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Bezpečnostní vědy teprve postuluji svou vědeckou terminologii. Potíže v komunikaci uvnitř i vně nově se konstitujícího a rozvíjejícího se multidisciplinárního vědního oboru se odráží i ve vytváření a používání nových pojmů. Některé pojmy jsou již zavedeny a jsou zcela nebo alespoň zčásti srozumitelné. Přesto je nutné je jednoznačně definovat a vymezit. Problém terminologických neporozumění nespočívá ve specializované a konkretizující terminologii. Problém spočívá naopak v nejasném a nejednotném používání pojmů nejobecnějších, jež jsou přitom běžně používanou součástí obecného, nespecializovaného jazyka. Příkladem jsou pojmy „bezpečnost“, „zájem“, „hrozba“, „riziko“, „konflikt“ a další. Popsaný neuspokojivý stav interdisciplinárně málo sdílené a zastřešující bezpečnostní terminologie vedl ke vzniku České bezpečnostní terminologie.
This study comprises two chapters. The first deals with the issue of specialist terminology used in connection with alternative literary culture between 1948 and 1989. The introduction of the term samizdat was preceded by numerous discussions recorded primarily in 1980s typescript periodicals, which the author of this study describes and interprets. The second indicates the boundary of the term samizdat used in research into Communist-period independent literature in its broader conception. It deals with the issues surrounding relations between the author’s manuscript and its samizdat publication, the boundaries between samizdat and semi-legal printed documents in what was known as the grey zone, production technology, the readership range of samizdat literature and the like. The conclusion proposes a conceptual and objective typology of the ways in which samizdat literature publication was organized in the 1970s and 1980s.
Studie sestává ze dvou kapitol. První se zabývá problematikou odborné terminologie, užívané v souvislosti s alternativní literární kulturou let 1948-1989. Zavedení pojmu "samizdat" předcházely četné diskuse, zaznamenané především na stránkách strojopisných periodik 80. let, které autor studie stručně popisuje a interpretuje. V druhé části autor naznačuje hranice uplatnění pojmu samizdat v rámci výzkumu šířeji chápané nezávislé literatury komunistického období. Zabývá se otázkami vztahu mezi autorským rukopisem a jeho samizdatovým vydáním, otázkami hranic mezi samizdatem a pololegálními tisky tzv. šedé zóny, otázkami technologie výroby, problematikou čtenářského dosahu samizdatové literatury apod. V závěru pak navrhuje pojmovou i věcnou typologii organizace vydávání samizdatové literatury v 70. a 80. letech.
This paper discusses the use of corpora in contrastive linguistics and translation studies. It focuses on terminological issues (how they are referred to in different disciplines and linguistic traditions) as well as on their function in specific contrastive or translation research. It introduces an up-todate typology of multilingual corpora, including parallel, comparable and reciprocal corpora and summarizes the pros and cons of these corpora in corpus-based contrastive linguistics and corpusbased translation studies. One section of the paper also explains the differences of the use of the term corpus-based in different disciplines.
The paper deals with the creation of the Slovak legal infrastructure after 1918, when Czechoslovakia was born. The political position of Slovakia and Slovaks in this state was generaly better than in the old Hungary.During the period of Austro-Hungarian dualism (1867-1918) only a limited number of Slovak lawyers worked in the Hungarian justice and state administration, majority of them worked as solicitors. The use of the Slovak language in the judiciary and public administration was also very limited. The first task for lawyers after 1918 was the creation of a complex Slovak legal terminology, because the Slovak language became the official language only recently. The journal Právny obzor, established in 1917 and the Union of Lawyers of Slovakia, which published this journal, played very important role in this proces. The third important factor was the creation of the first Slovak University in Bratislava in 1919. The Faculty of Law of Comenius University has worked since 1921, but the majority of professors came from the Czech lands. At the begining only one professor was Slovak, professor Augustín Ráth who became also the first Slovak rector of the University
Príspevok sa zaoberá problémom vzniku slovenskej právnickej infraštruktúry po roku 1918. Politické postavenie Slovenska a Slovákov bolo v tomto štáte všeobecne lepšie, než predtým v starom Uhorsku. V období rakúsko-uhorského dualizmu (1867-1918) len málo slovenských právnikov pracovalo v uhorskej justícii a štátnej správe.Väčšinou pracovali ako advokáti. Obmedzené bolo aj používanie slovenčiny v súdnictve a verejnej správe. Prvoradou úlohou právnikov po roku 1918 bolo preto vytvorenie komplexnej slovenskej právnickej terminológie, lebo slovenčina sa vtedy stala úradným jazykom. V tomto procese vytvárania terminológie zohral veľmi dôležitú úlohu časopis Právny obzor, ktorý bol založený v roku 1917, ako aj Jednota právnikov Slovenska, ktorá tento časopis vydávala. Tretím faktorom bol vznik slovenskej univerzity v Bratislave v roku 1919. Právnická fakulta Univerzity Komenského pracovala od roku 1921, avšak väčšina profesorov pochádzala z českých krajín. V začiatkoch len jeden profesor bol Slovák. Augustín Ráth bol zároveň aj prvým rektorom slovenského pôvodu tejto univerzity.
