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Celem artykułu jest ocena walorów turystycznych Parku Mużakowskiego, ich rozmiarów i uwarunkowań rozwoju turystyki oraz kształtowanie i ochrona omawianego obszaru. Przedstawione zostaną wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych na 100 osobowej grupie osób odwiedzających Park Mużakowski. Ankieta miała na celu: określenie narodowości turystów, częstotliwość odwiedzin parku, czasu w nim spędzonego, liczby osób towarzyszących przy zwiedzaniu parku, motywów odwiedzin, uprawianych form turystyki, oraz ocenie walorów turystycznych, krajoznawczych, wypoczynkowych, obiektów historycznych w polskiej i niemieckiej części parku. Przeprowadzona została analiza SWOT, która miała na celu określenie walorów turystycznych oraz szans rozwoju turystyki w Parku Mużakowskim. Za pomocą tej analizy określono mocne i słabe strony parku. Zaproponowane zostały formy turystyki, które mogą przyczynić się do aktywizacji turystycznej tego miejsca. Zasugerowane zostaną także formy uatrakcyjnienia turystycznego i zagrożenia dla walorów omawianego parku. Na podstawie analizy SWOT zostanie udowodnione, że Park Mużakowski predysponuje do pełnienia funkcji turystyczno-rekreacyjnej. Turystyka w tym parku jest dziedziną o dużym potencjale i możliwościach rozwojowych. Ze względu na niewystarczającą infrastrukturę turystyczną, jak również brak kampanii promocyjnej o ogólnopolskim, a nawet europejskim zasięgu turystyka w Parku Mużakowskim i jego walory nie są szeroko rozpowszechnione.
issue 10 (378)
The Supreme Court.s resolution that the establishment of road easement shall not be preceded by the decision of the Voivodeship conservator of monuments is correct. However, it should be pointed out that legal justification for this thesis is insufficient. Supreme Court, in some fragments of justification, even contradicted this thesis. The regulation of article 36, paragraph 1 of The protection of monuments Act does not eliminate the legal claim for establishing a road easement with the neighbouring property owner.
The role of cultural heritage in market economy has got a dual character and cannot be restricted to its historic, artistic or scientific value. On the one hand, cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts which are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations and therefore they build the sense of national pride and have social functions. On the other hand, they can be recognized as market products which support economic development of regions and countries influencing sectors of economy, such as: tourism and investments. Historic artefacts as an element of tangible infrastructure influence an economic development. They can be defined as material resources which are characterised by special features and potential of economic growth. The main objective of the article is to present the role of cultural heritage in country’s economy. This role cannot be limited to its tourist attractiveness. The article is divided into three parts. The first one defines the cultural heritage from various perspectives. The second one addresses the theoretical issues of the problem. Based on the literature review, it presents a role the cultural heritage can play in the economy. The last part comprises examples, both from Poland and abroad, how the cultural heritage can influence the economy, in three perspectives: economic growth, tourism and employment. Translated by Katarzyna Kubiszewska
The Convention on Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage arises from the need of including in the discourse on heritage the non–western ways of living the past. We could say that if the Convention from 1972 was aimed at realizing the UNESCO political agenda on the ground of the Western modern utopian project of universalism, the Convention of 2003 puts in motion the post-modern utopia of relativism, yet without renouncing the modern tools with which to realize it. According to the 2003 Convention, it is the multiplicity of value systems, and the heritage as their expressions put in the inventory, that become the assets of humanity construed as a community (UNESCO’s political objective). The multicultural character of heritage affirmed in the Convention from 2003 has an emancipatory meaning: the subaltern, peripheral value systems are given, at least in theory, the same position as the so far dominating value system of the colonizers. In a decentralized world Europe becomes a province in the same way as the rest of the world, and the Indian, Japanese or Australian perspective is equally valid as the European of American. However, the Convention on Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage, which is supposed to enhance the status of phenomena not included in the 1972 Convention, located outside the authorized heritage discourse, requires different safeguarding strategies. First, as it is a human activity that gets protection, and not at all, or to the less extend the material result of this activity, what is not valid here is the safeguarding by conservation, which is the basic strategy in the case of the objects inscribed in the World Heritage List. The crucial strategy in safeguarding of intangible heritage is education which includes the skills and rules into intergenerational transmission. The institutions and persons involved in safeguarding of intangible heritage are first and foremost required to provide suitable conditions for the future development of a cultural practice declared heritage. What is safeguarded are the living cultural traditions, and not their historical reconstructions. The safeguarding based on education can also result in broadening the group of depositaries of a practice which will become being practiced outside of its community of origin. On the other hand, a living practice will evolve and change, and of crucial importance is then the continuity of traditional system of intergenerational transmission. The article addresses several questions related to implementation of the 2003 Convention in Polish cultural context. Some heritage–related notions involved in discursive practices within the field of humanities and social sciences in Polish academic tradition are discussed, and history–related production of hierarchies within the field in Polish academia pointed at in the context of the heritage of local subalterns (peasants) and minorities. The social impact of these practices is exposed, as they have influenced both the translation of international documents and their reception, as well as the safeguarding practices. The local developments are contextualized within the international conservation and heritage studies discourse.
