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This article aims to introduce the Polish public to the work of Angélica Liddell, one of the best-known faces of European theatre in recent years. While the artist has been professionally active since the late 1980s and has created (as a playwright, director and main actress) a few dozen original performances, for most of her stage life she has been saying the same thing: that the only truth worth knowing is the truth coming from our unconsciousness. And although there have been times in her career when she turned her attention to the outside and made political theatre, she eventually resumed probing the depths of the human psyche, where she traces repressed content with a verve that would make Freud himself proud. And, much to our bafflement, brings it out into the open.
Starting from Freud‘s theory of sublimation, I intend to point out,in this research, a better way out by experiencing a pure feeling of love, sowell-known in the eastern spiritual tradition. Freud was convinced that theunacceptable sexual impulse could be deviated from its original purpose by thesuperego‘s restrictive laws and transformed into a superior state of tender love,morality, artistic abilities. Though it may appear as a natural process ofacquiring an elevated spirit, what I cannot agree with is the outcome: love.Therefore, in this study, I will bring together both Freud‘s view and theeastern Christian theologists‘ conclusions on this matter to argue that lovecannot derive from the sexual drive, but rather the opposite is more logical.
The purpose of this article is to reconstruct Sartre’s critique of selected elements of Freud’s psychoanalysis as far as the emotions theory is concerned. I am analysing those assumptions of Freud’s teachings which became subjected to Sartre’s critique and why. I also point out the fact that some of the elements of psychoanalysis where emphasised by Sartre as important for the development of the emotions theory. My deliberations are based largely on Sartre’s Sketch for a Theory of the Emotion.
Fairytale is an ancient literary genre which shows the important issues of life process. It is also an expression of man’s struggle between spiritual and material parts of life, which brings the image of the eternal conflicts, desires and aspirations of people. Fairytale seems to speak to a human language derived from ancient eras, and is the result of cultural heritage of mankind stored in human psyche. Heroes of fairytales are most often mortal men, experiencing adventure, rolling buoys, saving others. It’s true, using the language of myth, that heroes despite their imperfections gain power, treasure, or extraordinary powers. The metaphor of life way as a process in which suffering has an equal status as happiness, well-being is intertwined with evil, and fall walks after lifting, shows the way to the Whole man. Carl Gustav Jung, who was the creator of the concept of collective unconscious, believed that it contains elements specific to the entire humanity, independent of historical processes, either ethnic or cultural. He singled out the archetypes or primitive patterns of beliefs, ideas, patterns of living, experience, common to all men. Fairytale style reflects the complexities specific to each psyche. Integration of internal dark forces, birth of individuality, an internal process of growth, overcoming various conflicts and obstacles in the way of individuation are spiritual experiences which every man undergoes. Fairytale brings the opportunity to discover unconscious resources, which equip the fate of every human being and that s/he which consciously uses to build its standalone “I.” We are accustomed to see in fairytale a genre suitable only for children, which in addition to shaping imagination can overcome fears, integrate ignorance tame in terms of psychological or existential everyday experiences to build relationships with others. All of these components are elements of significant awareness of the potential in the development of small humans, but they are also important in achieving fully human adulthood. An adult is not different much from a child in terms of awareness. S/he is also familiar with the difficulties in coping with life, escapes from everyday life, playing down the sphere of the Shadow or the use of defensive mechanisms to avoid responsibility. But what is considered a child in the way of shaping identity in the life of an adult can have important consequences in forming of self-destruction or destruction. Therefore, it becomes important to understand the motivations of human activities, especially with regard to the integration of opposites by the construction of personality, and of how this path should be carried forward if it would lead to performance. It is important to a modern man to know how to play an important role in psychic sphere of his/her life and discover secrets of the unconscious. Then it is possible to find out that a diagnosis or “treatment” of suffering will no longer need any therapist. Fairytales of Hans Christian Andersen are among exceptional pieces. Gifted with extraordinary sensitivity, the author constructed the story of philosophy, which is characterized by great wisdom of life. You can tell that the writer with a thorough insight studied the problem of man’s place in the world, eyeing his/her dilemmas and being there. His observations were gathered in large collections, because this genre was probably the closest to him when it comes to transfer culturally established standards of ethical behaviour.