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A new microbiological term, persister, i.e., a bacterium persisting in the cell, is discussed. It is argued that of its several forms found in scientific texts, the inanimate noun perzister with the suffix -er is the (most) appropriate one.
In the present study, we tackle the problem of quality in legal translation, and reflect on the related translation competences, among which thematic competence (or legal literacy) plays a central role. A sample of 20 translations of a legal text from French into Czech is analysed first with respect to overall quality. Next, we present a more thorough analysis of 40 terminological items. The sample includes translations done by advanced students of translation and practising translators. The overall quality differs significantly between the two groups, but, surprisingly, legal training does not guarantee better overall quality in the group of professionals. However, after categorising the errors (shifts of meaning — terminology — style), it turns out that legal literacy has a positive impact on the ability to interpret and transfer legal meaning, which is a key subcompetence in legal translation. A detailed analysis of selected legal expressions targets the frequency and typology of errors, variability of translation equivalents, and categorisation of meaning shifts. The analysis offers empirically founded insights into translation procedures in the field of law, and brings indirect evidence of the current state of the translation market.
Specialized vocabulary of various fields and domains forms a huge part of general dictionaries, and lexicographers need to cooperate with field specialists when treating specialized words. Based on the experience of the Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech team, we describe the process of acquiring advisers for a dictionary, ways of communication with them, the character of their work, possible difficulties and other practical aspects of this important part of the dictionary-making process.
Ferdinand de Saussure is considered as the father of contemporary lingustics. Without questioning this statement I would like to concentrate on terms related to his theory and their Polish equivalents. In the first place the extratextual context in which the saussurean terms appear will be described. Secondly I will examine more precisely the ways the French terminology related to de Saussure’s theory is translated/introduced into Polish. The article is therefore an attempt to investigate the specificity of linguistics terms and the major obstacles that appear when translating those terms in a foreign language.
Ferdinand de Saussure est considéré comme le père de la linguistique contemporaine. Sans nier cette constatation il sera question de se pencher sur les termes liés à sa théorie et leurs équivalents polonais. Après avoir présenté le contexte extratextuel dans lequel apparaissent les termes saussuriens, j’examinerai plus en détails les façons dont la terminologie française est traduite/ introduite en langue polonaise. Cette analyse sera ainsi l’occasion d’examiner quelle est la spécificité des termes utilisés en linguistique, et quels peuvent être les obstacles principaux à leur transmission dans une langue étrangère.
The study aims at differentiating the dispositional and actual level of terminological analysis in general psychology. Furthermore, the author exemplifies the differences in meaning, reference and usage of such defined terms. A proposal of a finite and complete list of Czech terms in general psychology follows.
Cílem studie je rozlišit obecněpsychologické termíny na úrovni dispoziční a aktuální. Z této distinkce autor vyvozuje rozdíly ve významu, referenci i použití těchto pojmů. Předkládá pro češtinu návrh uceleného a kompletního souboru obecněpsychologických pojmů.
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K termínu "lidová etymologie" v české onomastice

The term folk etymology is traditionally used to denote an erroneous, usually arbitrary connection of an etymologically opaque word to a word which is similar in the form or meaning but it is of different origin. Our approach is wider, we consider folk etymology as a part of folk linguistics. Folk (or also learned) etymology is one of the oldest methods of interpreting proper names and we can meet this phenomenon as early as in medieval chronicles. Folk interpretations often grow into size of etymological tales. They represent the period of the so-called pre-scientific etymology. However, folk etymology has not been replaced by scientific etymology, it is still alive and part of language users’ awareness. The term “folk etymology” was introduced by E. Förstemann in his paper Über deutsche Volksetymologie / About German Folk Etymology (1852) where he mentioned a whole range of examples for proper names. The term folk etymology coined by Förstemann was, despite some criticism, adopted into other languages including Czech. Three years later and independently of Förstemann, H. Wedgwood published a paper on what he called “false etymologies”. Similar terms actually appear in other languages as well but they are considered problematic as they imply something improper. Folk etymology is sometimes treated as a non-scientific deformation of a language reality, as a misleading, deceptive preconception, which the educated scientists shall make sure to remove. F. de Saussure even supported the idea of folk etymology being something “pathological”. However, this opinion of his was frequently criticised. Nowadays, we do not perceive folk etymology as something wrong which is to be corrected. In our conception, the folk etymology is understood as a natural tendency of language users to explain foreign and opaque words as well as proper names, and to interpret, search and clarify the meaning connections even if these are not present.
