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The customers’ expectations towards companies providing transport services continue to grow. Nowadays, besides common tendency to minimize the costs of operation conducted while maintaining the required quality standards, the key role is played by the issue of ensuring the conditions for continuing the implementation of transport processes. The article characterizes the key threats to the orderly functioning of the transport system and an attempt has been made to indicate the possibility of using the assumptions of the business continuity management concept in modern transport systems.
Internal security is today an intensively explored area of national security. This is hardly surprising. It is this area that is mainly concerned with emerging threats. Hence, new scientifically justified solutions are being sought to counteract them and minimise the effects of their occurrence. Given the above, the research has been conducted, and its results are presented in this paper. It addresses the main problems relating to internal security through the prism of identification criteria, essence, and systemic approach. That has made it possible to present the assumptions of the project in question. The research aimed to diagnose the functioning of the state’s internal security system, and the participation of academic centres dealing with security issues. One of such centres is the Police Academy, which is implementing a project entitled “Vacuum chamber for revealing fingerprints with organic compounds in the gas phase’, No DOB-BIO9/03/01/2018. It was financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under call for proposals No 9/2018 for the execution and financing of projects in the field of scientific research or development work for the benefit of national defence and security. After they were implemented, it was stated that the constant changes in the internal security environment, and the limited potential of state institutions designated to care for this security entail the need to continually search for practical solutions to ensure the undisturbed existence and development opportunities of each entity. These searches are conducted by scientific institutions, which with their knowledge and experience serve to improve the tools used in the practice of institutions responsible for internal security.
The emergence of the Internet caused a significant simplification of interpersonal communication all over the world. True, the communication became fast, cheap and convenient and for people, who by nature are social beings, it enabled easy bonding, maintaining relationships and strengthened the feeling of belonging to one group or another. Along with development of the Internet social networking portals emerged becoming a popular means of communication and entertainment specifically dedicated to young people. The paper outlines the most important advantages and disadvantages of social networks especially with respect to security.
Safety & Defense
vol. 5
issue 2
The scientific considerations presented in this paper concern threats to national security arising from the activity in outer space. The objective of this analysis is to identify these dangers and to propose solutions to minimize them. The theoretical research methods employed in this study are: synthesis, analysis, abstracting and generalization. In the course of the analysis, several modern threats were established, including anti-satellite and hypersonic weapons. Another important sphere discussed in the paper is the cyber security of satellite/communication devices and systems operating in space. With respect to satellite systems, the EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft was presented as one of the concepts developed with the capability of disrupting their operation. The results from the conducted study emphasize the need to create a Space Domain Awareness (SDA) system, which is substantiated by the indication of natural threats that must beminimized, namely space debris, space weather and the possibility of collision with Near-Earth Objects. The presented considerations are concluded by the analysis of the legislative state regarding space security, which in reality accentuate the incompatibility of the existing laws with the emerging threats, and other issues concerning space law.
The article presents the results of research and literature studies in terms of the perception of threats. The author presents the main factors affecting the quality and efficiency of the perception of threats. The paper firstly looks at an integrated model of the perception of the warning signal and, secondly, the complexity and multidiscipline of the approach required by this model, arguing and advocating broadening the field of interest in security sciences to other fields and disciplines.
Cybersecurity is one of the most common security topics at present times. Society has enormous capabilities and possibilities in the cyberspace, which create opportunities and threats as well. A cyberwar, cyberterrorism and cybercrime have permanently entered the catalog of threats for security. This kind of situation in a cyberspace determines the need for coordinated activities at international and national level which will provide an acceptable level of security in this area. This article presents and briefly outlines threats for the state cybersecurity. There are also presented activities aimed to provide protection in this area. In addition, the author analyzed the current structure of the cybersecurity system in the Republic of Poland.
This paper shows the importance of broadly defined health security, illness prevention, and health education, in all possible stages of human life. The paper contains a description of the basic threats to human health security emanating from the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, the author deals extensively with the preventive qualities of educational activities in the development of a sense of human health security. The main idea of the paper demonstrates that health security during the coronavirus pandemic, together with a sense of calm and stagnation, have a fundamental impact on human well-being. All this is combined with the adoption of the appropriate attitudes, while at the same time determining the focus of the concentration of human activity, and therefore of human education, in the times of threats to health.
Cybersecurity and Law
vol. 6
issue 2
This paper focuses on an important element of human safety, as it describes cyberspace as an environment in which information is exchanged via the web and computer systems. In addition to its positive aspects, cyberspace also generates a variety of threats, such as cyber crises and cyber conflicts, cyberviolence, cyber protests, and cyber demonstrations, also including the risk of causing a cyber war – hence the counteracting of cyberviolence, through, inter alia, school education and public-awareness campaigns. This paper discusses the significance of educational capabilities in the sphere of counteracting cyberviolence, and the characteristics of selected campaigns addressing the issue of violence.
Ensuring a high level of internal security is an important element of the internal policy of the state. Internal security policy cannot be an individual and independent action, because it has to take into account the international environment. The emerging international order has a significant impact on the internal security of the state. Today's internal security and external security are closely linked. Threats from outside can be easily transformed into internal threats. Therefore, measures to ensure internal security have to be interdisciplinary.
The overview study contains the most important issues decisive for ensuring the security of logistics ICT networks in the context of contemporary threats, at the same time bearing in mind their military dimension. It highlights the determinants influencing the functioning of the networks used to transmit information. The aspect of the need to ensure the protection of ICT networks dedicated to logistics has not been presented in this approach so far. The author first of all compares economic and hierarchical organizations based on the example of the armed forces. He also referred to the ICT networks of logistics of other uniformed formations.
