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The First World War was analyzed and described in their diaries mainly by politicians, various rank soldiers, medical officers and male nurses, writers, news correspondents, civilians who were watching closely the war theatre, as well as theology students and military chaplains. We are however interested in testimonies of clergymen who became priests of the Katowice diocese after the end of 1914–1918 war campaign. They succeeded to live „in memory” because of tracks of their presence in the war in archive records or remaining press publications. The following individuals in this circle deserve special attention: Teofil Aleksander Bromboszcz, Józef Feliks Gawlina and Karol Milik. There were 85 military chaplains involved in the First World War on the Prussian side from the area of the Wrocław diocese and 24 military chaplains from area of the General Wicarage in Cieszyn. In total there were 63 future priests of the Katowice diocese among them. Among soldiers chaplains could feel at home. Soldiers appreciated their high moral values and good manners.
The article assesses the effects of the First World War on the population of Cracow, visible in the state and structure of the town’s population. The collected statistical materials (mainly the publications of the City’s Statistical Office) have been used to carry out an annual projection of the size and structure of the city’s population, separately for each sex for the years 1890–1921. The procedure, sometimes called cohort-component method population projection, is based on sectional (periodical) tables of mortality. In that way four projections have been constructed, which allows to separately assess the impact of the war mortality and reproduction on the state and structure of the population and to visualise a hypothetical growth of the city’s population, which would have taken place if the war had not broken out. Thanks to that it is possible to state that the potential population losses of Cracow in 1921 amounted to 8.45% of the 1910 population. Within those losses 7% were civil losses, and only 1.45% were the killed and the missing. The impact of the war on the population was much stronger through intensified mortality, and not through limited reproduction. The ratio between losses caused by changes in mortality and reproduction for the population of Cracow was 70:30. The use of demographic projections has also allowed to identify populational groups especially prone to the increased war mortality. Both in women and in men the biggest part of civil victims of the war were children and youngsters aged 3 to 19 years old and people over 50 years old. The war situation influenced also the values of the synthetic demographic indicators. The life expectancy for women decreased by 25% in 1918 (the record year), and the overall reproduction rate by 47%. In addition to strictly research conclusions, the article has a methodological value, as it shows how the use of demographic projections allows to present the effects of war in the sphere of the population.
This article is an attempt to present the fights around the Przemyśl Fortress from the point of view of written memories and other preserved information. The author presents in a chronologicalway memories preserved in private archives and published from right before the outbreak of the war until its end. The reminiscences present among others: a spy from Babice, the activity of independence organizations, the fates of refugees and the civilian population, the network of Russian fortifications, the hostilities, participation of local people in the war, war damage. As the title suggests, the article is based mainly on memories from private archives, which determines its form: sparing in analyses, theses and discussions. The author’s aim was to present how ordinary people perceived the First World War, preserving authentic language of the time.
The First World War was analyzed and described in their diaries mainly by politicians, various rank soldiers, medical officers and male nurses, writers, news correspondents, civilians who were watching closely the war theatre, as well as theology students and military chaplains. We are however interested in testimonies of clergymen who became priests of the Katowice diocese after the end of 1914–1918 war campaign. They succeeded to live „in memory” because of tracks of their presence in the war in archive records or remaining press publications. The following individuals in this circle deserve special attention: Teofil Aleksander Bromboszcz, Józef Feliks Gawlina and Karol Milik. There were 85 military chaplains involved in the First World War on the Prussian side from the area of the Wrocław diocese and 24 military chaplains from area of the General Wicarage in Cieszyn. In total there were 63 future priests of the Katowice diocese among them. Among soldiers chaplains could feel at home. Soldiers appreciated their high moral values and good manners.
