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Prawo Kanoniczne
vol. 54
issue 1-2
In the middle of the XIX century the founders the Congregation of Resurrectionist Fathers started the effort to create the Polish college in Rome. Besides many obstacles, The Pope Pius IX with decree from 9 March 1866 Polish Pontifical College was established in Rome. In the same year the detailed regulation was officially established. The Polish Pontifical College, was the institution acting under the auspices of The Pope Pius IX. Its aim was to prepare the candidates for priestly ordinations and for working on the territory inhabited by the population of Polish nationality. These territories at those times were under the annexation of Russia, Prussia and Austria. The Cardinal Protector watched over the functioning of the College with the assistance of the two deputes, whose duties were caring, observing if the rules of discipline are obeyed and dealing with the current administration of the College. The Rector could be nominated from the group of the priests from the Congregation of Resurrectionist Fathers, which meant the appreciation of the effort put into establishing the college and the role of The Congregation of Resurrectionist Fathers in its creating. The Regulation assumed the possibility of employing the numerous staff, which hierarchically and legally was supervised by the Cardinal Protector and the two priests deputes. Alumni were obliged to study philosophy, theology and law. Regulation of the Polish Pontifical College in 1866 was created according to the pattern of the Papal Regulation of the College Urbano in Rome. The content of these documents was almost identical. The minor differences were connected with the different aims of these institutions as well as the different hierarchical and legal subordinations. It seems that during the time of applying the rules of the Regulation from 1866 Polish Pontifical College fulfilled well the assumed aims and the tasks.
Prawo Kanoniczne
vol. 53
issue 1-2
After the Council of Trent during the pontificate of the Pope Gregory XII (15721585), the numerous colleges, the seminaries for priests educating future clergy, were being established in Rome. During those times the established colleges were as follows: German-Hungarian in 1552, Greek in 1577, English in 1579, Marians in 1584 (marionickie). Polish college was established after receiving papal approval at 1 September 1582 by Philippe Nereusz and existed only by the end of 1586. In the middle of the XVII century Polish King Jan Kazimierz created with papal approval Polish-Swedish college. The new institution remaining under the Polish King supervision from Waza dynasty and was destined for Polish and Swedes. Unfortunately, after the death of Jan Kazimierz the college was supervised by the Swedish Queen Kristina, who decided that the college would be destined only for Swedes. Through the following two hundred years there were not any centre educating Polish clergy. In the middle of the XIX century Bogdan Jański together with his friends and monks Peter Semeneka and Hieronim Kajsiewicz, the founders of the Congregation of the Ressurectionist Fathers, started the efforts leading to reestablishing the Polish College in Rome, that would educate and prepare the candidates for priesthood. The funds were gathered remembering about convincing the Pope to this initiative.
Diecezja augustowska, czyli sejneńska, została utworzona przez papieża Piusa VII na mocy bulli Ex imposita Nobis z dnia 30 czerwca 1818 roku i obejmowała 120 parafii i podzielonych na 12 dekanatów. Dziekani w diecezji byli mianowani przez biskupa diecezjalnego lub administratora diecezji. Nominacje te uzależnione były od władz państwowych. Dziekani nie posiadali władzy jurysdykcyjnej, a ich obowiązki i prawa były zgodne z ówcześnie obowiązującym prawem kanonicznym. Znali lokalną sytuację w dekanacie, więc udzielali pomocy biskupowi lub administratorowi diecezji w rozwiązywaniu trudnych problemów, nadzorowali pracę księży oraz służyli im pomocą.
Prawo Kanoniczne
vol. 53
issue 3-4
In the middle of the XIX century the Ressurectionist Fathers started the effort to create the college for the candidates preparing for the ministry (priesthood). Not forgetting about convincing the Pope to this initiative the funds were gathered. The Princess Zofia Odescalchi contributed greatly to this project and founded many grants for Polish alumns studying in the college. Together with the Count Włodzimierz Czacki she solicited in the Apostolic See for creating the college. The project, however, encountered many obstacles because of the lack of funds as well as the strong diplomatic opposition from the Russian and Prussian side. In spite of the diplomatic efforts especially in Russia, which opposed of the establishment of the college, in May 1865 the Pope ordered to create the Pontifical Committee for creating Polish College. In the same time cardinal Antonelli, Secretary of state of the Apostolic See, signed the nomination decrees of the members of the Committee. The president of the Committee became the cardinal Mikołaj Paracciani Clarelli. The Pope Pius IX strongly supported this initiative and with decree from 9 March 1866 Polish Pontifical College was established in Rome, nominating the previous day Priest Peter Semeneka the First Rector of the College. The Statute of the College was confidential, approved and divided into ten articles. The Polish Pontifical College, acting under the auspices of the Pope, was destined to educate young Polish people in the scope of philosophy, theology, the canonical law as well as preparing them for priestly ordinations. At cardinal vice-rector’s request the rector of the college was nominated by the Pope. The formal opening of the college was at 24 March 1866 and the next day six alumns started studying in the college. Among them was Józef Sebastian Pelczar, later the Bishop of Przemyśl beatified and canonized by the Pope John Paul II. The Polish Pontifical College has been functioning continuously since more than hundred and forty years.
