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This research paper investigates the views of the teachers of elementary and secondary schools in Greece with regard to who bears the responsibility for the state of the environment, as well as who should bear the cost of its protection. The research was carried out at the Environmental Education Centre of Kissavos-Mavrovounio. The research subjects were 144 teachers undergoing training in environmental education. The teachers believe that today the quality of both the natural and the urban environments worsens with those most responsible, in order of importance, being the industrialists and businesses, public administration and control mechanisms, politicians and laws, the citizens as consumers, judges and the judicial system and the farmers as producers. According to the respondents, the parties less responsible are the journalists and the mass media, researchers and scientists and, finally, teachers and the educational system in general. With regard to who should bear the cost of environmental protection, the vast majority think that the government should be the one to pay. The ideas of indirect and direct taxation, the adoption of a lower standard of living are much less accepted.
The need for improvement of the environment quality at the territory of cities is directly conditioned by its impact on the health of humans. At the same time humans are not the only residents of urban ecosystems, but they are also inhabited by other organisms, using city as their habitat. The growth of cities is a stable trend of the modern times and it comes into conflict with wildlife living activity and quality of environment. Sustainable development of cities is impossible without environment protection, economic progress and benefits for local communities, therefore the creation of protected areas groups within the city of Kyiv is offered as an instrument for biodiversity support and urban ecosystem stabilization. The most important requirements to the sites to be included into the system of protected areas have been formulated. The first two cores are developed based on small lakes, which are characterized with environmental, recreational and wildlife support potential. The benefits from the creation of the urban network of protected areas have been defined for urban ecosystem and social and economic situation in the city.
The article is focused on the phenomenon of the so-called uberisation (uber economy) process, which combines technological innovations with precarious workforce management techniques in urban environment. The main aim of the paper is to describe and explain this problem in the perspective of the Neil Smith's rent gap theory on the examples of Airbnb and Uber internet platforms and to present their impact on Polish urban areas. The article uses source literature as well as public and commercial databases and reveals that the presence of global sharing economy platforms at the local level is to the existence of economic capital rather than social, even if very often it is perceived in the opposite way.
Greater Mumbai is a mosaic of diverse languages, cultures and religions. Churches in Mumbai reflect the long association of Mumbai City and Salsette Island which comprise the present day Greater Mumbai. The churches of Greater Mumbai are relics of art, architecture and culture, as well as multi-lingual and religious tolerance. They enjoy a great history which dates back to the 16th century. With the coming of the Portuguese and British, the churches and their surrounding environment have undergone a spatial and temporal change to withstand the needs of the society with increasing population and prevalent intra-urban migration. The contributions of East Indians, Goans, Mangaloreans, Tamilians and Keralites to the progress and development of the Church in the area is immense. The present paper is an attempt to highlight the environmental history of the churches chronologically with sketches and maps. The study also analyses the geographical background and population composition in and around the churches. It brings out the emerging spatial pattern of churches in Greater Mumbai as well as the changes that have taken place over a period of time. Moreover, the paper describes the contribution of sociofugal and sociopetal forces for generating the socio-environmental scenario in the contemporary spatial framework.
Post is focused on problems of activities aimed at local food in urban environment. The theme is studied in the view of cultural changes in nutrition in Slovakia after 1989, affecting of global phenomena, incoming of giant international companies and importing foreign food. On the other side, there is also globalizations and glolocation view as an impulse for return to local food. Post is focused on different organizations, civic associations, activities and shops, through wich people in urban environment can gain local food.
The concept of mixed-use is considered in this article as a phenomenon of urban environment, which derives from natural formation and evolution of urban structure. Existing approaches to defining the concept of mixed-use building and mixed-use residential complex are analyzed. It was found that a multifunctional residential complex is a component of a mixed-use district, which stimulates the activity of urban environment and raises its viability, quality and economic effectiveness. Reasons for increasing interest in this type of complexes are pointed out in short. The question of mixed-use complexes distribution within the city structure is considered from the perspective of urban planning: local and city-wide mixed-use formations. The article presents a proposal of a definition of mixed-use residential complex.
W artykule jest omówiona „wielofunkcyjność” jako fenomen środowiska miejskiego, zjawisko wynikające z samej natury miasta, kształtowania i rozwoju jego struktury. Przeanalizowane zostały istniejące podejścia do definicji pojęcia wielozadaniowości budynku, także wielofunkcyjnego kompleksu mieszkalnego (WFKM1). Stwierdzono, że WFKM jest integralną częścią wielofunkcyjnych obszarów, co stymuluje aktywność środowiska miejskiego, zwiększa jego żywotność, jakość i efektywność ekonomiczną. Krótko zostały przedstawione przesłanki rosnącego zainteresowania tego typu kompleksami. Kwestia ulokowania wielofunkcyjnych kompleksów w strukturze miast jest rozpatrywana z punktu widzenia urbanistyki: wielofunkcyjnych struktur lokalnych i ogólnomiejskich. W pracy jest zawarta propozycja pojęcia wielofunkcyjnego kompleksu mieszkalnego.
