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In 1888, possession of the Białowieża Forest passe into the hands of the tsarist rogal family. The Forest was frequently visited by the Romanovs and thus became an important place on the map of the Russian Empire, retaining at the same time it a specific quality as an wrea where two cultures and Christian denominations merge with each other. Raised from as early as 1889 onwards, the palace and Russian Orthodox church were to prove the exterior expressions of this human feature. This text concerns the history of the church of St. Teresa of Jesus the Christchild at Białowieża and the ideological reasoning behind its construction. The main building had gone up by 1931. Ceremonial consecration was carried out on 16th October 1935 by archbishop Romuald Jałbrzykowski.
Aim: The purpose of the article is to determine the authorship of the manuscript Kriegsbericht und Memorial, which was put up for auction in 2014 by Sotheby’s and the presentation of the manuscript. Research method: A formal analysis of the manuscript supplemented by a review of the literature of the subject matter. Results/Conclusions: As a result of the analysis, it is highly probable that the author of the Kriegsbericht und Memorial is Albrecht Hohenzollern and that it was the initial basis for the creation of the work Kriegsordnung donated to Sigismund August in 1555. This work after the death of the first Prussian duke found itself in the personal library of the wife of Albrecht Hohenzollern – Maria Eleonora Jülich-Kleve-Berg. This book is also recorded in the library registers of the Prussian-Brandenburg rulers from Konigsberg, which were made in the years 1700 and 1720. Probably, the book was owned by Wilhelm Christian Karl, the duke of Solms-Braunfels. The manuscript was known to historians in the first half of the 19th century. In 1845, Ernst Oswald Mentzel noted that the manuscript was in the possession of Hermann von Gansauge.
Teza/Cel: Celem komunikatu jest ustalenie autorstwa rękopisu Kriegsbericht und Memorial, który został wystawiony na aukcję w 2014 r. przez firmę Sotheby’s oraz przedstawienie losów manuskryptu. Metoda badawcza: Analiza formalna rękopisu uzupełniona przez przegląd literatury. Wyniki/Wnioski: W wyniku analizy można postawić wysoce uprawdopodobnioną hipotezę, że autorem Kriegsbericht und Memorial jest Albrecht Hohenzollern i stanowił on wstępną podstawę pod stworzenie podarowanej w 1555 r. Zygmuntowi Augustowi pracy Kriegsordnung. Dzieło to po śmierci pierwszego księcia pruskiego znalazło się w osobistej bibliotece żony Albrechta Fryderyka Hohenzollerna – Marii Eleonory Jülich-Kleve-Berg. Pozycję tę odnotowują również rejestry biblioteczne władców prusko-brandenburskich z Królewca, które sporządzono w latach 1700 i 1720. Prawdopodobnie znalazł się on w posiadaniu Wilhelma Christiana Karla księcia Solms-Braunfels. Rękopis był znany historykom w 1 poł. XIX w. W 1845 r. Ernst Oswald Mentzel odnotował, że manuskrypt był w posiadaniu Hermanna von Gansauge.
These/Ziel: Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Schwerpunkt auf die Autorschaft der Handschrift Kriegsbericht und Memorial, die 2014 durch die Firma Sotheby’s zur Versteigerung gegeben wurde, sowie auf die Wiedergabe ihrer Schicksale gelegt. Forschungsmethode: Formalanalyse der Handschrift und Literaturübersicht. Ergebnisse/Schlussfolgerungen: Dank der Analyse kann man eine höchst wahrscheinliche Hypothese aufstellen, der zufolge Albrecht Hohenzollern Autor von Kriegsbericht und Memorial war, und die besagte Handschrift als Vorlage des Sigismund August 1555 geschenkten Traktats Kriegsordnung galt. Seit dem Tode des ersten preußischen Fürsten befand sich das Werk in der Privatbibliothek der Ehefrau Albrecht Friedrich Hohenzollerns Marie Eleonore Jülich--Kleve-Berg. Es wurde auch in den Bibliotheksinventaren der preußisch-brandenburgischen Herrscher aus Königsberg aus den Jahren 1700 und 1720 belegt. Wahrscheinlich gehörte es zum Bücherbestand von Wilhelm Christian Karl, dem Fürsten von Solms-Braunfels. Mit der genannten Handschrift waren auch die Historiker der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts vertraut. Laut Ernst Oswald Mentzel (1845) war sie im Besitz von Hermann von Gansauge.
