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The most general perspective on the legitimacy of a social institution relies upon theacceptance that the legitimised subject has a right to govern, and that the governed recognise that right. Understanding it this way, legitimacy can be analysed from twoperspectives: normative when it concerns objective criteria that permit evaluationwhen the institution is legitimate (normative foundations for its appointmentsand rules for its functioning); and empirical, when it pertains to the awareness ofcitizens that a particular institution is legitimate. Over the last 25 years, a numberof important works on the subject of legitimacy of the police were understood viaempirical means. Based upon these, one can differentiate two opposing approachestowards police-citizen relations. Although both rely on collaboration, they indicatealternate conditions which might determine this. The first approach instrumentallycharacterises itself as achieved by citizens using a cost-benefit analysis of the results ofworking with the police; citizens are more amenable to co-operation when the possiblebenefits are higher than the incurred costs. From this perspective, citizens accept theactivities of the police and declare a willingness to work with them, if in their eyes thepolice are applying realistic sanctions towards people who disturb the norms of the law,are fighting effectively against criminal and undesirable behaviours, and are treating allcitizens in an equal manner. Different motives for working with the police accompanycitizens in their attitudes to trials. In this case, co-operation results from internalrecognition of the legitimacy of the police by citizens. If citizens believe their policeto be legitimate, they will be more inclined to co-operate with them and obey the law.Legitimacy results here, above all, from the conviction that the police are fulfilling theirduty in a just procedural manner.The most empirically-supported research into attitudes about trials has beendetermined by the American model by T.R. Tyler. Legitimacy in his view assumes trusttowards police by citizens and their internal convictions about service in regards totheir recommendations. Understood this way, legitimacy is strongly determined by thefairness of police procedures, and is itself an essential influence on the willingness ofcitizens to co-operate with the police and their readiness to abide by their laws.After a period of domination in police research about the concept of legitimacybeing strongly linked to procedural fairness, there were attempts at revising andmodifying this theory. An alternative to Tyler’s definition of police legitimacy wasproposed by British researchers J. Jackson and B. Bradford. In their view, the police’slegitimacy is formed from three elements: internal conviction about police services,shared social value of the police, and the legality of the police’s activities. However,to independently differentiate, police legitimacy produces here the same effects as inTyler’s concept, and so determines for citizens their willingness to co-operate with thepolice and their readiness to abide by the law.Presented in the following study of research on the legitimacy of the police,a methodology is given for testing both of the previously-mentioned concepts, i.e.Tyler’s model, where trust of the police is a basic element of legitimacy, and Jacksonand Bradford’s model, where trust is treated as a separate social phenomenon, thoughit is linked with the legitimacy of many related factors. The fundamental goal of thepresented research determined however to attempt answering questions about whichtheoretical principles of the procedural model of police legitimacy, including former ARCHIVES OF CRIMINOLOGY 379foreign research within this scope, do they find applied in the Polish socio-culturalcontext. Polish research was undertaken in 2013 under the auspices of the internationalresearch project “Legitimacy Policing and Criminal Justice in Central and EuropeanEurope” amongst 374 law students from various academic centres via an online survey.The research had an exploratory character and was to establish a starting point forfurther research into the legitimacy of the police in Polish society.
Based on political changes initiated in 1989 and on moral and legal patterns stipulated in the Act on the Police of 6 April 1990, this paper brings closer the development of the Police Forces in Poland up to the present day. The analysis is carried out in the context of criminal behaviour and other shameful acts performed by police officers. Most of them generally discredited the professionalism and fundamental ethical principles of the Police. However, at the same time, the Police regularly receives new legal instruments such as "the crown witness" and the so called "small crown witness" to fight organized crime, and a number of specialized structures such as the Central Investigation Bureau. The Police is systematically developing contacts and cooperation with foreign institutions such as Europol, FBI or BKA. Unfortunately, around 2003 and 2004 internal criminal activities conducted by police officers started to intensify. Corruption spread among officers of all ranks, from local police stations to the General Head Quarters. The media are full of stories of lame investigations for example in murder of the Chief of the National Police Marek Papała or murder of a young businessman Krzysztof Olewnik. Cardinal professional errors committed during these investigations put the Police in an unfavourable light. Therefore, doubts regarding professionalism, ethical values and authority of the Police seem to be justified. The author also points to reckless development of relations between the Police Head Quarters and politicians who put the Police officers of the highest rank under their dubious supervision and command. The moral values and political neutrality so important for the founding fathers of the modern Police, now after 26 years, remain a mere theoretical legal record. As a conclusion, this paper suggests a consensus solution: an institution with high public authority for example the Ombudsman or the Supreme Bar Council, in order to establish a permanent practice of appointment of the head of the Police for a 5-year term of office with the possibility of renewal for the next 5 years.