Acta onomastica
vol. 65
issue 1
The article deals with nomenclatural names of minerals based on proper names of the persons associated with the Czech environment, and provides their etymologies. The names form part of the official mineralogical nomenclature and have been approved by the Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of the International Mineralogical Association, i.e. the authority recognizing the existence of new minerals. In the nomenclature consisting of 5,975 items (as of October 2023), 88 names based on anthroponyms have been identified, formed usually from last names, first names or their combination. These words are neologisms known to a limited number of experts, but they nevertheless rank among full-fledged words of the Czech vocabulary that is closely connected to the history of Czech science.
Stosowanie terminologii specjalistycznej jest bardzo ważnym aspektem naszego nowoczesnego społeczeństwa. We wszystkich wyspecjalizowanych obszarach naszej gospodarki i przemysłu stosowane są terminy specjalistyczne, a zbiór terminologii gwałtownie rośnie wraz ze złożonością naszego społeczeństwa. Firmy, które chcą dobrze zarządzać wewnętrzną i zewnętrzną komunikacją, muszą najpierw przeanalizować język źródłowy. Dobrze rozwinięty system pojęciowy połączony z właściwą terminologią może zoptymalizować złożony proces komunikacji. Jeśli jasne definicje najważniejszych konceptów traktować jako podstawowy zasób wiedzy przedsiębiorstwa, to proces komunikacji będzie przebiegał o wiele płynniej, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do oszczędności czasu i pieniędzy.
The use of dedicated terminology is a very important aspect of our modern society. In all specialized domains of our economy and industry, terms are used and the collection of terminology grows exponentially with the complexity of our society. Companies who want to obtain a good management of the internal and external communication have to analyze the source language first of all. A strong concept system linked to the correct terminology can optimize the complex communication process. If one considers unambiguous definitions of the most important concepts as the core of the knowledge system of a company, the communication process will run much smoother and this leads to saving time and money.
Het gebruik van speciale terminologie is een zeer belangrijk aspect van onze moderne samenleving. In alle gespecialiseerde domeinen van onze economie en industrie worden termen gebruikt en de terminologieverzameling groeit exponentieel met de complexiteit van onze samenleving. Bedrijven die een goed beheer van de interne en externe communicatie willen hebben, moeten eerst de brontaal analyseren. Een sterk conceptsysteem gekoppeld aan de juiste terminologie kan het complexe communicatieproces optimaliseren. Als men eenduidige definities van de belangrijkste concepten beschouwt als de kern van het kennissysteem van een bedrijf, verloopt het communicatieproces veel soepeler en dit leidt tot besparing van tijd en geld.
In this study, derived names of insects in Czech were excerpted from two books: Atlas hmyzu [Insect Atlas] (Pokorný – Šifner, 2004) and Hmyz [The Insect] (Zahradniḱ – Severa, 2015). A significant majority of these were formed independently of the international Latin terms. It turns out that the most common suffixes used to create Czech scientific insect names denote diminution, substantives derived from adjectives, agent nouns, and feminine forms derived from masculine ones.
Une fois précisées les difficultés qui s’attachent à la définition du mot comme unité linguistique, on pourra aborder les relations que celui-ci entretient avec le système d’une langue d’une part et avec les textes d’autre part. La terminologie est l’un des domaines qui permet de poser ce rapport de manière particulièrement pertinente tout en offrant l’opportunité de développer une perspective critique sur ses a priori théoriques et ses pratiques. Ces réflexions proposent une présentation, à un stade initial, de travaux de recherches en sémantique des textes qui conduiront à l’élaboration d’un lexique multilingue des arts de la marionnettes. Les mots érigés en termes ne font pas la langue puisque seuls sont retenus en général les noms et les verbes. Or dans une perspective descriptive, même appliquée à un domaine particulier, il est souhaitable d’inclure d’autres parties du discours, d’élargir le relevé et d’y inclure les lexies complexes. Il importe également de fonder le choix d’un terme sur la prise en compte de ses diverses lexicalisations et des variations qui affectent ses ccurrences en contexte. A l’inverse, un texte n’est pas fait de mots, sauf à le concevoir, comme c’est souvent le cas à l’ère du numérique, comme ’un sac de mots’ à traiter de manière quantitative. Il importe au contraire de tenir compte des paliers de complexité et des inégalités qualitatives qui caractérisent les textes, particulièrement en fonction du discours et du genre auxquels ils appartiennent. Dans cette perspective théorique, les classes sémantiques élaborées en contexte participent à la fois des textes et des langues comme systèmes.