Artykuł poświęcony jest opisowi i analizie procesów kształtujących przestrzeń Warszawy w okresie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego (1918–1939). Składają się na nie z jednej strony działania postrzegane jako przykłady i symbole modernizacji (architektura awangardowa, planowanie przestrzenne, również „państwowotwórczy” monumentalizm) ale także – rozwijające się równolegle, określane wedle dzisiejszej terminologii – procesy „muzealizacji” (rekonstrukcje konserwatorskie, przywracanie historycznej atmosfery urbanistycznej miasta). Artykuł wskazuje również na ciągłość tytułowych procesów i konstytuujących je idei, aktualnych zawsze w okresach intensywnego poszukiwania zbiorowej tożsamości i przestrzennych form jej uwidaczniania (np. w okresie powojennej odbudowy w latach 1945–1956, jak również w okresie przełomu stuleci XIX i XX).
A popularization and publicistic campaign to protect historic monuments in Poland is carried oat on a large scale. The work done in the field o f monuments’ protection is now much bigger than ever before, although one could think otherwise when considering critical opinions found in press, television and radio. The thing is that in previous years publicists aimed at displaying achievements and not criticism. Moreover, the subject o f conservators’ interest has been extremely broadened to include objects dating from the second half o f the 19th century and the beginnings o f the 20th, and even from the inter-war period. An intensified rate o f building in Poland, and also a great increase in new space automatically changes quantitative relations between „the new” and „the old”. An impetus o f modern investments creates occasional collisions when modernness enters protected zones, and because o f that it is necessary to deviate from passive protection, based on a ban only, in favour o f active protection characterized by solutions offered. This requires a close link between thinking and humanistic and technical knowledge. Favourable conditions are being created by a fully formed all-Poland organizational system. It combines closely actions o f the Ministry o f Culture and Arts and other departments, Voivodship Conservators o f Historic Monuments with museums, Workshops o f Historic Monuments’ Conservation, „Desa”, Centre o f Monuments’ Documentation and field Offices o f Monuments’ Research and Documentation. It also links research undertakings with practical ones carried out by higher schools, scientific and research institutes, museums, etc. A conducive role is played by a long-standing principle o f regarding museums as links in monuments’ protection working under special conditions. Following changes in an administrative division o f the country there has occurred a marked increase in conservation services as well as a wider involvement o f museums in works on protection. At present, there are in Poland 49 Voivodship Conservators o f Historic Monuments, 5 Municipal and 36 Voivodship Offices o f Monuments’ Research and Documentation. Apart from that, four museum directors perform functions o f conservation authorities with regard to architectonic complexes, folk culture, technology, etc. In 1976 the Conservator General initiated a country-wide programme o f protecting cultural values and develpoing museums. Basing on guidelines set out by the Main Board o f Museums and Historic Monuments’ Protection, Voivodship Conservators o f Monuments presented in 1977 their voivodship programmes. The programmes were then assessed by Voivodship Councils o f Cultural Values’ Protection; in 1978 they will be confronted and made precise in regional and specialistic groups (e.g. those engaged in ethnographic parks, old-towi complexes, monuments o f water engineering, etc.). In conservation practice each decision should be accompanied b) a doubt whether we wish to display a historic monument in its old or present condition. It is not possible to set out one and univocal principle o f procedure. Only to some extent it may be replaced by flexibility and a rule that values o f any monument and its environment should be examined thoroughly prior to any physica1 undertaking. A programme o f protection should also be treated as a principal guideline only, based on an assessment o f the state o f possession and a specification o f probable possibilities o f its use. One o f the main interests o f conservation services in Poland b a traditional care for old-town centres. A need to reconstruct whole complexes, bom as a result o f great devastations, brought about a cooperation between many specialists. The specific approach to programmes, based on broad studies, to mention only historic, archaeological or architectonic research works and closely linked with spatial development, gave rise to the