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Nesnáze s imperativy : etika v každodenní praxi

Personal conviction, values and professional ethics are an inseparable part of psychologists´/psychotherapists´ work. At solving ethical dilemmas, a mere application of ethical principles and standards is not sufficient and the psychological background of ethical stances of the psychologist/psychotherapist must be taken into consideration. In the text, the author tries to accentuate, that ethical consideration, principles and decision-making are influenced by personality factors as well as by the dynamics of conscious and unconscious processes. In his view, the psychologists´/psychotherapists´ own training experience is necessary.
Osobní přesvědčení, hodnoty a profesní etika jsou nedílnou součástí práce psychologů/ psychoterapeutů. Při řešení etických dilemat si nevystačíme s pouhou aplikací etických principů a zásad, ale je nutné vzít v úvahu psychologické pozadí etických postojů psychologa/psychoterapeuta. V textu se autor snaţí zdůraznit, ţe etické uvaţování, principy a rozhodování jsou ovlivňovány jak osobnostními faktory, tak dynamikou vědomých i nevědomých procesů. Jako nezbytnost vidí vlastní výcvikovou zkušenost psychologů/psychoterapeutů.
Cahiers ERTA
issue 34
What is Rachilde’s vocation? Could her life have taken another course rather than the literary way? According to what she declares in her autobiographical or semi-autobiographical texts, it turns out that this profession, chosen consciously in her early years, had saved her from madness. Drawing inspiration from the psychoanalytical observations contained in Catherine Millot’s book La Vocation de l’écrivain, the present study attempts to establish the sources of the literary career chosen by Rachilde, her own ways of exercising it and the point of achievement that she could reach by accomplishing certain choices. For Rachilde, there is no enjoyment outside of writing.
The psychology of attitudes is the one of the most important area in psychology. The attitudes influence the consumers’ decisions, so the knowledge about the origins, structure and the possibilities of attitudes’ change is very significant for marketing. As a consequence of many years of studies on attitudes the understanding of attitude concept has changed a lot. In the classic approaches attitude was stable, onedimensional (positive or negative) and conscious. Moreover, attitude was also treated as good predictor of the behavior. The contemporary approaches assume that attitudes can be ambivalent (positive and negative at the same time), and the person is not always conscious of attitude’s origins and even the attitude as such (implicit attitude). It is also known that the connection between the attitude and the behavior is more complicated that it was assumed before.
Postawy to jeden z najważniejszych obszarów badań w psychologii. Wiedza na temat ich powstawania, konstrukcji oraz możliwości zmiany jest ogromnie ważna również dla praktyki marketingowej, ponieważ wpływają one na decyzje konsumenckie. Przez wiele lat badań nad postawami ich rozumienie bardzo się zmieniło. Klasyczne koncepcje traktowały je jako konstrukty stabilne, jednowymiarowe (pozytywne lub negatywne), dostępne świadomości podmiotu, a na ich podstawie można dokładnie przewidzieć zachowanie. We współczesnym rozumieniu przyjmuje się, że postawy mogą być ambiwalentne (zawierać jednocześnie elementy pozytywne i negatywne), człowiek nie zawsze jest świadomy źródła ich powstawania, a nawet istnienia (postawy utajone), a ich związek z zachowaniem jest skomplikowany.
