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The Biblical Annals
vol. 14
issue 1
The article is a critical review of the commentary by Bartosz Adamczewski – Genesis. A Hypertextual Commentary. After presenting the theses put forward by Adamczewski in his commentary on Genesis, the criteria of sequential hypertextuality implemented by Adamczewski and his method of delimiting literary units that remain in hypertextual relations are critically reviewed. The methodological weakness of the hypertextual commentary on Genesis cannot be covered up by the creativity of the commentator.
issue 2(35)
„Idźcie i głoście” – to wezwanie, jakie usłyszeli od Jezusa Apostołowie (zob. Mt 10,7; Mk 16,15). Wezwanie to kryje w sobie nie tylko element posłania, misji, ale również tajemnicę niezwykłego powołania do pójścia za Jezusem oraz tworzenia głębokiej z Nim relacji. W niniejszym artykule autor podejmuje próbę odczytania podobnych elementów w biblijnej i pozabiblijnej tradycji dotyczącej Abrahama. Okazuje się, że tradycja ta w wielu miejscach wykazuje cechy podobieństwa do ewangelicznych opowiadań o życiu i działalności grona Dwunastu. Daje w ten sposób podstawę, by dostrzec w Abrahamie postać Apostoła – Apostoła z Księgi Rodzaju.
„And preach as you go” – this is the call which the apostles heard from Jesus (see Mt 10:7; Mc 16:15). This call comprises not only the elements of mission, but also a mystery of an unusual vocation to follow Jesus and to build a profound relation with Him. In this article the author makes attempt to find similar elements in biblical and extrabiblical tradition concerning Abraham. It turns out that this tradition shows certain similarities to the Gospel narratives concerning life and activity of twelve disciples of Jesus. In this way it constitutes basis to discover in the person of Abraham an apostle – the Apostle of the Book of Genesis.
This paper is part of a larger scholar project focused on Catholic theologians and scientists between 1871 and 1910 who accepted the evolutionary origin of the human body in accordance with so-called Mivart’s theory, or rejected it. The author presents the life and work of an important German Biblical scholar Johann Baptist Göttsberger (1868–1958), focusing mainly on his 1910 book Adam und Eva. Göttsberger describes the contemporary scene very well providing information about an entire range of authors who showed a great openness to the evolutionary origin of man. Surprisingly we encounter here for the first time authors who hypothesised the possibility of also applying the evolutionary model to creation – the origin of the human spirit, what is also true in some sense about Göttsberger himself. It turns out that at least in German Catholic theology, the year 1910 is a turning point, because after this date authors showing an openness to the evolutionary theory of the origin of man cannot be considered pioneers. These authors formed a numerous and still growing group.
The study is part of a research project focused on Catholic theologians and scholars who either accepted the evolutionary origin of the human body in accordance with Mivart’s thesis or denied it in years 1871–1910. The author presents the Padernborn exegete Norbert Peters (1863–1938) and a critical analysis of his book Glauben und Wissen im ersten biblischen Schöpfungsbericht (Gen 1:1–2:3), Paderborn: Verlag von Ferdinand Schöning, 1907. The above-mentioned author reacts to both the academic and popular writing of E. Haeckel. He argues as a biblical scholar that the description of the creation of man, as it is found in the first chapters of Genesis, is not an obstacle to openness to an evolutionary origin – the creation of the human body. Being a specialist in the Bible, however, he does not dare state whether this hypothesis is actually viable. The issue of the means of creation of the human body is, in his view, only a marginal question in theology. A methodologically highly disciplined approach can be observed, however, which is in many respects similar to the approach of contemporary Catholic theologians.
