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The article concerns the field of social care and social assistance in the first years of the Polish People’s Republic as they were provided to individuals who suffered distress during World War Two. The timeline of the paper covers the period from 1944 to 1948. At that time, the focus of social care and social assistance was satisfying the fundamental needs of the people, in particular in environments affected by the destruction of war. It included, among others, ensuring food, health care, accommodation, education and employment. The scale of the relief provided after the war by various Polish and international institutions was unprecedented in the history of the Polish social service, covering one in four Poles, i.e. over 6 million people in total.
Aleksandra Siedlaczek-Szwed, Działalność opiekuńcza towarzystw dobroczynnych na Wileńszczyźnie w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej, Wydawnictwo Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Częstochowa 2009, ss. 288
The article concerns the field of social care and social assistance in the first years of the People’s Republic of Poland provided to individuals who suffered distress during World War Two. The timeline of the paper covers the years 1944-1948. At that time, the focus of social care and social assistance was satisfying the fundamental needs of the people, in particular in environments affected by the destruction of war. It included, among others, ensuring food, health care, accommodation, education and employment. The scale of the relief provided after the war by various Polish and international institutions was unprecedented in the history of the Polish social service with one in four Poles involved i.e. over 6 million people in total.
There are two main subjects raised in the article, meaning the development of the occupation of a social worker and the pursuit to make the work for the ones in need professional. The latter has its genesis in the actions taken in the period of annexation. Trials to nd an efficient method to help people in dealing with life crisis have not been fully achieved yet although lasting over a century. Therefore, there is a question whether and in what extend may the practice of the following decades be used to build the occupation of a social worker, which will gain a status of a profession.
In the Polish People’s Republic (1944–1989), a number of organisational and ideological changes were made in the social welfare sector: most of the ways of organising help that were tested during the interwar period were replaced with new concepts, often with sad consequences for those in need. This article presents the changes that took place in the Polish social security sector in the decades after World War II. Subsequent attempts to reform the social welfare system have been shown with the use of archival materials, other historical sources and literature on the subject.
Aleksandra Siedlaczek-Szwed, Działalność opiekuńcza towarzystw dobroczynnych na Wileńszczyźnie w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej, Wydawnictwo Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Częstochowa 2009, ss. 288
The article describes the main sources of contemporary volunteering, i.e. the historical and social context of changes in the perception of voluntary work in the past hundred years. The year 1918 was established as the starting point, i.e. the beginning of the creation of a system of social assistance (welfare) in Poland within the resurgence of the state, the volunteers of which (then called volunteers) were a significant and distinctive element. Moreover, at the same time (1920) the foundations of modern international volunteering were laid, the father of which is commonly referred to as the Swiss pacifist Pierre Cérésole. Subsequent turning points are marked by the times of the People’s Republic of Poland (1944–1989), when all social activities acquired an unequivocally ideological meaning and undertaking such work was associated with expressing support for the ruling system and its political authorities. On the other hand, the times of the Third Polish Republic that began with social changes in 1989, brought the necessity to create the structures of Polish volunteering almost from the very beginnings.
W artykule scharakteryzowano główne źródła współczesnego wolontariatu, tj. kontekst historyczno-społeczny przemian w zakresie postrzegania i wykonywania pracy ochotniczej w ponad stuletniej historii. Jako cezurę początkową przyjęto rok 1918, czyli moment rozpoczęcia tworzenia w Polsce systemu pomocy (opieki) społecznej w ramach odrodzonego państwa, którego wolontariusze (wówczas określani ochotnikami) byli znaczącym i wyróżniającym się sprawnością działania elementem. Ponadto w tym samym czasie (1920 r.) tworzyły się podstawy współczesnego międzynarodowego wolontariatu, którego ojcem zwykło nazywać się szwajcarskiego pacyfistę Pierra Cérésole. Kolejne cezury wyznaczają czasy Polski Ludowej (1944–1989), kiedy wszelkie czyny społeczne nabrały jednoznacznie ideologicznego znaczenia i podejmowanie się takiej pracy kojarzone było z wyrażaniem poparcia dla panującego ustroju i jego władz politycznych. Z kolei czasy III RP rozpoczęte przemianami społecznymi w 1989 r. przyniosły konieczność tworzenia, niemalże od początku, struktury polskiego wolontariatu.