Praktyka Teoretyczna
vol. 28
issue 2
Wbrew popularnym interpretacjom filozofii Deleuze’a jako odmiany postmodernizmu, poststrukturalizmu bądź nietzscheanizmu w artykule przedstawione zostaną jej głębokie korzenie pochodzące z idealizmu transcendentalnego Immanuela Kanta. Postawiona zostaje teza, iż to właśnie Kant stanowił podstawowe źródło filozoficznych schematów inspirujących Deleuze’a zarówno we wczesnym okresie jego twórczości (wyrażonym przede wszystkim w Różnicy i powtórzeniu, 1968), jak i późnym, zapoczątkowanym wraz z Félixem Guattarim przez pierwszy tom Kapitalizmu i schizofrenii, czyli Anty-Edypa (1972). Kontekstowa analiza tego ostatniego stanowi główną część artykułu. W Anty-Edypie Deleuze i Guattari proponują koncepcję pragnienia (nieświadomości) jako siły konstytuującej podmiotowość nomadyczną, otwartą na inność, kreatywną i czerpiącą siłę z różnorodności społecznej. Zauważają jednak, że pragnienie cechuje skłonność do poddawania się wewnętrznym iluzjom i w efekcie blokowania własnych, rewolucyjnych i twórczych możliwości. Właśnie dlatego, twierdzą Deleuze i Guattari, konieczne jest przeprowadzenie krytyki czystej nieświadomości, mającej ujawnić te złudzenia i być może uwolnić nas od nich.
In spite of popular interpretation of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy as a kind of postmodernism, poststructuralism or Nietzscheanism, this paper reveals its deep rooting in the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant. According to the main thesis, it was Kant who delivered the primary source of philosophical schemes that inspired both the early (expressed mainly in Difference and Repetition, 1986), and late period of Deleuze’s work, starting with the first volume of Capitalism and Schizophrenia called Anti-Oedipus, written in collaboration with Félix Guattari (1972). The main part of the essay contains contextual analysis of the latter. In Anti-Oedipus Deleuze and Guattari propose the concept of desire (unconscious) as a power capable of constituting nomadic subjectivity, characterized by the openness to difference, creativity, and drawing strength from social diversity. However, they note that a desire is characterized by a tendency to undergo internal illusions and, as a result, to block its own revolutionary and creative possibilities. That is why, say Deleuze and Guattari, it is necessary to carry on the critique of pure unconsciousness, whose aim is to reveal these illusions and perhaps to free us from them
This text’s main objective is to introduce the assumptions of the Jungian depth psychology to the bibliotherapeutic process. Bibliotherapy as an interdisciplinary method using psychology and literary studies enriched with the theory of integral psychology formulates a new theoretical perspective and constitutes a proposition of holistic view of bibliotherapy. The extension of the theoretical basis of bibliotherapy will help to augment the therapeutic effect, activate the unconscious (the sphere neglected in school education), and strengthen psyche. Integral bibliotherapy shall create conditions to expand the dialogue between the rational side and unconscious one, and it will contribute to a positive stimulation of the integration processes. Providing archetypal patterns reflecting the rules of life in culture, and drawing attention to the regulatory role of literary works, will enrich both the intellectual and spiritual side of the development of the participant of the bibliotherapeutic process. Archetypal content present in literary texts studied by the participant according to the bibliotherapeutic procedure will achieve an integral orientation focused on the humanistic dimension of existence.
This article analyses Zbigniew Herbert’s attitude towards psychoanalysis. The legacy of the Polish poet is prevalent among literary scholars. However, until now – as far as I know – no work has been written that would analyse Herbert’s work in the context of psychoanalysis. This sketch attempts to fill this gap, but not in the sense of interpreting individual works. It aims to answer the question: why researchers ignore psychoanalytical threads and do not use psychoanalytical tools. The poet’s attitude towards psychoanalysis was ambivalent. On the one hand, in public statements, Herbert emphasised his reluctance to Freud and psychoanalysis. On the other hand, a lot strongly indicates that he was not indifferent to this intellectual tradition, which, moreover, agrees with the main principle of Herbert’s poetic practice, escribed by the poet in one of the interviews: „The principle of your own opinions questionability. It is the principle of internal dialogue and dialectical tension between preached reason and reason that negates it”.