principle o f complexity, o f which the „Polish conservation school” boasts. In the last two years it was possible to work out restoration programmes for more than 70 towns. The programmes were presented in 1977 at two all-Poland sessions at Rzeszów and Toruń. The hitherto experience shows that restoration programmes should be assessed from two points o f view: functional and spatial, from both a historic and modern standpoint. Against a wide-spread opinion that all monuments have to be rebuilt and that a notion o f „historic ruins” is only a condition o f waiting for the next stage o f execution, it is thought now to secure the so-called „premanent ruins” , provided that the condition o f the object, i.e. devastation in per cent, or its age do not qualify it for restoration. Monuments o f the history o f technics are also covered by protection; there is even a programme o f protecting technical monuments and developing relevant museology. A number of active protectors o f monuments shows also an upward trend. A few-years-old campaign o f appropriating historic buildings for rest houses, carried out already for a number o f years, as well as the 1976 competition for the best user o f historic building cultivate a sense o f cultural needs in the society and contribute directly to increasing the interest o f various social circles in the protection of historic buildings.
Protection of national heritage is state responsibility. Principles of protection are incorporated in two separate sets of rules – one for artifacts and one for archives. Rules on protection of movable heritage are not applied in practice, and the very concept of protection envisioned by the lawmaker seems to be lax. Furthermore duties imposed on private owners of cultural objects are not balanced by their rights. This rises a serious doubt about constitutionality of these laws.
Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie problematyki integracji architektury współczesnej inspirowanej formami historycznymi z obiektami zabytkowymi, zarówno w skali pojedynczego obiektu, jak też zespołu staromiejskiego. Rozważania obejmują tło ogólne oraz krótkie opisy realizacji ilustrujących poruszane zagadnienia. Przeprowadzona analiza potwierdza znaczenie współczesnej architektury „historyzującej” w procesie integracji nowych form ze strukturami zabytkowymi.
The aim of the article is to outline the problems of integration of contemporary architecture inspired by historical forms with historical monuments, both in the scale of a single architectural object and the scale of an old town. Considerations include general background and brief descriptions of the raised issues. The analysis confirms the importance of contemporary „historicising” architecture in the process of integrating new forms with historic structures.
Policja jako organ prowadzący postępowanie karne pełni istotną rolę w ściganiu przestępstw przeciwko zabytkom. Skuteczność działań w tym zakresie uzależniona jest od kilku czynników. W artykule zwrócono szczególną uwagę na problemy związane z ujawnianiem tego rodzaju czynów, wskazując na trudności w identyfikowaniu przedmiotu przestępstwa, a także znaczenie współpracy organów ścigania z wojewódzkimi konserwatorami zabytków. Bardzo ważną kwestią jest właściwa kwalifikacja prawna czynu, która utrudniona jest przez rozproszenie karnoprawnych regulacji odnoszących się do przestępczości przeciwko dobrom kultury w różnych aktach prawnych. Przepisy w tym zakresie zawarte są przede wszystkim w kodeksie karnym oraz w ustawie o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami. Co więcej, ustawodawca stosuje zróżnicowaną terminologię w opisie znamion poszczególnych przestępstw. Efektowność ścigania w znacznej mierze uzależniona jest od wykorzystania w tego typu sprawach wiedzy specjalistycznej. W związku z tym podkreślono rolę biegłych i konsultantów, ale także zwrócono uwagę na potrzebę właściwego przygotowania funkcjonariuszy Policji do ścigania przestępczości przeciwko dobrom kultury.
Wzrost liczby muzeów nieposiadających osobowości prawnej gromadzących zbiory z zakresu motoryzacji stał się podstawą do przeprowadzenia analizy przepisów dotyczących pojazdów zabytkowych, wzbogaconej danymi statystycznymi dotyczącymi liczby muzeów w Polsce publikowanymi w Biuletynie Informacji Publicznej Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w latach 2018–2020. Analiza danych statystycznych stała się fundamentem dla rozważań teoretyczno-prawnych nad definicją pojazdu zabytkowego oraz związanej z nią definicji pojazdu historycznego. Całość rozważań podsumowują wnioski de lege lata i de lege ferenda dążące do wskazania propozycji działań legislacyjnych, które powinien przeprowadzić racjonalny ustawodawca w celu zwiększenia efektywności przepisów prawnych.