The study deals with the definition of the term “Kriegswirtschaftszentralen” (“War Economic Headquarters”), as organizations active during the First World War in Cisleithania. It notices the usage of the term “centrála” and “ústředna” respectively in Czech, and “die Zentrale” in German in naming a special type of war economic organizations and mentions its characteristics. It studies the usage of this term in daily press and literature of the period. Furthermore, the article analyses the usage of this term in the works of historians while pointing out the inaccurate and equivocal nature of its contemporary use which leads to many errors and misconceptions. In conclusion, the author of this study proposes a more accurate labelling of war economic organizations in Cisleithania, its individual types, and the definition of the term “Kriegswirtschaftszentralen”
The centenary of the end of the Great War, the War of Nations, First World War, has multiple meanings, expressed concretely in European geopolitics. This event, which occupies an exceptional position in the history of the last century, has led to the appearance in folklore of an epic-lyric category with specific features, Songs of Military and War. In Romanian folk literature, there is an impressive number of such poetic texts. Along with other categories of war memories — personal histories, family histories, and the versified songs of the soldiers, they make up a unitary and rich chapter of war folklore. In the occupied areas there were requisitions of all kinds: clothes, food, animals, objects, and especially bronze objects for the manufacture of weapons. Such a requisition took place in the village of Poiana Sibiului in Transylvania in which the villagers attended a funeral-like ceremony bidding farewell to the bells in song, ‘The Song of the Bells’
At the end of the 19th century, the teaching profession was the aspiration of many peasant sons. The position of a teacher ensured a modest but quite stable income. A Lithuanian, born in 1989, Stanislaw Keturakis, was one of graduates of the Teachers’ College in Wejwery near Kaunas. This institution offered a state scholarship. In return for this financial help, its graduates had to accept posts in primary schools determined by educational authorities. A few graduates of this school, mostly Lithuanians, were sent to work in village schools of Piotrków province. One of them, Stanislaw Keturakis, began his first teaching job in a school in Jedlno. He was confronted with difficult living conditions, the school was only planned to be built. At this time, he married Józefa Birsztejn and they had two sons: Eugeniusz Józef (1901) and Zdzisław Aleksander (1904). Peasants perceived teachers as tsarist officials. In 1901, S. Keturakis was transferred to Mstów, to work as a teacher, then to Wancerzów, and again back to Jedlno. Taking over a position of a teacher in Zagórze (1907) was clearly a promotion. The school belonged to the private property of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia, a brother of Emperor Nicholas II. The last stage of S. Keturakis’s teaching career was his work in a school in Zagórze. Working there in the years 1907–1914, he taught Russian, Polish, Arithmetic, History and Geography. At the end of the summer 1914, he got an opportunity to take over the post of the forester’s assistant in Orłow province, but the outbreak of the war made it impossible. Lack of any sources does not allow us to determine what the further life of Stanislaw Keturakis was like.
The view of Europe betweeen 19th and 20th centuries was shaped mainly by militarism. It is confirmed by the works of Michael Howard, Ian F.W. Beckett, Martin van Creveld, and also material culture, which is the heritage of those times. Architecture, technology, as well assculptures and paintings created shortly before the First World War are an illustration of how Polish literature reacted to the conflict of 1914–1918. In Tadeusz Kudliński’s novel Smak świata, where the main character is an officer of the Austro-Hungarian artillery, the world is dominated by machines: railway, telephone etc. According to Bjonar Olsen, those things represent material culture in the view of Tim Dant, allowing the main character to keep his identity. The collection of essays Młodości mej stolica. Wspomnienia krakowianina między wojnami provide the reader with a historical view of the war in the Carpathian Mountains and on the Italian front.
The article focuses on Bereft (2010), a novel by Australian writer Chris Womersley, which applies the framework of trauma to depict the (failed) reintegration of the returning soldiers after the First World War. Using Gothic and Apocalyptic tropes, Womersley addresses the question of the aftermath of violence in the lives of an Australian family and the Australian nation. By combining the insights of trauma and Gothic studies, the article demonstrates how Bereft undermines the meta-narrative of Australian participation in the First World War, questioning the myth of Anzac and national cohesion. It proposes to read the novel as an example of critical mourning, which, rather than cure from trauma, suggests a re-examination of the dramatic sequels of the imperial conflict. Rage seems to offer here an intriguing alternative to the forgetful practices of commemoration. By revising the militarized national mythology, Bereft redefines the First World War in terms of loss, trauma and desolation, and negotiates a place for broken bodies and minds in Australian cultural memory.
