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Hayden White did not directly examine the issue of the independence of history as a discipline of knowledge in his theoretical reflection. He did not ask about the subject of historical studies, the specificity of the methods used in it, the difference between history and other fields, or the economic and social conditions of historical discourse. In this article, I revise White’s writing and reconfigure the extant research using the concept of autonomy. White - primarily in his works from the 1970s and 1980s - devoted much attention to exposing and describing cultural compulsions resulting in historical practices and violating their autonomy. These actions also brought unexpected results. At first, the use of structuralism in these practices, and then poststructuralist concepts of “the death of the author” and textualism, suggested claims that freed historiography from its links with an author’s biography and world-view, and with the social context in which a given work is produced. Using Foucault’s descrip-tion of the order of discourse, in turn, brought the image of a strict rigor of historical discipline, which, however, is not equal to the strong autonomy of history. A stronger delimitation of the field of history appears in his - already in the twenty‑first century - offer to use Michael Oakeshott’s division into the practical past and the historical past. Whilst censuring academic historical writing as sterile and rejected by readers because it fails to answer contemporary existential, social and political questions, White, most likely unintentionally, described the independence of historians’ actions from the demands of the societies to which they belong. According to commentators, his remarks can be a productive inspiration for reflection upon the distinctiveness of the discipline of history.
Krzysztof Uniłowski passed away earlier this December. For the last twenty years, he has been crucial to Polish literary studies. Writing on a broad range of topics – from reviews of contemporary Polish novels to essays on the idea of modernity, from class-oriented analyses of sci-fi books and TV shows to comments on the politics and ethics of literary criticism – he developed an impressive and highly unique critical perspective, or indeed: a unique language of criticism, one that has managed and will undoubtedly still manage to inspire countless critics of all generations. Throughout his work, Uniłowski drew heavily on historical materialism, constantly balancing his instinctive focus on the political – and, specifically, on class – with his equally instinctive conviction as to the irreplaceability of literary form. While we might not have agreed on every single issue – as is always the case on the Left – we in “Praktyka Teoretyczna” are proud to have called him not just an inspiration, but a comrade. Uniłowski passed away while putting finishing touches to the essay we’re presenting below. Unfortunately, he never managed to send us the finished abstract/summary for this article, so it falls to us to try and summarise its main theses. Krzysztof Uniłowski passed away earlier this December. For the last twenty years, he has been crucial to Polish literary studies. Writing on a broad range of topics – from reviews of contemporary Polish novels to essays on the idea of modernity, from class-oriented analyses of sci-fi books and TV shows to comments on the politics and ethics of literary criticism – he developed an impressive and highly unique critical perspective, or indeed: a unique language of criticism, one that has managed and will undoubtedly still manage to inspire countless critics of all generations. Throughout his work, Uniłowski drew heavily on historical materialism, constantly balancing his instinctive focus on the political – and, specifically, on class – with his equally instinctive conviction as to the irreplaceability of literary form. While we might not have agreed on every single issue – as is always the case on the Left – we in “Praktyka Teoretyczna” are proud to have called him not just an inspiration, but a comrade. Uniłowski passed away while putting finishing touches to the essay we’re presenting below. Unfortunately, he never managed to send us the finished abstract/summary for this article, so it falls to us to try and summarise its main theses.Krzysztof Uniłowski passed away earlier this December. For the last twenty years, he has been crucial to Polish literary studies. Writing on a broad range of topics – from reviews of contemporary Polish novels to essays on the idea of modernity, from class-oriented analyses of sci-fi books and TV shows to comments on the politics and ethics of literary criticism – he developed an impressive and highly unique critical perspective, or indeed: a unique language of criticism, one that has managed and will undoubtedly still manage to inspire countless critics of all generations. Throughout his work, Uniłowski drew heavily on historical materialism, constantly balancing his instinctive focus on the political – and, specifically, on class – with his equally instinctive conviction as to the irreplaceability of literary form. While we might not have agreed on every single issue – as is always the case on the Left– we in “Praktyka Teoretyczna” are proud to have called him not just an inspiration, but a comrade. Uniłowski passed away while putting finishing touches to the essay we’re presenting below. Unfortunately, he never managed to send us the finished abstract/summary for this article, so it falls to us to try and summarise its main theses. The issues raised in this erudite and formally complex piece include such fundamental questions as: in what sense do the fictional worlds resemble the non-fictional one, and how do we inhabit them? What’s the relationship between immersion and interpretation? What real-life figures can help us imagine or visualise our intimate yet inherently social relationship with the fictional (are we guests, dwellers, passersby...)? Uniłowski looks for answers in contemporary Marxist criticism (Eagleton, Jameson, Berardi), sci-fi and fantasy writing (Lem, Sapkowski, Martin), as well as modern continental philoso phy (Gadamer, Heidegger) and – in the last part of the essay – contemporary game studies. We’re happy to be able to present Uniłowski’s piece in two versions, the original Polish as well as its English translation (by Jakob Ziguras). In order to preserve the unmistakable flow of Uniłowski’s thought in English, small changes were introduced – with the author’s full approval – in the English version. We trust that our Polish-speaking readers will fin the comparison of the two versions interesting and instruc tive, as they seem to give a unique insight into Uniłowski’s writing process.
