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: Gregory of Nazianzus valued the educational influence of poetry. He hoped that the recipients of his poetry would be not only delighted, but also educated and convinced by its attractive form. This is the case with the problem of the Holy Trinity as well. A closer study of Gregory’s verses, presenting and introducing the secret of the Holy Trinity, reveals the union of the impersonal view of Gregory the Theologian with the profound personal feeling of Gregory the man. Gregory proposes a clear definition of the mutual relation of the three divine persons, their trinity, and presents the immense secret of the Trinity. In relation to man, he argues for the grace and kindness of the Trinity. These verses, primarily written for the common people, the young without any experience, people from Gregory’s environment, very often unbelievers, could be taken for an alternative to the more thoughtful and more sophisticated theological sermons. In these verses, Gregory offers basic truths, while using poetic means and expressions to make them more attractive. It helps him arouse the interest of listeners or readers, and their willingness to perceive is subsequently transformed into a better understanding and memorization of the presented truths.
The Book of Songs of Katowice Archdiocese, published in 2000 by Rev. Professor Antoni Reginek, contains 9 songs of praise to the Holy Trinity in the collection in which they are numbered from 197 to 205. Compared with other collections of church songs, it is placed as the second in row as far as the quantity of such works is concerned. The biggest collection of songs of praise to the Holy Trinity is the Evangelical Book of Songs (Bielsko-Biała 2002) with a number of eleven songs. Following The Book of Songs of Katowice Archdiocese is the book The Way to Heaven (Droga do nieba, Opole 2006) with six songs and The Hymn Book by Rev. Jan Siedlecki (Kraków 2017) with five songs of praise to the Holy Trinity. The texts of the analyzed songs can be divided into three formal genres: antiphonies, hymns, and stanza songs. Their content is bound up by descriptions of the nature of the Holy Trinity (Divinity and Unity), internal relations (creation, origin, and inspiration) and the external action (creation, salvation and devotion). The language of the songs is rich with metaphors and poetics that approximates the mystery of God. Musically, the songs are characterized by the noble simplicity. The melody in majority of them is held in key major and in two cases one can find references to church modes. Four are held in 4/4 meter, and two in duple meter, which reinforces the musical illustration of the Holy Trinity mystery. The ambitus of the songs accommodates to the average human voice capacity and varies from the largest one containing the eleventh (203) to the smallest one in the interval of the sixth (199, 202). The examples of particularly vital songs can be: the Silesian Hymn Te Deum Laudamus or We praise you God (199) and the song The Undivided and Holy Trinity (202). This hymn is known and sung in all parishes of the archdiocese (paradoxically in all churches it is sung in the meter different from 3/4). The second song, apart from the melodic variation placed in the collection (counter-facture to the morning song When the morning stars are awake [549] and the evening hymn All our daily matters [553]) has its original version which functions in the living musical tradition in the Silesian Chełm parish.
Studia Bobolanum
vol. 30
issue 2
The article discusses the most important feature of the mysticism of St. Faustyna Kowalska in the context of the Trinitarian mysticism. The author’s intention is to propose to the reader an active participation in experiencing the mystery of the Holy Trinity in a life united with the person of the Son of God who has revealed the first and the most important attribute of God – His Mercy in the dimension of the Merciful Trinity. In mystical literature, the title of God as One in Trinity, appears for the first time in the Diary of St. Faustyna Kowalska, in many innovative wordings. The formulations of the mystic described, include descriptions of the vision of the Holy Trinity, as well as her personal thoughts, most often appearing inseparably, as a single conjunction of mystical reality.
Artykuł omawia najważniejszą cechę mistycyzmu św. Faustyny Kowalskiej w wymiarze mistyki trynitarnej. Intencją autora jest zaproponowanie czytelnikowi czynnego uczestnictwa w przeżywaniu tajemnicy Trójcy Przenajświętszej w życiu zespolonym z Osobą Syna Bożego ujawniającą pierwszy i najważniejszy przymiot Boga – Jego miłosierdzie, w wymiarze Trójcy Miłosiernej. W piśmiennictwie mistyków tytuł Boga w Trójcy Jedynego pojawia się po raz pierwszy w Dzienniczku św. Faustyny Kowalskiej, w wielu nowatorskich sformułowaniach. Sformułowania opisywanej mistyczki obejmują opisy wizji Trójcy Przenajświętszej, jak i jej osobiste przemyślenia, najczęściej występujące nierozdzielnie, jako jeden splot mistycznej rzeczywistości.
