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Najnowsze dane demograficzne potwierdzają, że Polska pozostaje nadal krajem emigracji netto, zatem odpływ zdecydowanie przewyższa napływ. Aż 75% czasowych emigrantów pozostawało poza Polską dłużej niż 12 miesięcy, byli oni rezydentami krajów przyjmujących, a perspektywy ich powrotu są niepewne. Jakie będą konsekwencje obecnej fali odpływu dla gospodarki, funkcjonowania społeczeństwa, lokalnych społeczności? Artykuł koncentruje się na zobrazowaniu dynamiki obecnych migracji, z uwzględnieniem aspektu regionalnego oraz jej cech socjo-demograficznych. Przeprowadzono analizy porównawcze obejmujące okres pomiędzy dwoma ostatnimi spisami powszechnymi ludności, tj. w 2002 i 2011 roku. Przedstawione dane stanowią podstawę wskazania typów dyskursów medialnych na temat migracji rodzin.
According to the most recent demographic data, Poland remains a country of net emigration, with population outflows significantly higher than the numbers for the incoming flows. As many as 75% of temporary migrants have remained abroad for 12 months and longer, which indicates their residential status in the destination countries and uncertain prospectsfor return. What kind of consequences will the current population outflows have on the economy, society, and local communities? The article focuses on outlining the dynamics of contemporary migration, shedding light on both regional aspects and socio-demographic characteristics of migrants. The comparative analysis pertains to the period between the two most recent Polish National Censuses of 2002 and 2011. The data constitute the basis for identifying specific types of media discourses that address the theme of family migration.
W artykule analizujemy mozaikę niekorzystnych aspektów związanych z sytuacją społeczno-ekonomiczną dzieci polskich imigrantów w norweskim środowisku szkolnym. Główna uwaga zostaje zwrócona na doświadczane przez dzieci dyskryminacje, wynikające ze zróżnicowania statusu społecznego (w porównaniu z dziećmi norweskimi), wspomnienia i przeżycia przemocy rówieśniczej w postaci dręczenia (ang. bullying) oraz tworzenie indywidualnych strategii zaradczych w obliczu „pracy rówieśniczej”. Dowodzimy, że manifestowane przez dzieci nierówności społeczno-ekonomiczne przejawiają się w aktach bullyingu. Ponadto ukazujemy rolę norweskiej szkoły i środowiska szkolnego w przebiegu integracji dzieci polskich imigrantów, kształtowania ich samooceny, oceny statusu społecznego rodziny oraz oceny poziomu zamożności kraju pochodzenia i przybycia. Artykuł bazuje na wynikach dwóch projektów badawczych: „Doświadczenia dzieci dorastających transnarodowo” (zadanie nr 5 prowadzone w ramach polsko-norweskiego projektu Transfam w latach 2013–2016) oraz „Proces adaptacji dzieci polskich imigrantów. Badania terenowe w Norwegii” (projekt doktorancki realizowany w latach 2013–2014 w Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego).
This article discusses a mosaic of unfavorable aspects related to the socio-economic situation of children of Polish immigrants in the Norwegian school environment. The main focus is placed on discrimination experienced by these children due to non-majority social status (as compared to Norwegian children). Moreover, we examine memories and experiences of peer violence in a form of bullying and individual coping strategies seen as ‘peer work’. We demonstrate that socio-economic inequalities manifested by children can be seen in the bullying acts. In addition, we show the role of the Norwegian school and the school environment in a process of integration among the children of Polish immigrants. We note how it shapes their self-esteem, as well as assess social status of a family and the economic situation in the countries of origin and arrival. The article is based on the results of two research projects: Children’s experience of growing up transnationally (Work Package 5 conducted within the Transfam project between 2013 and 2016) and The adaptation process of children of Polish immigrants. Field research in Norway (a doctoral project implemented in 2013–2014 at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University).