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Legislativní zvyklosti

b_The article “Legislative (Drafting) Conventions” deals with the content and forms of legislative conventions (drafting conventions). Drafting conventions are a special kind of legislative rules that have a certain meaning but at the same time, it is very difficult to identify how is their content different from other binding legislative rules (including legislative techniques). Therefore, first, it is important to identify their common and distinct features with other Iaw-making rules and to identify those which genuinely define drafting conventions. The article also focuses on methodology: the ways in which legislative conventions are identified and examined, including methodological problems that it may be associated with. Here it is necessary to emphasise especially empirical legal methods (especially qualitative), because using classical legal methods (doctrinal methodology), may not be sufficient to examine the legislative habits. Next, the article is looks at some examples of legislative habits found in the electronic library of the prepared legislation. These examples are not sufficiently representative to provide the common features of legislative conventions, but they can help to orientate us in this area and help to identify the general position of legislative habits in the legal system of the Czech Republic.
a_Článek se zabývá obsahem a formou tzv. legislativních zvyklostí. Jedná se o zvláštní druh pravidel legislativní činnosti, která mají určitý význam, ale velmi obtížně identifikovatelný obsah odlišný od jiných závazných legislativních pravidel (včetně legislativní techniky). Proto je nejprve důležité identifikovat jejich společné a odlišné znaky s jinými pravidly spojenými s tvorbou práva a určit ty, které skutečně vymezují legislativní zvyklosti. Článek se dále soustředí na metodologii, tj. způsoby, kterými lze legislativní zvyklosti určovat a zkoumat, včetně problémů, které s tím mohou být spojeny. Zde je nezbytné akcentovat zejména empirické metody zkoumání práva (především kvalitativní), neboť doktrinálně jsou legislativní zvyklosti jen obtížně zkoumatelné. Dále se článek věnuje některým příkladům legislativních zvyklostí, které byly nalezeny v elektronické knihovně připravované legislativy. Tyto příklady nejsou dostatečné, aby mohly reprezentativně identifikovat společné znaky legislativních zvyklostí, avšak mohou napomoci orientaci v této oblasti a napomoci identifikovat obecné místo legislativních zvyklostí v právním systému České republiky.
Forum Poetyki
issue 19
The article discusses the basic concepts of Janusz Sławiński’s O opisie that are important for Polish literary studies in the wider context of the current discussion on the need to abandon the linguistic approach to literature in search of other ways to better understand the meaning of the work. Doubts expressed by Toril Moi in her book Revolution of the Ordinary regarding the analysis of texts from a traditional textual perspective become a pretext for revising some of the assumptions made by the structuralist school regarding the categories of description formulated, among others, by researchers such as Sławiński and Roland Barthes.
Artykuł przypomina podstawowe koncepcje istotnego dla polskich badań literaturoznawczych tekstu O opisie Janusza Sławińskiego i włącza go w pole bieżącej dyskusji o konieczności zarzucenia lingwistycznego podejścia do literatury na rzecz poszukiwania sposobów pełniejszego zrozumienia sensów utworu. Wątpliwości wyrażone przez Toril Moi pod adresem analizy tekstów z tradycyjnej tekstualistycznej perspektywy w jej książce Revolution of the Ordinary stająsię pretekstem do  rewizji niektórych założeń szkoły strukturalnej dotyczących kategorii opisu formułowanych między innymi przez badaczy takich jak właśnie Sławiński czy Roland Barthes.