Many linguists have emphasised the difficulties in attempting to define what a word is. The notion differs according to the language under study and it even proves irrelevant for a certain number of languages. Although ‘word’ has not quite ceased to be used for convenience with a fuzzy extension, it is replaced by metalinguistic terms coined to fit the units specific to lexicology, semantics or terminology. There remains the central question of the nature and boundaries of these units and of their relation with a linguistic system, on the one hand, and with the texts in which they occur, on the other. Consideration given to the theoretical framework of terminology leads to a critical viewpoint on practices that rest on logical principles incompatible with a context sensitive approach to lexical semantics even in a technical field such as the art of puppetry dealt with here. A language for specific purposes is not a linguistic sub-system since any text, oral or written, originates in a particular social situation manifested by its discourse and genre. Texts are not strings of words. Text semantics provides a textual approach to the lexicon in which the entries in a semantic class are selected contextually thus partaking of both texts and language as a system.
La présente étude vise à analyser le champ sémantique de la migration dans des textes spécialisés parallèles français et hongrois. Basé sur un corpus composé de divers types de documents émanant des institutions européennes, cet article étudie les mots et les expressions utilisés pour dénommer la migration en tant que phénomène, les personnes qui quittent leur pays et autres événements relatifs à la migration. L’accent est mis sur l’analyse sémantique des notions ainsi que sur les équivalences qui peuvent être établies entre les termes français et hongrois. Cette étude conclut que certains termes employés dans les textes spécialisés semblent changer de sens, alors que d’autres sont récemment créés, et ils reflètent tous la façon dont les institutions européennes conçoivent la situation actuelle de la migration.
Celem artykułu jest analiza pola semantycznego terminu migracja w równoległych tekstach specjalistycznych francuskich i węgierskich. Na podstawie korpusu złożonego z różnego typu dokumentów instytucji europejskich omawiane są wyrazy i wyrażenia używane do nazywania migracji jako zjawiska, osób, które opuszczają kraj, i innych wydarzeń związanych z migracją. Nacisk położony jest na analizę semantyczną pojęć oraz ekwiwalencji między terminami francuskimi i węgierskimi. Wyniki badań prowadzą do wniosku, że niektóre terminy używane w tekstach specjalistycznych mają zmienione znaczenie, inne zaś zostały niedawno utworzone. Wszystkie odzwierciedlają sposób, w jaki instytucje europejskie pojmują obecną sytuację migracyjną.
The present study aims at analyzing the semantic field of migration in French and Hungarian specialized parallel texts. Based on a corpus comprising various types of documents of the European institutions, this article studies terms and expressions used to describe the migration as a phenomenon, those who leave their home and other events related to migration. The focus is placed upon a thorough semantic analysis of concepts as well as the equivalence that can be established between French and Hungarian terms. This study concluded that some terms used in the specialized texts seem to undergo semantic changes whereas others are newly created and all of them reflect the way European institutions conceptualize the present situation of migration.
issue 1
The article deals with the emergence of new connotations in word formation using the suffix -ózní (-osní) for adjectival neologisms and occasionalisms. In contemporary spoken and written Czech language there are a number of such neologisms. The author bases his findings in examining the SYN2015 corpus of the Czech National Corpus and available Czech dictionaries. Besides neologisms and occasionalism, the attention is given to loans that are already used and terminological adjectives with the aforementioned suffix.
Článek se věnuje problematice vzniku nových konotací při slovotvorbě s pomocí přípony -ózní (-osní) adjektivních neologismů a okazionalizmů. V současné mluvené a psané češtině lze zaznamenat mnoho takovýchto přídavných jmen. Autor zakládá své úvahy na zkoumání korpusu SYN2015 Českého národního korpusu a dostupných slovnících češtiny. Kromě neologismů a okazionalizmů se pozornost věnuje starším již vžitým výpůjčkám a terminologickým adjektivům s uvedenou příponou.
