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Fiscal sustainability is considered as a fundamental requirement of economic growth. The paper studies this topic regarding the EU Member States, especially the new ones. The ageing society of the EU countries results in growing dependency ratio and growing agerelated budget expenditure as implicit requirements. All these require the maintenance of the current state debt ratio and a permanent budget adjustment. The differences among Member States are significant, the country risks are diverse. In certain countries unsustainable public finances -sustainability gap – might evolve. Sustainable public finances are considered of special importance in the system of the EMU. Due to the lack of exchange rates, risk premia it comes to the spill-over of fiscal sustainability problems. Besides the reduction in state debt the creation of sustainable public finances requires employment and productivity growth, and the reforms of age-related expenditure. The quality of public finances requires the joint observance of several dimensions: long-term sustainability, stabilization (demand shocks), adjustment (effects of supply shocks) and the promotion of long-term growth are of outstanding importance. Main factors of the quality of public finances are the size of government, the level of deficit and state debt, composition of public spending, the structure of the tax system, and the fiscal governance and regulation. The Economic and Monetary Union itself has not forced out the necessary reforms yet. The fundamental public finance reforms are, however, unavoidable. In the ageing society there is a growing need for forward-looking policies. The integrated structural reforms that could contribute to the promotion of the potential growth might bring permanent solutions.
One of the actual problems facing Ukrainian adult education system of today is the issue of its effective administration to provide better regulation of the mentioned system in order to satisfy the growing educational demands of an adult person in self-realization, social and cultural development, being competitive on the labour market. One of the ways to solve the given problem is to take into account the positive experience of the other developed countries like England where adult education is one of the priorities of the governmental policy. The article is aimed at pointing out the strategic directions of contemporary reforms of adult education in England. Historical analysis of the development of adult education in England proved that state took a minimal part in its regulation. The first step to control the system became “The Education law” (1944) which created the unique national education system with adult education included. Adult education was regulated by two major bodies – central government (The Department of Education and Science) and local government (Local Education Authorities), where the latter took major responsibility. In 1980s the system started to fall down alongside with strengthening the control of the central government. So there were visual evidences that testify to the tendencies of a mixed model of adult education regulation or it is called decentralized centralization. Nowadays the national level of adult education system regulation includes the following bodies: Department for Business, Innovations and Skills, financing bodies – Skills Funding Agency and Higher Education Funding Council for England; inspection bodies –Office for Standards in Education and Quality Assurance Agency – UK-wide (higher adult education); consulting bodies –National Institute of Adult Continuing Learning, UK Commission for Employment and Skills. The responsibilities of the Local education authorities are limited today to school sector only. So we can conclude that today’s system of adult education in England is regulated by the central governmental bodies and totally exclude the part of local authorities, and historical tradition of education decentralization has exhausted itself. So, the article resulted in revealing major directions of contemporary adult education reforms in England. In practice it allows to apply critically in national adult education reforms.
The article deals with the reforms of secondary education in Great Britain which are the doctrine of domestic comparativists. Recently, various aspects of the reforms and secondary education have been the subject of many dissertations. The current reform of secondary education experience of Great Britain is primarily due to the fact that there are active and successive changes that led to a significant improvement of the quality of its operations. The stages of reforms are primarily defined to justify government positions in various spheres and areas of social activity. The content and direction of educational reforms in the UK reflects the interests of the political forces that find themselves in power. The structural reforms taking place in the system of secondary education in the UK in the middle of the twentieth century and at the beginning of the XXI-st century had a continuous nature, lasted for several political cycles, thus ensuring their consistency and efficiency. In the middle of the XX-th century dramatic changes happened due to general processes of globalization that have affected the fundamentals of education. The cornerstone of all transformations in education is integration. The national education system steps into the era of continuous reform, whose main objective is to improve the quality of education in the process of convergence of national educational systems. One of the prerequisites for the successful development of any country is to ensure its future, largely depends on the current reform of the education system. The author stresses that neolabourists have chosen such guidelines for the reform of secondary education: 1) the development of education in accordance with the laws of the market economy is seen as the realization of a new national imperative of investing in the future of national economic prosperity; 2) awareness of the impossibility significant increase in government spending on social services and the simultaneous desire to comply with the ideas of social equality led to the implementation of the principle of “selective universalism”; 3) implementation of the principle of competition between schools in the state education sector; implementation of market mechanisms to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of education; 4) competition is a response to the new strength and means to achieve balance. To improve the national system of secondary education in our country it is appropriate and necessary to study positive reforms of secondary education in the UK.