Analiza tez biblistów dotyczących poligamii w Starym Testamencie prowadzi do konkluzji, że była ona praktykowana w starożytnym Izraelu. Znawcy tematu podają dwie ewentualności: albo poligamia była częścią kultury semickiej od zarania jej dziejów, albo była późniejszym skutkiem wpływów kultury ludów ościennych. Niemniej, jak podaje autor artykułu, istnieją niezbite dowody, że poligamia nigdy nie była tolerowana jako normalna, zamierzona przez Boga forma życia rodzinnego. Główną tezą artykułu jest stwierdzenie, że opis stworzenia z Księgi Rodzaju istotnie wpłynął na rozwój monogamii w kulturze starożytnego Izraela. Opisana relacja pierwszej pary ludzi miała na celu prezentować archetypiczną formę małżeństwa zaproponowaną przez Boga ludziom jako paradygmat monogamicznego małżeństwa. Artykuł ukazuje, że prawdopodobna jest hipoteza biblistów, że proces redakcji Księgi Rodzaju (ukończonej około V wieku przed Chrystusem) zintegrował w tekście elementy tradycji monogamicznej, które były obecne w świadomości Izraelitów od wieków, jednocześnie stał się wzorcem życia małżeńskiego dla kolejnych pokoleń i pomógł wykorzenić ślady myślenia poligamicznego. Artykuł porusza również sporną kwestię rozwodów dyskutowaną przez szkoły rabinackie Hillela Starszego i Shammaia Starszego, do której odniósł się Jezus w Ewangelii, odwołując się do opisu stworzenia z Księgi Rodzaju. Przedstawione w tekście wybrane wypowiedzi Ojców Kościoła dotyczące monogamii również wskazują, jak istotną rolę odgrywa opis stworzenia z Księgi Rodzaju w formowaniu chrześcijańskiej świadomości odnośnie do małżeństwa.
The analysis of biblical scholars’ teaching on polygamy in The Old Testament leads to the conclusion that it was practiced in the ancient Israel. Experts in this field give two possibilities: either polygamy was a part of the Semitic culture from the dawn of history, or it was later effect of the influences of the culture of neighboring peoples. However, as the author of the article claims, there are irrefutable proofs that polygamy was never tolerated as normal, intended by God form of family life. The main thesis of the article is the conviction that the account of creation from the Book of Genesis substantially influenced the evolution of monogamy in the culture of the ancient Israel. Described relation of the couple of the first people had to be an archetypical form of marriage presented by God and proposed for people as a paradigm of the monogamous marriage. The article shows that it is probable the hypothesis of the biblical scholars expressing the conviction that the process of redaction of the Book of Genesis (finished around 5th century BC) integrated in its content elements of the monogamous tradition that was present in the consciousness of the Israelites from centuries; what is more, it became the paradigm for the marital life for later generations and it helped to get rid of the traces of the polygamous mindset. The article also describes the controversial debate concerning divorce between rabbinical schools of Hillel the Elder and Shammai the Elder; as the Gospel presents Jesus Christ refers to this quoting the passage on creation from the Book of Genesis. Presented in the article selected excerpts from the Church Fathers on monogamy also pointed to the importance of the Genesis account of creation in forming the Christian vison of marriage.
This study presents the life and work of the French Catholic theologian M. D. Leroy (1828–1905) regarding the issue of the evolutionary origin of humans. His book, published in 1891, met with harsh reactions from the side of transformism opponents, after which it was followed by the process of the Sacred Congregation of the Index. The work was condemned and the author was reprimanded. Leroy formally submitted himself to the Congregation’s decision. The implicit dualism was the basic problem of the so-called Mivart thesis. Leroy claims that the human body can be called human, if the body is united with its essential form only, ergo its immortal soul. By means of the evolution, the creator could prepare a certain pre-human species, the substrate of the creation of a human body by the infusion of the immortal soul. The study by Leroy contains a number of new elements: an explanation of the apparently contradictory attitudes of Pope Leo XIII, a reference to the views of the remarkable French apologist F. Duilhé. Although he did not accept Leroy’s point of view, he did take sides on the right for liberal research in this area for Catholic theologians in 1897. There are essential links of the detection in between, as to what was the French and Czech natural science point-of-view in relation to Darwinism at this period. Leroy’s thesis is still relevant as it corrects the implicit dualism in the area of anthropology, which is implicitly presented in the widespread solution of the Catholic world today. The human body, in his view, came into being through evolution and was provided with a human soul at a certain moment.
Z punktu widzenia dzisiejszej metodologii naukowej Biblia nie stanowi źródła wiedzy naukowej, przynajmniej w zakresie nauk przyrodniczych. Przez wiele wieków teksty Biblii były jednak źródłem refleksji, w tym filozoficznej, nad początkiem istnienia wszechrzeczy. Przykładem takiej refleksji jest traktat Midrasz Raba zawierający komentarze do Księgi Rodzaju. I choć rozważania rabiniczne mają raczej charakter praktyczny (są ukierunkowane na wypełnianie przepisów Prawa Mojżeszowego), to często odwołują się do pytań egzystencjalnych i filozoficznych. Jest to szczególnie zauważalne w przytaczanych w traktacie dyskusjach z filozofami greckimi. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje na sensowność wielu refleksji rabinicznych, nawet w świetle dzisiejszej wiedzy naukowej o świecie i jego początkach, mimo że rabini nie odwoływali się do wiedzy przyrodniczej, a bazowali wyłącznie na tekstach biblijnych.
