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When we ask about the specific contribution of consecrated persons in the service of the Gospel of hope, we reply that it can be essentially summed up by three behaviors. Firstly, when we talk about hope, it means that we are experiencing some form of anxiety, possibly fear of distress. It is necessary, therefore, to look at fear from the perspective of Christian hope, which overcomes the fear, distances and eliminates any distress. Secondly, when we try to decipher the time of trials in its fullest sense, both spiritual as well as existential experience, familial or communal, we understand it as another way of experiencing hope. Thirdly, He gives strength in the holy anxiety about the things of the Lord, in order to realize what he is calling one to do. He will give the strength to follow this road and arrive at the goal of one’s journey.
Ecumeny and Law
vol. 9
issue 1
I tre concetti: migrazione, ecumenismo e integrazione sono ricchi di significato. Il loro ordine e la gerarchia sono importanti. La migrazione è più o meno la libera circolazione delle persone, dei singoli o di interi gruppi. L’ecumenismo, a sua volta, è un appello e un’azione. La sua missione/compito è la necessità di riconoscere persone che rappresentano un’altra religione e di fare tentativi/sforzi per integrarle in un insieme con persone che credono in modo un po’ diverso, ma nello stesso Dio. L’integrazione è ripristinare o costruire un insieme integrale con persone che vivono in un dato territorio. La piena integrazione si chiama identità - individuale o collettiva. Poiché la migrazione disturba - in misura maggiore o minore - l’identità individuale o collettiva sia del Paese che accoglie gli emigrati che quella degli stessi immigrati, l’integrazione mira quindi a ricostruirla, ma non nelle strutture mentali esistenti, ma arricchita di nuovi impulsi che sono contributo degli immigrati. Il fondamento/la base - nel nostro contesto, si tratta della fede nel Dio di Gesù Cristo - rimane invariato, mentre cambia la sovrastruttura.
Les trois concepts de migration, d’oecuménisme et d’intégration sont riches de sens. Leur ordre et leur hiérarchie sont importants. La migration est plus ou moins le déplacement plus ou moins libre de personnes, d’individus ou de groupes entiers. L’oecuménisme, quant à lui, est un appel et une action. Sa mission/tâche est la nécessité de représenter une minorité religieuse par rapport aux communautés existantes et de faire des tentatives/efforts pour les incorporer dans un même ensemble avec les personnes qui croient un peu différemment, mais au même Dieu. L’intégration consiste à restaurer ou à construire un tout intégral à partir des personnes vivant sur un territoire donné. L’intégration complète est appelée identité - individuelle ou collective. Puisque la migration perturbe plus ou moins l’identité individuelle ou collective du pays d’accueil et des immigrés eux-mêmes, l’intégration vise donc à la reconstruire, non pas dans les structures mentales existantes, mais dans une structure enrichie de nouvelles impulsions qui sont les contributions des immigrés. La base/le fondement - dans notre contexte, il s’agit de la foi dans le Dieu de Jésus-Christ - reste inchangée, tandis que la superstructure connaît un certain changement.
The three concepts of migration - ecumenism - integration are rich in meaning. What is important is their order, the hierarchy of their occurrence. Migration is more or less any movement of people, individuals or whole groups. Ecumenism is in turn an appeal and an action. Its mission/task is to recognize in a certain group of people a religious difference and to make an effort to place it in an integral whole with other people who believe a little differently, but in the same God. Integration has the task of restoring or building an integral whole from people living in a particular territory. Full integration is called individual or collective identity. Since migration violates - to a greater or lesser extent - the individual or collective identity of both the country that receives immigrants and the immigrants themselves, integration aims to rebuild it, but no longer within the same mental structures, but rather ones enriched with new impulses that are the contribution of immigrants. The foundation - in our context, it is about faith in the God of Jesus Christ - remains unchanged, yet the superstructure undergoes some changes.
In the legal understanding, martyrdom requires external recognition as well as external evaluation. For this reason, the visual witness appears in the context of death (the witness of martyrdom). His job is to cognitively and consciously evaluate the fact of the physical loss of life. The reason to begin the process of canonization can only come about in close connection with the evaluation of internal state of love and faith of the martyred person; but not necessarily. Since death for the faith has the value of the Sacrament of Baptism, it may happen that an unbeliever or someone not practicing his faith, can give his life for the faith. Through this act, he absolves his unbelief or committed sins and can become blessed or a saint of the church. This is, however, a unique gift of God’s grace which is rather rare. Usually a zealous, faith-filled life, prepares the believer to follow the footprints of his Master and give his own life.The witness is the person who knows something important about the ongoing canonization case. He is a person who personally saw (de visu) or heard (ex auditu) something important in connection with the death of a particular person whose case is in process of establishing a potential martyrdom. When there is a lack of witness de visu there is a need to examine the witness ex auditu or else ex auditu a videntibus. These are the persons who do not know the development of these tragic events personally, but heard about them from the person (people) who directly participated in those events.
In the legal understanding, martyrdom requires external recognition as well as external evaluation. For this reason, the visual witness appears in the context of death (the witness of martyrdom). His job is to cognitively and consciously evaluate the fact of the physical loss of life. The reason to begin the process of canonization can only come about in close connection with the evaluation of internal state of love and faith of the martyred person; but not necessarily. Since death for the faith has the value of the Sacrament of Baptism, it may happen that an unbeliever or someone not practicing his faith, can give his life for the faith. Through this act, he absolves his unbelief or committed sins and can become blessed or a saint of the church. This is, however, a unique gift of God’s grace which is rather rare. Usually a zealous, faith-filled life, prepares the believer to follow the footprints of his Master and give his own life.The witness is the person who knows something important about the ongoing canonization case. He is a person who personally saw (de visu) or heard (ex auditu) something important in connection with the death of a particular person whose case is in process of establishing a potential martyrdom. When there is a lack of witness de visu there is a need to examine the witness ex auditu or else ex auditu a videntibus. These are the persons who do not know the development of these tragic events personally, but heard about them from the person (people) who directly participated in those events.