The police forces are an indispensable element in upholding security and public order in a state, both on daily bases and in states of emergency. The evolution of the Polish police forces begins in 1918 with restoration of the country’s sovereignty after 123 years of partitions. Since that time the organisational structure, functioning and the scope of tasks performed by the Police have evolved and developed due to social, political and economical changes in order to keep up with constantly changing reality and to improve efficiency of operations performed with respect to maintaining security and public order.
New technologies in respect of security make it necessary for the overall national sector for research and innovations to undertake a strategy that is well-thought-out and coordinated with the aims of the state administration departments which relate to internal and external security. In Poland, the European Union plays a crucial role in defining priorities and funding research, in particular the ‘Horizon 2020’ research programme. However, the national programmes are also of great importance. The aim of this article is to introduce innovations for security which are the result of research and development projects. New technologies which directly influence security will be presented on the basis of the Police Academy, Szczytno, which applies for financial help for education in national and international competitions. Within the national resources, the institution takes part in the competitions of the National Centre for Research and Development, as well as in national and regional operational programmes. The projects conducted are mainly projects which are used in and for industry, or they are development programmes for specific consumers within the broadly understood area of security. The Police Academy, Szczytno, conducts intensive work of innovative nature in the field of security subsequent to receiving resources for projects and this is presented in great detail by the authors. The objective defined in the paper’s introduction is achieved by means of showing the full meaning of new technologies for security. This is presented through descriptions of particular projects.
The Police, as the most numerous uniformed formation in the Republic of Poland (over one hundred thousand officers), with strictly hierarchical command structure, is responsible for maintaining internal and legal order in the country. The Police has been entrusted with many competences one of which is the possibility to enter into cooperation with external entities, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The term NGO refers to all entities that are not public administration bodies, and whose activity is not aimed at making a profit. A characteristic feature of non-governmental organizations is, as the very name implies, the lack of link to public authorities. In Poland, this notion is defined in the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work of 2003 which introduces an extended definition of non-governmental organizations as entities conducting public benefit activities (ngo.pl, 2018). The purpose of this paper is to bring up the subjects related to the cooperation of the Police and other state bodies with non-governmental organizations in the implementation of statutory tasks related to security and crisis management. The authors determine the place of NGOs in the system of ensuring security, draw conclusions and provide possible recommendations regarding this cooperation.
vol. XLIX
issue 4
Undoubtedly, serving as a police officer is associated with a high level of occupational stress. The stressfulness of this profession, which keeps increasing every year, results from several reasons, of which the most important ones include frequent participation in difficult and sometimes dramatic situations, endangering one’s own life and the lives of others, making quick decisions, bearing the burden of a potentially unjustified use of weapons, and exposure to trauma and other traumatic experiences of other people. The high level of stress related to the profession of a police officer is also associated with other factors, such as low wages, shifts, or paperwork. This paper looks at the notion and consequences of burnout among police officers on the example of the Krakow Constabulary. The study rests on a detailed survey of 110 officers based on the application of the ANOVA method of analysis of variance.
The Police are a uniformed formation intended to ensure security and public order. The formation plays an auxiliary role in relation to the society. The Police carries out assigned tasks of preventive, criminal and investigative nature. The purpose of this study is to assess the utilitarian effectiveness of the preventive anti-crime measures of the Polish Police forces. In order to achieve this goal, the authors used the method of examining relevant documents, statistics and literature. The main source of information were statistical data made publically available by the Polish Police and communications from surveys carried out by the Public Opinion Research Centre (CBOS). The period under examination included the years 2014-2017.
The paper focuses on the presentation of statutory tasks and procedures applied by the Police in crisis proceedings. The description of the formation is enhanced by its organisational structure which is shown from the perspective of particular stages of crisis management. The author also describes the command system applied by the Police in intervention, action and operation activities. The information presented therein serves as a background for better comprehension of the specifics regarding risk management, security of the state, public order and protection of critical infrastructure. Functioning of the Police formation is possible thanks to widely understood risk management. The Police like other law enforcement agencies and institutions functioning in multiple functional spheres, applies various tools of risk assessment and methods of its analysis.