The article presents the Lithuanian expedition carried out in Livonia in the winter of 1579. On the basis of the itinerary [itinerarium] and iconographic and written sources it has been established that three regiments were to act in a coordinated manner to conduct the military action against the Russian Empire. All the three regiments were to set off from Kieś [Wenden] and through different ways reach Dorpat [Tartu] occupied by the Russians. The whole expedition included about 200 cavalry soldiers and about 400 common infantry soldiers [Polish: drab] along with several light artillery and a numerous lager. Owing to the activities undertaken by the three regiments, destructions were much more extensive, more loot was acquired and military successes were more significant – the castle of Kierepeć was conquered. The activity of three separate regiments confused the enemy and prevented them from undertaking the effective defence. The expedition was carried out from 16 February to 6 March, which also affected its outcome. The late winter provided the best conditions for the land communication, while the upcoming thaw made it impossible for the enemy to launch the counter-defence. It resulted in the safe return to Kieś and a lack of Moscovite units sent from Dorpat. To my way of thinking, the winter expedition of 1579 to Livonia was the best example of the manoeuvre art of the Polish-Lithuanian army in the 16th century. The routes of two regiments (the left one and the central one) ran close to each other, while the third one (the right one) had a totally different route entering the Russian lands from the back. The right regiment was commanded by the Oberst [Colonel] of Courland Jürgen Buttler, who conquered the castle of Kierepeć [Kirempe]. The main unit was commanded by Krzysztof Radziwiłł nicknamed “Perkūnas”, who plundered the vicinities of Dorpat. The analysis of the itinerary of 1579 prepared by Krzysztof Radziwiłł indicates that the mile recorded there corresponded to 8 kilometres. The average daily velocity of the expedition Kieś–Dorpat–Kieć amounted to 21.55 km, which corresponded to 2.7 miles. During the expedition the regiments covered from 250 to 310 km, which along with the return journey amounted to 500 km.
Der Artikel handelt vom litauischen Feldzug in Livland im Winter 1579. Auf der Grundlage eines wiederaufgefundenen itinerarium sowie von ikonografischen und schriftlichen Quellen konnte ermittelt werden, dass damals drei Regimenter gebildet wurden, die in koordinierter Weise eine Militäraktion gegen das russische Zarenreich durchführen sollten. Alle sollten aus Wenden aufbrechen und auf verschiedenen Wegen in das von den Russen besetzte Dorpat gelangen. Am gesamten Feldzug nahmen etwa 2000 berittene Soldaten und etwa 400 Schützen teil, dazu kamen einige leichte Geschütze und ein verhältnismäßig umfangreicher Tross. Durch die Operationen von drei Regimentern wurde der Bereich der angerichteten Zerstörungen erweitert, die Beute vergrößerte sich und man errang militärische Erfolge, vor allem durch die Eroberung der Burg Kirempe. Die Operationen von drei getrennten Gruppen verwirrten den Gegner und machten ihm eine wirksame Verteidigung unmöglich. Von Bedeutung war auch die Wahl des Zeitpunkts des Feldzugs (16. Februar – 6. März). Der Spätwinter ermöglichte die vergleichsweise besten Bedingungen für den Landverkehr, und das herannahende Tauwetter machte es dem Gegner unmöglich eine Gegenoffensive zu beginnen. So kam man sicher nach Wenden zurück, und es wurden keine Moskauer Einheiten in Richtung Dorpat entsandt. Der Winterfeldzug von 1579 nach Livland kann in meinen Augen als das beste Beispiel für die Bewegungskunst der polnischlitauischen Armeen im 16. Jahrhundert gelten. Die Marschwege von zwei Regimentern (des linken und des mittleren) verliefen nebeneinander, das dritte (rechte) hatte eine ganz andere Marschroute und drang gleichsam vom Hinterland in russisches Gebiet ein. Das rechte Regiment wurde vom kurländischen Oberst Jürgen Buttler geführt und eroberte die Burg Kirempe. Die Hauptmacht führte Krzysztof Radziwiłł „Piorun“, der die Umgebung von Dorpat plünderte. Eine Analyse des von Krzysztof Radziwiłł zurückgelegten itinerarium von 1579 zeigt, dass man die verzeichneten Meilen auf etwa acht Kilometer umrechnen muss. Die mittlere Tagesgeschwindigkeit auf dem Zug Wenden – Dorpat – Wenden betrug 21,55 Kilometer, was 2,7 Meilen entsprach. Die Regimenter legten im Verlauf des Feldzugs zwischen 250 und 310 Kilometern zurück, zusammen mit dem Rückweg waren es über 500 Kilometer.
