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Рад представља покушај емпиријске анализе детерминанти успешности пасторалне комуникације у српској говорној и социокултурној средини уз коришћење комплексне методологије утемељене на моделима истраживања заснованим у руској комуникационој лингвистици (вороњешка школа).
W pracy zaprezentowano analizę empiryczną czynników pastoralnej komunikacji w serbskiej wspólnocie społeczno-kulturowej. Wykorzystano złożoną metodologię badawczą, wzorując się na modelach analiz wypracowanych w ramach rosyjskiej lingwistyki komunikacyjnej (woroneska szkoła).
The essay is an attempt of empirical analysis of sociolinguistic determinants of the success of pastoral communication in the Serbian speaking society and culture with the use of the complex methodology based on the models of research which are founded in Russian communication linguistics (the Voronezh school). Applying the procedure involving the pilot survey, indirect observation, the ranking of communication characteristics of speech, identification of typical speech manners, identification of positive and negative statements and the verification of identified communication characteristics of parish priests, we have tried to realize in which way the personality of a parish priest is represented in the mind of the Serbian speaking persons, how they perceive and conceptualize the communication activity of the priest in the modern conditions of the inner and outer mission of the Church and what expectations they set before him.
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