Cardinal Kurt Koch has been serving as president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (now: Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity) since July 1, 2010 and at the same time as president of the Commission for Religious Relations with Judaism. Administrative duties have not impoverished or diminished his theological reflection. His thought is in many ways original and lucid. He refers with respect to tradition, but he breathes equally strongly the problems of the present. At the center of his reflections is the mystery of the Church and its vocation to promote unity among the witnesses of Christ. He is convinced that Christians are persecuted today not because they are Catholics or Orthodox, Protestants or Pentecostals, but because they are Christians. This text presents the figure and some views on his ecclesiology.
Kard. Kurt Koch od 1 lipca 2010 r. pełni obowiązki przewodniczącego Papieskiej Rady ds. Popierania Jedności Chrześcijan (obecnie: Dykasterii ds. Popierania Jedności Chrześcijan) i jednocześnie przewodniczącego Komisji ds. Kontaktów Religijnych z Judaizmem. Obowiązki administracyjne nie zubożyły i nie pomniejszyły jego refleksji naukowej. Jego myśl jest w wielu aspektach oryginalna i klarowana. Odnosi się z szacunkiem do tradycji, ale równie mocno oddycha problemami współczesności. W centrum jego rozważań jest tajemnica Kościoła i jego powołania do promowania jedności wśród świadków Chrystusa. Jest bowiem przekonany, że chrześcijanie są dzisiaj prześladowani nie dlatego, że są katolikami czy prawosławnymi, protestantami czy zielonoświątkowcami, ale dlatego, że są chrześcijanami. Niniejszy tekst prezentuje postać i kilka spojrzeń na jego eklezjologię w wymiarze ekumenicznym.
The submitted text is a reflection on the figure of the Christian martyr. He is a witness to the truthfulness of faith in God, who is life. This concept of martyrs found its application in the books of the New Testament. Henceforth, an authentic witness is one who not only gives verbal testimony to something or someone, but testifies to it with his own life. The motive for them is the beatification of 10 Elizabethan martyrs. They were: Sister M. Edelburgis Kubitzki († February 20, 1945); Sister M. Rosaria Schilling († February 23, 1945); Sister M. Adela Schramm († February 25, 1945); Sister M. Sabina Thienel († March 1, 1945); Sister M. Adelheidis Töpfer († 24 March 1945); Sister M. Melusja Rybka († 24 March 1945); Sister M. Sapientia Heymann († 24 March 1945); Sister M. Felicitas Ellmerer († 25 March 1945); Sister M. Acutina Goldberg († 2 May 1945) and Sister M. Paschalis Jahn(† 11 May 1945). Their beatification took place on June 11, 2022 at the Wroclaw Archcathedral. All of them were murdered by Red Army soldiers in the final months of World War II. Who, then,is a Christian martyr? What is his strength? The strength of the martyr is Christ. However, it is not enough to believe in the strength Christ gives to be victorious in the fight against evil. It doesn’t help to be passive, but something more is needed. It takes the light of conscience. A martyr becomes a witness to truth, goodness, justice only because he was first a man of conscience. His life was beautiful because it was a life according to a beautiful conscience.
Przedłożony tekst stanowi refleksję nad postacią chrześcijańskiego męczennika. Jest on świadkiem prawdziwości wiary w Boga, który jest życiem. Takie pojęcie martys znalazło zastosowanie w księgach Nowego Testamentu. Odtąd autentycznym świadkiem jest ten, kto nie tylko daje słowne świadectwo o czymś lub o kimś, ale zaświadcza o tym własnym życiem. Motywem do nich jest beatyfikacja 10 męczenniczek elżbietanek. Były nimi: Siostra M. Edelburgis Kubitzki († 20 lutego 1945); Siostra M. Rosaria Schilling († 23 lutego 1945); Siostra M.Adela Schramm († 25 lutego 1945); Siostra M. Sabina Thienel († 1 marca 1945); Siostra M. Adelheidis Töpfer (⸶24 marca 1945); Siostra M. Melusja Rybka († 24 marca 1945); Siostra M. Sapientia Heymann († 24 marca 1945); Siostra M. Felicitas Ellmerer († 25 marca 1945); Siostra M. Acutina Goldberg († 2 maja 1945 i Siostra M. Paschalis Jahn († 11 maja 1945). Ich beatyfikacja odbyła się 11 czerwca 2022 r. w archikatedrze wrocławskiej. Wszystkie one zamordowane były przez żołnierzy Armii Czerwonej w ostatnich miesiącach II wojny światowej. Kim zatem jest męczennik chrześcijański? Co jest jego siłą? Siłą męczennika jest Chrystus. Nie wystarczy jednak wierzyć w siłę, której udziela Chrystus, aby odnieść zwycięstwo w walce ze złem. Nie pomaga bierność, lecz potrzeba czegoś więcej. Potrzeba światła sumienia. Męczennik staje się świadkiem prawdy, dobra, sprawiedliwości tylko dlatego, że był wpierw człowiekiem sumienia. Jego życie było piękne, bo było życiem zgodnym z pięknym sumieniem.
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