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A good deal of essential problems with which are faced the Polish scientific and cultural circles dealing with protection of historical monuments have been listed within the present article. The main emphasis, however, was laid upon und in detail discussed were the following questions: the advancing endangerments to settling environments as a consequence of new conditions of the „standardized production” of new housing estates; the definition of the term „historical monument” or „cultural heritage” ; the unfavourable results of'verifying the cultural property through its classification; the approach of representatives of various scientific disciplines to cultural property; the problems of a corporate considering of groupings of historic buildings and, finally - the problems of staffing as well as those of organization. A particular emphasis was laid by the author upon importance of problems related to protection of settling environment by stressing the fact that the Polish experts have at their disposal a number of well developod methods basing on the corporate investigations carried out by specialists from many scientific areas. The introduction of such investigations into a wide practice should prove highly helpful while establishing the outlines that in their turn would constitute an essential element in preparing of the general and detailed plans and at working out of housing programmes. The author hopes that it will namely be the historians and conservators who will choose the spatial settings deserving to be safeguarded and at the same time demanding the determining of nature and extent of the necessary or permissible rehabilitation and modernization. While advancing the above requirements he puts the question about our readiness to carry out the aforo- -mentioned tasks and expresses his doubts and objections. Among these objections quite essential, in the author’s view, role is being played by terminology. The term „zabytek” (a historical monument in Polish) while in use in other languages suggests a sizeable object of monumental character whereas in Polish it is composed of two parts, namely a prefix „za”, pointing to something coming from the past and „byt” , eonstituing an arch definition. In the above connection the term „zabytek” (a monument, historical monument) is strongly emphasising the ancientness of an object which in the author’s view confines its comprehension range. The author refers to the Polish Law on the Protection of Cultural Property of 1962 wdiere the term „historical monument” is being used as one alternating with „cultural property” . From the above fact two features are resulting, unfavorable for the protection of cultural property, namoly interpretation stating that as the „monuments” are to be considered only the cultural property subjected to legal protection and, furthermore, the identify of terms „monument” and an object whose main quality is its age. According to the author a lot of confusion and harms have been caused by classifying verification of cultural property or cultural heritage consisting of architectural objects or historic buildings which has led to demolition of objects classified to lower categories or even those in higher categories. The register of historic buildings is covering only sporadic buildings dating from the 19th and 20th centuries that under the eyes of community only quite recently are acquiring the qualities of cultural property under protection. A strong criticism was expressed by the author with respect to touring maps containing classifications of the separate historical monuments an a general statement made by him that in the community’s consciousness more and more firm becomes the view about the apparent worthlessness of what is forming the basic tissue of historical settings. The Law mentioned above lists eleven groups of objects or their groupings that may form the subject of protection. It must be added, however, that each of these groups forms a basic for the separate area of knowledge. The above division results into different methods of investigation and, furthermore, is connected with various institutions, professional associations, displays, etc. It has been stated by the author that the prevailing majority of groups to wrhom is classified the cultural property in this country is to be found within the groupings and enclosed systems and so, for instance, a single grouping may be composed of cultural property representing the above 11 classes; thus the separate elements of that grouping will be diasipated in registrations which the situation does not favour a corporate protection. In the course of his further considerations the author characterizes the approach the experts from the various fields of science may have to a given object and he states that the most „corporate” in its nature approach is shown by graduates from the Institute of Connoisseur - ship and Conservation, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń. It is required by the author that the aesthetical values of cultural property be not indentified with assessments made on conventional basis of investigations carried out by art historians and architects and that the classifying verifications be made on the basis of a full and objective overall distinction. As an essential problem is considered by the author that of settlement groupings of high rank arising from richness of historical and social traditions and both spatial systems and forms. As particularly unsatisfactory are to be considered conditions of the traditional rustic buildings. It is suggested by the author that in each ethnographic region at least one grouping of rustici buildings should be selected with a reservation accompanying it. With regard to the historic urban centres in the years 1969—1970 the criteria for estimating of historic buildings have changed; thus, for instance, to such buildings are now being counted those with architectural forms that developed during the 19th and early 20th century but as deserving consideration should also be handled the town plans, the outskirts or the workers’ housing quarters and the like, dating back to those times. It is proposed by the author to stop the publication of registers or catalogues of historic buildings and to focus on systematic investigations supplying the background for the renewed, but this time carefully planned and wide registering action. The problems of staffing have also been dealt with by the author who pointed to quantitative insufficiencies of the appropriately trained personnel able to undertake the tasks associated with protection and preservation of cultural property. While speaking about such personnel he has in mind a number of suitably specialized experts e.g. twon planners, architects or civil engineers who with the problems from the ange of cultu al property protection would be made acquainted in the course of their academic training. However, that their activities could prove affective it is indispensable to establish a suitable organizational system of their work with no place for an excessively extended administration, but quite opposite — with the conservation services supported by a suitable scientific and research as well as technical background. In this connection it is suggested by the author to establish the Voivodship Centres of Cultural Property Protection subordinated to Voivodship Conservators and responsible for carrying out the tasks associated with preparing of documentation and other research activities. While summarizing his considerations the author presented the directions of the necessary research activities, organizational and legal measures, these form the field of training and finally those in publishing range that all taken together could lead to changes in protection of cultural property in Poland.