Polonia Sacra
vol. 27
issue 1
The article explores the problem of the relation between a believer’s prayer and the Persons of the Holy Trinity on the basis of writings of St. John of the Cross (1542-1591), Carmelite mystic and Doctor of the Church. Two interrelated issues are considered: the theological foundation of trinitarian prayer and the practice of this type of prayer, in other words the to be and to act of the believer. The practice of prayer is based on the conscious participation of the believer in the trinitarian dialogue: to the Father through Christ in the Holy Spirit. Taking into account the structure of the article, in order to be able to answer to the research problem posed at the beginning, the theological sources and writings of St. John of the Cross were analyzed. Conclusions: The source of prayer is our divine sonship in Christ and the related ability for supernatural communication with God and the mystery of the indwelling of the Holy Trinity in the soul. Without God’s objective presence in human life and without the person’s ability for dialogue with him, prayer would be absolutely impossible. Prayerful dialogue is carried out by the Holy Spirit. Our task is to remain united with Christ, and in Him let ourselves be led by Holy Spirit. The quality of prayer will depend on the degree of knowledge of God and oneself, and on the quality of love that the believer can develop by fulfilling God’s will, depending on the type of vocation received. While the ability to pray is an obvious truth of catechesis, the logic of the trinitarian prayer practice is best grasped by analyzing the believer’s mystical union with God. On the basis of this union, it is possible to observe the absolute priority of the action of the Holy Spirit in the entire spiritual life of the believer. The believer’s role is to remain open to and cooperate with the actions of the Holy Spirit.
W artykule podjęto problem relacji modlitwy wierzącego do Osób Trójcy Przenajświętszej, opierając się na pismach św. Jana od Krzyża (1542–1591), karmelitańskiego mistyka i doktora Kościoła. Refleksja zawiera dwa powiązane ze sobą zagadnienia: podstawa modlitwy trynitarnej oraz jej praktyka, inaczej mówiąc być i działać wierzącego. Praktyka modlitwy opiera się na świadomym włączeniu się wierzącego w trynitarny dialog: do Ojca przez Chrystusa w Duchu Świętym. Zastosowano metodę analizy źródeł teologicznych i pism św. Jana od Krzyża, uwzględniając strukturę artykułu, by móc uzyskać odpowiedź na postawiony na początku problem badawczy. Wnioski: Źródłem modlitwy jest nasze synostwo Boże w Chrystusie i związane z nim uzdolnienie do nadprzyrodzonej komunikacji z Bogiem oraz misterium zamieszkania Trójcy Świętej w duszy. Bez obiektywnej obecności Boga w życiu człowieka i bez jego zdolności do dialogu z Nim, modlitwa nie byłaby absolutnie możliwa. Modlitewny dialog realizuje Duch Święty. Naszym zadaniem jest pozostać zjednoczeni z Chrystusem i w Nim dawać się prowadzić Duchowi Świętemu. Jakość modlitwy zależeć będzie od stopnia poznania Boga i siebie oraz od jakości miłości, którą wierzący może rozwijać pełniąc wolę Bożą, zależną od rodzaju otrzymanego powołania. O ile uzdolnienie do modlitwy jest oczywistością katechizmową, to logikę praktyki trynitarnej modlitwy najlepiej uchwycić, analizując mistyczne zjednoczenie wierzącego z Bogiem. Na jego podstawie można zaobserwować absolutne pierwszeństwo działania Ducha Świętego w całym życiu duchowym wierzącego, któremu przyda rola otwartości na Jego działanie i współpracy.
The historic church the Holy Trinity in Bieździedza has over 600 years. The turbulent history has made it impossible to find an elderly equipment in such old walls. The appearance of the interior of the temple can be reconstructed on the basis of the source materials gathered mainly in the archives of the Archdiocese of Przemyśl. This work presents furnishing and accessories of the church which was in the church at the end of the 18th century. After thorough inventory of records in 1781 to 1787 a fairly accurate picture of the interior, which burned in 1879, arises. The majority of the sources are the result of the decanation visits by Fr. Franciszek Hajdecki. As the first part of the paper an outline of the history of the parish of Bieździedza is presented, the second one describes the altars and to calculate the most important elements of the decor of the essential parts of the church. The third part contains a description of the interior of the side chapel of the temple, which also has been separately listed in the sources.