This timely issue of Central and Eastern European Migration Review addresses the clear urgency of promoting empirical research focused on the realm of transnational experiences of family migrants from Poland. The main strength of the volume is a presentation of the four main pillars of the mobility processes, showcasing two crucial receiving countries of Polish contemporary family settlement abroad. More specifically, the qualitative studies gathered here are rooted in a multi-perspective approach with regard to the actors that they examine and cover both the relatively well-researched destination of the United Kingdom and the more ‘novel’ or ‘recent’ example of Norway as the receiving state, with the latter marked by family reunification mobility and considerable visibility of Poles in the ethnicised public discourses. The four main elements of the ‘mobility maze’ that the papers can help navigate reflect the subjects, handlers and agents of the Polish mobility. They are constituted by two generations of family migrants – parents and children – as well as schools/teachers and peer groups representing specific politics and practices of integration with the host society.
The article provides a sociological analysis of national identities of Polish children growing up in Norway. The research results presented are unique in the sense that the portrayals of national identifications constructed in the process of migration are shown through direct experiences of children. The analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with children, observation in the research situation (children’s rooms) and Sentence Completion Method. Adopting Antonina Kłoskowska’s analytical framework of national identity and her terminology of the so called ‘cultural valence’ (adoption of culture), we argue that identities are processual and constructed, a result of the fact that mobility took place at a certain moment in time and in a specific geographical space. In addition, we see identities as conditioned by a plethora of identifiable objective and subjective reasons. The intensified mobility of children due to labour migrations of their parents leads to multiple challenges within the (re)constructions of children’s identities in their new place of settlement.
An increase in binational relationships in the contemporary world is generating a complex web of family, relational, educational, organizational, and identification practices. The intercultural marriage contract also often gives rise to tensions and conflicts stemming from cultural, social, religious and economic differences. In all certainty, the experiences and daily lives of children in such relationships deserve special attention, and, on the basis of the Transfam research project findings, this chapter strives to fill the gap. Sociological research into binational relationships and children raised in such family configurations is predominantly framed from the adult’s perspective. Here we try to reach into the core of identified issues and approach the experience of living in a binational family from the child’s perspective as well. The multicultural experience of growing up in Norway under the guidance of interethnic parents (Polish-Norwegian) is compared to the monocultural experience of children raised by intraethnic Polish-Polish couples. This article is based on interviews with children aged 6–13, observations registered during the course of those interviews (most commonly in children’s rooms), and the Sentence Completion Test.
Both migration and parenthood, and – in particular – motherhood, belong to the central events in a human life, being both mutually entangled, and affecting the wider society. Transnational families become involved in a vivid discourse dedicated to a model of a perfect family, perfect woman, and perfect motherhood. Thus, an everyday life of transnational mothers assumes negotiations between geography, economy, social and family roles. New works on the topic forefront appreciation of both productive and reproductive female roles, which find a spectacular reflection in migrant family scholarship. Migration symptomatically reveals the diversity and the complexity of the women’s social roles and the strategies of their fulfillment. In our paper we focus on the functioning of Ukrainian transnational families. By supplying narrations of the migrant women, we analyze their life trajectories, the manner in which a migration decision is taken, the stories of parenthood, performance of caretaking, maintenance of family ties (based on indirect rather than direct relations) and social ties.
This article is dedicated to the issues pertinent to transnational families found in children’s narratives. We seek to shed light on the under-researched area of transnational research on ‘doing family’, which is vital due to the growing number of Polish families settling abroad, deciding on ‘being together’ and choosing a family reunification strategy in their mobility projects. Embedding an entire family in the destination society has profound implications for building and maintaining family ties, also across borders, as well as for changing the shape of the everyday experience of familiality among children of immigrants. We draw a sociological portrait of the migration family, depicting the typical issues of work patterns among the parents (mothers’ and fathers’ jobs), the division of household and care labour, leisure patterns and maintenance of ties with family in Poland. Honing in on these issues facilitates the understanding of how social roles are fulfilled, and how social statuses are attained, both seen through the gender lens. Empirically, the paper is based on the Transfam project’s sub-study entitled Children’s experience of growing up transnationally. This qualitative and participatory inquiry consisted of interviews with children aged 6 to 13, born in Poland and living permanently in Norway. The methodological approach facilitated understanding children as active actors, who perceive and define their social worlds. Children were encouraged and asked to recall their migration experiences, as well as express their views on the work type, meanings, commitments and schedules of their parents.