Three shipwrecks which sunk at the end of the Second World War are classified as war graves. These are the “Wilhelm Gustloff”, the “Goya” and the “General von Steuben”. These shipwrecks are also historical monuments and are protected under provisions of criminal law, which are contained both in the Act on the Protection of Monuments and the Guardianship of Monuments and in the Penal Code. Currently applicable laws protect shipwrecks against damage or destruction, profane, theft. Also in order to protect the property aboard war graves and to protect the environment the Maritime Office in Gdynia and the Maritime Office in Słupsk have forbidden diving within 500 meters of these wrecks.
Artykuł przedstawia koncepcje ochrony zabytków i dzieł sztuki w minionych wiekach po czasy współczesne. Poprzez analizę aktów normatywnych i literatury ukazuje nie tylko definicję zabytków i dzieł sztuki, ale również kryteria stanowiące o ich wartości, a tym samym świadczące o ich roli i znaczeniu w kreowaniu dziedzictwa kulturalnego narodu. Porusza także kwestie obowiązków i odpowiedzialności poszczególnych podmiotów w kreowaniu ochrony zabytków, wypływających zarówno z ogólnopaństwowych programów politycznych oraz ustawodawstwa międzynarodowego.
The article presents the concepts of protection of monuments and works of art in past centuries to modern times. Through the analysis of normative acts and literature article it shows not only the definition of monuments and works of art, but also the criteria for providing for their value. And thus demonstrating their role and importance in the creation of the cultural heritage of the nation. Also raises issues of duties and responsibilities of the various actors in creating the protection of monuments flowing both the general national political agendas and international legislation.
In his capacity as General Conservator o f Historical Monuments, the author discusses the development o f the philosophy o f conservation and shares his reflections about the twentieth-century transformations o f the concepts o f „conservation” and „historical monuments”. A presentation o f the inner development o f conservation within the cultural-social and political-economic context comprises a foundation for indicating paths for resolving the critical situation. These paths entail: preventive conservation, the protection o f the landscape/cultural/historical environment, integral conservation, as well as conservation via documentation. Interesting predictions concerning the future o f conservation and cultural property are summed up in expectations vis a vis the strategy for an international protection o f cultural property; at the same time, the author declares that the progress o f the political and economic unification o f Europe could predestine our small Continent to play a leading role in setting up strategic methods and systems that, following their modification, could serve other continents. Unfortunately, the activity o f European organizations (the Council o f Europe, the European Union, the UNESCO European programme, and others) as regards the protection of cultural property is neither coordinated or sufficiently based on the experiences and activity o f men o f science.