The article compares contemporary role playing games with a court game played in the early modern Europe, which in the Nobles’ Republic (Rzeczpospolita Szlachecka) was called The Farm. This game came to the attention of Władysław IV Vasa (Władysław IV Waza), and as a consequence became very popular in his court. To play the game, the participants drew cards with various characters, and then dressed as these personas and role play them. The drawn characters belonged to social groups which were distant to the aristocratic elites. These could have been a soldier, servant, miller, peasant, etc., or residents of other geographical regions, such as Germans, Venetians, Maurs, etc. The article points out the similarities and differences between the two types of games.
The article presents views of Florian Zebrzydowski (Hetman of the Crown, Greater Castellan of Lublin) concerning preparedness of castles for defence and the admissibility of their surrender. Zebrzydowski was the first person in the Commonwealth to formulate the need to rebuild castles and to introduce bastion fortification. He stressed that it was important to build field fortifications and to construct provisional tower fortifications next to castles. As far as organizational matters are concerned, he divided the army in such a way that only 10% of soldiers stood guard while maintaining vigilance. Finally, he was critical about his contemporary military practitioners and theoreticians, who considered various circumstances allowing to surrender a fortress. According to the Hetman, the only premise to do so was hunger combined with the lack of possibility to get rescue. Summing up, with reference to the analyzed matter, Florian Zebrzydowski presents the most coherent and rational program among those created by the XVI c. Commonwealth military theoreticians.
Prussian oficer Antoni Leopold Oelsnitz was employed in the Warsaw Knightly School in 1767. At that time he started to work on a treatise on military transportation issues and the topic he was not able to handle was physical laws applied to wheeled vehicles (wagons). He therefore asked his friend – mathematician working in the Knightly School, Christoph Friedrich Pfleiderer, to write a paper on this subject. Pfleiderer undertook this task and finished it in 1769. It was mainly a compilation of physical knowledge which he obtained from English, French and German studies. It also contained fragments of his own calculations and theses. The work consisted of four parts: 1) On the shape and size of wheels and axles; 2) On the shape of vehicle, method of construction and distribution of load; 3) On the gradient of straps connecting the horse with the wagon; 4) On the ratio of force to weight and the speed of rotation. The treatise was originally written in German (this version did not survive) and then it was translated by cadets into French and Polish. This last version constitutes the basis for source edition.
The article presents military itineraries, i.e. planned descriptions of the routes of troops. Such sources constitute the oldest objects of military cartography. They also enable reconstruction of strategic concepts and operational activities planned by commanders. The time of Stefan Batory was discussed in the article because such cartographic support was the basis for often quite complicated planning. Itineraries could be perfectly used both during mobilisation and relocation of the army, and also during military operations. They were especially useful in coordination of operations of two or more numbers of regiments or allied armies. Analysed examples suggest that at the time of the reign of Stefan Batory the early modern cartographic turn took place.
The author presents the shaping of the (codified) military law system during the interregnum that followed the death of King Sigismund Augustus, and analyses the process of shaping of the regulations in force in individual military formations in the context of the particular organisational solutions in the royal (crown) army.
Autor przedstawia kształtowanie się systemu prawa wojskowego (artykułów wojskowych) w okresie bezkrólewia po śmierci Zygmunta Augusta. Wskazując na partykularyzm organizacyjny armii koronnej, analizuje proces kształtowania i zawartość obowiązujących w poszczególnych formacjach przepisów.
Der Autor stellt die Gestaltung des Militärrechts (der Artikel zur Verteidigung) in der Zeit des Interregnums nach dem Tode von Sigismund II. August dar. Er weist auf den organisatorischen Partikularismus der Armee der Krone hin und erforscht den Gestaltungsprozess und den Inhalt der für die einzelnen Formationen geltenden Vorschriften.
The article presents the process of taking over real estate inherited from Jan Klemens Branicki by his heirs. After the Great Crown Hetman’s death, any inheritable lands and some parts of counties (starostwa) were handed over “for life” to Izabela Branicka. The widow was entitled to administer the properties and receive income on them until her death. Under the law, after her death the real estate was to be transferred to Jan Klemens Branicki’s sisters, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. The rules of annuity were confirmed by a special commission appointed by Delegated Sejm which was held in Warsaw in 1774. Numerous court proceedings lasted as long as until 1800 when Izabela Branicka reached an agreement with the grandsons (brothers Jan Alojzy and Feliks Potocki) and the granddaughter of Krystyna Sapieha of Branicki (Joanna Potocka of Potocki). According to the decisions thereof, any property claims of Hetman’s wife were to be secured on Prussian lands (Bialystok, Tykocin and Choroszcz lands). Soon afterwards, on 22nd September, 1802, Kriegs- und Domänenkammer (Office of War and Crown Lands) purchased Bialystok real estate (their territory is shown on the map attached to the article) whereas Izabela Branicka leased the city of Bialystok since 1st June, 1803. The transaction of Bialystok real estate’s sale was to be terminated a year after their annuity owner’s death. Actually, in an already new political reality, Russian authorities acquired the real estate on 4th March, 1809. The sellers, however, did not receive the money entered in the sale contract (217.970 thalers / 1.307.820 zlotys) because Izabela Branicka heirs’ liabilities had to be repaid (over 619.000 zlotys) as well as Jan Klemens Branicki’s old debts and liabilities. There was a little more than 124.000 zlotys left in cash but thanks to this transaction Choroszcz and Tykocin estates’ debts were repaid. Smaller financial liabilities also burdened estates located in Austrian Partition.