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Některé techniky jazykové metody interpretace práva

The linguistic method (or textual methods) of interpreting statutes is considered in the Czech legal environment as a simple and naive way of approaching the text. This article focuses on the relation between law-making and interpretation through some techniques of so-called linguistic interpretation. It focuses on techniques in pari materia, noscitur a sociis and ejusdem generis. It will first introduce the use of textual techniques in general and their position in the process of interpreting law. It is important to realize that these techniques schematize intuitive understanding of the statutes and help in doctrinal (and in some cases authoritative too) interpretation by making the interpreter’s thoughts more clear. The article also focuses on the relationship between construction of statutes and the interpretation of statutes: it can be assumed that the legislator should anticipate possible ways of interpretation and construct statute to eliminate potential problems or threatening ambiguities. In doing so, she can use the usual interpretative techniques and formulate them in cases that are more complex and presuppose interpretative legal skills. Subsequently, the article discusses the various interpretative techniques mentioned above: it analyzes their nature, the possibilities of their use and the boundaries that are associated with this use.
Jazyková metoda interpretace právních předpisů je v českém právním prostředí pokládána za jednoduchý způsob přiblížení se textu. Předkládaný článek se soustředí na vztah tvorby právních předpisů a jejich interpretace prostřednictvím některých technik tzv. jazykového výkladu. Soustředí se na techniky in pari materia, noscitur a sociis a ejusdem generis. Představí nejprve smysl používání technik obecně, tedy jejich místo v procesu interpretace práva. Zde je důležité uvědomit si, že tyto techniky schematizují intuitivní porozumění právnímu předpisu a napomáhají zejména doktrinálnímu (v některých případech i autoritativnímu) výkladu tím, že přibližují myšlenkové postupy interpreta. Článek se dále soustředí na vztah tvorby právních předpisů a interpretace práva: lze předpokládat, že normotvůrce by měl předpokládat možné budoucí způsoby výkladu a konstruovat text tak, aby eliminoval možné problémy či nejasnosti. V tom může využít obvyklé interpretační techniky a s jejich pomocí formulovat i v případech, které jsou složitější a předpokládají interpretační právní dovednosti. Následně článek rozebírá jednotlivé (výše zmíněné) interpretační techniky: rozebírá jejich podstatu, možnosti jejich používání a meze, které jsou s tímto používáním spojeny.
The article aims to compare the process of interpreting law with that of interpreting the Holy Scripture. The study focuses on the issue of the interpretative approach adopted for interpretation in both above-mentioned branches of study. An appropriate interpretative approach determines the meaning of the text, which presupposes its correct interpretation. As part of the study, an analysis is undertaken of the interpretative assumptions, expounded in legal scholarship, which assumptions underlie the process of legal interpretation. The concept of interpretation of the sacred text that is recognized in biblical hermeneutics is presented. It turns out that despite the fact that law and the Bible are obviously different from each other, both legal theory and biblical hermeneutics were developed and largely based on the same concept of interpretation – intentionalism – identifying the meaning of utterances with meaning intended by the author of the statement. The conducted analysis enables formulating a general conclusion that only intentionalism makes it possible to discover the full and proper sense of the analyzed utterance.
Artykuł ma na celu komparycję procesu wykładni prawa z interpretacją Pisma Świętego. Opracowanie koncentruje się na zagadnieniu podejścia interpretacyjnego przyjętego na gruncie interpretacji w obu wymienionych gałęziach nauki. Odpowiednie podejście interpretacyjne przesądza o znaczeniu tekstu, co presuponuje właściwą jego interpretację. W ramach opracowania została podjęta analiza doktrynalnych założeń interpretacyjnych leżąca u podstaw procesu interpretacji prawa. Następnie zostaje ukazane, jaka koncepcja wykładni świętego tekstu znajduje uznanie w hermeneutyce biblijnej. Okazuje się, że pomimo tego, iż prawo, jak i Biblia w sposób oczywisty różnią się od siebie, to jednak zarówno teoria prawa jak i hermeneutyka biblijna wypracowały i w zdecydowanej mierze oparły się na tej samej koncepcji wykładni – na intencjonalizmie, utożsamiającym znaczenie wypowiedzi z jej znaczeniem zamierzonym przez autora enuncjacji. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwoliły na sformułowanie wniosku ogólnego, że jedynie intencjonalizm pozwala odkryć pełny i właściwy sens analizowanej wypowiedzi.
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