Für die heutige Zivilisation ist es Pfl icht und Sorge, sich um die möglichst lange Erhaltung der intellektuellen Errungenschaften des Menschen zu kümmern. Unmittelbar wird diese Aufgabe von den Archivaren und Bibliothekaren realisiert. Zum Schutz von Büchersammlungen gehört ein ganzes Ensemble verschiedener und komplizierter Aktivitäten, die deren Sicherheit und einen guten Erhaltungszustand gewährleisten sollen. Die schnelle technologische Entwicklung bringt ständig neue Möglichkeiten und gleichzig auch größere Erwartungen und Anforderungen von Seiten der Benutzer mit sich. Das sich insbesondere gegen Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts vertiefende Bewusstsein des möglichen Verlustes Hunderttausender auf Papier gebannter Dokumente führte zu einer beschleunigten Suche nach besseren und effektiveren Methoden ihrer Rettung. Diese Suche verlief in zweierlei Richtungen: einerseits zur Entwicklung von Methoden massenhafter Konservierung und andererseits zur Nutzung der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Technologie der Kopiergeräte. Dieser Gedanke bildete die Grundlage des von der UNESCO initiierten internationalen Programms „Memory of the World”. In Polen hat der Ministerrat der Republik Polen auf das Problem der Rettung des Nationalerbes aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert mit dem Beschluss vom 17. November 1999 hervorragend reagiert und ein Langfristiges Regierungsprogramm für die Jahre 2000-2008 „Saures Papier. Zur massenhaften Rettung der bedrohten polnischen Bibliotheks- und Archivbestände” verabschiedet. Um diese Bestände zu schützen, ist nicht nur ein entsprechendes Bewusstsein der Bibliotheksmitarbeiter notwendig, sondern auch die positive Einstellung der entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Forschungseinrichtungen und Regierungsstellen sowie die Überzeugung, dass der Schutz dieser Bestände von ganz wesentlicher Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Wissenschaft, der Technik und der Kultur ist und dass ohne die notwendigen Zuwendungen zu diesem Zweck viele Bestände unwiederbringlich verlorengehen.
Celem rozważań jest zarysowanie problematyki odbudowy zniszczonych zabytkowych świątyń w aspekcie zastosowanych form architektonicznych. Świątynia historyczna może zostać zrekonstruowana, może także powstać obiekt o zupełnie nowej formie architektonicznej. Mimo odmienności przyjętych rozwiązań nowy obiekt jest kontynuatorem i nośnikiem tradycji miejsca w całej jego różnorodności. Powyższa tematyka została zilustrowana przykładami świątyń wzniesionych w miejsce utraconych zabytkowych cerkwi na terenie województwa podlaskiego.
This article aims to outline the problems of reconstruction of destroyed churches in the historic aspect of applied architectural forms. A historical temple can be reconstructed, there can also arise an object with a completely new form of architecture. Despite the diversity of the solutions adopted, the new object is a continuator and carrier of the tradition of place in all its diversity. This theme is illustrated with examples of temples built in place of lost historic Orthodox churches in the province of Podlasie.
W artykule przedstawiono świadomość spontaniczną, rodzaje zachowań i stosunek emocjonalny Polaków do zabytkowych budynków w perspektywie potencjału turystycznego tych obiektów. Artykuł uzupełnia wiedzę niezbędną do analiz potencjału turystycznego, prowadzenia polityki turystycznej oraz planowania inwestycji w zabytkowe obiekty polegających na nadawaniu im funkcji turystycznej. Opiera się on na wynikach reprezentatywnego badania społecznego przeprowadzonego przez autorkę w sierpniu 2016 r. we współpracy z firmą Millward Brown S.A.
The article presents a spontaneous awareness, behaviors and emotional attitudes of Poles to the historic buildings in the perspective of the tourism potential of these objects. The article complements the knowledge necessary for tourism potential analysis, tourism policy and planning investments in historic buildings in order to give them a tourist function. It is based on the results of a representative survey conducted by the author in cooperation with a Millward Brown S.A. in August 2016.
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest niezwykle aktualny temat prawnych aspektów rzeczy znalezionych. Autorzy rozpoczęli swoje rozważania od krótkiego wprowadzenia na temat historycznych aspektów grabieży dziedzictwa narodowego, aby następnie w sposób szczegółowy opisać najważniejsze niuanse prawne pojawiające się na kanwie ustawy o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami, znalezisk z perspektywy polskiego prawodawcy. Podsumowując, autorzy zaproponowali katalog czynności, które należałoby podjąć w przypadku znalezienia zabytkowego obiektu.
The study presents most recent issue of the legal aspects of found things. The authors began their considerations with a short introduction about the historical aspects of the plundering of national heritage. They go on to describe in detail the most important legal issues from a Polish legislator’s point of view. In conclusion, the authors propose a list of activities that need to be undertaken in the event of finding a historic object.
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