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The subject of reflections contained in this article is Rose Czacka – Mother Elizabeth. This is a figure that constantly inspires both people with good and bad sight. Educators, tyflologists, the blind and their families constantly use this legacy. At the age of 22 in her best time of life, Rose loses her sight, and this moment becomes a significant breakthrough in the life of a young Countess – she is not feeling sorry for her difficult situation she devotes herself completely to the work for the blind . In this article the biography of Rose Czacka was approximated, and then a brief characterization of the Lasek idea was presented. The analyses finished with an issue concentrating around Mother Elizabeth, who became the mother of the blind, constantly fighting for their dignity, freedom and independence.
This article aims at answering the question whether a contextual information in the form of audio description, providing details of a given piece of art and its author, has an influence upon the level of recognisability and understanding of the studied piece. In other words, how the information about a piece of art (or its lack) influences perception and aesthetic evaluation of an art piece.The article discusses a problem of aesthetic competence in the mind of a person blind from birth. The focus of the research concerns perception of an art piece on base of a tactile study of a bas-relief (a copy of Józef Chełmoński’s painting Storks).
Joanna Gładyszewska-Cylulko, Self-stigma in the visually impaired, Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, No. 22, Poznań 2018. Pp. 179–193. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2018.22.11 The blind and visually impaired are one of the groups prone to stigma. Stigma imposed by social environment may lead to self-stigma, that is expressing negative opinions about oneself as a result of the carried sigma. Self-stigma usually develops in three stages: first the stigmatised person realizes that they have been stereotyped, then they accept the stereotype and finally apply it to themselves. Thus, to develop selfstigma, the person has to be aware that they are perceived by the society in a stereotypical way (a blind person is usually perceived as passive, dependent and reliant on other people’s help), accept it and acknowledge themselves that this is their real image. Not every visually impaired person is will develop self-stigma. The article presents selected factors and preventive measures that may reduce the risk of self-stigma.
vol. 97
This article is based on research on the life of the blind which has been conducted since 2011. The main group of ethnographic consultants consists of seventeen blind people at the age of 18-40, part of whom live, work or study in Wroclaw. The attention of the researcher is generally focused on problems related to entering adulthood, building one’s own independence and – most importantly – on the diversity of strategies and tactics, which help blind individuals organise their relations with material environment, groups of the blind, the sighted, public institutions, etc. In this article the author describes the basic ethical and moral dilemmas which appeared during the research and tries to find their reasons in the specificity of the studied group, chosen methodology, as well as in the nature of ethnography in a wider sense. The article touches several important, specific issues: ethnographic intimacy and trust; instability of the borderline between the professional and private identity of the researcher; tension arising due to bringing up questions difficult for the subjects; the complexity of lying and loyalty matters during the research process. Seeing a great chance for ethnography in practising an extensive collaboration with the people who participated in the research, the author has attached a commentary on the article made by one of his ethnographic consultants.
vol. 99
In this article, I draw on my research into the lives of blind people that has been conducted since 2011. Research participants consist of twenty two persons aged 18-43 living in Poland; most of them have been blind since their birth or early childhood. In my research I mainly focus on the diversity of strategies and tactics, which help blind individuals to construct their own lives, manage relations with other people and institutions,and relate to their own sense of otherness. In this article, I analyse experiences of the blind against the background of values and meanings attributed to the sense of sight and the concept of seeing and being visible in Western culture. Thus, the article aims at answering the following research questions: How do the blind understand and imagine the mechanism of vision and the ability to see? How do they utilise this knowledge for their own needs? How do they use words and expressions based on visual association and metaphors? How do they understand the elements of nonverbal communication, facial expressions, and gesticulation? How do they understand the concepts of appearance and image? In the process of describing the participants’ opinions and feelings, I attend to the stages and dimensions of this ‘visual socialisation’ of the blind and juxtapose it with a number of broader issues, such as disability, stigma management, femininity, and gender.
Artykuł zawiera wyniki badań dotyczące jakości życia osób z dysfunkcją narządu wzroku, zamieszkałych na Dolnym Śląsku. Pomiaru dokonano z zastosowaniem jakościowych badań pierwotnych, techniką wywiadu grupowego oraz badań ilościowych – techniką kwestionariusza ankietowego. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest diagnozowanie jakości życia osób z dysfunkcją wzroku. Przyjęto hipotezę, że człowiek z dysfunkcją narządu wzroku, w XXI w., w dobie wysokiego rozwoju technologicznego, może zaspokajać wszystkie swoje potrzeby. Z badań wywnioskowano, że pomimo dużych trudności, z którymi borykają się osoby z dysfunkcją narządu wzroku, dążą one do uzyskania samodzielności. Zgromadzone informacje jednoznacznie dowodzą, że jest to możliwe, pod warunkiem, że społeczeństwo nauczy się współpracować i traktować osoby niepełnosprawne tak samo, jak osoby zdrowe, ponieważ mogą stanowić cenny kapitał na rynku w dziedzinach gospodarki nie wymagającej sprawności wzrokowej, ale intelektualnej, fizycznej, psychicznej. Osoby z dysfunkcją wzroku dążą do aktywnego życia zawodowego, kulturalnego, sportowego i naukowego, a umożliwia im to zastosowanie coraz doskonalszej technologii.
