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Przedmiotem opisu są techniki perswazyjne wykorzystywane przez nadawców medialnych w działaniach autopromocyjnych stacji telewizyjnych. Technika perswazyjna rozumiana jest jako określony sposób postępowania nadawcy w procesie komunikowania, w którym, w celu zwiększenia skuteczności oddziaływania, akcentowane lub modyfikowane są pewne elementy tego procesu. Punktem wyjścia jest założenie, że dobór technik perswazyjnych jest pochodną takich retorycznych determinant, jak kontekst funkcjonowania mediów (skutki zmian technologicznych: unifikacja produktów medialnych, lawinowy przyrost liczby informacji, coraz większa, globalna konkurencja), programowany odbiorca i cel, jaki chce osiągnąć nadawca. Materiał badawczy pozwolił na wyodrębnienie w działaniach autopromocyjnych nadawców medialnych technik perswazyjnych realizowanych na trzech poziomach: 1) sposobu przekazania informacji (np. powtarzanie i publiczność odziedziczona); 2) treści (np. technika selekcji pozytywnej, fragmentacja, wykorzystanie reguły nieodstępności, eksponowanie korzyści płynących z interakcji z medium, zwiększanie atrakcyjności przekazu poprzez powoływanie się na szeroko rozumiane autorytety) i 3) formy przekazu (technika niezwykłości).
This paper discusses the persuasive techniques employed by media broadcasters in the self-promotional activities of television stations. A persuasive technique is understood as a specific manner of conduct of a broadcaster in the process of communication in which in order to increase their impact, a broadcaster emphasises or modifies some elements of the process. The starting point is the assumption that the selection of the persuasive techniques is related to such rhetoric determiners as the context of the operations of the media (consequences of technological changes: unification of media products, overwhelming increase in the amount of information, and ever growing global competition), the intended recipient, and the aim a broadcaster intends to achieve. The research material enabled the identification of the persuasive techniques in the self-promotional activities of media broadcasters emoployed at three levels: (1) mode of conveying information (e.g. repeating, and inherited audience); (2) content (e.g. positive selection technique, fragmentation, utilisation of the inaccessibility principle, emphasising the benefits of interacting with a medium, increasing the attractiveness of a communication by referring to broadly understood authority figures); and (3) form of communication (the technique of uniqueness).
The objective of the article is to analyze the persuasive potential of television, which makes it a useful tool of political propaganda. The starting point is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the materials broadcast on the public television TVP Info on 10.04.2016, the 6th anniversary of the Smolensk airplane crash. It allows for the identification of specific tools of manipulation used by the broadcaster to shape the public opinion (i.a. gatekeeping, framing, emotionalization of the message), as well as the factors that determine the usefulness of television in political propaganda activities, namely: coverage, accessibility, audio-visual nature and the possibility of controlling the message. The audio-visual nature is especially important in this regard. Because of it, persuasion in television is not based on the exchange of arguments and thoughts and therefore not on the logos, but to a large extent on manipulation through images and symbols, and therefore on the rhetorical pathos. The image simplifies reality, it is suggestive (it transmits information in a direct way, does not leave much room for nuance), it gives the illusion of realism (it creates a belief about the authenticity of the presented event), and removes the variety of cognitive authorities (on the television the image itself is the authority).  
The subject matter of the text is an analysis of the meaning of non-linguistic devices in communication from the point of view of rhetoric understood as an art of speaking aimed at persuasion. The starting point for the author`s considerations is the thesis that the persuasive potential, which is possessed by a speaker, and which is about to be released at the actio stage, stems from such factors as the speaker`s credibility, competence, similarity to the recipient, sympathy they arouse and charisma-all these factors, to a greater or smaller degree, are built from extralinguistic elements. Thus, the efficiency of a rhetoric act depends not only on the ability to construct a text (according to the rules of inventio, dispositio and elocutio) but also on the method of its realization (acto). However, the most important is the assumption that the recipient: his needs, predispositions, opinions, attitudes and character determine the selection of appropriate persuasive devices including invention (topics and argumentation), elocution (the choice of a linguistic code) as well as the act of speaking itself. The non-linguistic devices discussed, embrace gestures, facial expressions, body movements and positions, physical distance, appearance and clothes as well as a paralinguistic aspect of communication (connected with the speaker`s voice, their physical attributes and the manner of speaking). From the point of view of rhetoric, in order to use these non-linguistic devices one has to obey specific rules. These are the rules of: appropriateness, functionality and credibility. Following the rule of appropriateness requires the correspondence of nonverbal behaviours with the speech style, with the type of the auditorium and the speaking situation (including time and place). From the point of view of the functionality principle, it is crucial to attach function to nonverbal behaviours intended to achieve a particular goal, whereas the credibility principle requires a speaker to build appropriate relations with the auditorium by means of nonlinguistic devices. The means of realization of these principles must be updated each time in a particular speaking situation, with prime consideration for the needs and the character of the recipient as well as the aim of the utterance.