From the perspective of today’s scientific methodology, the Bible does not count as a scientific source, at least as far as the natural sciences are concerned. However, for many centuries biblical texts have inspired reflections — including those of a philosophical kind — on the beginning of the existence of all things. The treatise Midrash Rabbah, with its commentary on the Book of Genesis, is an example of such reflections. In spite of the fact that rabbinic interpretation focuses on practical aspects of the Mosaic Law, it often raises philosophical and existential questions, especially in the context of those discussions that involve the gentile philosophers referred to in the treatise. The analysis undertaken here seeks to highlight those rabbinic reflections that appear reasonable even from the perspective of modern science aimed at describing the world and its origin — even though the rabbis were not themselves engaged in any form of the natural sciences and based their reflections exclusively on biblical texts.
This paper is part of a larger scholar project focused on Catholic theologians and scholars between 1871 and 1910 who accepted the evolutionary origin of the human body in accordance with the so called Mivart theory, or rejected it. The author presents the life and writings of the French theologian and biblical scholar F. E. Gigot, who was active mainly in the USA. He then analysed the relevant parts of the first section of his special introduction to the Old Testament (1901), where he interprets the first and second chapter of the book of Genesis and demonstrates a more or less open attitude to the theory of the evolutionary origin of man. The name of this biblical scholar, internationally recognized in his day, is not recalled in contemporary literature in connection with the reception of the evolutionary origin of humankind in Catholic theology at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. The discoveries help to correct the rooted conviction that the Catholic theologians of this period had an exclusively negative attitude towards the fact of evolution and the evolutionary origin of the human body. The study also includes an analysis of one passage of Augustine’s writing De Genesi ad litteram, where the author finds formulations which look like an offered hand across the ages to those who in 1871−1910, and also later, sought to theologically adopt the theory of the evolutionary origin – creation of man.
This study presents the life and work of the Belgian geologist and professor of dogmatic theology Henry de Dorlodot (1855–1929). The author of this study presents the life of this thinker and highlights his active participation in the World Darwinist Congress in Cambridge in 1909. Dorlodot published his work about the evolution of fauna and flora from the point of view of Catholic Orthodoxy in 1921. This was the reason for an investigation by the Pontifical Biblical Commission, followed by one from the Holy Office. Dorlodot did not publish this intended book about human evolution during his lifetime. After the discovery of the original manuscript, the book came out in 2009. This work contains a number of inspirational ideas. Dorlodot’s thoughts are based on the Tomistic concept of the relationship between the soul and the human body. Based on this theory, he argues that the fetus has been ensouled during the process of evolution at a certain moment in the body of the still inhuman mother, and thus the first human was born. His thesis wherein the first man was an ancestor for both, today’s humans and the Neanderthals, is also of interest. Dorlodot´s case probably entailed a breaking point, since at this time no one had been investigated by the Vatican authorities for having an open minded attitude to the evolution of the human body.
In this paper, the author presents Pietro Caterini, who ranked among the important opponents of Mivert´s thesis among Catholic theologians in the 1870s and 1880s in Italy. He published 37 anti-darwinian studies in La Civiltà Cattolica and then a nearly 400 page long book with the same content. The author analyses in detail the above-mentioned book and discovers that not everything in Catherini´s argumentation can be viewed as unacceptable. We encounter bright places, e.g. the resolute refusal of racism, but also dark places, e.g. the unacceptable extent of the competence of the biblical message, which is sometimes understood in a nearly fundamentalist way.
Saint Augustine describes the creation of woman as a voluntary and intentional act of God. Man is being prepared to receive her. Woman is created as a rational being. Together with man, she brings to fruition the blessing of fecundity and, at the end of times, she will be saved in her own body. The creation of woman from man's rib becomes a symbol of the relationship between the soul and the body. Woman, being subject to man who is obedient to God, is a figure of the body being subject to the soul obedient to the Lord.
Św. Augustyn opisuje stworzenie kobiety jako zaplanowany akt Bożej woli. Mężczyzna jest przygotowywany na przyjęcie jej. Kobieta zostaje stworzona jako istota rozumna. Razem z mężczyzną  wprowadza w życie błogosławieństwo płodności i, na końcu czasów, będzie zbawiona we własnym ciele. Stworzenie kobiety z żebra mężczyzny staje się symbolem relacji pomiędzy duszą i ciałem. Kobieta, będąc poddana mężczyźnie który jest posłuszny Bogu, jest obrazem ciała będącego poddanym duszy posłusznej Bogu.
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