the redistribution of the state income to secure health and social benefits while promoting a society without barriers and a culture of integration. It corresponds with the social democratic model or institutional- redistributive with an emphasis on human rights and universality.
The subject of this paper is to analyse the reconstruction of the pension system resulting from legislative changes introduced in 2011, the most important being the transfer of part of pension contributions from the open pension fund (OFE) to a newly set up special subaccount managed by the Social Insurance Institution, modifications in administrative regulation of open pension funds investment policy and introduction of tax incentives for making additional savings for retirement purposes. These transformations result from assumed financial goals such as reduction of public debt growth by reducing the cost of introducing the second capital pillar in 1999. However, given the social importance of pension insurance the changes should be assessed against assumptions of the pension reform of 1999 and constitutional principles. Key words:
Article addresses the problem of working conditions changes in employment of people with disabilities from the perspective of employers in the open labor market. Shows the structure and dynamics of the disabled people employment in Poland, indicating the barriers, which draw attention of employers – diagnosed on research and analysis. Article refers results of research on successful practices in the employment of disabled workers in enterprises and institutions and the conditions for the implementation of advisable organizational solutions. Also presents the argument of limited effectiveness of economic instruments to motivate employers for employing people with disabilities. Submit proposals for social policy, pointing the growing educational and professional potential of people with disabilities and their expectations to create a more individualized social policy towards this category of citizens and workers.
In Poland, parliament has played a signifi cant role in creating, however, this role has signifi cantly evolved along with political and constitutional transformations. Until 1926, Parliament was the primary place for lawmaking, but later part of its powers in this respect were lost. After 1926, social legislation was based on presidential regulations, and legislative proposal submitted in the Sejm had no chance of success. Although the circumstances existing in Poland in the 1930s were similar to those from the fi rst period of independence, but the actual role of parliament in creating social policy was undoubtedly smaller than in the days of the Legislative Sejm, and the Sejm and Senate of the first term.
The article discusses the most important issues related to the problem of contemporary education – the role and place that education occupies in the system of the country’s internal security. The author emphasizes the importance of knowledge and education for formulating the rules that control strategic culture and the possibility of realizing them by the society and individuals.
The paper discusses the first and second local government reform in Poland. The article describes the essence of social assistance institutions: social assistance centers, county family assistance centers and regional social policy centers. The article ends with consideration of the place of social assistance in local government social policy.
Family policy is a set of legal norms, actions and measures launched by the state to create appropriate living conditions for the family, its formation, proper functioning, and the fulfilment of all its important social roles. Transformation is an intentional process of changing one piece of the environment implemented over a period to create a new and primarily sustainable state of the environment. The author presents demographic data reflecting the process of the individualization of contemporary culture, which translates into changes in the contemporary family model. The main aim of the article is to present the changes taking place in the contemporary model of family policy in Poland and to analyze these phenomena.
The main goal of this paper is a collation of methods for diagnosing subjective poverty. The comparison concerns the methods of identification of poverty in the sub-regions of the Pomeranian region. The methods of identification proposed by the author indicate that the proposed methods identify poverty much more precisely than the universal methods. It can be considered to carry on the policy of limiting poverty areas based on the local monitoring. The assembled conclusions can allow improvement of accuracy of directing social help and at the same time can increase acceptance of the rules used in administering this help.
The unfavorable demographic situation and the falling number of births resulted in an increased interest among Polish politicians in introducing tools to social policy that would reverse this negative trend. Implemented to social policy by Prawo i Sprawiedliwość Party in 2016, the “Family 500+” benefit has become such a tool. According to the government’s intention, this financial aid for families with children aims to reverse the decline in the number of births observed for many years and reduce the scale of poverty among families with the most complex financial situation. After several years of the “Family 500+” Program in force, it is difficult to clearly define whether the goals were achieved and whether the expenses for financing the program were adequate to the results. The aim of the article is an attempt at the assessment of the functioning of the Family 500+ Programme. Both the statutory assumptions of the programme, the costs of its functioning, and its results so far were analyzed. The central part of the analysis covered the period 2016–2019.
The COVID-19 pandemic affected the elderly in a special way. On the one hand, it contributed to the increase in health deficits and those related to social isolation. On the other hand, it also had a significant impact on the level and methods of support provided to seniors. The pandemic situation turned out to be a particular challenge for local governments and non-governmental organisations operating in various areas of senior policy. The general aim of the article was to analyse the state’s initiatives aimed at counteracting the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic addressed to seniors and examples of activities of the local government and the civil sector cooperating with it for the benefit of this group of people. In turn, the specific objective was to identify and understand the greatest difficulties that seniors had during the pandemic and the role played by the non-governmental organisation (both during the pandemic and as an entity of potential support in the future, which was particularly interesting given the European Union promoting services provided in the local environment). In connection with the specific objective, qualitative research was carried out using the in-depth interview method. The interviews were based on scripts that concerned four areas: problems and experiences of the elderly during the pandemic, help and support, communication, health, and well-being.
Nowadays we can see a fundamental change in social reality. A traditional problem of starvation steadily disappears, and on its place there is a new problem, which is obesity. Today obesity is a global social issue. The scale of the problem has become so large that World Health Organization (WHO) began to talk about the worldwide obesity epidemic. The main objective of the article is to present obesity as one of the most important challenges for the modern social policy. We will try to find the answer for the following questions: What is the essence and prevalence of obesity? What are the socio-economic consequences of obesity? What actions are taken to reduce obesity? The article uses the following research methods: literature review, legislative research and the analysis of statistical data.
The article focuses on the problems experienced by a special category of people, namely young adults, in the context of social policy in Poland. The first section provides an overview of contemporary Polish research in social sciences related to young adults. The second one focuses on the available data on the employment, housing conditions and demographic behaviour of young Poles. The third section discusses selected social policies directly or indirectly related to this target group. The article concludes with a set of recommendations for policy makers in the areas crucial for achieving the completed adulthood.
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