Wśród polityków, decydentów i ekspertów coraz bardziej daje się zauważyć rosnące zatroskanie o słabe funkcjonowanie gospodarki Francji i jego ewentualne skutki dla stosunków francusko-niemieckich, jak dotąd głównej siły napędowej i przyśpieszenia rozwoju UE. Gospodarka francuska przeżywa dziś spadek w porównaniu z jej stanem z roku 2009, liczba bezrobotnych rośnie nieprzerwanie przez ostatnie ponad 20 miesięcy, natomiast - wbrew wszystkich obietnicom wyborczym - deindustrializacja nabrała nawet rozpędu od początku prezydentury Hollande'a. Kraj musi stawić czoło poważnym problemom strukturalnym: niskiej konkurencyjności, niezrównoważonemu systemowi opieki społecznej, ogromnemu i wciąż rosnącemu długowi publicznemu, nieelastycznemu rynkowi pracy - długo utrzymującym się słabościom, które kryzys jedynie ujawnił i wzmocnił. Pozostając zbyt długo na uboczu, Francja ryzykuje, że będzie coraz bardziej tracić w stosunku do Niemiec, co może spowodować istotne przesunięcia w równowadze sił w ramach integracji europejskiej. Głównym celem mojego opracowania jest ukazanie i analiza stanu gospodarki francuskiej oraz przedstawienie szczegółowego rachunku pierwszego roku rządów lewicy po to, żeby ocenić, czy powyższe obawy są uzasadnione.
There is a growing concern among politicians, decision-makers and experts about France's poor economic performance and its possible effects on the Franco-German relationship, so far the main driving and accelerating force of the EU. The French economy is today experiencing a contraction on a par with that of 2009, the number of unemployed has risen without interruption for the last more than 20 months, and - against all electoral promises - deindustrialisation has even gained momentum since the beginning of Hollande's presidency. The country has to face major structural problems: low competitiveness, unsustainable welfare system, huge and still increasing public debt, rigid labour market - long-standing weaknesses that the crisis has only revealed and amplified. Being off track for too long, France runs the risk of losing more and more ground against Germany, which may cause important shifts in balance of forces within the European integration. The main aim of my paper is to display and analyse the state of the French economy and set out a detailed account of the first year of the Left in power in order to assess whether the above fears are justified.
The concept of upgrading is new in the economic literature, very few theorists are focused on explaining this concept, but all agreed on the relationship of upgrading with the competitiveness of companies. In the context of increasingly competitive environment the countries of the MENA regions including Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco have established several programs to upgrade their businesses. Efforts to revitalize these programs have nevertheless been undertaken in recent years, raising hopes for a favorable impact on the competitiveness of companies. Moreover, we can say that the Tunisian upgrade program is called successful due to the involvement of his government and the importance given to vocational training. Conversely, Morocco seems to have adopted a more liberal approach, its government seeks to act on market imperfections. The Egyptian program is highly structured, with strong government control and intervention of two foreign bodies, the EU and UNIDO. The pre-selection of intervention areas is also an Egyptian specificity, as well as the payment of an incentive amount for each company.
Światowy kryzys ekonomiczny wywarł negatywny wpływ na rozwój gospodarczy w Mołdawii, jednak ostatnie trendy wskazują, że od 2010 roku kraj notuje niewielki wzrost. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie problemów, z jakimi borykała się Mołdawia w trakcie recesji, jak również późniejsze zmiany w zakresie makroekonomicznych wskaźników. Praca stanowi przegląd materiałów źródłowych Instytutu Ekonomii Republiki Mołdawii (the Institute of Economics of the Republic of Moldova) i innych organizacji oraz przegląd literatury przedmiotu i własnych opinii autora. Wykorzystano w niej metodę opisową, jak również elementy wnioskowania dedukcyjnego i indukcyjnego.
The world economic crisis has exerted a negative impact on the economic development of Moldova, but recent trends show that since 2010 the country has been recording a small economic growth. The article examines the problems faced by the Moldavian economy during recession, as well as the subsequent changes with reference to macroeconomic indicators. The paper is a review of the materials of the Institute of Economics of the Republic of Moldova and other institutions, as well as a collection of literature and the author's own opinions. It makes use of the descriptive method and deductive and inductive reasoning.
