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The aim of this article is to assess the physiotherapist professional standards based on the accepted legal status. The article establishes the legal status of the physiotherapist's profession and assesses the standard of performing the profession using the literature and the selected judicial decisions of the common courts of law and the Constitutional Tribunal. In conclusion it is pointed out that the physiotherapist professional standard is defined by the legal acts in force, in particular the provisions of the Act on Profession of a Physiotherapist. The article also proposes a change in the provisions by specifying the vocational tasks of physiotherapists who have obtained a BA degree or people who have graduated from a post-secondary school, as well as specifying the professional skills related to teaching, managing work of people performing the profession and hiring administrators.
Celem artykułu jest ocena standardu wykonywania zawodu fizjoterapeuty na podstawie przyjętego stanu prawnego. W artykule ustalono status prawny zawodu fizjoterapeuty oraz dokonano oceny standardu wykonywania powyższej profesji wykorzystując literaturę oraz wybrane orzecznictwo sądów powszechnych oraz Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. W zakończeniu wskazano, że standard wykonywania zawodu fizjoterapeuty określają obowiązujące akty prawne, a w szczególności przepisy u.z.f. W artykule zaproponowano również zmianę przepisów poprzez wyodrębnienie zadań zawodowych przez fizjoterapeutów, którzy ukończyli studia I stopnia oraz osób, które ukończyły szkołę policealną jak też sprecyzowanie kompetencji zawodowych fizjoterapeuty dotyczących nauczania, prowadzenia prac naukowo-badawczych, kierowania pracą zawodową osób wykonujących zawód fizjoterapeuty oraz zatrudnienia na stanowiskach administracyjnych.
The paper is a theoretical consideration on the scientific evidence in a criminal proceeding, presented as following: the explanation of the term “scientific evidence”, the review of the existing definitions of scientific evidence (i.e. by methodological, methodical and normative enumeration), a proposal of a general, classic definition of the scientific evidence. It also shows criteria to identify the “correctness” of the scientific evidence, from inter-subjective controllability and communication, validation of the test method, interpretation of the results of its application with the use of a likelihood ratio, up to a critical analysis of Frey’s standard and Daubert’s standard. The paper concludes with a discussion on selected concepts of the scientific evidence assessment for the purposes of criminal proceedings.
W artykule wyjaśniono istotę zarządzania środowiskowego w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym i przedstawiono podstawowe akty prawne w zakresie ochrony środowiska. Krótko scharakteryzowano także podstawowe grupy administracyjnych uregulowań dotyczących ochrony środowiska.
The article explains the essence of environmental management in the enterprise production. It presents basic legal acts in the range of environmental protection, and briefly characterizes the basic group of administrative regulations on environmental protection.
The article discusses the electoral system in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Elections are the process of citizens electing their representatives for specific positions. In this context, the method and principles of conducting the election are important, so that its fundamental rule - universality - is preserved. Although more than a dozen electoral regulations were in force since 1989 and the traditional model of voting at a polling station was still in place, the Polish legislator also provided for postal and proxy voting. Due to the risk related to the COVID-19 pandemic, it would seem that changes to the Polish Electoral Code will be necessary. The adaptation of the new provisions to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997, however, turned out to be too ambitious a task for the domestic legislator. Therefore, the Act of April 6, 2020 on the special rules for holding general elections for the President of the Republic of Poland, ordered in 2020, did not enter into force finally, because the functioning of a democratic state ruled by law requires that fundamental rights and civil liberties, including electoral ones be guaranteed. This study is empirical in nature - it is a case study of a specific legislative action shown in a comparative approach on the example of Poland and the United States of America.
W artykule omówiono jedną z instytucji systemu wyborczego w dobie pandemii COVID-19. Wybory to proces wybierania przez obywateli przedstawicieli na określone stanowiska. Istotne w tym kontekście są sposób i zasady przeprowadzania elekcji, tak by zachowana została jej fundamentalna reguła - powszechność. Chociaż od 1989 r. obowiązywało kilkanaście ordynacji wyborczych, a tradycyjny model oddania głosu w lokalu wyborczym nadal funkcjonował, to polski ustawodawca przewidział także głosowanie korespondencyjne oraz za pośrednictwem pełnomocnika. Z uwagi na ryzyko związane z pandemią COVID-19 wydawać by się mogło, że dalsze zmiany w polskim Kodeksie wyborczym będą niezbędne. Dostosowanie nowych przepisów do Konstytucji RP z 1997 r. okazało się jednak dla krajowego ustawodawcy zbyt ambitnym zadaniem. Niniejsze opracowanie ma charakter empiryczny - to studium przypadku konkretnego działania legislacyjnego pokazanego w ujęciu porównawczym na przykładzie Polski i Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej.