Artykuł poświęcony jest stosunkowi Zbigniewa Herberta do psychoanalizy. Spuścizna polskiego poety cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem wśród badaczy literatury, chociaż – o ile mi wiadomo – do tej pory nie powstał żaden artykuł, który analizowałby twórczość Herberta we wspomnianym kontekście. Dlatego ten szkic jest próbą wypełnienia tej luki, ale nie w sensie interpretacji poszczególnych utworów, lecz w sensie próby odpowiedzi na pytanie: dlaczego badacze pomijają psychoanalityczne wątki i nie korzystają z psychoanalitycznych narzędzi. Stosunek poety do psychoanalizy był ambiwalentny. Z jednej strony w wypowiedziach publicznych Herbert podkreślał swoją niechęć do Freuda i psychoanalizy. Z drugiej zaś – dużo wskazuje na to, że nie był całkowicie obojętny wobec tej tradycji intelektualnej, co zresztą odpowiada zasadzie poetyckiej praktyki Herberta; w jednym z wywiadów poeta określił ją jako: „zasadę podważalności własnych przekonań. Jest to zasada wewnętrznego dialogu i dialektycznego napięcia między racją głoszoną i racją, która temu zaprzecza”.
Polazište za razradbu problema prijevoda predstavljenu u članku koncepcija je anagrama Ferdinanda de Saussurea. Anagrami su pojedini glasovi ili skupine glasova što se ponavljaju u književnom djelu, a od kojih se sastoji riječ ili riječi (ideje; teme) prisutne, no razmještene po tkivu teksta. Na taj se način konstruira implicitan, skriveni smisao književnog djela. Čitanje i interpretacija anagrama iz perspektive psihoanalize pruža mogućnost njihova razumijevanja kao izraza autorova nesvjesnog (Julija Kristeva). U članku se analiziraju prijevodi pjesama (npr. la folie de saussure K. Bagića) s obzirom na mogućnosti i ograničenja prijenosa skrivenog i dodanog smisla, što su rezultati prisutnosti anagrama u tekstu te zvučne organizacije književnog djela (npr. u slučaju pjesništva ruskih futurista i ideje zauma).
The starting point for the presented elaboration on translation is the concept of Ferdinand de Saussure’s anagrams. Anagrams consist of certain phoneme or group of phonemes repeated in the literary work. They form a certain word or words (idea, theme) which are scattered (disseminated) in the text. By reconstructing these words we are able to discover or (re)construct the implicit, hidden sense of the text. Reading and interpreting anagrams from the perspective of psychoanalysis enables one to consider them as an expression of the author’s unconsciousness (Julia Kristeva). In this paper the translation of the poems (la folie de saussure by K. Bagić) is analyzed taking into consideration the possibilities and limitations of the transfer of hidden and added senses that appears as a result of the anagram’s presence or the tonal organization of the literary text (e.g. in the case of the poetry of the Russian Futurists and the idea of zaum).
This article has primarily synthetic and philosophical character. It aims to focus the standpoint concerned with the revalorisation of symbol and myth, which is dispersed  among numerous humane disciplines, that echoed in the first and second half of 20th century, on the crisis of Western culture and the issue of self-understanding. This synthesis includes philosophy of symbol of Paul Ricoeur, philosophy of symbolic forms of Ernst Cassirer, religious studies of Mircea Eliade and psychoanalysis and philosophy of culture of Erich Fromm (and to some extent Carl G. Jung). Due to the philosophical subject-matter, which requires continuous effort of re-reading and successive reinterpretations (evidence of which are publishing dates of latest editions and translations reaching year 2020), and due to long-lasting and – in its tendency – unchanged character of the crisis of Western culture, I limit this research mainly to source literature and in some exceptions to literature of 21st century. In this work I describe the symbolic language, which is presented as the so called “forgotten language” (Fromm), that expresses significant and – in author's mind – not well understood Today aspects of human existence related to self-understanding and self-consciousness. I explain the notion of a “universal symbol” of Fromm and Ricoeur and place the question on the capability of such sign to express and explain experiences of modern man. The positive answer is proposed, due to the emotional and existential values underlying modern behaviours and thinking, which requires specific signs of metaphorical and synthetic character, that are able to express emotional ambivalence as well as critical yet dynamic moments of life of the individual. Also the criticism is put forward to the naive interpretation of „myth” that is derived from its original symbolic and religious context and its instrumental use, which becomes dangerous social phenomenon, that is threatening the existence of modern culture today.