Европейский Союз предоставляет членским странам много возможностей для их развития, среди них получение финансовых средств из своих фондов. О получении таких средств можно стараться во многих секторах экономики. Одним из них является здравоохранение. Целью этой работы является оценка влияния имущественного состояния больниц в куявско – померанским воеводстве на реализацию проектов финансированных структурными фондами Европейского Союза (ЕС) в период реализации программного проекта 2007-2013. Денежные средства, полученные в рамах Европейского Фонда Регионального развития и Европейского Общественного Фонда, предоставили возможность внедрить новейшие технологии и оборудование в систему здравоохранения, а также позволили специалистам конкретной области медицины совершенствовать знания и умения и развивать свой потенциал. В работе были обсуждены вопросы, связанные с возможностями финансовой поддержки здравоохранения фондами ЕС. На основании данных, содержащихся в финансовых отчётах, произведен анализ балансовых данных, охарактеризованы проекты, реализованные в больницах в рамах софинансирования ЕС, а также произведено исследование влияния имущественного состояния здравоохранительных учреждений на их реализацию путем анализа корреляций. Возможность оказания медицинских услуг требует соответствующих юридических регуляций, а также системных и организационных. Это необходимо для того, чтобы осуществлять главную цель каждого здравоохранительного учреждения, то есть заботу о здоровье пациентов. Здоровье и его охрана является высочайшей ценностью, как для каждого члена общества, так и для всего общества, поэтому Польша и Европейский Союз ставит перед собой в качестве приоритетной цели его охрану путем усиленных организационно-юридических действий и инвестиций в сектор здравоохранения.
Предмет. Сегодня состояние отношений между Россией и Польшей представляет собой очень сложный и противоречивый процесс, в основе которого лежат не столько различия в религиозной идеологии двух ветвей христианства: католичества и православия, а политические противоречия, возобладавшие над здравым смыслом. В условиях глобализации нового типа настоятельно требуется осуществить поиск современных движущих сил перспективного инклюзивного социально- -экономического взаимоотношения и развития двух славянских народов. Несущей конструкцией разработки и реализации инновационной политики должны выступить структурные реформы, обеспечивающие переход к обществу с высоким уровнем человеческого капитала, развивающемуся за счет интеллекта, творчества, свободы, самобытных особенностей национальной ментальности. В ходе реформ, благодаря надлежащему управлению, необходимо в корне изменить сложившуюся ситуацию, предоставив возможность, народам насладится плодами глобализации. Цели. Разработка научно-методических и практических рекомендаций по формированию современной инновационной политики структурных реформ в условиях глобализации нового типа, учитывающих опыт развитых стран, польские и российские особенности социально-экономической ментальности. Методология. В ходе исследования использовались методы системного и сравнительного анализа статистического, монографического и текстового материала. При решении задач использовались элементы теории управления, социометрические метода исследования, метод оперативно-экономического анализа, экспертные оценки, а также контент-анализ публикаций в СМИ. Результаты. В складывающихся непростых российско-польских отношениях, протекающих в условиях наличия различных вызовов, предложены новые подходы и инструменты для взаимного диалога и осуществления сотрудничества. С целью преодоления возможного недопонимания, статья изложена в научно- -публицистическом стиле, демонстрируя способность решать накопившиеся проблемы в условиях современной неопределенности. Выводы. Позитивные преобразования отношений, и в конечном итоге, устойчивое развитие мира, отвечающего современным запросам, достигается благодаря взаимопониманию, доверию, гармонии, сформированным на базе нового инновационного мышления каждого гражданина, представителя бизнеса, управленца и политика.
Artykuł odnosi się do obecnego stanu stosunków polsko-rosyjskich, będących wynikiem bardzo złożonych i kontrowersyjnych procesów. Opierających się nie tyle na różnicy w ideologii religijnej dwóch gałęzi chrześcijaństwa, katolicyzmu i prawosławia, ile na sprzecznościach politycznych. Celem jest przedstawienie innowacyjnych metodologii i praktycznych zaleceń dla zmian strukturalnych w mentalności społeczno-gospodarczej obu narodów, dla których wzorem są doświadczenia krajów wysoko rozwiniętych. Elementy teorii zarządzania, metod socjometrycznych, metody analizy ekonomicznej, a także analizy zawartości publikacji mediów zostały wykorzystane w realizacji podejmowanych zagadnień.
The subject of the paper applies to the current state of relations between Russian and Polish nationalities being the result of a very complex and controversial process. This process is based not so much on differences in religious ideology of the two branches of Christianity, Catholicism and Orthodoxy, but on political contradictions. The aim is to present innovative methodologies and practical recommendations for creating structural changes in the socio-economic mentality of the two peoples for whom globalization has allowed international cooperation modeled on the experience of highly developed countries. Elements of management theory, sociometric methods, methods of economic analysis, as well as content analysis of media publications were used in the implementation of the issues taken.
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