Cet article porte sur la désignation des unions civiles exprimée dans les langues juridiques française et polonaise. Il a un double objectif : épistémologique et analytique. D’une part, nous nous pencherons sur les relations entre la conceptualisation et la dénomination des entités réelles dans la perspective terminologique. Effectivement, les travaux terminologiques, jurilinguistiques y compris, permettent de mettre en rapport les entités réelles, les concepts comme constructions mentales et les termes qui les désignent en langues spécialisées. D’autre part, nous comparerons les désignations des unions civiles en droit français et en droit polonais résultant tantôt de la même tradition juridique, tantôt des changements culturels influençant la création des nouvelles unités terminologiques.
This article concerns the designation of civil unions expressed in French and Polish legal language, serving a dual purpose: epistemological and analytical. On the one hand, the relationship between conceptualization and the definition of real entities in the terminological perspective will be examined, as, indeed, terminological investigations, including jurilinguistics, allows for examining the relationship between real entities, concepts as mental constructions, and terms which designate them in languages for specific purposes. On the other hand, the designations of civil unions in the French and Polish law will be compared, demonstrating that sometimes they result from the same legal tradition and, in other cases, reflect cultural changes that inform the coinage of new terminological units.
Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy desygnacji związków cywilnych wyrażonej we francuskim i polskim języku prawnym. Ma on podwójny cel: epistemologiczny i analityczny. Z jednej strony, zbadany zostanie związek pomiędzy konceptualizacją a określaniem bytów realnych w perspektywie terminologicznej. Istotnie, prace terminologiczne, w tym juryslingwistyka, pozwalają na zbadanie relacji pomiędzy rzeczywistymi bytami, pojęciami jako konstrukcjami mentalnymi i terminami, które je desygnują w językach specjalistycznych. Z drugiej strony, porównane zostaną określenia związków cywilnych w prawie francuskim i polskim, wynikające niekiedy z tej samej tradycji prawnej, a czasem ze zmian kulturowych wpływających na tworzenie nowych jednostek terminologicznych.
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K typologii ekvivalentů v právním překladu

Equivalence was a central concept in the early stages of modern translation theory. Despite being criticised in later periods, mainly in literary translation, its usefulness in specialised translation remains undoubted. I first examine the aspects of equivalence described in the literature on legal translation, arriving at no less than 32 different equivalent types. Building on these findings, I propose a detailed, multidimensional typology of legal equivalents, using four orthogonal criteria: translation procedure, degree of equivalence, conventionality and register. Translation procedures are divided, on the one hand, into canonical and non-canonical, and, on the other hand, into language-oriented, language- and function-oriented, and function-oriented. The different categories, defined as non-exclusive, are characterised with respect to their documentary vs. instrumental nature, and supplemented by French-Czech and Czech-French translation examples. The analysis also raises a certain number of specific questions that have received only limited attention so far. These include the role of register in terminology, the evaluation of the degree of equivalence in the case of language-oriented equivalents, and the directional symmetry of equivalents. The typological proposal is language-independent, and may serve as both a theoretical framework and practical tool in translatorial decision-making.
The purpose of this article is to make contrastive analysis of different forms of single-family and multi-family housing construction in Poland and France. Assuming that each specialist area has created its conceptual field, which is reflected in the corresponding terminological field, the author tries to find out whether and to what extent conceptual and terminological fields related to housing construction in Poland and France coincide, and to what extent they differ. And how far conceptual differences correspond to terminological differences, if any, and what they arise from.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu analizę kontrastywną różnych form budownictwa mieszkaniowego jednorodzinnego i wielorodzinnego w Polsce i we Francji. Wychodząc z założenia, że każda dziedzina specjalistyczna wytworzyła swoje pole pojęciowe, którego wyrazem jest odpowiadające mu pole terminologiczne, autorka stara się sprawdzić, czy i na ile pola pojęciowe i terminologiczne związane z budownictwem mieszkaniowym w Polsce i we Francji pokrywają się, a na ile różnią. I na ile ewentualnym różnicom terminologicznym odpowiadają różnice pojęciowe i z czego one wynikają.
Le présent article a pour vocation de comparer différentes formes d’habitat individuel et collectif en Pologne et en France du point de vue notionnel et terminologique. L’auteur se propose d’analyser les similitudes et les divergences entre les champs notionnels et terminologiques liés à l’habitat dans les deux pays concernés afin de voir si d’éventuels écarts terminologiques se doublent de ceux notionnels.
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