The subject of the article is professor Stanisław Michalski – a pedagogue by education and practice, researcher of the history of education, and supervisor of numerous historians of education. The aim of the publication is to present Michalski in the context of his scientific and organizational achievements, related primarily to the creation of a separate unit dealing with the history of education at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, the Department of the History of Upbringing, and of which he became the first Head. The genesis and motives for establishing this research unit, as well as the first period of its activity, are described. The main areas of his research interests are presented, focusing on the views of outstanding social and educational activists of the 19th and 20th centuries, the history of agricultural education and the education of rural youth, the history of the professional teaching movement and teacher education in Poland, as well as his clearly defined views on the methodology of the history of education. The professor’s activity in the academic bodies of AMU, his extensive experience as a promoter, as well as his cooperation with academic centers from all over Poland were marked. The factual method was used, i.e. a critical analysis of source materials (archival and printed), and numerous studies on the subject matter were performed.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest postać profesora Stanisława Michalskiego – z wykształcenia i praktyki pedagoga, badacza dziejów oświaty, opiekuna naukowego wielu historyków wychowania. Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie Michalskiego w kontekście jego dorobku naukowego oraz organizacyjnego, związanego przede wszystkim z utworzeniem na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu odrębnej jednostki zajmującej się dziejami oświaty – Zakładu Historii Wychowania, którego był pierwszym kierownikiem. Opisano genezę i motywy powołania zakładu oraz pierwszy okres jego działalności. Ukazane zostały główne obszary zainteresowań naukowych Michalskiego: sylwetki i myśl pedagogiczna wybitnych działaczy społecznych i oświatowych XIX i XX wieku, historia oświaty rolniczej i edukacja młodzieży wiejskiej, dzieje zawodowego ruchu nauczycielskiego i kształcenie nauczycieli w Polsce oraz wyraźnie dookreślone poglądy na metodologię historii wychowania. Zaznaczono aktywność profesora w gremiach UAM, bogate doświadczenie w roli promotora, a także współpracę z ośrodkami badawczymi z całej Polski. Wykorzystano metodę faktograficzną, tj. dokonana została krytyczna analiza materiałów źródłowych (archiwalnych i drukowanych), a także licznych powstałych opracowań w badanej tematyce.
25 lat Wydziału Studiów Edukacyjnych Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
Sprawozdanie z XXII. Międzynarodowej Konferencji NaukowejSocialia 2018 – Ohrožení jedince v současné společnosti. Hradec Králové, 18–19 października 2018 r.
Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Janusz Korczak – Wielki Człowiek i Pedagog”
Aim: Presentation of the scientific profile of an outstanding historian of education, the head of the Department of History of Education at the Faculty of Educational Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, who died prematurely on April 2, 2021 – Prof. Wiesław Jamrożek. Methods: An analysis and interpretation of source material. Results: Showing the main threads in the scientific, didactic and organizational work of Prof. Wiesław Jamrożek. Conclusions: The interests and research of Prof. Wiesław Jamrożek focused on the history of the educational thought and practice, mainly in the 19th and 20th centuries. They concerned such issues as: the theory and methodology of the history of education; creators of the Polish history of education; ideology and the educational activity of Polish political and social movements in the 19th and 20th centuries; education of women in the 19th and 20th centuries; the Polish pedagogical thought of the 19th and 20th centuries; civic education in the Polish lands in the 19th and 20th centuries; school reforms in Poland (from the 18th to the end of the 20th century); upbringing in the Polish family in the 19th and 20th centuries; history of adult education in Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries; birth and development of social work in Poland. Prof. Wiesław Jamrożek was an active member of many societies and organizations, a co-inspirator and the first Rector of the Lusatian University. Jana Benedykta Solfy based in Żary.
The goal of this article is to sum up the past hundred years of the social security system in Poland, starting with establishment thereof as Poland regained statehood in 1918. The changes which occurred in that time have been divided into three subsequent stages of the history of the Polish social security system. The first was the Interwar period when efforts were made to establish a social security system in independent Poland, in areas formerly divided between Austria, Prussia and Russia with extreme systems of social security. The next period was the Polish People’s Republic (1944–1989) when the communist authorities dismantled the pre-war social security system based on cooperation between state-owned and social organisations and the Church, replacing it with inefficient structures interested only in selected social groups in need. On the other hand, the third stage, commenced in 1989, of reconstructing social security, at first offered social protection for individuals affected by the system transformation. The last dozen or so years of development of social security is characterised by increasingly visible stimulation of social and economic growth to activate people from the fringes of the society.
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