From the point of view of rhetoric, the choice of certain ways of attracting and keeping attention in the media is determined mainly by the assumed recipient. Tabloids are addressed to less demanding readers, who expect simple message and focus on those elements of reality which can affect them directly, as well as on surprising and extraordinary events. The analysis of several dozen editions of “Fakt” shows that among the ways of attracting readers’ attention are: 1) dominance of visualisation over text, 2) referring to what is familiar and close, 3) describing reality from a personal perspective, 4) referring to what is sensational. In turn, among the ways of keeping this attention we can distinguish: 1) the mixing of subjects, emotions and genres, 2) the importance, and so the serious treatment of all the problems, experiences and emotions of people presented in media content, 3) involvement manifested by unequivocal judgement of described aspects of reality, 4) matter-of-factness manifested by providing details concerning places, people and events, 5) informality thanks to which the tabloid texts are clear and easy to understand, as well as give readers a sense of co-being in a certain community, which makes messages more attractive.
Res Rhetorica
vol. 9
issue 1
The subject of the rhetoric analysis is the media narratives of four weeklies: the liberal “Newsweek” and “Polityka”, and the conservative “Sieci” and “Do rzeczy”, about women’s protests that took place in Poland from October 22, 2020 to the beginning of March under the umbrella of the All-Poland Women’s Strike. The purpose of the analysis is to show how the various media construct a system of notions about the causes of the protests and how they describe their course. The main focus is, above all else, on such rhetoric narration issues as: the tools for building the world order and the types of characters and how they were constructed (motivations, relationships between them, values and intentions attributed to them). In the case of each weekly, the narrative is consistent at both micro level, i.e. within individual articles, and macro level. This consistency is based on the compatibility of opinions used by authors of individual texts, the construction of a specific image of the world and the language used by each weekly.
Przedmiotem analizy retorycznej są medialne narracje czterech tygodników: liberalnych „Newsweeka” i „Polityki” oraz konserwatywnych „Sieci” i „Do rzeczy”, o protestach kobiet, które odbywały się w Polsce od 22 października 2020 roku do początku marca pod szyldem Ogólnopolskiego Strajku Kobiet. Celem analizy jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób różne media konstruują system wyobrażeń na temat przyczyn protestów i jak opisują ich przebieg. W centrum zainteresowania znalazły się przede wszystkim takie zagadnienia retoryki narracji, jak: narzędzia budowania porządku świata oraz typy bohaterów i sposoby ich konstruowania (motywacje, relacje między nimi, przypisywane im wartości i intencje działania). W przypadku każdego z tygodników można mówić o spójności narracji zarówno na poziomie mikro, a więc pojedynczych artykułów, jak i na poziomie makro. Spójność ta opiera się na zgodności sądów, którymi posługują się autorzy poszczególnych tekstów, konstruowaniu określonego obrazu świata i języku, jakiego używa każdy z tygodników.