Niniejsze opracowanie poświęcone jest analizie przepisu artykułu 193 Konstytucji RP, który upoważnia każdy sąd do skierowania do polskiego sądu konstytucyjnego pytania prawnego o zgodność aktu normatywnego z Konstytucją, ratyfikowanymi umowami międzynarodowymi lub ustawą, jeżeli od odpowiedzi na pytanie prawne zależy rozstrzygnięcie sprawy toczącej się przed sądem. Warto zastanowić się na tle obowiązujących przepisów prawnych, jakie są oczekiwania i kierunki zmian analizowanej instytucji. Zbadania wymaga praktyka stosowania pytania prawnego do Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. Przez te ponad trzydzieści pięć lat konstytucyjny środek prawny uległ pewnym przeobrażeniom. Trzeba zauważyć, że obecnie omawiana instytucja jest uregulowana ustawą zasadniczą, a nie ustawą. Zasadniczym celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena tytułowego pytania prawnego przez pryzmat ponad trzech dekad jego funkcjonowania.
This study is devoted to the analysis of the provision of Article 193 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, which authorizes each court to submit a legal question to the Polish constitutional court about the compliance of a normative act with the Constitution, ratified international treaties or the act, if the answer to a legal question depends on the resolution of a case pending before the court. It is worth considering the expectations and directions of changes of the analyzed institution against the background of the applicable legal provisions. The practice of applying a legal question to the Constitutional Tribunal needs to be examined. During these more than thirty-five years, the constitutional measure has undergone some transformations. The main goal of this work is to assess the title legal question through the prism of over three decades of its operation.
Investing in people is extremely important, especially in times of intensive development of new technologies (robotics, automation, artificial intelligence), redefining existing jobs. Therefore, there are many reasons that make it necessary to deepen theoretical and empirical research on the possibility of using employee-oriented standards. The aim of the article is to show the level of application of the Investors in People (IiP) standard principles by leading production companies operating in Gorzów Wielkopolski and its vicinity (up to 40 km), as well as showing the shaping of individual phenomena of the studied phenomenon in different periods. The study consists of an introduction, the theoretical part related to the subject of the research, the methodological and empirical part containing the results of research on the degree of investing in human capital in accordance with the standard (IiP) in selected organizations. The resulting diagnosis clearly indicates that the intensity of investing in personnel among the surveyed entities increased. The first survey was conducted in 2014, another one in 2019. Guided by the criterion of uniqueness, the research covered the leading production organizations (or being leaders), employing over 250 employees in majority, as well as using standardized systems. Answers to the questions were provided by people involved in activities aimed at improving quality in selected production companies - most often they were the managers (leaders) of the organization or quality representatives. The sample size (10 organizations) seems small, but it results from specific premises. The selection of the organization was dictated by the need to meet the above-mentioned characteristics of enterprises.
Inwestowanie w ludzi jest niezwykle ważne, szczególnie w czasach intensywnego rozwoju nowych technologii (robotyki, automatyzacji, sztucznej inteligencji), redefiniującej istniejące miejsca pracy. Istnieje zatem wiele przesłanek, które sprawiają, że ujawnia się potrzeba pogłębienia teoretycznych i empirycznych badań dotyczących możliwości wykorzystania standardów zorientowanych na rozwój pracowników. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie poziomu stosowania zasad standardu Investors in People (IiP) przez czołowe przedsiębiorstwa produkcyjne działające w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim i jego okolicach (do 40km), a także ukazanie kształtowania się poszczególnych wielkości badanego zjawiska w różnych okresach. Opracowanie składa się z wprowadzenia, części teoretycznej odnoszącej się do przedmiotu badań, części metodycznej i empirycznej zawierającej wyniki badań z zakresu stopnia inwestowania w kapitał ludzki zgodnie ze standardem (IiP) w wyselekcjonowanych organizacjach. Powstała diagnoza wskazuje jednoznacznie, że nastąpiło wzmożenie intensywności inwestowania w personel wśród badanych podmiotów. Pierwsze badanie zostało przeprowadzone w 2014 r. kolejne w 2019 r. Kierując się kryterium wyjątkowości badaniami zostały objęte wiodące organizacje produkcyjne (lub będące liderami), zatrudniające w większości powyżej 250 pracowników, a także korzystające ze znormalizowanych systemów. Odpowiedzi na pytania udzielały osoby zaangażowane w działania na rzecz doskonalenia jakości w wybranych przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych – najczęściej byli to zarządzający (liderzy) organizacji lub pełnomocnicy jakości. Liczebność próby (10 organizacji) wydaje się nieliczna, jednak wynika ona z konkretnych przesłanek. Dobór organizacji podyktowany był koniecznością spełnienia wyżej wymienionych charakterystyk przedsiębiorstw.