Artykuł stanowi przegląd zagadnień badawczych w obszarze studiów nad migracjami kobiet ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem mobilności Polek. Charakteryzujemy stopniową zmianę paradygmatu, która doprowadziła do zaobserwowania odmienności migracji kobiet i mężczyzn oraz uznania w związku z tym, że płeć jest niezwykle ważną zmienną niezbędną przy ich analizowaniu i wyjaśnianiu. Naszym celem jest również przedstawienie mobilności Polek w perspektywie historycznej, jak i zarysowanie współczesnych trendów w polskich studiach migracyjnych. Poszukujemy siły i sprawczości migrantek, ich determinacji w zmianie życia nie tylko dla siebie, ale i rodzin, uwzględniając złożony ekonomiczno-społeczny kontekst globalny i krajowy. Inspiracją do przygotowania tekstu w takiej perspektywie, jak i całego tomu była 100. rocznica uzyskania przez Polki praw wyborczych.
The article is a review of research areas in the field of women’s migration studies with particular emphasis on the mobility of Polish women. We characterize the gradual paradigm shift, which has led to the observation of differences in the migration of women and men, and recognition that gender is a key variable necessary for analyzing and explaining them. Our goal is also to present the mobility of Polish women in a historical perspective, as well as to outline contemporary trends in Polish migration studies. We are looking for the strength and agency of migrant women, their determination to change lives not only for themselves but also for their families, and take into account the global and national socio-economic context. The inspiration for both the article and the entire volume was the 100th anniversary of granting electoral rights to Polish women.
Mass foreign mobility of Poles is a complex socio-economic phenomenon, permanently inscribed into modern Polish history. With the intensification of the processes of globalization and migration, more and more people are experiencing family life which transcends geographical boundaries, for a shorter or longer period of life. The article is based on research carried out in the framework of the international Transfam project entitled Doing family in transnational context. Demographic choices, Adaptations welfare, school integration and every-day life of Polish families living in Polish-Norwegian transnationality. The aim of the article is to analyze emotional capital as a component of social capital which builds transnational family bonds in the separation and family reunification phases from the perspective of parents and children. We assume that in the situation of migration the emotional capital is neither resource-specific to a given gender, nor is assigned to the role of the family. In transnational families both parents and children are the entities carrying emotional capital. Moreover, we claim that in the transnational space there occurs an increase in the mobilization and exchange of personal emotional capital, which translates into an increase in the supply of family and familistic capital, and consequently may contribute to the development of bridging capital. The transmission of the meaning of family, familism, relations, and migration-related emotions not only builds bridges across borders but also increases the chances for experiencing happiness and for its persistence due to gaining a sense of family closeness.
Od lat 80. XX wieku obserwujemy proces włączania kwestii równości płci do głównego nurtu polityk publicznych, co widoczne jest w dokumentach i strategiach ONZ oraz polityce Unii Europejskiej. Równość płci staje się również ważnym zagadnieniem w polskiej polityce społecznej. Podejście równościowe znajduje odzwierciedlenie w prawodawstwie i politykach mających na celu przeciwdziałanie dyskryminacji i zapewnienie równego traktowania kobiet i mężczyzn. Celem artykułu jest spojrzenie na realizację polityk równości płci w obszarach dotyczących edukacji, rodziny, rynku pracy i zabezpieczeń emerytalnych. Tekst bazuje na przeprowadzonych badaniach jakościowych (analiza polityk oraz 10 zogniskowanych wywiadów grupowych z różnorodnymi grupami, także ze względu na wiek) dotyczących doświadczeń równości płci lub jej braku w przebiegu życia. Odwołując się do perspektywy przebiegu życia, próbujemy dokonać oceny, czy i na ile istniejące polityki społeczne odpowiadają potrzebom kobiet i mężczyzn w zakresie równości płci.
Since the 1980s one can observe a process of integrating gender equality policies into the mainstream of social policies, which is evident in the documents and strategies of the United Nations and European Union. Gender equality is also becoming an important perspective when it comes to Polish social policy. This approach is reflected in the legal acts and policies aimed at combating discrimination and ensuring the equal treatment of men and women. This article analyses the implementation of gender equality policies in the areas of education, family life, the labour market and the pension system. It is based on data stemming from a qualitative study (policy analysis and ten focus group interviews with various groups) concerning experiences linked to gender in/ equality in different phases of life. By referring to the life course perspective, we attempt to assess whether and how existing social policies meet the needs of women and men considered from the gender equality perspective.
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