Tarnowska delegation Książęco-episcopal Assistance Committee was officially was established on 19 August 1915 r. It was a transformation of Tarnowski Rescue Committee. This organization functioned during the First World War. Its patron was bishop of Tarnów Leon Wałęga. As part of its structure three sections: building, the orphan and food shortages were created. They were based on subsidies and donations, also from abroad. It moved to assist the most affected by the war diocese – orphans and the homeless, especially in rural areas. Delegation activity fell at the most difficult times. There was no shortage of clergy and lay people involved in helping the most needy. Institutional support was organized professionally. Thanks to the work Tarnowskiej Delegation K.B.K. many lives were saved.
Stanisław Maykowski (1880-1961) a poet, theatre critic, teacher, co-author (with Juliusz Balicki) of popular textbooks for learning Polish, is hardly ever associated with Przemyśl. It was first of all Lvov, though also Poznań and Cracow, that were the major stops on his way and to those cities he was most attached. And though Maykowski was most famous as an author, one should not forget he was a gimnazjum teacher by profession. This fragment of his Pamiętnik (Memoir) describes his memories of the year-long stay in Przemyśl (January 1917 – January 1918). In them he refers to the realities of everyday life in the town (the legions, Gimnazjum no. 1 where he worked, artistic life).
The general purpose of the article is to show Tadeusz Miciński’s attitude to Polish – Russian relations during the First World War, with a particular emphasis on Polish independence issues. After a detailed analysis of Miciński’s literary and journalistic works from that period, the evolution of his views is identified in this range. The article shows that his favorable attitude towards Russia in the first two years of the war resulted from his belief that the tsar`s empire was able to guarantee Polish autonomy. Miciński shared the idea of a Slavic community to defeat the German enemy. He put his faith in the feasibility of Russian promises included in the statement of Grand Duke Nikolay from 1914. Moreover, Miciński relied on the Triple Entente of the UK, France and Russia, which was supposed to be the guarantor of defeating the Central Powers, and above all, Germany. Additionally, there is a description of Miciński’s attitude to post-revolutionary Russia, his hope for the democratization of the country and later disappointment that was caused by the Bolshevik coup. Miciński warned his compatriots of succumbing to ideas spread by Lenin. It has been shown that Miciński, in his views, was always a supporter of independent Poland over party divisions
The time of the First World War was not easy for Łódź. The destruction due to Łódź Operation was accompanied by economic issues caused by the crash of potential customers market. It lead to the pauperization of city dwellers. The clergy of the Roman Catholic Church got involved in aid activities organized by the city authorities or they initiated similar activities themselves. At the parishes they organized on a large scale: cheap kitchens, children’s shelters and distributed basic necessary goods. A unique phenomenon in Europe is the activity of St Stanislaus Kostka Shelters Association which arranged a widespread aid and ran shelters for orphans, nursing homes for adults, shelters for children and the only nursery for orphans in Łódź as well as a school for deaf and dumb.
Tematem artykułu jest amerykańska polityka zagraniczna w trakcie I wojny światowej. Celem autora jest przedstawienie oraz analiza przyczyn, które skłoniły Stany Zjednoczone do odejścia, w toku prezydentury Thomasa Woodrowa Wilsona, od tradycyjnego izolacjonizmu w polityce zagranicznej na rzecz zaangażowania w sprawy europejskie. Zadaniem tekstu jest również zaprezentowanie polityki amerykańskiego prezydenta wobec państw europejskich w trakcie konferencji wersalskiej, jak również przyczyn odrzucenia przez Stany Zjednoczone statutu Ligii Narodów.
The subject of the article is the American foreign policy during the First World War. The aim of the author is to present and analyze the reasons which prompted the United States to leave, during the presidency of Thomas Woodrow Wilson, from traditional isolationist foreign policy in favor of engagement in European affairs. The purpose of the text is also presenting the policy of the American president to European countries during the Versailles conference, as well as the reasons for rejection by the United States Statute of the League of Nations.