Zabytkowy kościół pw. Świętej Trójcy w Bieździedzy liczy sobie ponad 600 lat. Burzliwa historia sprawiła, iż w tak starych murach nie znajdziemy równie leciwego wyposażenia. Wygląd wnętrza świątyni sprzed wieków możemy odtworzyć na podstawie materiałów źródłowych zgromadzonych głównie w Archiwum Archidiecezji Przemyskiej. Niniejsza praca przedstawia wyposażenie wspomnianego kościoła, jakie znajdowało się w nim pod koniec XVIII wieku. Po dokonaniu syntezy szczegółowych opisów inwentaryzacyjnych z lat 1781-1787, powstaje dość dokładny obraz wnętrza, które spłonęło w 1879 r. Większa część źródeł jest owocem wizytacji dekanalnych dokonywanych przez ks. Franciszka Hajdeckiego. W pierwszej części opracowania przedstawiono zarys historii parafii Bieździedza, by w drugiej przejść do opisu ołtarzy i wyliczenia najważniejszych elementów wystroju zasadniczych części kościoła. Część trzecia zawiera opis wnętrza kaplicy bocznej świątyni, która również w źródłach została osobno zinwentaryzowana.
Teologia trynitarna stanowi fundament wiary. Artykuł podejmuje próbę zobrazowania wpływu jaki na teologię trynitarną i dogmat o Trójcy Świętej wywarł św Bazyli Wielki, jeden z wielkich Ojców Kapadockich. Św. Bazyli Wielki żył w trudnym okresie historii. Borykając się z herezjami opracował on podstawy terminologii teologicznej. Korzystał przy tym z dorobku filozofów dostosowując i zmieniając znaczenie słów przez nich używanych. Poprzez takie działania naraził się na krytykę innych biskupów. Pozostając jednak nieugiętym dał podwaliny definicjom dogmatyczny, Soborów Powszechnych. Terminologia wprowadzona przez Świętego jest aktualna i używana w teologii po dziś dzień.
Trinitarian theology is basis of faith. The article shows the influence of Saint Basil the Great, one of great Cappadocian Fathers, on Triniratian theology and the dogma of the Holy Trinity. He lived in difficult period of time. Struggling against heresies he developed the basis for theological terminology. He used the achievements of philosophers, adapted and changed the meaning of words they used. Through such actions he was criticized by other bishops. He gave the basis for the dogmatic definitions of the Ecumenical Councils and terminology. Terms, he introduced, are used in theology to this day.
The first part of the article describes signs of a crisis of Christianity in the contemporary world. One can distinguished both the deepening of a crisis of faith and various threats, which have been very dangerous for Christians. Among many causes of the modern crisis of faith it should be pointed out the tolerance for pathologies, the triumph of atheistic philosophies, the anthropological reductionism, and the relativisation of personal evil. Apart from that in some countries in the world Christians have been persecuted and even put to death. It is necessary to take into account this general context if one would like to take into consideration the problem of the necessity of common witness on Christ and the cause of the lack of Christian Unity. Today, as the Author ascertain in the second part of his text, it is impossible to deal with ecumenical matters without relating them to various factors influencing on the situation of Christianity in the world. As it is evident, so far the full Eucharistic Fellowship has not been reached by the ecumenical dialogue. Practically, a greater part of agreements of theological dialogues have not got reception on the parish level. There is no common Christian language, which could be commonly used, what it points out to a deep disagreement about the Truth. From the Orthodox point of view unity is to be understood not as a mere administrative arrangement and a human achievement, but as a manifestation of grace and as the fullness of the new life which renews the earth-born and the whole of their world. In order to understand why the Christian unity is so difficult to acquire it is necessary to look at the Church of Christ as a personal community in resemblance of the Holy Trinity as the community of the Divine Persons. The Author in the third part of the article underlines that the Trinitarian relations between God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit consist the most perfect pattern for relations between human persons in the fellowship of the Church. From such a point of view the Church is not an occasional ‘happening’, where the Word of God is preached and listened to and the sacraments are performed, but as the reality of sonship in the Spirit, that is, as a constant movement of filial grace from the Father, giving his Son to us in the Spirit, and as a return of this by us, ‘giving grace’ to him by offering back to him his Son in his incarnate, sacrificial and risen state as the head of a body comprising all of us and all that exists. The fourth part of the article refers to a question of the unity of the Church and understanding of truth. The problem of understanding of truth in the Church may be expressed in the following question: How can we hold at the same time to the historical nature of truth and the presence of ultimate truth here and now? For an answer to this question it can be very helpful to look