Background: Ensuring national security is one of the priority tasks of state authorities. At the poviat level, Poviat Crisis Management Centers occupy a special place in the implementation of this task. Objectives: The purpose of the article is to show the importance of the Poviat Crisis Management Center in the national security system. Methods: The place of the Poviat Crisis Management Center in the national security protection system was determined on the basis of an analysis of the literature on the subject. Conclusions: The Poviat Crisis Management Center plays a key role in anti-crisis activities at the poviat level.
Morale is one of the most frequently recurring concepts in the media covering events from the country and the world. It is used by journalists and experts representing the scientific and military communities. The concept is also used by ordinary people commenting on the attitudes and achievements of various individuals and social entities, especially in situations of particular threats to human life and health. Since the term morale is used in different contexts and meanings, many different ways of understanding it can be noted. It can also be seen that approaches to the phenomenon of morale differ in time – interest in it decreases during peace and social stability and increases during conflicts, revolutions, or wars. For example, in the post-Cold War decade of the 1990s, known as the “end of history” or the “peace dividend” period, there was little scientific work on morale. But earlier, during the “Cold War”, such publications were numerously created in the West. From the emerging interest in the concept of morale in modern times, it appears that it is still valid and important.
In the article, sustainable development can be seen as an alternative to globalization. It is a chance for both present and future generations for prosperity, but also for safe life and living in harmony with nature. The Republic of Poland ensures the security of citizens, environmental protection and protects national heritage, guided by the principle of sustainable development. The National Fire and Rescue System is an integral part of the internal security of the state, that in order to save life, health, property or the environment is forecasting and identifying fires, natural disasters or other local threats. The chapter explores the outline as well as the structure of this system in the commune. The next part of the article is a characteristic of the municipality of Bierawa, which draws attention to the potential threats located in the commune. The survey, which was carried out in the commune, will allow to make objective conclusions referring to the whole article.
This paper will outline the major mental and physical health risks associated with the Internet and environmental risks affecting people with physical disabilities. Modern humans strongly emphasize their need for security. A clean environment is important for human health and well-being. Human security in cyberspace is also important. The importance of security for citizens using information and communication technology systems is increasing every day. The article compares key environmental and cyberspace threats.
The aim of the Natura 2000 network is to preserve biodiversity while allowing sustainable development of the regions. This paper describes the objects of protection in the Natura 2000 areas. Some characteristics have been provided of the types of impact exerted by gravel and sand mining sites on the natural environment. Also it has been presented the influence of the mining of sand and gravel on the objects of protection in the Natura 2000 network.
Human Affairs
vol. 26
issue 2
This paper looks at the research results of research into the risky behaviour of Slovak children on the Internet, implemented in late 2013 and 2014 by a research team at the Centre for the Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication, Palacký University in Olomouc. In this article we focus on a key part of the research-cyberbullying from the perspective of victims and attackers. The paper describes the most common forms of attacks Slovak children are exposed to and also focuses on role-switching from victim to attacker which occurs fairly frequently among the Slovak population. The article also looks at the most common Internet services and communication platforms which are exploited in attacks.
Labor market instability entails a deterioration in the living and working conditions of contemporary youth. The main aim of this article is to present the views of young people belonging to generation Z on the assessment of situation in which they are entering the labor market and their own chances in the context of the possibility of fulfilling their goals and personal plans. The article consists of three parts. The first one is an attempt to discuss the causes and consequences of phenomena occurring on the contemporary Polish labor market. The second part presents the characteristics of the representatives of generation Z. The article ends with the presentation of the results of pilot studies conducted among the students of Częstochowa University of Technology, whose task was to present their own reflections on the situation on the national labor market in terms of their expectations and requirements of the market.
The starting point of thoughts presented in this paper is the main thesis of the last issue of Global Trends. Paradox of Progress reads that the gap between popular expectations and government performance will grow and democracy itself is no longer be taken for granted. The Author analyses main factor determining the crisis of liberal democracy and presented the view that we are facing the very beginning of the greatest change from 1945 in the domestic and international policy of the Western democratic countries. In conclusions the Author proposes preparing analysis and prognosis from the point of view of the interests of Polish Republic.
In advanced modernity, the theory and practice of security have been modified by the effects of civilization development. One of the differences with respect to pre-modern times is the deconstruction of a simple cause and effect relationship. This state of affairs results from the cultural aetiology of threats, the overcoming of which also lies in the influence of culture, and more specifically, security culture. Safety has always been linked to risk. Today, however, this risk contains a significant element of uncertainty. The purpose of the article is to show new conditions determining the shaping of security culture in the perspective of the risk generated not by nature, but by human. The culture of being safe is the right risk that arises from estimating the likelihood of negative effects of civilization development. The above objective is related to the following questions (research problems): How does the risk determined by the progress of civilization affect the process of shaping a culture of security? To what extent will the risk society create the culture of reduction of this risk?
The Caspian region is one of the most important regions of the world with its rich hydrocarbon resources, which in turn draws attention from different countries. The purpose of this paper is to underscore the geopolitical importance of the Caspian basin and the impact of its energy resources on the energy security of non-regional countries. The realization of the “Contract of the century” has been specified in the paper. Russian hegemony has been evaluated and the characteristic features of Northern route have been introduced. The authors attempted to delineate the US’ strategy in the Caspian region and to judge the security of the Western route stretching from the Caspian Sea. The status of the Caspian Sea has been clarified based on the most recent information. Threats to the security of the transit routes have been identified and measures have been offered to prevent possible incidents. A formula was suggested for the mathematical evaluation of possible terrorist attacks on the pipelines in the foreseeable future.
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