Na podstawie wspomnień lekarza Czerwonego Krzyża i Laury de Turczynowicz w artykule opisano przeżycia kobiet z okresu I wojny światowej. Przedstawiono okoliczności w jakich kobiety dowiedziały się o wybuchu wojny i jak zareagowały na tę wiadomość. Zarysowane zostały wojenne trudności oraz omówiono wspomnienia, które pozostały z tego okresu. W artykule podano przykłady dezorganizacji funkcjonowania Czerwonego Krzyża na ziemiach polskich pod zaborem rosyjskim. Wyjaśniono także rodzaj prac wykonywanych przez kobiety w organizacjach sanitarnych. Omówiono też przywileje wynikające z przynależności do Czerwonego Krzyża oraz jego wpływ na pozycję społeczną kobiet.
The following article contains descriptions of the experiences of women during the First World War, based on the memoirs of a Red Cross doctor and Laura de Turczynowicz. The article depicts the circumstancesin which women learned about and reacted to the outbreak of the war. It outlines the difficulties brought about by the war and presents some examples of the disorganization of the Red Cross in the Polish territories under Russian rule. The author of the article discusses the duties of women in health organizations as well as the advantages of being amember of the Red Cross which determined women’s social position.
Kiedy mówimy w kontekście naukowym o słowie, mamy zazwyczaj na myśli abstrakcyjne i bezosobowe słowo nauk ścisłych. Tymczasem każde słowo, funkcjonujące także w dziedzinie filozofii, jeśli ma mieć jakiekolwiek znaczenie, powinno mieć swoje powiązanie z życiem, a dokładniej, powinno być skierowane od konkretnego Ja do konkretnego Ty. Tak przynajmniej widzi to Ferdinand Ebner, jeden z twórców filozofii dialogu. W niniejszym artykule podjęta zostaje, na przykładzie listów Ebnera do jego przyjaciółki, Luizy Karpischek, próba prześledzenia ruchu słowa: pomiędzy słowem przeżywanym, myślanym, zapisywanym w listach i notatkach oraz wypowiadanym. Jest to, można by powiedzieć, swoista próba pokazania genezy poglądów „dialogika” znanych z książek filozoficznych. Tak jak w życiu, nie wszystko w listach zostało dopowiedziane, niektórych rzeczy czytelnik musi się domyślać.
When we are talking about the word in a scientific context, we usually have in mind an abstract and impersonal word proper to the sciences. However, each word, even when used in philosophy, if it is to have any meaning at all, should be connected to life, and particularly, addressed from a concrete I to a concrete Thou. This is how Ferdinand Ebner, one of the founders of the philosophy of dialogue, perceives it. In this article, on the basis of what Ebner wrote to his female friend, Luisa Karpischek, an attempt is made to follow the movement of the word: from the word experienced, thought, and written in the letters and notes, to the word spoken. This is, so to speak, an attempt to show the genesis of Ebner’s views, known from his philosophical books. As in life, not everything has been said in the letters, some things remain for the reader to guess.
Can a soldier be a tourist? Can we say that touristic experiences are possible during the war from the anthropological point of view? In this article I tried to find the answers to those questions, using Smak Świata by Tadeusz Kudliński. A soldier, but also a typical tourist, hungry for new experiences, was only accidentally placed in the middle of the war by history. The Tourist Gaze by John Urry and The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America by Daniel Boorstin were very useful during my research and helped to create a new view of Smak Świata novel.
W artykule przedstawiam udział Hiszpanii w I Wojnie Światowej oraz kierunki polityki zagranicznej tego państwa w okresie rządów generała Miguela Primo de Rivery. Analizie poddałam: przyczyny hiszpańskiej neutralności w ogólnoświatowym konflikcie, uwarunkowania polityki zagranicznej po jego zakończeniu oraz mocne i słabe strony działalności zewnętrznej generała Primo de Rivery. Pisząc artykuł stosowałam metodę historyczną, metodę analizy i krytyki źródeł oraz analizę porównawczą hiszpańskojęzycznych publikacji. Wywód jest zgodny z teoretycznymi założeniami realizmu politycznego.
The article deals with the participation of Spain in the First World War and the directions of foreign policy of this country during the rule of general Miguel Primo de Rivera. The author has analyzed: the causes of Spanish neutrality in the global conflict, conditions of foreign policy after it, along with strong and weak sides of the external activity of general Primo de Rivera. The author of the article took full advantage of historical and analytical method, criticism of the sources, and comparative analysis of Spanish publications. The argumentation is compatible with the theoretical assumptions of realism in politics.