at the Greek Fathers, both their failures and their success, in arriving at an understanding of truth which might have meaning for a person of Greek mentality, without betraying or distorting the message of the Bible. Their spiritual and intellectual contribution has been essential for a reflection on the relation between truth and salvation. They underlined that human person as the whole (not only his reason, but all functions of his intellect in connection to soul and body) was committed into the process of learning truth. Therefore bodily ascetism in the Church is one of essential conditions of approach to truth, the supreme road to theological knowledge. It is not possible for human being to come to know the truth of life, the truth of God and the truth of his own existence purely through intellectual categories, relative analogies and conventional expressions, because they give only a relative and conventional knowledge. Knowing God is possible only in Christ, who as the personal Truth has been the source of all truths. In order to know Christ as Truth it requires opening for His presence not only on the level of reason, but approaching Him in ones intellect, soul and body. Particularly, the change of the intellect (Gr. μετάνοια) is very important on the way toward the uniting Truth. There are some important conclusions, indicated in the final part of the article, resulting from the Christian understanding of the uniting Truth for ecumenical endeavors. Particularly important is not to treat the doctrinal ecumenism solely as an intellectual convergence process in separation from all that, what constitute the life of the Church of Christ. One has to remember that notions taken from kataphatic theology should be supplemented by notions from apophatic theology, because the knowledge of God is knowing the Unknowable. Striving for the unity of Christians, similarly to striving for the unity of a human person in relation to God, requires the change of intellect, by the attention (Gr. προσοχή), watchfulness (Gr. νῆψις), prayer, the Liturgy and ascetism.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 9
issue 2
Wychowanie do prawdziwie chrześcijańskiej modlitwy będzie zawsze polegało na tym, co jasno wyłożył św. Paweł w swojej olśniewającej carmen Christo: „Niech was ożywiają uczucia znamienne dla Jezusa Chrystusa” (por. Flp 2,5). Z dalszych wersetów wynika, jakie: miłość, dobroć, pokora, posłuszeństwo wobec Boga, dar z siebie. O moralność chodzi tu wtórnie (co nie znaczy: nieistotnie), pierwszorzędnie zaś o to, by myśleć, działać i kochać jak Jezus, w Nim i dla Niego. Bo Kościół jest wspólnotą zjednoczoną na modlitwie z Jezusem
Ratzinger shows christological specifi city of Christian prayer against the background of the universal phenomenon of prayer based on existential imperative of human transcendental search for sense and longing for the Other. First of all, it consists not so much in the specifi c spiritual practice as a moral duty, as it has an ontological source. Jesus convinces of that on the pages of the Gospel, when He reveals the very essence of intertrinitary relations in His man’s prayer (both in its content and form) to His Father. The essential relationship between love and submission, adoratio and proskynesis, expressed by the filial communion with the Father’s will, also in the time of death, is a salutary ‘yes’ for us of God’s promises and defi nes what human piety actually is. Christian prayer consists in participating in the prayers of Jesus and – as such – it constitutes the foundation and essential experience of the Church.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 9
issue 2
Ratzinger shows christological specificity of Christian prayer against the background of the universal phenomenon of prayer based on existential imperative of human transcendental search for sense and longing for the Other. First of all, it consists not so much in the specific spiritual practice as a moral duty, as it has an ontological source. Jesus convinces of that on the pages of the Gospel, when He reveals the very essence of intertrinitary relations in His man’s prayer (both in its content and form) to His Father. The essential relationship between love and submission, adoratio and proskynesis, expressed by the filial communion with the Father’s will, also in the time of death, is a salutary ‘yes’ for us of God’s promises and defines what human piety actually is. Christian prayer consists in participating in the prayers of Jesus and – as such – it constitutes the foundation and essential experience of the Church.
Wychowanie do prawdziwie chrześcijańskiej modlitwy będzie zawsze polegało na tym, co jasno wyłożył św. Paweł w swojej olśniewającej carmen Christo: „Niech was ożywiają uczucia znamienne dla Jezusa Chrystusa” (por. Flp 2,5). Z dalszych wersetów wynika, jakie: miłość, dobroć, pokora, posłuszeństwo wobec Boga, dar z siebie. O moralność chodzi tu wtórnie (co nie znaczy: nie-istotnie), pierwszorzędnie zaś o to, by myśleć, działać i kochać jak Jezus, w Nim i dla Niego. Bo Kościół jest wspólnotą zjednoczoną na modlitwie z Jezusem.
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