To make the political presence of women more visible in modern public discourse it is necessary to work out a language that would represent them appropriately. An analysis of the rhetoric of the Women’s Party (Polish: Partia Kobiet), established in 2007, shows how this problem is handled by the officials of the party. The starting point for the discussion is the thesis that rhetoric discourse is initiated and shaped by a given rhetoric situation (as understood by L.F. Bitzer). In the analysed instance, it is determined by: 1) social and political circumstances surrounding the emergence of the party, no deep-rooted feminist tradition in particular; negativism in the approach towards women’s movements in general reflecting senses and moods dominating within society, marginalisation of women’s issues and women’s voices in mainstream political discourse, 2) historical conditioning and culturally dominant position of the male model of discourse in public address, 3) the attempt to get involved in the discourse as wide audience as possible, coupled with the belief that the sense of unity is to be based on the gender identity. The analysis of the texts available on the web page of the party, viewed as being fully of representative nature for the party, shows that the rhetoric of the Women’s Party is not heterogeneous. It oscillates between the rhetoric of co-operation (through the agency of which the party looks for tools instrumental for achieving some kind of agreement and dialogue in the public debate) and the rhetoric of hatred, already well-established in Polish political discourse (which undermines the formerly mentioned conciliatory attitude in dialogue and co-operation). As a result, a type of a communication ensues that is not free from paradoxes and one that makes a creation of a coherent and consistent message impossible, and therefore hinders a creation of a credible image of the party.
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News as a Rhetorical Act

This article presents television news as a rhetorical act. Television news is understood as an account of an event usually comprising of a short introduction and a few minutes of film footage (sometimes referred to as the editorial), created as a result of the work of reporters, broadcast on television, usually as one of the elements in the structure of a news magazine, but also as an element of the programme blocks of news television channels. Television news functions in the media as one of the elements of the strategic actions of media broadcasters, focused on specific purposes, including image-building and political and economic goals. News is created as a response to specific events, it fulfils the need for information, but also serves the creation of a certain image of the world, focusing attention on certain aspects of reality, evaluating it, persuading viewers of the importance or unimportance of certain events. It plays an informative, creative, conceptual, stimulating, evaluative and ultimately aesthetic role. In order to achieve these objectives it is appropriately constructed, taking into account the characteristics and needs of the recipient and the ethos of the broadcaster. In this sense, it is therefore a “rhetorical” act – intentional, deliberate, constituting a response to a specific situation (it is historically, socially and politically conditioned) and addressed to specific recipients.
The aim of the paper is to present the concept of journalism education, developed and implemented at the journalism course in Polish Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, in the context of reflection on the transformations, which constantly affect journalist, and an analysis of models of journalist education in Poland. The main problems faced by courses or classes educating future journalists include the issue of the obsolescence of the knowledge transferred in the course of study, linking education with the requirements of the labor market, adapting the training methods to the requirements of the network generation (as per Don Tapscott) and finally – preparation for the profession, which has many areas of expertise. The proposed model for the course involves theoretical and practical education, and the profile of a graduate is based on four pillars. It is assumed that a journalist is well-educated, guided by the principles of ethics, knows the techniques of journalism well and is aware of the need for self-improvement.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji kształcenia dziennikarskiego, opracowanej i realizowanej w ramach specjalności dziennikarskiej na kierunku filologia polska na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, w kontekście refleksji nad przeobrażeniami, jakim nieustannie podlega zawód dziennikarza, oraz analizy modeli kształcenia dziennikarzy w Polsce. Główne problemy, z jakimi muszą się zmierzyć kierunki czy specjalności kształcące przyszłych dziennikarzy, to problem dezaktualizowania się wiedzy przekazywanej w trakcie studiów, powiązanie nauki z wymogami rynku pracy, dostosowanie metod kształcenia do wymagań pokolenia sieci (określenie Dona Tapscotta) i w końcu – przygotowanie do zawodu, który ma wiele specjalizacji. Proponowany na specjalności model to kształcenie teoretyczno-praktyczne, a sylwetka absolwenta specjalności opiera się na czterech filarach. Zakłada, że dziennikarz to człowiek dobrze wykształcony, kierujący się zasadami etyki, sprawnie posługujący się technikami warsztatu dziennikarskiego i świadomy konieczności samodoskonalenia się.
