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Teologia w Polsce
vol. 14
issue 2
The study is a contribution to research on the theological method and shows the motif of wonderment in the teaching and poetry of John Paul II as an experience inviting man to get to know God and His works ever more deeply. The human experience of being amazed with God has been presented as a theological event – a grace of the ability to stand in awe of God, to get closer to Him and to speak about Him. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the mission of a theologian is inseparably connected with cultivating the ability to be amazed with God and His works. The experience of wonderment is one of the elements leading to communion with Christ the Theologian, who reveals the Father.
This article is about the Trinitarian theology of St. Ambrose of Milan concluded in De fi de, the most important and most complex bishop’s work of dogmatic. It focuses in particular on the innovative and original aspects of the theological thought of the Father of the Church. The fi rst point is given status quaestionis of Ambrosian theology. In the past, used to be attributed to Ambrose opinion good “politics” church, but poor theologian. More recent studies show one-sidedness of this opinion. In the second section are therefore discussed the aspects of Trinitarian theology Doctor of the Church, which show the specifi city and originality of his theological refl ection. They include: a new understanding of the role of the Emperor in matters of religion; relationship between faith and ecclesial interpretation of Scripture, the new interpretation of the term homoousios used by the Council of Nice, a development theme of unity of the Trinity by reference to the unity of the nature and operation of divine Persons, and not only in based on the idea arché, deepening the understanding of the mystery of the Incarnation; Christ as the center of Ambrosian spirituality, and fi nally, the relationship between faith in the Holy Trinity and the unity of the Church. In light of these issues emerges own and original theological “personality” of Bishop of Milan, and in this way it becomes possible to more comprehensive assessment of and appreciation for his contribution to the refl ection of the Trinity.
The presence of theology in the academic community is today a challenge of particular significance. One of the most important reasons are political transformations in the post-communist countries of Europe in the last 25 years, as well as ideological and axiological transformations in the West of our continent. All these processes have affected many spheres of social, cultural and spiritual life and are directly related to shaping the contemporary theological thought. Although theology acquires potentially new opportunities for development and impact in the university space, in practice there are increasing difficulties in its affirmation. The problem primarily concerns the scientific profile of theology and the responsibility of theologians themselves.
The Jesuit theologian, Cardinal Jean Daniélou, was not only the author of numerous books and articles, the founder of the patristic and theological collections (Sources Chrétiennes, Théologie Historique), but also a popular speaker and retreat-giver for the Paris academic and artistic circles. Therefore, it is not surprising that these comprehensive intellectual interests and intense pastoral activities were reflected in his patristic and theological works and gave it a specific flavour that is not easy to be rendered in a single compact system. This article aims to present briefly the figure of J. Daniélou as an outstanding patrist and theologian, academic lecturer and pastor, whose life and deeds were totally coherent with the testimony of faith in the Risen Jesus Christ, firmly rooted in living Tradition and lived out and celebrated in the community of the Church at the present stage of salvation history.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 14
issue 2
Opracowanie niniejsze jest przyczynkiem do badań dotyczących metody teologicznej i ukazuje motyw zdumienia w nauczaniu i poezji Jana Pawła II jako doświadczenia zapraszającego człowieka do coraz wnikliwszego poznawania Boga i Jego dzieł. Ludzkie doświadczenie zdumienia się Bogiem zostało przedstawione jako wydarzenie teologiczne – łaska zdolności zachwytu Bogiem, przybliżenia się do Niego i mówienia o Nim. Autor artykułu dochodzi do wniosku, że z misją teologa nierozerwalnie związane jest pielęgnowanie w sobie zdolności do zdumiewania się Bogiem i Jego dziełami. Doświadczenie zdumienia jest jednym z elementów prowadzących do komunii z Chrystusem Teologiem, który objawia Ojca.
The study is a contribution to research on the theological method and shows the motif of wonderment in the teaching and poetry of John Paul II as an experience inviting man to get to know God and His works ever more deeply. The human experience of being amazed with God has been presented as a theological event – a grace of the ability to stand in awe of God, to get closer to Him and to speak about Him. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the mission of a theologian is inseparably connected with cultivating the ability to be amazed with God and His works. The experience of wonderment is one of the elements leading to communion with Christ the Theologian, who reveals the Father.
The article deals with the question of the ministry and identity of the lay theologian. They are presented in a dogmatic perspective, formed on the concept of the Church according to Vaticanum II.The aim of the study of the selected issue is to complement the state of research formed from studies of various specialities with a theological-systematic reflection. The differences and similarities between lay and clerical theologians were discussed as well as the ecclesial potential of the ministry of the lay theologian. The conclusions pointed to the meaning of this ministry in the activity of the Church ad extra. This ministry involves ensuring that the idea of the kingdom of God and God's will for the sanctification of every human being is realised in all spheres of human life and action.