The paper addresses the issue of special witness protection in the Czech Republic with respect to legal proceedings, organisational and tactical forms of protective actions implemented by the Police and the Prison Service towards persons admitted to protection programmes. The most significant legal acts regulating protective actions and operations adopted under the institution of an anonymous witness, special institution of witness protection and short-term protection have been drawn forward. Actions described in the paper constitute basic instruments of operational, exploratory and investigative work used by the Czech Republic Police in their fight against organised crime. The paper was written within the frame of a research project called “Understanding of Dimensions of Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals” (TAKEDOWN, H2020-FCT-2015, No: 700688).
Full assurance of safety during mass events is a complex process, subject to provisions of generally applicable law. These provisions regulate in detail all basic obligations and requirements provided for this particular kind of events. However, in the course of time some of the regulations provided for in the Polish legal system gave rise to doubts about their specificity. In this paper the authors discuss and clarify the areas which are necessary to ensure the highest level of safety of sports events i.e. the circulation of information during the preparation, organization and execution phase of the event, organization of evacuation as well as cooperation of organizers with entities designated for protection. The study is of utilitarian character and it encourages extensive discussion related to the field of provision of safety during sports events.
Artykuł poświęcony jest ocenie zasad, możliwości oraz sposobów użycia i wykorzystania broni palnej przez Policję w kontekście przestrzegania praw człowieka. W pierwszej części opracowania zawarte zostały analizy poświęcone ogólnym ramom używania i wykorzystania broni palnej oraz okolicznościom stwarzającym przesłanki do użycia lub wykorzystania tej broni. W kolejnym fragmencie rozważania koncentrują się wokół postępowania policjantów poprzedzającego użycie broni palnej oraz odnoszą się do kwestii tzw. specjalnego użycia broni palnej. W końcowej części artykułu znajdują się treści poświęcone: mechanizmom zapobiegającym nadużyciom w zakresie używania i wykorzystywania broni palnej oraz procedurom postępowania w sytuacjach naruszenia prawa dotyczącego użycia i wykorzystania tej broni. Tekst kończy się podsumowaniem, w ramach którego na podstawie analizy istniejących rozwiązań i dostępnych danych statystycznych sformułowano ogólny wniosek o właściwej dbałości Policji o przestrzeganie praw człowieka w związku z posiadaniem ustawowych upoważnień do używania i wykorzystywania broni palnej. Zasadniczymi metodami użytymi przy pisaniu artykułu były analiza prawna oraz analiza instytucjonalna. Pomocniczo zastosowano również metodę opisu połączoną z wykorzystaniem krytycznej analizy literatury przedmiotu.
The article is devoted to the assessment of the rules, possibilities and manners of using and applying firearms by the Police in terms of compliance with human rights. The first part of the study contains analyses focusing on general frames for the use and application of firearms and circumstances giving premises for the use or application of these arms. In the next section, the discussion covers the conduct of law enforcement officials preceding the use of firearms and refers to the question of the so-called special use of firearms. The content of the final part of the article covers mechanisms preventing abuse regarding the use and application of firearms and procedures for situations of breaching legal regulations for the use of such arms. The article closes with the summary where, based on the analyses of existing solutions and available statistical data, a conclusion is made that the Police exercise proper caution so as to ensure the observance of human rights in relation to holding legislative power to use and apply firearms. The key methods applied while preparing this article were the legal analysis and the institutional analysis. In the alternative, a descriptive method with the application of the critical analysis of the literature on the subject was also employed.
The article is devoted to the subject of proceedings’ standards in disciplinary proceedings against the Police officers. The author discusses in details each of the standards in accordance to the provisions of the Police Act. Views presented in the article lead to the conclusion that current regulations of the Police Act on officers’ disciplinary proceedings realize values identified with described proceedings’ standards. The idea of the proceedings’ justice is realized by the Polish disciplinary proceedings against the Police officers.
W niniejszym artykule autorka przedstawia standardy proceduralne w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym prowadzonym wobec funkcjonariuszy Policji, omawiając jednocześnie w sposób szczegółowy poszczególne standardy w kontekście regulacji zawartych w ustawie o Policji. Przedstawione rozważania prowadzą do konkluzji, iż przepisy o postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym wobec policjantów realizują utożsamiane z poszczególnymi standardami wartości, wypełniając przesłanki stosowania idei sprawiedliwości proceduralnej.