Praca niniejsza ma przede wszystkim charakter syntetyczny i filozoficzny. Jej zadaniem jest zogniskowanie rozproszonego w wielu dyscyplinach humanistycznych stanowiska, wybrzmiałego szczególnie w pierwszej i drugiej połowie XX wieku, dotyczącego rewaloryzacji mitu i symbolu, na jego znaczeniu dla trwającego kryzysu kultury Zachodniej w kwestii samorozumienia człowieka. Syntezą zostają objęte badania poczynione przez filozofię symbolu Paula Ricoeura, filozofię form symbolicznych Ernsta Cassirera, religioznawstwo Mircei Eliadego oraz psychoanalizę i filozofię kultury Ericha Fromma (a częściowo też Carla G. Junga). Z uwagi na poruszane kwestie filozoficzne, wymagające wysiłku ponawianych kolejnych odczytań i reinterpretacji (o czym świadczą najnowsze wydania i przekłady wspomnianych tu dzieł, pochodzących nawet z 2020 r.), a także na długotrwały i – co do tendencji – niezmienny kryzys kultury Zachodniej, ograniczam się zasadniczo do tekstów źródłowych, gdzieniegdzie sięgając tylko do literatury XXI w. i opracowań. W pracy tej podejmuję „zapomniany język”, będący językiem symbolicznym, który wyraża istotne i – wg autora – współcześnie mało rozumiane aspekty egzystencji ludzkiej, związane z samopoznaniem i samoświadomością. Zostaje tu objaśnione pojęcie „symbolu uniwersalnego” Fromma i Ricoeura, obecnego i poświadczonego przez religioznawstwo już na pierwotnych etapach kultury. W związku z tym zostaje podjęte pytanie: czy taki znak jest strukturą semantyczną zdolną do wyrażania doświadczeń współczesnego człowieka? Zostaje udzielona pozytywna odpowiedź, bowiem u podłoża zachowań i myślenia współczesnego człowieka leżą podstawowe treści emocjonalne i złożone znaczenia egzystencjalne, które – przez wzgląd na ich inherentną ambiwalencję, a także szczególne momenty rozwoju osobowego jednostki – wymagają szczególnych form ekspresji o charakterze metaforycznym i symbolotwórczym. Dokonuję także krytyki interpretacji „mitu”, odłączonego od oryginalnego kontekstu symboliczno-religijnego i jego instrumentalnego wykorzystywania, będącego groźnym zjawiskiem społecznym, zagrażającym współczesnej kulturze.
W artykule podjęto problem traumy narodzin – zdarzenia, według Ottona Ranka, konstytutywnego dla losu każdego człowieka. Nawiązanie do teorii Errosa,zaproponowanej przez Agatę Bielik-Robson, pozwala ponownie włączyć tę koncepcję w obszar dyskusji na temat kondycji człowieka, dialektyki popędów, życia, śmierci oraz erotyki. Nawiązanie do badań empirycznych z psychologii prenatalnej i perinatalnej ukazuje słabsze strony propozycji Ottona Ranka.
The article discusses the problem of birth trauma, which according to Otto Rank is a constitutive event for the lot of every human being. Reference to the Erros theory, proposed by Agata Bielik-Robson, enables re-including this concept in the area of discussion on the human condition, the dialectic of drives, life, death and eroticism. The reference to empirical research in perinatal psychology shows weaknesses of Otto Rank’s proposal.
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