The article presents the results of research dedicated to the content analysis of standards for professional training of political scientists in the higher education system of England and Wales. The materials highlighting certain aspects of the legal provision of professional training in the field of political science have been examined. The in-depth analysis of standards for professional training of bachelors in political science, elaborated by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, has been carried out. Basic principles and essence of political science, requirements for professional competences of political scientists, forms of teaching, learning and assessment that are relevant in the study of political science have been reviewed. Standards for training political scientists at the universities of England and Wales are set out in the document called “Subject Benchmark Statement for Politics and International Relations”. The document focuses on two main features of political science – diversity and opportunity, which are reflected in the multiplicity and breadth of the defining principles, nature and extent of subject and skills acquisition. Since this discipline is closely connected with other humanitarian and social sciences such as law, economics, geography, sociology, history, cultural studies, literature, philosophy, the interdisciplinary nature of political science is emphasized. The document focuses on professional competences of political scientists, rather than curriculum content. Bachelors in political science should develop competences which are divided into three categories: 1) subject knowledge and understanding, 2) generic intellectual skills and 3) personal transferable skills. Plurality of political science should be reflected in the plurality of educational technologies used for teaching this discipline. The dominant forms of teaching are lectures and seminars, but workshops, whole group, small group and individual teaching, student-led and tutor-led sessions, skill-based, discussion-based and knowledge-based classes are widely used by universities. The effectiveness of the learning process is greatly enhanced through the use of computer technologies, so many universities in England and Wales carry out studies using a virtual learning environment.
101th Session of the International Labour conference in June 2012 adopted new Recommendation concerning national floors of social protection. The paper explains reasons which led to adoption of this recommendation, whose main intention is to secure protection to all those who in developing countries have no protection now – and in the first instance to the poorest. Contents of the recommendation are presented focussing on the points where initial positions of government, employers and workers delegates differed and where concessions and compromises were necessary. It is also discussed how the new recommendation relates to existing ILO social security conventions, and in particular to Minimum Standards (Social Security) Convention no 102. In conclusions, main challenges to the implementation of the Recommendation in developing countries are pointed out, as well as its potential relevance in developing, including European, countries.
The purpose of the paper is to define spiritual capital in organization management and identify the elements of spiritual capital in selected ISO system standards. Spiritual capital is often called the fourth capital in an organization, apart from material, human (intellectual) and social capitals. The issue of spiritual capital has been investigated against the behavioural management theory and the critical trend in management. The research has focused on the analysis of concepts referring to this capital. It has been concluded that standardised systems for organization management contain only few elements of spiritual capital.
This study presents a research project aiming at capturing and describing internal diversity and multi-variant nature of contemporary German in the light of demands of teaching German as a foreign language at universities in language degrees (German studies, applied linguistics, languages in business), where German is the first or second leading foreign language. The paper outlines the specific research questions and aims, the state of research in this area so far, the research design together with the associated research risks, and the research methods. The research project is situated at the intersection of the teaching of German as a foreign language and Germanic linguistics.
W artykule autorzy prezentują problematykę badań społecznych jako przykład procesów pozwalających określić poziom realizacji standardów wyznaczanych przez wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne regulacje. Kumulacja wiedzy następująca w wyniku powtarzalnych lub komplementarnych procesów badawczych pozwala organizacji występować także w roli doradcy podczas tworzenia regulacji na różnych poziomach ustawodawstwa. Autorzy wskazują istotne etapy kształtowania metodologii procesów badawczych, przytaczając przykłady monitoringu satysfakcji klientów i jakości usług mających centralne znaczenie w konkurencyjności na współczesnych rynkach.