The article attempts to contribute to the discussion on the methods used in creating the world in the media, viewed from the rhetorical perspective. Implementations of the rhetorical principle of the adaptation of the utterance to the context and the situation of the audience to which exposition is directed (cf. K. Burke’s idea of identification and the so-called “identification” principle) are followed by both linguistic structuring of the utterance and the following argumentation may effect in the media content messages that are not only different but, frequently, create opposing images of the world. How far they may differ in their message is then shown with the example of the media reception of the death and the burial of Czesław Miłosz manifested in the presentations offered by two daily newspapers: Gazeta Wyborcza and Nasz Dziennik. The excerpted source material shows how the multitude of receivers designed to be reached by different mass media communication channels and diversity in taste and expectations of audiences makes it possible for journalists to create subjective interpretations of the world. Once created and tailored to the context of the audience, they function in parallel pathways and, should a clash between them ensue, the only outcome is that their rhetorical nature gets even more accentuated. With these circumstances given, what we experience then is a situation when different truths collide, while each of them surfaces within a given context of human conversation and each is validated by its respective audience to be reached and goals to be attained.
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Kształcenie dziennikarzy. Wyzwania, koncepcje, metody

The aim of the paper is to present the concept of journalism education, developed and implemented at the journalism course in Polish Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, in the context of reflection on the transformations, which constantly affect journalist, and an analysis of models of journalist education in Poland. The main problems faced by courses or classes educating future journalists include the issue of the obsolescence of the knowledge transferred in the course of study, linking education with the requirements of the labor market, adapting the training methods to the requirements of the network generation (as per Don Tapscott) and finally – preparation for the profession, which has many areas of expertise. The proposed model for the course involves theoretical and practical education, and the profile of a graduate is based on four pillars. It is assumed that a journalist is well-educated, guided by the principles of ethics, knows the techniques of journalism well and is aware of the need for self-improvement.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji kształcenia dziennikarskiego, opracowanej i realizowanej w ramach specjalności dziennikarskiej na kierunku filologia polska na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, w kontekście refleksji nad przeobrażeniami, jakim nieustannie podlega zawód dziennikarza, oraz analizy modeli kształcenia dziennikarzy w Polsce. Główne problemy, z jakimi muszą się zmierzyć kierunki czy specjalności kształcące przyszłych dziennikarzy, to problem dezaktualizowania się wiedzy przekazywanej w trakcie studiów, powiązanie nauki z wymogami rynku pracy, dostosowanie metod kształcenia do wymagań pokolenia sieci (określenie Dona Tapscotta) i w końcu – przygotowanie do zawodu, który ma wiele specjalizacji. Proponowany na specjalności model to kształcenie teoretyczno-praktyczne, a sylwetka absolwenta specjalności opiera się na czterech filarach. Zakłada, że dziennikarz to człowiek dobrze wykształcony, kierujący się zasadami etyki, sprawnie posługujący się technikami warsztatu dziennikarskiego i świadomy konieczności samodoskonalenia się.
Poradnik Językowy
vol. 773
issue 4
The observations presented in this text concern hashtags, one of the tools of communication on Twitter. The analysis covered their structure as well as pragmatic and rhetoric functions. As a result, it can be said that hashtags are not only applied on Twitter as a simple categorisation method but also created by Twitter users for the purpose of disseminating information, commenting, expressing views, promoting brands, supporting events, seeking information, and building virtual communities of people interested in specifi c topics. When considering their reach, in turn, it might be concluded that hashtags are more effective as acts of informing, commenting, prizing, criticising, expressing emotions, etc. on the Internet than untagged words and expressions.
The article presents a pragmatic and linguistic analysis of a special type of media reporting-a news magazine, conducted with respect to verbal and nonverbal means used by media broadcasters in order to create most attractive reports for an average media consumer. Attractiveness is understood here as an ability to get and hold viewers’ attention. The analysis of 14 evening editions of Fakty, emitted from 8th until 20th May 2009, as well as a constant monitoring of the media, demonstrated that attractiveness understood in this special way is influenced by: 1) dramaturgy of the program achieved by operating with such means as sound and picture, the choice of subjects, taking into account psychology of the audience, their composition and the way of relating the events, at best from a private perspective, 2) elaborations on the topic, that is such a presentation of the subjects which satisfies the needs of an average recipient, 3) strategies of building a union between news broadcasters and recipients, based on references to the unity of place and time, of knowledge and experiences, and also making use of a colloquial style and retrospection, 4) the use of dialogue, stimulating attention and getting viewers involved in the discourse, and finally 5) personalization. All of these means are utilized to create a unique TV news spectacle, in which, as it seems, it is of lesser importance to inform the audience precisely about the events that took place, than to convey certain impressions and emotions.
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