Статья представляет процесс перехода недвижимости к наследникам Яна Клеменса Браницкого. После смерти гетмана Великой Короны все земельное имущество было унаследовано и часть староства перешла в пожизненное пользование Изабеллы Браницкой. Вдова имела право до конца жизни управлять имуществом и получать с него доход. По праву после ее смерти вся земельная собственность должна была перейти сестрам Яна Клеменса Браницкого, их детям, внукам и правнукам. Правила пожизненного наследия подтвердила специальная комиссия, назначенная делегированным сеймом, которая заседала в Варшаве в 1774 г. Множественные судебные заседания продолжались до 1880 г., пока Изабелла Браницка не заключила соглашение с правнуками (братьями Яном Алоизом и Феликсом Потоцким) и внучкой Кристиной Сапегой из рода Браницких (Иоанной Потоцкой из рода Потоцких). Она желала, чтобы все ее имущественые права как жены гетмана, были сохранены в виде прусской собственности (белосктокской, тыкотинской и хорошчанской). После әтого, 22 сентрября 1802 г. Камера Войны и Домен (военно-әкономический орган публичной администрации) купила белостокское имущество (их территорию представляет прилагаемая карта), а Изабелла Браницка с 1 июня 1803 г. арендовала город Белосток. Процедура продажи белостокского имущества, находящегося в пожизненном пользовании, должна была закончиться через год после смерти Изабеллы Браницкой. Очевидно, что в новой реальной политической ситуации русские приобрели имущество в собственность 4 марта 1809 г. Продавцы однако не получили денежной суммы, прописанной в контракте (217 970 талеров/1 307 820 злотых), а также нужно было оплатить обязательства наследникам после смерти Изабеллы Браницкой (более 619 000 злотых), кроме әтого, небольшие долги и задолженности Яна Клеменса Браницкого. Наличными оставалось немного более 124 000 злотых, однако, благодаря әтой операции была погашена задолжненность хорошчанского и тыкотинского имущества, более мелкие финансовые обязательства являлись частью собственности, находяшейся на территории Польши, аннексированной Австрией.
The article presents the story of the Kozyrski family who purchased and developed Jaroszówka nature reserve. Konstanty Kozyrski effected the transaction with Mikołaj Trochimowski in 1891. The estate’s development entailed setting up a fish farm, cattle trade and beekeeping. It was undoubtedly one of the best prospering estates in the outskirts of Bialystok during the Interwar Period. In 1940 the Kozyrski family was ranked landlords and deported to Siberia. They returned to Jaroszówka six years later.
В статье рассказывается о судьбе белостокской семьи Козырских, которая приобрела и освоила урочище Ярошувка. Константин Козырский заключил сделку с Миколаем Трохимовским в 1891 г. Недвижимость развивалась за счет основания рыбного хозяйства, разведения коров, а также занятия пчеловодством. Несомненно, Ярошувка была одним из наиболее развитых поместий в пригородах Белостока межвоенного 20-летия. В 1940 г. Козырских назвали помещиками и сослали в Сибирь. Они вернулись в Ярошувку только спустя шесть лет.
The article presents research concerning historical memory in micro scale on the example of a monument erected by a Bialystok burgher Konstanty Kozyrski in 1937 in the Jaroszówka area. Although Kozyrski’s foundation assumed the form of a religious artefact, it was not a simple expression of religiousness, or an ordinary request for the care of supernatural forces. First of all, this action was a physical manifestation of the family’s memory and identity which did not correspond to ethnic and religious consciousness of the majority of their neighbours. Moreover, it was an attempt to legitimise the Kozyrskis’ land ownership in the period of the integration action ran by the state authorities in Poland’s twenty years of independence after World War I. The article shows the alienation of the family from the local community: the Kozyrskis were the newcomers, who emphasized their connection with the town, not the country, they were the members of the Orthodox Church, and they stood out economically owing to preferential legislation under Russification run by the Russian Empire.
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