W artykule podjęto zagadnienie posługi i tożsamości teologa świeckiego. Ukazanesą one w perspektywie dogmatycznej, utworzonej na koncepcji Kościoła według Vaticanum II. Celem opracowania wybranej kwestii jest uzupełnienie stanu badań, utworzonego z opracowań różnych specjalności, o refleksję teologiczno-systematyczną. Omówiono różnice i podobieństwa między teologiem świeckim a duchownym oraz eklezjalny potencjał posługi teologa świeckiego. Wnioski wskazały na sens tej posługi w działalności Kościoła ad extra. Posługa ta obejmuje dbałość o to, aby we wszystkich sferach ludzkiego życia i działania była realizowana idea królestwa Bożego i Boża wola uświęcenia każdego człowieka.
Bishop Ignacy Świrski was a shepherd of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Siedlce from 1946 to 1968. His religious ministry was carried out in difficult times after World War II. He worried about deepening faith and morality of Christians. His ministry bore a profound Marian character. He devoted special attention to the preparation of celebrating the millennium of the baptism of Poland. He worried about the development of an ecclesial community, especially about presbyters and their seminar formation. Serving poor people was his distinctive feature.
Biskup Ignacy Świrski był pasterzem Kościoła siedleckiego w latach 1946 – 1968. Jego posługa przypadła w trudnych czasach po II wojnie światowej. Jego troską było pogłębienie wiary i moralności chrześcijańskiej. Jego posługa miała charakter maryjny. Była realizowana w klimacie przygotowań do obchodów tysiąclecia chrztu Polski. Troszczył się o rozwój wspólnoty eklezjalnej, zwłaszcza o prezbiterów i ich seminaryjną formację. Cechą charakterystyczną duchowości biskupa I. Świrskiego była posługa ubogim.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 14
issue 2
Wincenty Granat was born on April 1, 1900 in Ćmielów near Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski (Poland). He graduated from high school (1914–1918) and seminary (1918–1923) in Sandomierz. In 1923 he began his studies at the Gregorian University in Rome. After a year ofthe studies, on August 24, 1924, he was ordained a priest in the cathedral in Sandomierz. In 1925 he obtained the degree of doctor of philosophy and, in 1928, of theology. After returning to Poland, he was the prefect of primary schools (1928–1929) and secondary schools (1930–1933) in Radom. In 1933 he became a lecturer at the TheologicalSeminary in Sandomierz. From 1952, he started working at the Catholic University of Lublin, initially as a deputy professor, then as a docent (1956–1960) and professor (1961–1970). In 1965 he became the rector of the Catholic University of Lublin; in 1970 he resigned from the post of the rector of the Catholic University and he moved to Opole Lubelskie. In 1977 he returned to Sandomierz, where he died in the opinion of sanctity on December 11, 1979. The servant of God performed his holiness in the words “to do truth in love” through his word, writing and life! On June 12, 1995, the Sandomierz Church began the canonization investigation of Rev. Wincenty Granat, who lived by truth in love. The session ending the process at the diocesan stage was held on October 9, 2018 in Saint Michael the Archangel Church in Sandomierz. On November 3, 2018, the trial documents of the Servant of God were transferred to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome. This study includes: a biographical sketch, a socio-religious activity, the activity referring to sobriety, underground education, and active participation in the opposition during the German occupation, didactic activities at the Catholic University of Lublin and activities of an administrative nature as the rector of the Catholic university. In the end, after discussing the figure of the candidate for the glory of the altars, the beatification process of the Servant of God in the diocese of Sandomierz is presented.
Wybitny teolog, pisarz, pedagog, ks. Wincenty Granat, Sługa Boży, nazwany przez uczniów doctor humanus, był profesorem i dziewiątym rektorem Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Od jego śmierci minęło blisko czterdzieści lat, jednak we wspomnieniach osób, które zetknęły się z nim i które zawdzięczały mu wiele, nie czuje się upływu tego czasu. Pamięć o nim jest ciągle żywa. Niniejsze opracowanie zawiera: rys biograficzny ks. Wincentego Granata, omówienie jego działalności społeczno-religijnej, trzeźwościowej, nauczycielskiej na kompletach tajnego nauczania, aktywnego udziału w opozycji w okresie okupacji niemieckiej, działalności dydaktycznej na KUL oraz działalności o charakterze administracyjnym na stanowisku rektora katolickiej uczelni. Następnie po krótkim omówieniu sylwetki kandydata do chwały ołtarzy został przedstawiony przebieg procesu beatyfikacyjnego Sługi Bożego na etapie diecezji sandomierskiej.