Šiuo metu vėl pradėta gręžtis į miestuose esančius parkus kaip gyventojų poilsio, ramybės bei savotiškos atsvaros urbanizaciniams procesams oazes. Straipsnyje apžvelgiami miestų parkų urbanizuotoje aplinkoje ypatumai, pateikiama išskirtų parkų lyginamoji charakteristika, apžvelgiama Lietuvos miesto parkų evoliucija XX a. Šios informacijos fone pristatoma Šiaulių miesto centrinio parko galimybių studija, kurioje iškeltas uždavinys nuosaikiai urbanizuojant teritoriją aiškiai išskirti parko ribas bei kaip nepakenkti esančiam parkui integruoti urbanizacinį kaimyną, kartu pagerinant paties parko kompoziciją bei paslaugų infrastruktūrą. Pateikiama parko teritorijos analizė kaip urbanistinės struktūros elemento tyrimas: miesto gamtiniame karkase ir žaliųjų plotų sistemoje; žaliosios erdvės rangas bendrojoje miesto struktūroje (urbanistinės struktūros elementų vertybinė hierarchija), jos integracijos laipsnis; parko teritorijos transformacijos; esamos padėties analizė bei siūlymai.
Nowadays there is a renewed interest in city parks as recreational oases providing tranquillity and balancing out urban processes. This paper reviews characteristic features of city parks situated in an urban environment, presents comparative characteristics of exceptional parks, and summarizes the development of city parks in Lithuania in the 20th century. Within this context a feasibility study of the central park in Šiauliai is presented, focussing on the task of clearly distinguishing the park's borders during its moderate urbanization and preserving the park in the process of integration of its urban neighbourhood, meanwhile improving the park's composition and service infrastructure. The paper analyses the park's territory as an element of urban structure: position within the green city structure and the system of green spaces; arrangement of the green space in the overall city structure (hierarchy of values of urban structure elements), degree of its integration; transformations of the park's territory; analysis of the current situation and suggestions
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja procesu przejścia na nowoczesny system zaopatrzenia w wodę i odprowadzania ścieków na przykładzie średniej wielkości miasta górnoaustriackiego – Linz w perspektywie długoterminowej od około 1700 do 1900 r. Autor prezentuje proces transformacji. Omawia ciągłość i zakłócenia istniejących rozwiązań, kwestionując narrację modernizacji. Badane są podmioty zaangażowane w procesy decyzyjne i wdrożeniowe, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dotychczas zaniedbanej grupy mieszkańców miasta. Artykuł podnosi też kwestie integracji i wykluczenia w odniesieniu do polityki wodnej.
This article investigates the transition to a modern water supply and sewage disposal system. By focussing on the of the Upper Austrian mid-size city of Linz in a long-term perspective from circa 1700 to 1900, we trace continuities and disruptions of existing solutions and question the narrative of modernisation. We research the actors involved in the decision-making and implementation processes, paying special attention to the so-far neglected group of city inhabitants and their motives. Finally, we raise questions of integration and exclusion with regard to water.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z problematyką demograficznego kurczenia się miasta, w kontekście znaczenia, jakie w tym procesie odgrywa zagospodarowanie przestrzenne. Jednym z największych wyzwań dla Łodzi, miasta szczególnie silnie dotkniętego procesem depopulacji i starzenia się mieszkańców, jest poprawa stanu zagospodarowania przestrzeni miejskiej. Badania dowodzą, iż dobrze zaprojektowana i atrakcyjnie urządzona przestrzeń ma wyższą wartość niż przestrzeń pozbawiona tych cech, a to wskazuje, że właściwe kształtowanie zagospodarowania przestrzennego Łodzi może być ważnym narzędziem w podnoszeniu jej atrakcyjności lokalizacyjnej i kształtowaniu dalszego rozwoju miasta. Dwa szczególnie ważne problemy: wysoka degradacja tkanki miejskiej w śródmieściu oraz negatywne zmiany w strukturze i liczbie zamieszkującej miasto populacji pozostają ze sobą w ścisłym związku. Wydaje się jednak, że to nie działania mające wpływ na demografię (np. polityka prorodzinna), ale techniczno- -modernizacyjne i funkcjonalno-przestrzenne są kluczem do poprawienia kondycji miasta i budowania lepszych perspektyw jego rozwoju. Prezentowany tekst stanowi próbę rozwinięcia tej tezy i jest elementem szerszego projektu badawczego autora.
The article presents selected issues which are relevant to the demographic problems of a shrinking city in the context of the built environment and its role in this process. One of the biggest challenges for Lodz, a city particularly strongly affected by the process of depopulation and ageing, is to improve the shape of urban space. Research show that well-designed and attractive space is of higher valued than space deprived of these features. This indicates that the appropriate planning and shaping of the land development in Łódź could be an important tool in improving the attractiveness of the city and in modelling further development of the city. There are two particularly important issues related one to another in Lodz: strong degradation of urban fabric in the downtown as well as the negative changes in the structure and in number of urban population. It seems, however, that the technical modernization and spatial-functional changes are the keys to improve the condition of the city more than the pro-family policy or other activities affecting demographics. The present text includes an attempt to develop this hypothesis, remaining a part of a wider research project.
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