Prawo Kanoniczne
vol. 52
issue 1-2
I capitoli dei canonici sono i collegi del clero istituiti dai Sommi Pontefici per la solennità delle celebrazioni nella chiesa per la quale sono state istituite, invece il capitolo cattedrale aiuta il vescovo nel governo della diocesi, come un consiglio, e, durante la “sede vacante” della diocesi, supplisce il vescovo nell’amministrazione della diocesi. Papa Pio VI con la bolla “Saepe factum est” del Marzo 1799 creò la diocesi di Wigry. Dopo il Congresso di Vienna del 1815 fu creato il Regno Polacco e suo re sarebbe stato ogni imperatore russo. Con questi cambiamenti gran parte della diocesi di Wigry si trovò ai confini del Regno. Nel 1818 con la bolla “Ex imposita Nobis” papa Pio VII, al posto della diocesi di Wigry, creò la diocesi di Augustow, ossia di Sejny e, proprio questa diocesi apparteneva a Regno Polacco. Lo stesso papa ordinò di formare sette capitoli cattedrali tra i quali uno a Sejny. Il papa sottolineò che di ogni capitolo cattedrale potevano far parte al massimo dodici canonici con i benefici, con quattro titoli, decano, arcidiacono, custode, scolastico e inoltre, un canonico di sacra teologia e un penitenziere. Le autorità non lasciarono piena libertà al Capitolo di Sejny. L’esecutore della bolla papale, arcivescovo Holowczyc, nel decreto d’erezione obbligò il Capitolo ad adempiere gli obblighi posti sia dal vescovo diocesano che dalle autorità civili, ciò indica che quest’ultima faceva delle pressioni sul vescovo. I vescovi diocesani, in modo evidente, furono condizionati dalle autorità civili per le nomine dei canonici della cattedrale. Un’espressione significativa la si trova nella istruzione, secondo cui proprio le autorità civili dovevano nominare i canonici presentati dal vescovo diocesano. La Chiesa fu costretta a subire tale situazione non avendo altra alternativa. In modo particolare si può notare questa ingerenza nel fatto di dover sottoporre alla accettazione delle autorità civili il vicario capitolare, eletto dal capitolo. Il Capitolo della Cattedrale di Sejny, dopo l’elezione del vicario capitolare, si rivolgeva sempre alle autorità civili per l’accettazione del nuovo eletto. Il Consiglio Amministrativo del Regno Polacco oppure il Governatore, emettevano l’approvazione della scelta. Le autorità civili non soltanto accettavano l’elezione del vicario capitolare, ma fissavano anche la sua retribuzione. In genere, la prassi per le nomine dei prelati e dei canonici del Capitolo della Cattedrale nella diocesi di Augustow, ossia di Sejny, incominciava con la presentazione dei tre candidati, allegandovi il loro curriculum, da parte del vescovo diocesano alle autorità civili. Dopo si rimandava la decisione al vescovo per emettere il decreto di nomina, e si obbligava il candidato a presentare alle autorità civili la carta ufficiale per la redazione del decreto civile. Ci sembra che il motivo principale di mancanza dello statuto si trova nell’atteggiamento delle autorità civili. Il Capitolo non possedeva delle rendite e degli obblighi precisi, ma dipendeva esclusivamente dalle autorità civili. Proprio per questi impedimenti il Capitolo della cattedrale, soltanto agli inizi del XX secolo, ricevette lo statuto. Si può affermare, in genere, che per quanto concerne il Capitolo della diocesi di Augustow, ossia di Sejny, non sempre le cose si svolgevano nel rispetto del diritto canonico universale e particolare. La posizione socio-politica del Regno Polacco sia nei territori occupati dagli stati vicini che nei rapporti tra la Santa Sede e la Russia, influenzò notevolmente una tale situazione.
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