In the article there have been analyzed the theme of Ukraine during the period of the First World War, the specificity of the problem of man and war and also the image of the main hero in the work of Oleksandr Lugovoi „In the claws 147 of a double-headed eagle” (1955). In the story-chronicle the author has depicted the Battle of Galicia and Brusilov breakthrough which were successful for the Russian army and also consequences of the Galician-Tarnuvsky breakthrough by the troops of the Fourth army. The artistic skill of the author is mainly directed to uncovering the problem of man and war. Naturalistic, Oleksandr Lugovoir depicts pictures of human losses on the battlefield, reveals the psychological soldiers’ metamorphoses during the war, skillfully using historically credible facts of Galician’s evacuation. He describes using of “burned land tactics” by the Russian army during the retreat and also exposes the terrible truth about the Great War. The central theme is connected with the plot that is the way of its disclosure. The plot of the work is connected with life of the main character V. Povolotsky. In thoughts the main hero comprehends the events of the war, philosophically generalizes their consequences. Through the image of the main hero Oleksandr Lugovoi reveals the internal motivations of ideological and moral sources of human behavior in the war. The author reveals the theme of the war on ontological and anthropological levels. The character of the main hero is revealed by the author through the characteristics of the narrator, internal monologues of the main hero, during dialogues of V. Povolotsky with other characters, description their attitude to him, the behavior of the hero both in peaceful life and on the battlefield. The problem of man and guilty is depicted by the author with the help of the motive of pain and hopelessness. The motive of pain stands out during the descriptions of war victims. The depiction of the totality of war in the work is achieved through the landscapes. The problem of man and war reveals by the author by means of the descriptions of life of a simple soldier in the war. The motive of humanism and antimilitarism appears from the author’s retreats and thoughts of V. Povolotsky. The author of the article appeals to scientific research about Oleksandr Lugovoi. The central theme of the work is revealed at the level of the phenomenon of individual, author’s life. So, in the historical story-chronicle “In the claws of a double-headed eagle” Oleksandr Lugovoi through the prism of the world perception of the officer of the Russian army V. Povolotsky highlights the central theme of the work – Ukraine during the First World War. With the help of depicting the image of the main hero, forming his character, critical attitude to world political reality reveals the problem of man and war. Motives of pain, despair, humanism and antimilitarism sound in skillfully drawn landscapes, author’s retreats, bloody military tops.
N. I. Kariejew is a famous Russian liberal historian of the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He is also known as a Polonnik historian. In the article the problems of the Polish question in Russia of the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century in the estimation of N. I. Kariejew are considered. The development of this problem in the work of the historian was his research examining the restoration of independent Poland in the context of territorial changes in Central and Eastern Europe after the First World War. Views of N. I. Kariejew on the Polish question are shown against the background of the common positions of Russian historiography to the history of Poland.
N.I. Karejew jest wiadomym rosyjskim liberalnym historykiem drugiej połowy XIX i początku XX wieku. Jest również znany jako historyk polonista. Artykuł dotyczy problemów polskiej kwestii w Rosji w drugiej połowie XIX oraz na początku XX wieku w ocenie N. I. Karejewa. Rozwinięciem tego problemu w pracach historyka było jego badanie odrodzenia niepodległej Polski w kontekście zmian terytorialnych w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej po I wojnie światowej. Poglądy N. I. Karejewa w sprawie polskiej ukazano na tle ogólnych stanowisk rosyjskiej historiografii na temat historii Polski.
Н. И. Кареев известный русский либеральный историк второй половины XIX – начала XX века. Он известен так же как историк-полонист. В статье рассмотрена проблематика польского вопроса в России второй половины XIX – начала XX века в оценке Н.И. Кареева. Развитием этой проблематики в творчестве историка стали его исследования рассматривающие восстановление независимой Польши в контексте территориальных изменений в Центрально-Восточной Европе после Первой мировой войны. Взгляды Н.И. Кареева по польскому вопросу показаны на фоне общих позиций российской историографии к истории Польши.
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