Badania zrekapitulowane w niniejszym artykule poświęcono identyfikacji korzyści wynikających z posiadania przez wybrane grupy dyspozycyjne dobrego wizerunku. Przyjęto, że dla Wojska Polskiego, Policji i Państwowej Straży Pożarnej można sformułować katalog tożsamych wizerunkowych korzyści ułatwiających zapewnianie bezpieczeństwa. W celu weryfikacji tego założenia przeprowadzono analizę użyteczności dobrego wizerunku dla wybranych grup dyspozycyjnych, następnie dokonano syntezy wyodrębnionych elementów. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań przyjęto, że opracowany katalog wizerunkowych korzyści może być użytecznym narzędziem w zakresie badania kształtowania wizerunku oraz relacji ze społeczeństwem zarówno wyodrębnionych na użytek tego badania Wojska Polskiego, Policji i Państwowej Straży Pożarnej, jak i innych grup dyspozycyjnych.
The research recapitulated in the article is devoted to the identification of benefits resulting from having a good image by selected Dispositional Groups. It is assumed that a catalog of identical image-related benefits to help ensure security could be formulated for the Polish Army, the Police and the State Fire Service. In order to verify this assumption, an analysis of the usefulness of a good image was conducted for selected Dispositional Groups. Then, the extracted elements were synthesized. Based on the conducted research, it was assumed that the developed catalog of image-related benefits can be a useful tool in the field of image formation research and relations with society, both for the Polish Army, the Police and the State Fire Service, as well as other Dispositional Groups.
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie możliwości identyfikacji przestępstw i wykroczeń skarbowych przez wyspecjalizowane instrumenty systemu bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego Republiki Słowackiej. W tekście przybliżono m.in. funkcjonowanie Jednostki Wywiadu Finansowego oraz zadania jakie realizują policjanci służący w tej elitarnej jednostce organizacyjnej Korpusu Policji Republiki Słowackiej. Ponadto zostały szczegółowo omówione podstawy prawne zwalczania przestępczości skarbowej, w tym przeanalizowano legislatywę dotyczącą wszczynania postępowań prokuratorskich dotyczących kontroli majątku pod kątem legalności jego nabycia i źródeł finansowania.
The article presents traceability of tax offenses by specialized instruments of internal security system of the Slovak Republic. It presents the functioning and tasks of the Police Financial Intelligence Unit and describes legal basis for the fight against tax crimes.
W ostatnich latach, jak wykazują statystyki, zmniejsza się liczba zachowań chuligańskich na samym stadionie, a przemoc i agresja zostaje przeniesiona poza obiekty sportowe. Stąd też z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa masowych imprez sportowych istotne miejsce zajmują kwestie związane z monitorowaniem przemieszczania się kibiców. Należy zaznaczyć, że football nie jest przyczyną zachowań chuligańskich a jedynie platformą, miejscem, gdzie sfrustrowani ludzie reagują korzystając z dużej zbiorowości, a często również anonimowości, która daje poczucie bezkarności. Kluczowa rolę w systemie bezpieczeństwa imprez masowych odgrywa Policja, ustawowo zobowiązana do zapewnienia i utrzymywania bezpieczeństwa i porządku publicznego.
Recent statistics show that incidents of hooliganism occurring within the football stadiums have been on the decline and violence and aggression have been transferred outside the sport facilities. Thus, from the perspective of the security of mass events it is essential to closely monitor the movements of football fans. However, it should be emphasized here that football itself is not the cause of hooligan behavior and only a platform on which frustrated individuals have a chance to release their anger by taking advantage of being anonymous in a large crowd. Being in a group of people gives hooligans the feeling of impunity. The key role in the system of providing security of mass events is played by the Police which is obliged by law to assure and maintain security and public order.
Kultura i Wychowanie
vol. 22
issue 2
This article is devoted to the service of social probation officers involved in criminal as well as family and juvenile work. The aim of the article is to show the most effective forms of the probation officer's institutional assistance to victims of physical violence. The first section examines the specifics of the work of social probation officers, with a focus on a distinction between the work of the Criminal Probation Service and the Family and Juvenile Probation Service teams. The following section defines the different types of violence, explains the specifics of the occurrences and phases of physical violence, and analyses the sociological and psychological approach towards the phenomenon of physical violence and its legal basis. The next section discusses various forms of institutional assistance: the Police, the Health Services, Social Assistance Centres and Crisis Intervention Centres. The conclusion identifies the most effective forms of institutional assistance by analysing and summarising the survey results obtained. The arguments in this article are based on quantitative research using a diagnostic survey method conducted among a group of active social probation officers, as well as on the literature on the subject and the author’s own professional practice.
Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest służbie kuratorów społecznych, zarówno pracujących w zespołach karnych jak i rodzinnym i nieletnich. Celem pracy jest ukazanie najlepszych form instytucjonalnej pomocy ofiarom przemocy fizycznej w opinii kuratorów społecznych. Omówiona została specyfika pracy kuratorów społecznych, z podziałem na pracę w zespole sądowej służby kuratorskiej ds. karnych oraz w zespole służby kuratorskiej ds. rodzinnych i nieletnich. Przedstawiono definicję i rodzaje przemocy, wyjaśniono specyfikę występowania przemocy fizycznej. W kolejnym dziale omówione zostały formy pomocy instytucjonalnej – policja, służba zdrowia, ośrodki pomocy społecznej oraz ośrodki interwencji kryzysowej. Podsumowaniem pracy jest wskazanie najskuteczniejszych form pomocy instytucjonalnej z uzasadnieniem oraz podsumowaniem otrzymanych wyników badań ankietowych. Praca oparta jest na przeprowadzonych badaniach ilościowych z użyciem metody sondażu diagnostycznego, prowadzonego w grupie czynnych zawodowo kuratorów społecznych, jak również w oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu oraz własną praktykę zawodową.
The aim of the article is to present the possibilities and functionality of the National Security Threat Map (NSTM) and to evaluate its effectiveness in improving public safety. The article describes the operation of the NSTM system, presents the legal regulations on the basis of which it functions and characterizes its individual functions. The work ends with conclusions and proprietary changes proposed to improve its operation. It should be emphasized that the considerations undertaken are preliminary and constitute an incentive to conduct broader analyzes on this issue. NSTM is a relatively new tool, and since it is treated as an important element of the public safety management process, it needs to be improved in order to effectively improve safety.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie możliwości i funkcjonalności Krajowej Mapy Zagrożeń Bezpieczeństwa oraz ocena jej skuteczności w zakresie poprawy bezpieczeństwa publicznego. W artykule opisano działanie systemu KMZB, przedstawiono regulacje prawne, w oparciu o które funkcjonuje oraz scharakteryzowano poszczególne funkcje. Pracę kończą wnioski i propozycje zmian, dotyczące poprawy jego działania. Należy podkreślić, że podjęte rozważania mają charakter wstępny i stanowią zachętę do prowadzenia szerszych analiz w obrębie tego zagadnienia. KMZB jest bowiem narzędziem stosunkowo nowym, a skoro jest traktowane jako istotny element procesu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem publicznym, wymaga ulepszenia, by skutecznie służyło poprawie stanu bezpieczeństwa.
Considering the fact that corruption crimes make a real threat for proper functioning of structures of each state, an analysis of the phenomenon is extremely important for arranging reasons of its occurrence and predictions of areas that may be overwhelmed by that form of crime. In order to present an analysis of the undertaken issue, the first part of the article presents a description of corruption crimes included in the Polish legal system. In the further part the state of the corruption in Poland has been presented on the basis of available statistic data and effectiveness of undertaken actions by the entitled services and bodies to fight that form of crime have been presented. The article includes the statistical data published by the Central Anti-corruption Bureau, the Police, the Agency of Internal Security, the Border Guard, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Military Police and the National Centre of Criminal Information. Basing on the information and specialist dissertations and experts’ opinions published by the services, an analysis of present state of corruption threat has been conducted and thesis concerning the reasons of its occurrence has been formulated. In the end, the assumptions of the concept of amending punishment of the corruption crimes in Poland have been worked out.
Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że przestępstwa korupcji stanowią realne zagrożenie dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania struktur każdego państwa, analiza tego zjawiska jest niezwykle ważna pod kątem ustalania przyczyn jego występowania oraz przewidywania obszarów, które mogą zostać objęte tą formą przestępczości. Aby analiza podjętego tematu mogła zostać przedstawiona, w pierwszej części artykułu zawarto opis przestępstw korupcyjnych ujętych w polskim systemie prawnym. W dalszej części przedstawiono stan korupcji w Polsce na bazie dostępnych danych statystycznych oraz zaprezentowano skuteczność podejmowanych działań przez uprawnione służby i organy w zwalczaniu tej formy przestępczości. W artykule omó- wiono dane statystyczne publikowane przez Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne, Policję, Agencję Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego, Straż Graniczną, Prokuraturę, Żandarmerię Wojskową oraz Krajowe Centrum Informacji Kryminalnych. Na bazie tych informacji oraz publikowanych przez służby specjalistycznych opracowań i opinii eksperckich przeprowadzono analizę obecnego stanu zagrożenia korupcją oraz sformułowano tezy dotyczące przyczyn występowania tego zjawiska. Na koniec opracowano założenia koncepcji zmiany karania sprawców przestępstw korupcyjnych w Polsce.
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