A theologian and theology cannot cognize the true and living God, and enter a communion with Him without the experience of faith, love and hope through the intervention of the Holy Spirit, as “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb 11:6). “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us” (Rom 5:5). It should be stated that a man’s reply to God’s Revelation should not be only limited to the words taken from the Holy Bible, Tradition and the Magisterium of the Church without experiencing God’s profoundness and mystery in faith, hope and love within the community of the Church’s believers along with the Magisterium. The statement made by the author of the present reflection shows that for a theologian and theology “it is impossible to please God” and to be creative for mankind without this experience, without the experience of the living presence of God’s Judeo-Christian Revelation in supernatural faith, love and hope, in theological virtues of the Holy Spirit, who from the “I” of the man of the past creates a new “I”, a new subject responding to the mystery of God, who may say: “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20).
Il teologo e la teologia non possano conoscere ed entrare nella comunione con Dio vero e vivo senza l’esperienza della fede, carita e speranza, con l’aiuto dello Spiritu Santo: „Poiche senza la fede e impossibile essere graditi a Dio” (Eb 11, 6); „Or la speranza non rende confusi, perche l’amor di Dio e stato Sparso nei nostri cuori per lo Spirito Santo che ci e stato dato” (Rm 5, 5). Dobbiamo affermare che la risposta del’uomo alla Rivelazione di Dio non puo essere limitata solamente alle parole ricevute dalla Sacra Scrittura, Tradizione e dottrina del Magistero della Chiesa, senza l’esperienza delle profondita del Mistero di Dio nella fede, carita e speranza dentro la comunita credenti della Chiesa col suo Magistero. La costatazione dell’autore di questa riflessione dimostra che teologo e teologia; „non possano essere graditi a Dio” e creativi per l’uomo senza detta esperienza, senza l’esperienza della viva prezenza di Dio della Rivelazione Judeo-Cristiana nella fede, carita, e speranza sopranaturale; nelle virtu teologali con l’aiuto dello Spirito Santo, che crea del „io” vecchio un „Io” nuovo – un soggetto nuovo – corrispondente al’ Mistero di Dio: „e non son piu io che vivo, ma e cristo che vive in me” (Rm 5, 5).
W kontekście opublikowanego w 2005 r. osobistego dziennika Yves Congara OP (1904–1995), datowanego na lata 1946–1956, autor artykułu podnosi kwestię mistycznej samotności teologa w jego refleksji naukowej nad słowem objawionym. Ukazuje, że doświadczenie osamotnienia mistyka w Kościele katolickim przez Y. Congara i doznanego pewnego niezrozumienia ze strony jego społeczności hierarchicznej wobec prezentowanych przez siebie wyników badań teologicznych dotyczących eklezjologii, nie będąc wyłącznym udziałem piszącego Journal d’un théologien, zdaje się stanowić nieodłączną charakterystykę wszystkich czyniących refleksję nad słowem objawionym, jeżeli tylko podejmują próbę pogłębionego jego rozumienia jako Słowa, które przemawia w ludzkim „dziś”. Autor rozważań proponuje usytuowanie rozumienia Congarowego problemu w perspektywie miejsca i roli teologa w Kościele, a więc pozostającego w szczególnym mistycznym i teologicznym oraz teologicznie twórczym „twarzą w twarz” wobec Słowa w jego wydarzaniu się w człowieczej rzeczywistości, następujących ludzkich pokoleń.
In the context of the published in 2005 personal diary of Yves Congar O.P. (1904 – 1995), dated from 1946 – 1956, the author of the article raises a question of mystical solitude of the theologian in his scientific reflection on the word revealed. The mystic’s isolation and alienation experienced by Congar in the Catholic Church as well as his hierarchical community’s incomprehension regarding the findings of his theological research are not feelings exclusive to the author of Journal d’un théologien. On the contrary, they seem to constitute an inherent characteristic of all those giving thought to the word revealed, those who attempt to reach its profound meaning as the Word which appeals to people of today. The author of the reflection proposes to approach Congar’s problem taking into consideration the perspective of a theologian’s role and place in the Church – with him recognized as being in a specific, mystical and theologically creative ‘face to face’ with the Word in its human reality of successive generations.