The article contains the results of studies on the quality of life of people with visual impairment living in Lower Silesia. The measurement was made using qualitative primary research, group interview technique and quantitative research – survey questionnaire technique. The aim of this study is to diagnose the quality of life of people with visual impairment. It is hypothesized that a person with visual impairment, in the twenty-first century, in the era of high technological development can meet his needs. The study concluded that despite the major difficulties faced by people with visual impairment, their aim is to achieve self-reliance. The information gathered here clearly show that this is possible, provided that the society learn to collaborate and treat people with disabilities as well as healthy ones and who can stand for a valuable asset on the market, in areas of the economy that do not require visual but intellectual, physical and mental skills. People with visual impairment tend to lead an active professional, culture, sport and scientific life, which is enabled by the use of more and more improved technology.
Celem niniejszego artykułu była próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy poznanie tekstowej informacji kontekstowej (audiodeskrypcji) na temat badanego dzieła sztuki i jego autora ma wpływ na kształtowanie poziomu rozpoznawalności i zakres rozumienia oglądanego dzieła? Czyli szukanie odpowiedzi na pytanie: w jaki sposób informacja o obrazie lub jej brak wpływają na percepcję i wartościowanie estetyczne obrazu? Artykuł podejmuje problem kompetencji estetycznej w świadomości osoby całkowicie niewidomej od urodzenia. Przedmiotem analizy jest zagadnienie percepcji dzieła sztuki w odbiorze dotykowym, a materiałem badawczym – płaskorzeźba (kopia obrazu Józefa Chełmońskiego Bociany).
This article aims at answering the question whether a contextual information in form of audio description, providing details of a given piece of art and its author, has an influence upon the level of recognisability and understanding of the studied piece. In other words, how the information about a piece of art (or its lack) influences perception and aesthetic evaluation of an art piece. The article discusses a problem of aesthetic competence in the mind of a person blind from birth. The focus of the research concerns perception of an art piece on base of a tactile study of a bas-relief (a copy of Józef Chełmoński’s painting Storks).
W badaniach zaprezentowanych w artykule podjęto zagadnienie zdolności wyobrażeniowych niewidomych dzieci w zakresie skaningu i rotacji kształtu obiektów percypowanych dotykowo. Stwierdzono, że im starsze jest dziecko, tym lepiej różnicuje ono kształty dotykanych obiektów, ale jedynie w sytuacji, gdy kształty te względem siebie obrócono. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na to, iż u niewidomych dzieci w okresie szkolnym doskonali się zdolność rotacji, zaś umiejętność skaningu jest osiągnięciem wcześniejszym rozwojowo. Zaobserwowano również, że trafność identyfikacji kształtu obiektów jest większa w sytuacji, gdy są one ustawione względem siebie w tej samej pozycji, niż gdy znajdują się w różnych pozycjach. Rotacja umysłowa stanowi więc dla niewidomych dzieci trudniejszą do wykonania operację wyobrażeniową niż skaning przestrzeni.
The aim of the research was to explore the ability of spatial imagery in blind students, particularly their abilities to scan and mentally rotate tactile objects' shapes. The results demonstrate that the older the blind children are, the easier it is for them to differentiate shapes, but only in case when one of two objects is rotated. It may mean that the ability of mental rotation is developing during the school years, and the spatial scanning ability is achieved at an earlier age. It was also stated that identification of objects' shapes is more accurate in an aligned condition than in a rotated condition. It suggests that the mental rotation process is more complicated than the scanning process for blind children to perform.
W sprawozdaniu z Konferencji REHA for the blind in Poland, która została zrealizowana przez Fundację Szansa dla Niewidomych, przedstawiono wybrane najciekawsze i najważniejsze zagadnienia, które zaprezentowano podczas tego międzynarodowego wydarzenia. Jest to największa w tej części Europy konferencja poruszająca tematykę nowoczesnej rehabilitacji i edukacji osób niewidomych oraz słabowidzących. Podczas konferencji jej uczestnicy mieli możliwość zapoznania się z referatami i prezentacjami prelegentów z wielu różnorodnych dziedzin. Konferencja REHA for the blind in Poland to nie tylko sesja merytoryczna. W trakcie tego wydarzenia przybyli goście mają możliwość zapoznania się z najnowszymi osiągnięciami w dziedzinie nowoczesnego sprzętu i oprogramowania specjalistycznego, dedykowanego osobom z dysfunkcją wzroku.
The report from the REHA for the blind in Poland Conference, which was organized by the Chance for the Blind Foundation outlines the most interesting and important issues presented during this international event. It is the largest conference on modern rehabilitation and education for the blind and visually impaired in this part of Europe. During the conference, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with papers and presentations of speakers from many different disciplines. A number of companies showed the latest achievements in the field of modern technology, specialized devices and software intended to assist the blind and visually impaired people.
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