The authors of this research study try to explore the real literacy among young people of today resulting from the influence of the language of new media (especially Facebook and the mobile phone). The impetus for this study comes from frequent complaints that the language of young people has deteriorated due to the negative impact of the language that young people are using in the new media. The authors have done this through an analysis of the way students write in their school assignments and in writings done in their spare time in the new media with regard to (non) existence of the language of new media (such as abbreviations, emoticons and other iconic signs, capitals, dialecticisms, anglicisms, vulgarisms, etc.). In their analysis, the researchers used a computer programme WordSmith Tools 6.0 (Scott 2006). The authors aimed to find out whether or not students in their private language texts use the language of new media (written language with many elements of spoken language and with many abbreviations) and whether or not the students in their school assignments consistently use the standard language without the elements that they normally use in their own language in the new media. The results have shown that secondary school students do consistently write in the standard language in their school assignments, whereas in their leisure activities they use all the elements of the language of new media.
It was shown that the optimum system of management by activities of enterprises operated in food industry, especially in producing of meat products, should be based on use of international standards requirements ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000 and OHSAS 18001, which norms should be observed in structure of the integrated quality management system. There were analyzed the factors that influence negatively on safety of meat foods and state of nature nearby the enterprise, and proposed methods of minimization their influence. The work carried out in analysis of provi-sions of listed the standards permitted to choose their articles recommended for inclusion in typical structure of the integrated system of management.
This article reveals theoretic aspects on literary translation through the analyses of the translation of the novel  Farewell to the autumn by Polish writer Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. It concerns  the competences  and  skills  a  translator  of literature  should  have.  Among  other topics which have been analyzed, there is the creativeness, knowledge of cultural differences, writing skills in the goal- language. The analyses prove that it’s not that simple to translate literature and that it’s a special type of translation in the typology of translations. The article presents a list of most commonly made mistakes by translators who are not yet fit to translate  literature  of  this  kind.  Translation  of  highly rated  literature  is  a  kind  of  magic, because  of  the  effect  they  produce  on  the  reader,  and  the translator  should  be  skilled  in making the magic of the words. 
Accessibility within the public infrastructure is an important factor in the life of a society. Accessibility of public infrastructure institutions is the subject of Standards of Public Infrastructure Accessibility, a methodological document published by Maier et al. (2016) as part of a grant project assigned by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic. Based on the needs of the staff of the municipality of Olomouc, this methodology was implemented for the administrative area of Olomouc as a municipality with extended powers. The main objective of this article is to present the results of the implementation of accessibility standards for five education institutions and one social-care institution. More results are described by Bittner (2020) in Analysis of the Accessibility of Public Infrastructure, a Bachelor’s degree thesis. For assessment of these standards, zones of accessibility were created by means of network analyses in ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap 10.6.1 software. The size of each zone was based on standard values as stated in the methodology. Each analysis was carried out over network layers, proceeding from line layers from the StreetNet CZE database, provided by CEDA Maps, and evaluated in relation to address points in respective areas. Network analysis was preferred over publicly available sources such as mapy.cz because it provides more precise results. The results presented in this article were evaluated with regard to individual car transportation and movement on foot. In terms of compliance with standards, the results differ for the different types of infrastructure, but most standards are met in the core areas of the city of Olomouc. While the standard for the social-care establishment (a day-care centre) does not comply in 90% of address points on the territory, the standards for the schooling institutions are met in more than 60% of address points. The results and outcomes obtained will facilitate creation and updating of documents of spatial analysis in Olomouc as a municipality with extended powers. Further implementation of standards is only possible if more data layers of public infrastructure are created. Nevertheless, this methodology provides coherent procedures applicable for decision-making in the current practice of spatial planning.
Hodnocení dostupnosti veřejných infrastruktur je novou součástí aktualizací územně analytických podkladů, která však doposud nebyla v takovémto rozsahu řešena. V rámci dlouhodobé spolupráce s Magistrátem města Olomouce byla pro zpracování analýz dostupností využita nová metodika „Standardy dostupnosti veřejné infrastruktury” aplikovaná na území správního obvodu obce s rozšířenou působností Olomouc. Cílem příspěvku je představit výsledky implementace metodiky a vyhodnocení splnitelnosti standardů dostupnosti k vybraným zařízením veřejné infrastruktury individuální automobilovou nebo pěší dopravou. Pro analýzu dostupností byly využity síťové analýzy nad liniovými vrstvami komunikací v prostředí ArcGIS Pro a ArcMap 10.6.1. Bylo zjištěno, že výsledky hodnocení splnitelnosti standardů se liší s ohledem na typ veřejné infrastruktury. Konkrétně standard stanovený pro zařízení sociálních služeb není splněn v 90 % adresních bodů. Naopak u školských zařízení jsou standardy splněny ve více než 60 % adresních bodů. Zjištěné výsledky jsou dále použitelné v územně analytických podkladech ORP Olomouce. Hodnocená metodika bezpochyby přináší ucelené postupy využitelné pro rozhodování v praxi územního plánování.