В статье рассматриваются основные механизмы и принципы функционирования церковно-административной системы управления экуменического движения. Установлено, что церковная жизнь представляет собой живой и динамичный процесс. Церковь неуклонно движется вперед и вынуждена реагировать на запросы и проблемы общества. Доказано, что формирование двух подходов (греческого и славянского) к пониманию устройства системы Вселенского православия явилось причиной кризиса в церкви. Отмечается, что «церковные недоразумения» стали очевидны после Великого Критского Собора и предоставления Томоса Украинской Церкви. В исследовании освещаются трансформационные процессы автокефалии в поздневизантийский период, а также её значение для современной церкви. Доказано, что экклезиологическая обусловленность автокефального принципа вытекает из самой естественности церкви. В статье утверждается, что в православной традиции отсутствует общепринятая интерпретация взаимообусловленности обретения государственной независимости и автокефального статуса церквей. С точки зрения православной экклезиологии очевидно, что по самой своей структуре каждая церковь обязательно должна быть автокефальной. Однако на практике ряд национальных церквей давно ждут всеправославного признания. В период поздней Византии автокефалия из естественного состояния превратилась в церковно-политическое явление. А в современный период – к исключительно политическому. Установлено, что ключевой задачей современного мирового богословия является изучение проблемы автокефалии. С момента возникновения христианства автокефалия стала основным принципом апостольского основания общины-церкви с учетом национальных и этнических особенностей населения тогдашней Римской империи. Подчеркивается, что автокефалия является одним из древнейших институтов Церкви, что является главной чертой Православия. Доказано, что государство всегда является заинтересованной стороной в процессе церковной самостоятельности. Поскольку каждая независимая страна стремится иметь свою церковь, она выступает защитником полномочий и прав церкви, находящейся в пределах ее территориальной власти. Это существенно влияет на текущие геополитические отношения между Поместными Церквами. Установлено, что автокефалия была адаптацией церкви к политической географии государства. В статье установлено, что Вселенская Церковь, будучи единой по своей сути, делится на самостоятельные Поместные Церкви по административному и национальному признаку. В статье установлено, что институциональные споры современных Поместных Церквей в большинстве случаев связаны с «канонической территорией» и пределами их влияния. Это напрямую связано с приобретением автокефального статуса. Делается вывод о том, что такие глобальные проблемы общецерковного значения могут решаться исключительно соборным путем и разумными средствами. Для этого необходимо участие всех православных иерархов, в том числе непризнанных церквей, с учетом их позиции.
The article considers the main mechanisms and principles of functioning of the church-administrative system of governance of the Ecumenical Church. It is established that church life is a lively and dynamic process. The church is steadily moving forward and is forced to respond to societal demands and problems. It is proved that the formation of two approaches (Greek and Slavic) to the understanding of the structure of the system of Universal Orthodoxy was the cause of the crisis in the church. It is noted that “church misunderstandings” became apparent after the Great Council of Crete and the granting of the Tomos to the Ukrainian Church. The study highlights the transformational processes of the institution of autocephaly in late Byzantium period, as well as its importance for the modern church. It is proved that the ecclesiological conditionality of the autocephalous principle stems from the very nature of the church. The article argues that in the Orthodox tradition there is no generally accepted interpretation of the interdependence of gaining state independence and the autocephalous status of churches. From the point of view of Orthodox ecclesiology, it is obvious that, by its very structure, every church must necessarily be autocephalous. However, in practice, a number of national churches are waiting for PanOrthodox recognition for a long time. During the period of late Byzantium, autocephaly was transformed from a natural state to an ecclesiasticalpolitical phenomenon. And in the modern period – to an exclusively political one. It is established that the key task of modern world theology is to study the problem of autocephaly. Since the beginning of Christianity, autocephaly has become the basic principle of the apostolic foundation of the community-church, taking into account the national and ethnic characteristics of the population of the then Roman Empire. It is emphasized that autocephaly is one of the oldest institutions of the Church, which is the main feature of Orthodoxy. It is proved that the state is always an interested party in the process of church independence. Since each independent country seeks to have its own church, it acts as a protector of the powers and rights of the church located within its territorial authority. This significantly affects the current geopolitical relations between the Local Churches. It has been established that autocephaly was an adaptation of the church to the political geography of the state. The article establishes that the Ecumenical Church, while being united in its essence, is divided into independent Local Churches on an administrative and national basis. The article establishes that the institutional disputes of modern Local Churches in most cases are related to the “canonical territory” and the limits of their influence. This is directly related to the acquisition of autocephalous status. It is concluded that such global problems of All-Church significance can be solved exclusively by a conciliar way and reasonable means. This requires the participation of all Orthodox hierarchs, including unrecognized churches, to take into account their position.
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