This article deals with the norm and the standard of the Catalan language in the context of the recent reform of its grammar. We formulate our linguistic analyses and interpretations in relation to historical and geographical backgrounds, paying particular attention to the main varieties of Catalan. In the successive development stages of the linguistic norm, we show how codifiers have faced the challenging task of taking sufficient account of specific dialectal peculiarities in a language that is not backed by a nation-state and is spoken in different countries and regions.
The paper focuses on ethnologic and cultural-anthropologic analysis of freak shows. This was one of the forms of Eurocentric and inhumane approach to corporal and cultural dissimilarities in members of extra-European cultures, or physically handicapped people whose differences became a subject of exhibitions and other forms of public presentations. The freak shows accentuated particularly exotic features of different individuals, their morphological dissimilarities and any other deviations and anomalies differing from the standards related to European population. The paper describes, analyses and interprets historical, cultural, social and power factors and causes which made it possible to turn “the others” into a subject of amusement, astonishment and comic. The paper presents principles and strategies employed by freak shows, mostly determined by their impresarios (Phineas Taylor Barnum, Carl Hagenbeck, Albert Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, William Leonard Hunt). In addition to circuses, zoological gardens and wax museums, the paper does not ignore the influence these freak shows had on theatres, music halls and cabarets. The final part of the paper reveals the inhumane message of freak shows which were grounded on ideological and power construction of Eurocentric cultural standards and values. The aim of the paper is to draw attention to a frequently omitted field of ethnology and cultural anthropology, as well as to the negative consequences resulting from constructing “the others” in the context of mass entertainment and the comic.
issue 2
The article deals with the concepts of colloquial-standard Czech, everyday Czech and common Czech. The concept of the standard Czech and its norm is analysed in more detail; this analysis is used also as a starting point for the evaluation of words from the point of view of their (non-)standardness. The paper criticises the broad definition and use of the qualifier kolokviální, used for the units of the spoken informal language in the article by P. Kochová and Z. Opavská devoted to the preparation of the Academic Dictionary of the Contemporary Czech. Instead of the qualifier colloquial delimited in this way, the author proposes – on the data of univerbation units, loanwords and new meanings – to use both the qualifier non-standard and the newly more narrowly delimited qualifier colloquial, which would correspond to the qualifier colloquial-standard in the existing dictionaries. The article arrives to the conclusion that the conception of P. Kochová and Z. Opavská would disrupt the integrity of the standard Czech, because with their broadly delimited qualifier colloquial non-standard words would enter into the standard Czech.
Článek pracuje s pojmy hovorová, běžně mluvená a obecná čeština. Podrobněji se zabývá pojmem spisovná čeština a její norma, což je východiskem při hodnocení slov z hlediska spisovnosti a nespisovnosti. Příspěvek kritizuje širokou definici i užívání kvalifikátoru kolokviální, který se používá pro jednotky mluveného neformálního jazyka v článku P. Kochové a Z. Opavské při přípravě Akademického slovníku současné češtiny. Místo takto vymezeného kvalifikátoru kolokviální se navrhuje na konkrétním materiálu (univerbizáty, slova cizího původu, nové významy) užívat jednak kvalifikátoru nespisovný, jednak nově úžeji vymezeného kvalifikátoru kolokviální, který odpovídá kvalifikátoru hovorový (spisovný) v dosavadních slovnících. Článek dochází k závěru, že pojetí P. Kochové a Z. Opavské by narušilo integritu spisovné češtiny, protože by se s jejich široce vymezeným kvalifikátorem kolokviální do spisovné češtiny dostala nespisovná slova.
The present research aims to achieve a retrospective analysis of sustainable policies for the development of beekeeping in Romania, an important sector that contributes to the development of rural areas. Romanian’s objectives regarding the development of this sector are based on the adoption of a clear vision and on the support of state, materialised by the National Beekeeping Program. The assessment of the program implementation reveals the following aspect: in the analyzed period 2008- 2010, an improvement of the access to funds can be observed, the level of absorption increasing from 16.8% in 2008 to 99.8% in 2010. The consequences following the funds accession are an increase of associative forms and a restoration of beekeeping exploitations. Nevertheless, there are still problems in the North East regions of the country, due to lack of information regarding the accession to funds. These problems could be solved by creating a platform that should constantly reunite beekeepers, researchers and specialists of the sector that share their experience and skills, establishing a dialogue between all the actors in the beekeeping chain.
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